"I won't expand on the algorithm. This is the biggest technical advantage of our Dafeng Group, and it is also the most well-known field of us. I believe that there is no need to waste time to sort it out.

Let me talk about software first. First of all, industrial software. Since the entire manufacturing needs to develop towards intelligence, can our industrial software also become intelligent?

We have been developing the combination of industrial software and artificial intelligence for five years. This year, we officially introduced this technology into our products for the first time, and used analysis and data mining to create machine learning models for parasitic parameter extraction.

Through these five years of research and development, we have found that Bayesian optimization and convolutional neural networks have very obvious performance in design for manufacturability, and we can use synchronous learning in the design process.

Up to now, our CAD software has provided more than 500,000 machine learning models for its tools to accelerate long-term calculations.

At the same time, we have also begun to delve into layout and routing tools, allowing artificial intelligence to learn from human designers and recommend optimization solutions.

This year, our own chip manufacturing plant has successfully increased the speed of 30MHz through machine learning predictions for global winding.

In addition, machine learning can solve the problems of relatively slow simulators that may cause timing errors, imbalance of analog circuits, and insufficient modeling of chip re-taping.

If we say that Dafeng Group has seized an important transition node of industrial software from 2D to 3D and used this important technology node to have a head-to-head opportunity with leading international industrial software companies.

So at the new turning point of intelligent industrial software, Dafeng Group is confident to seize the opportunity. Our goal is to become the global industry leader in the field of intelligent industrial software!

"Papa Papa Papa Papa." There was enthusiastic applause at the scene. It is true that everyone here today knows the importance of industrial software. Meng Qian had worked so hard and even switched to Sony for the promotion of industrial software. The shares have been developed by Dafeng Group for the industrial software development, which is extremely important for China.

But no matter how hard Meng Qian works, Omi will still not adopt Dafeng Group's industrial software. Dafeng Group's industrial software has always been limited to the Asian region, and even 80% of the market is occupied by China and Neon Country.

It is clear to everyone that Dafeng Group has endured in this field, so everyone is really happy for Dafeng Group and has more confidence in the development of China Industrial Development.

"When it comes to software, apart from industrial software, that is the system. Everyone knows that the Linux system has had a great impact on the Windows system over the years, but today I want to talk more about the recent domestic bid-winning Kylin system.

The winning Kylin system has attracted much attention because it uses the Baichuan core. As the world’s first general-purpose processor that truly uses the Baichuan core, the success of the Baichuan system will be of great significance. I personally look forward to winning the bid. Our role in the next transformation and upgrading.

At present, more and more domestic enterprises are participating in the construction of the winning Kylin system. Although the maturity of the winning Kylin will take time, our Dafeng Group has always liked to do things first. The most important thing now is the winning Kylin system and the Hongmeng architecture. Fusion.

So here we have to derive our industrial semiconductors. The Hongmeng architecture has been born for so many years, and the market has already conducted very detailed research on our Hongmeng architecture.

It is precisely because of this that everyone is actually very clear that the biggest advantage of Hongmeng architecture is in customized chips and cloud-connected chips. It can be said that Hongmeng architecture has not exerted its real advantages for a long time.

In our view, Cloud Intelligence + Manufacturing is when Hongmeng Architecture is beginning to show its true strength.

We lag behind developed countries for a long time in traditional industrial chips, but in the era of cloud intelligence + manufacturing, the new industrial Internet will inevitably give birth to a large number of smart industrial chips. We look forward to industrial chip companies that can consider adopting our Hongmeng architecture. Let's come together Explore a new industrial chip ecology. "

Meng Qian’s proposal here has attracted the attention of industrial chip companies. What everyone cares about is not only the natural superiority of the Hongmeng architecture in terms of Yunzhilian chips, but also the fusion of Meng Qian’s seemingly random sentence of the Hongmeng architecture and the winning Kirin. .

All fools understood that this is the foundation of China's entire IT and industrial development in the future, and won the bid for the Kirin + Hongmeng architecture.

Once this foundation is built, the monopoly era of Windows+X86 will be gone forever.

At this time, many people began to understand why the Kunlun system has not been open. The Kunlun system was developed based on the Linux kernel after all. It turned out that Meng Qian had been waiting for the Baichuan kernel of the Pure Land Lab to come out!

In this process, Dafeng Group also released Linux+power, Linux+Hongmeng, Vientiane+Hongmeng and other fogs. Now everyone finally sees Meng Qian's real purpose.

From the establishment of the Pure Land Laboratory, to the promotion of the birth of Baichuan's core, to the ecological construction of Hongmeng, and the integration of Hongmeng and the winning Kirin, most of the people on the scene looked at Meng Qian with their sincere admiration.

This kind of pattern and layout is not something ordinary people can have.

Meng Qian also noticed everyone's eyes, but still calmly continued his speech, "Finally, let's talk about the equipment parts. This is where we have always been behind.

Our Dafeng Group is currently focusing on industrial robots. The industrial robot R&D center built in Serbia has made many breakthroughs in recent years, which also makes us qualified to talk about this market.

The three cores of industrial robots are the controller, the servo system and the reducer.

The biggest characteristic of industrial robot controllers in the past was closedness, which led to fatal shortcomings such as poor openness, poor software independence, poor fault tolerance, poor scalability, and lack of network functions.

From the perspective of the future cloud intelligence + manufacturing direction, the development of modular and standardized robot controllers has become the general trend. Dafeng Group has confirmed the establishment of the controller module project. Our goal is to become the world's first mature provider of industrial Platform enterprise of robot controller module.

The servo system is still far behind the Neon Country, Germany, and the United States. The main research direction of our Dafeng Group is currently on the control system.

The reducer is almost a highly monopolized technology of neon state enterprises, and it is also the most important problem we need to solve. At present, the key direction of our Dafeng Group is precision parts and heat treatment technology. However, in the fields of materials and high-precision processing machine tools, we still There is a long way to go.

So you can see that we have achieved certain technological breakthroughs and technological achievements, but for the mature cloud intelligence + manufacturing, we are still far from it.

This is the reason why everyone is brought together today, because this huge cloud-intelligence + manufacturing ecosystem cannot be handled by a single company of our Dafeng Group. We need the participation of hundreds or even tens of thousands of companies. It is possible to truly establish our leading advantage in the field of cloud intelligence + manufacturing.

This is an era where it is becoming more and more difficult to do it alone. We need cooperation, especially cooperation from domestic companies."

Meng Qian said this at this time and everyone was very touched. Because of the rapid development of China Science and Technology in the past few years, more companies have been targeted, which has made everyone aware of the importance of independent technology in advance.

Now that Meng Qian has organized such a bureau to invite everyone, everyone naturally understands what it means.

"As I said at the beginning, to do this, a lot of money needs to be invested and long-term investment and construction are needed. Therefore, today I invite leading companies in various fields. I believe this market needs someone to lead, and everyone is Those leaders in my heart.

I hope that a group of leaders can gather together and become the global industry leaders in the next era. "

I don't know why. It feels like being selected by Dafeng Group at this time is a particularly proud thing, and it feels like a great recognition.

For many companies, it was really entangled before, because it really invested a lot, and now it is just when the technology ~www.NovelMTL.com~ can develop is actually unknown, in case cloud Zhilian + manufacture this thing If it is not done well, the profits in the next few years may be in vain, especially if the factory is half transformed by that time, the advancement is neither a retreat nor a retreat, or the factory will be dysfunctional.

But today it does give everyone greater confidence. Some countries have come to provide big fund support for everyone, Dafeng Group takes the lead to lead everyone to rush, and Meng Qian drew a big pie for everyone to lead the global industry. Who is not interested? .

Seeing the changes in everyone's expressions, the stone in Meng Qian's heart also fell slightly. 2011 is about to pass, and Meng Qian must accelerate this matter.

In 2013, Germany will propose Industry 4.0, and then the global industrial upgrade war will begin. At that time, Omi Enterprises will not hesitate, and the country will speak up and it will be over.

If you look closely at the core technological breakthroughs from 2013 to 2019, they are basically dominated by Omi Enterprises. Although China is developing very fast, it cannot stand up to its poor foundation.

If you really want to make a big change in this life, you have to be fast and you have to grab time. There is no way.


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