Rewrite the Technological Landscape

Chapter 701: This name is true

Ma Yuan and Liu Qiangdong didn't say much, but looking at Liu Qiangdong's departure, Ma Yuan had actually realized something.

But when he entered Meng Qian's office, he hid his emotions well.

"When does Taobao Mall plan to change its name to Tmall?" Meng Qian found a relaxed topic, pretending that everything was just a coincidence.

"At the beginning of next year, I won't toss this year."

"How does Tmall plan to locate and take the boutique route?"

"It hasn't been finalized yet. In recent years, a new problem is cracking down on counterfeiting. No matter how much money we spend, there is no way to change some essential things." Ma Yun showed a helpless expression, "The whole world has been very helpless in the past two years. China Huaxia also raised many condemnations on this issue.

As a platform, this may become a big challenge for us in the future. "

"Taobao has developed so fast over the years, it should be appropriate to invest a sum of money to make some rules."

"But some things are not so easy to solve, you should be very clear, pirated software, pirated videos, pirated novels, every industry suffers from piracy, how many software companies in China are killed in the hands of piracy.

China now has to take the free route for everything. Of course, this is indeed a business development model in line with China's overall environment, but it is hard to say whether this model has any hidden dangers.

By the way, you can be regarded as a person who is willing to speak up for some social controversy. How can it seem that you have never heard this matter before? "

Meng Qian spread his hands together, "The premise of my voice is that I think my voice is useful. For example, I suggest respecting workers more because I think that by 2011, China's entrepreneurs are capable of doing this.

But the issue of piracy is as you said, it’s very complicated. We don’t talk about consumption habits anymore. Let’s talk about the most realistic. The average monthly salary of Huaxia people now is about 1,000 yuan. Read this novel for 20 yuan. A movie is 50 yuan, and the annual cost of buying an Adobe family bucket bag is 5,000 yuan.

Which angle do you think I should speak from? Do you simply say respect for genuine? People can just use the sentence I don’t have money to support the original and give me back.

This is something that needs to be changed in all aspects. First, the income of the Chinese people will increase, and secondly, the concept of supporting genuine products will gradually become popular. Finally, the cost of various industries will come down, and the price of products will come down.

For example, if one day, the Chinese people earn 20,000 yuan a month, watch a movie for 5 yuan, and everyone is still watching pirated copies on a large scale, then I will definitely stand up and speak up.

I think now maybe we even have to learn to thank those who respect the genuine, and at the same time find ways to help creators survive, and then increase the income of the Chinese people as soon as possible, gradually popularize the awareness of genuine, gradually improve the infringement laws and regulations, and find ways to reduce industrial costs. This is the direction in which the whole society will work together in the future, and everyone will be a part of this direction. "

"But to put it in a very realistic way, Huaxia is now transforming from manufacturing to creation. In the manufacturing era, some companies even started from piracy. However, in the era of creation, the sense of authenticity will definitely become very important."

"I agree with this point, so as a member of the overall direction, although I don't know how to speak up now, I know that we have to do things well in our own field, like our Dafeng Group, like your Ali , We should find ways to reduce the cost of enterprises and users as much as possible through digitization and platformization.

Speaking of this matter, let me ask you a question. How many years do you think the price dividend of e-commerce can last? "

"If you only talk about price dividends, it shouldn't last too long. On the one hand, you have to consider the increase in online traffic costs. On the other hand, you have to say this. Some things need to be changed."

Seeing that Ma Yuan stopped talking, Meng Qian added, "But the e-commerce dividend will continue for many years, because e-commerce will bring more than just price dividends to enterprises and users."

Ma Yuan nodded his head to express his approval. Meng Qian's words must be okay for him. "So, perhaps it is time for e-commerce to enter a new stage."

"What do you think is the next stage of e-commerce?"

"The essence of e-commerce is actually an information website. It just turns information into products and realizes the connection between people and products. This is also the characteristic of e-commerce in these years.

Now that the waves are scouring the sand, the next stage may be...improving the interaction between people and products? "

"How does Boss Ma think the interaction between people and products?"

Ma Yuan folded his hands on his chin, "This is something I have been thinking about recently. Maybe, starting from the needs of users? The application of big data?"

It is confirmed that Ma Yun at this moment does not actually have any specific ideas, and Meng Qian does not hide it. "Have you ever thought about a problem. When the online price dividend gradually disappears, the essential e-commerce dividend is more prominent. In fact, it can feed back offline."

Ma Yuan pondered for a while, and he suddenly became energetic, "Meng Meng, do you think?"

"I want to play a big game, but I don't know if Ali has this courage."

Ma Yuan guessed and asked, "Do you want to connect online and offline and do... physical retail?"

"It seems that our previous tacit understanding is still there." Meng Qian raised his eyebrows.

Ma Yuan immediately thought about it seriously, "Do you have the conditions? Now the domestic environment does not feel able to support this idea. Do you want to go abroad to start experiments?"

"In the past two years, I have seen the actions of Amazon and Wal-Mart. Amazon is developing offline, while Wal-Mart is seeking an online model.

But I have carefully checked the gameplay of Amazon and Wal-Mart. At least their current overall approach lacks an overall view, and is more about grabbing the market.

Simply put, they are aware of this trend of online and offline development. As for how to operate, they obviously have an attitude of groping while developing.

Similarly, some of our domestic companies have actually realized it, but they are basically offline companies going online. So far I haven't seen a large-scale online company starting to consider going offline.

However, no matter whether it is a domestic company or Wal-Mart or Amazon, everyone seems to be not well aware of the issue of consistency. If you simply say that online companies are doing offline and offline companies are doing online, then I also think that at this time in China There is a problem with the basic environment of China, but what if we build a consistent and integrated system?

This is not simply a question of opening a few stores, nor is it something that can be achieved in one or two years. At this time, take a long-term perspective. Will China's environment in five years' time be able to support this system? "

"So you already have an idea about a big system." Ma Yan looked at Meng Qian's expression and knew that this guy must be in stock again.

"Aren't we engaged in an intelligent supply chain? The intelligent supply chain is the bottom of the entire system.

On top of this bottom, the first is the setting layer, including the online shop interface, physical storefront, payment terminal, data system, logistics platform, marketing path, and so on.

Continuing up is the content layer, including shopping, sharing, communication, learning, entertainment and so on.

Finally, there is the operation layer, including four major directions: enterprise online services, offline experience, financial support, and logistics support.

The entire system fully integrates online and offline logistics, with consumer demand as the core starting point, providing a foundation for convenience, payment, and interaction, and realizes the full integration of data on membership, payment, inventory, and services.

Once this system is established, it will not only allow consumers to experience a higher level of consumption experience, but also increase user stickiness. Most importantly, we can optimize the system in various directions.

For example, online, we can introduce live broadcast and virtual reality in the future, such as logistics. We can introduce unmanned logistics and unmanned distribution in the future. The significance of the establishment of this large system, Ma Boss will definitely be able to see.

"This is really a big project, how many years do you plan to get it done?"

"We are now starting to build a project, then build a platform, build a supply chain, and improve the logistics system. I think there is still hope for a basic version to be launched from 2014 to 2015, and then we will polish it for two years. It's almost like this plan."

When Meng Qian talked about improving the logistics system, Ma Yan subconsciously thought of Liu Qiangdong, who had just met, but did not show it, "You will always be so fond of betting on the future."

"I do bet on some technologies, but I don't think I am betting on this large system. The development of the intelligent supply chain this time has made me feel the criticality of this system. It is the future.

My goal is to pick Amazon and Wal-Mart and become the world's largest retail overlord. It depends on whether Mr. Ma is interested in playing together. "

Ma Yuan suddenly looked at Meng Qian with weird eyes, "Isn't it?"

"No? What's wrong?" Meng Qian pretended to be Hearing your tone is wrong, your goal is not Amazon and Wal-Mart at all. "

Meng Qian laughed, "Isn't that looking for two decent opponents to look concrete."

"So what is your real goal?"


Meng Qian answered very seriously. Although there are only two words, it contains everything.

Ma Yun didn't quite understand the meaning of these two words at the moment, but he knew that Meng Qian's answer was true, "Do you have any terminology for your system?"

"I plan to call New Retail."

"New retail?" Ma Yuan looked disgusted, "This name is really earthy."

Meng Qian smiled and looked at Ma Yuan, "You know that too."


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