Rewrite the Technological Landscape

Chapter 723: Don't do anything in case of trouble

Three days later, Olila arranged for a table of people to eat together. These people were all members of Nokia's board of directors and were carefully selected by Olila.

"Nokia will take this next step and decide not only Nokia's future, but also Nokia's life and death." Meng Qian looked at everyone seriously, exuding an unconcealable domineering, after all, the combined value of these people He is not even a fraction of his height.

"In the past two years, the company has reached in-depth cooperation with Microsoft in many aspects. At this time, it is actually difficult for Nokia to get out of Microsoft.

This is like the relationship between Dafeng Group and IBM. The ancient computers used IBM's cell processors until now. This is not because it is as simple as giving up cell processors and choosing Intel processors. Meng should be clear? "

Everyone is here on business, so don't talk nonsense.

Meng Qian shook his head, "This comparison is not appropriate, because the most important thing is ignored. The cooperation between Dafeng Group and IBM is based on equality.

We continue to use IBM's chips, and IBM also continues to use our technology. "

"However, the smartphone market has matured, especially after this year, it is now difficult for Nokia to afford to start all over again."

"What if I take this risk?"

Everyone looked at Meng Qian in confusion. An acquisition of this scale, and the acquisition of the Nokia brand, is of course a prerequisite for better technological integration after the acquisition, but after that, the acquired company needs to be the acquirer. Make money, not spend billions of meters to make Nokia lose money.

This is the reason why Google is going to acquire Motorola but is not very interested in Nokia. Nokia has been cooperating with Microsoft for so long. The entire development of smartphones started from the construction of the Microsoft system. Google acquired Nokia and transformed Nokia into the Android system from the beginning. The cost is too large, and the success rate is very low.

So now that the pattern of the mobile phone market is almost set, Dafeng Group's acquisition of Nokia seems very strange. Why does Meng Qian want Nokia? Everyone really doesn't understand this question.

So someone asked this doubt, "Mr. Meng has any plans for the possible merger of our two companies?"

Meng Qian thought for a while and finally decided to tell the truth. In fact, Meng Qian didn't say the details in front of Olila, but just sold a handful of feelings. This was also deliberate, because this feeling alone was enough to make the Olila group. It can be seen that at least this group of people hope that Nokia can have a better home. This group of people is likely to continue to stay at Nokia after the acquisition to help Meng Qian manage the company, so some things are clear to them from the beginning. bad thing.

"First of all, I really hope that Nokia will survive. This may sound inexplicable, but it is a fact.

Secondly, I am indeed interested in Nokia's huge patent portfolio. Everyone knows that the things I value most are talents and patents.

Finally, perhaps the point that everyone did not understand is that I am attracted to Nokia's powerful industrial genes. "

"Industrial genes?" Even if Meng Qian gave the answer, everyone still didn't understand it.

Meng Qian took a moment to explain to them.

To put it simply, Meng Qian now needs a European company with a strong industrial gene. At the same time, the company's industrial gene should best serve the products that can be docked with Dafeng Group. This docking is not only the docking of the factory, but also the entire The rapid docking of the industrial chain and supply chain.

Through this integration, an industrial link between China and Europe is quickly established, and an experiment for the global cloud-connected industrial platform is also a foreshadowing.

And across Europe, there is no better company than Nokia.

Although Dafeng Group has Siemens, a stepping stone for European industry, its cooperative enterprises and its own enterprises are definitely different, and Meng Qian has always reserved for German companies.

With what Meng Qian said, everyone was finally enlightened and felt that everything was reasonable.

"If Mr. Meng acquires Nokia, are you going to let Nokia use the Hongmeng system or the Vientiane system?" Someone raised this question. Once Nokia is acquired by Dafeng Group and as a subsidiary of Dafeng Group, it can use the Hongmeng system.

If Meng Qian could let Nokia use the Hongmeng system, it would be a big temptation, but Meng Qian disappointed them, "I'm going to use the Vientiane system."

"Why?" Everyone was a big doubt again.

"In fact, I have considered this issue, but the Hongmeng system has a unique internal ecology. Nokia's sudden intrusion may break this ecology. Hongmeng is the foundation of our consumer electronics products. I cannot take risks."

"But Nokia switched to the Vientiane camp at this time, I'm afraid it will hardly have any advantage."

"Dafeng + Nokia's brand power, isn't this an advantage?" Meng Qian smiled confidently, "And, isn't this just a test of the supply chain?"

"It feels like Mr. Meng treats Nokia more as a test product." Someone pointed out the problem frankly.

Meng Qian smiled slightly, "People in the world think that the cooperation between Microsoft and Nokia is a combination of Microsoft's software and Nokia's hardware. Do you agree with this sentence?"

The other party was silent.

"You don't agree, do you? Because Microsoft has been using Nokia from the beginning, but you have seen the market respond to the computers that Microsoft has just released. This is not a problem that Nokia's industrial genes can solve.

Microsoft has no basic consumer electronics manufacturing and operation thinking at all, so Microsoft, which acquired Nokia, will not have any big changes at all. In our Chinese idiom, it will only be a violent thing.

You have to say that I just want to use Nokia as an experiment, yes, but I also included myself in this experiment, and I put Nokia into our Dafeng Group’s future cloud-connected development ecosystem. Once it succeeds, Nokia will To become a key city of Dafeng Group, if it fails, I will also have to pay a painful price. Unlike Microsoft, Nokia is just a system experiment object for it. If it fails, it will sell Nokia.

It is my goal to make Nokia a great future industrial company and not just a simple mobile phone manufacturer.

If you are not interested, I will not force it. "

Meng Qian was eager and indulged, and the person who asked the question immediately shut up.

Coupled with the fact that everyone knows the purpose of Microsoft's acquisition of Nokia, the subsequent negotiations have become much smoother.


At the Nokia Board of Directors meeting in early October, Elop submitted a report, "Dafeng Group suddenly proposed to us its intention to acquire, but the cooperation space between us and Dafeng Group is too small. You should not be interested in Dafeng Group’s acquisition. Interested?"

Elop put the Dafeng Group's acquisition intentions in front of everyone lightly, with a completely inconsequential attitude.

In the end, a total of 18 people participated in the board of directors, and 12 people voted to express their strong interest in the acquisition of Dafeng Group.

Elop looked at the board of directors with a **** of expression. Are these people thinking about it?


Meng Qian stayed in Finland for more than ten days to mediate, and he also made appointments with many important officials. Meng Qian was very concerned about the acquisition of Nokia.

In the dozen days since Dafeng Group proposed to acquire Nokia, the market has basically favored Dafeng Group, according to the survey. More than 70% of Nokia users do not want Nokia to be acquired, but if they have to be acquired, more than 80% of users want to buy Nokia, not Microsoft.

Seeing that Dafeng Group's acquisition of Nokia is getting better and better, it's time to come.

This October, Huawei, ZTE, and Sany Heavy Industries have been on the US unsafe list just like their previous lives. The only difference is that there is one more Dafeng Group.

As soon as the news came out, the senior officials of the Dafeng Group immediately began to move around. A few days later, Xiao Boshi dragged his exhausted body to find Meng Qian, "This time the situation is different from the past."

"Which is different?"

"The Asian market is in chaos. It is really like Mr. Meng guessed. The Asian market in 2012 was very tense. Recently, it has become even worse. The entire Asian market has begun to tighten its attitude towards our is ours. The main export area, if the Asian market continues to do this, it will be troublesome."

Meng Qian's face was calm. After all, he knew that such a thing would happen. "Well, I raised this question at the beginning of the year, so do you think about how to deal with it?"

"Everyone has already set out to deal with it." Xiao Boshi can only say that. Everyone is indeed prepared, but in the face of this kind of thing, preparation may not come in handy.

Seeing Meng Qian not speaking, Xiao Bozhi leaned over and took a look and found that he was browsing the circle of friends, "Meng Qian..."

"Huh? What's the matter? Oh... Mo Yan won the Nobel Prize in Literature. I'll give him a compliment."

"..." Although Xiao Bozhi felt a little useless, he still asked, "Does Meng have any good countermeasures?"

Meng Qian clicked on the edit content after finishing the like, "Don't panic when you encounter everything, first post to the circle of friends."


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