Meng Qian didn't make any more comments. Gu Junhui and the others decided on it. After he came out of Dafeng Entertainment, he directly turned to Dafeng Electronics.

   In the past two days, Dafeng Electronics has been busy. Everyone is making the final sprint for the launch of a product.

   One day after Meng Fan’s birthday, Windows 8.1 system came. Windows 8 has been scolded by the market for a year in one lifetime, not to mention this one, it can only accelerate the introduction of Windows 8.1 system.

However, the biggest focus of the market this month has not been on Windows 8.1. Judging from the market focus data, media data and search data of the IT industry, the recent global IT industry’s greater focus has been on another product. .

   That is the fashion notebook equipped with the winning Kylin system and the new series of CPUs from Dafeng Group.

The marketing of   Fashion Notebook started in August and entered the full-scale marketing phase in October. Overwhelming advertisements appeared in various channels online and offline. It is difficult for people who are not out of touch with society to know this.

Moreover, this time Fashion's listing adopts the method of opening all channels online and offline, which is the first time in China. The listing time is November 11th. At that time, platforms such as Taobao and Jingdong will be launched simultaneously with offline, and all offline experience stores will be launched on November 11. It is open 24 hours a day on the same day. It can be said that the company has spent a lot of money on this product.

   "What is the current market expectation value?" Meng Qian also really cared about this matter, so he came to ask about the situation.

  "We started the pre-sale on November 3, and the pre-sale in three days has exceeded 100,000.

  As a completely new electronic product, it is still very good to have such a booking performance. Most people must wait for the first to eat crabs to share it before making plans. "

   "What about overseas markets?"

   Fang Chen made an expression that you understand, "The expectations of overseas markets are relatively average, but overseas attention is very high.

   We can see through multiple mainstream data statistics platforms that not only enterprises and media, but many overseas users are indeed interested in fashion, but overseas users will be more cautious than domestic users. "

   "This is also something that can't be helped. Let's do a good job in the domestic market first. The most important thing is to build the reputation of the product."

   "Fashion has invested so many departments in the whole company, and with all the hard work of winning the bid, I believe that the market performance will not be bad."

  Meng Qian went out to encourage the employees who were busy with this matter and promised them the follow-up bonus, which boosted morale, and then waited patiently for the arrival of November 11.

   On the evening of November 10th, a grand live broadcast was held at Yanjing Bird’s Nest, which was the Double Eleven Festival in 2013. Starting

Under Meng Qian’s suggestion, the Double Eleven party came ahead of schedule in this time and space, and the first Double Eleven party in 2013 was no longer a collaboration between Jiang Province TV and Tmall, but became Dafeng Entertainment and Sky. Cats collaborated to build.

   The entire evening party is organized by Dafeng Entertainment. It is broadcast live online and can be watched on major video websites.

At 6:30 in the evening, a six-and-a-half-hour live broadcast evening began. This evening will continue until 1 am. Hundreds of popular artists from home and abroad were invited, among which Dafeng Entertainment’s artists accounted for almost 20%. .

   During the live broadcast, Tmall will give out 800 million red envelopes, and major brands will also give out a certain amount of red envelopes. There will be 2.8 billion red envelopes given out during the whole party.

   At 11:11, Ma Yuan still couldn't bear to live at the scene and sang three consecutive songs. After Ma Yuan finished singing, he finally invited Meng Qian to the stage.

  Meng Qian is really not talented and only pays money.

   "I just saw the latest online comments sent to me by the company before I took the stage. Users generally felt that our company's 800 million red envelopes tonight are not enough. Everyone is eager to wait for this opportunity to fill up the Dafeng family bucket.

  Since so many friends have spoken, we will temporarily add another bargaining chip. Starting at 11:30, we will release another 800 million red envelopes.

   In addition, we will give another benefit separately for the first fashion notebook that is sold simultaneously online and offline this year.

   For all the users who bought the fashion notebook on the day of Double Eleven, on the basis of all the original discounts, we will add a red envelope of 100 to 300, the upper limit is one billion, and it will last. "

   "Since fashion is mentioned, as a product with an unprecedentedly powerful sales scale, does Mr. Meng have anything to introduce to you?" The host asked Meng Qian's words. Of course, it was all arranged.

   "This year, President Chen of Jumei Youpin is very popular for me to endorse myself. Many netizens also left messages under my Fengxin and said that they hope I can endorse the company's products.

   Let’s put it this way, if you want to find the product I want to endorse most among all the products of Dafeng Group, it must be the Fashion Notebook.

   I am Meng Qian, and I speak for fashion. "

   Before the early morning, Meng Qian took advantage of his influence and used his influence to make the final advertisement for Fashion. Sure enough, the amount of reservations skyrocketed in less than an hour.

   In the early morning of November 11, the fashion notebooks officially went on sale.

The price of    fashion notebooks is controlled between 3999 and 6999. The sales volume of 500,000 units was achieved on the first day of listing. Meng Qian is very satisfied with this data.

   "The UI design of this operating system feels like a copy of the Kunlun system?"

   When the first batch of users got the fashion, this was the first reaction of everyone.

   This is a very normal thing. UI design is difficult to subvert. The so-called UI innovation can easily overturn because users are not used to it.

Meng Qian dared to innovate with so many future UI design concepts, but which UI design to use had to be tested on the market first. Through various design competitions and market tests, he finally decided what UI should be used. In the process, many future UI concepts have been abandoned.

   It is really irrational to win the bid for Kirin if it has to be unconventional and get a brand-new UI design by itself.

Therefore, the interface of the Kylin system that won the bid in the past is very similar to Windows. At that time, many people thought that your interface was like Windows and you were not made in China. Then they began to scold. Fortunately, the buckled hat of the Kylin winning bid in this life has become plagiarism. Kunlun system.

   The Kunlun system is also made in China, so I didn’t scold it much.

   It is precisely because the UI design of the winning Kirin did not make any fancy innovations, the acceptance for users is very high, and the hands-on operation is also very smooth.

   In the next few days, the user's discussion will be on the application. The Kunlun ecology transplantation is very smooth, and there is basically no problem with what software users want.

   "It feels like the system is very smooth, and there are all the applications that should be available, unlike the ones mentioned on the Internet that it may not be easy to use."

   "It is not difficult to build a mature system with current technology. The difficult thing is ecology. As long as the winning Kylin solves the ecological problem, it will not be far behind Windows."

   "Indeed, it feels like Kunlun, Windows, Linux, and Kylin are all used the same."

   "There is still a slight difference. The Linux desktop system has some obvious compatibility problems, but the system that won the bid for Kylin does not have any major compatibility problems this time."

   "That's because the winning of Kirin has taken advantage of the ecology that Dafeng Group has built over the years. The ecology of Dafeng Group not only involves software, but also hardware. I really have to win the bid for Kirin. Thank you Dafeng Group. Otherwise, the compatibility problem will definitely be troublesome."

   "Ancient computers have always been unable to buy, and now it is not bad to buy a fashion, at least it is finally using a domestic system."

   "In a sense, fashion is more domestic than ancient mythology. After all, the Kunlun system is a Linux kernel, and the winning Kylin is a Baichuan kernel, but they are all open source kernels, so there is no need to entangle domestic and foreign ones."

   After reading the system and applications, the next step is to look at the CPU. The computer processor system of Dafeng Group is named Feilong, and three computer system processors are launched, namely Feilong F3, Feilong F5 and Feilong F7 system.

All Feilong CPUs are made of 22nm process and on the latest CPU ladder diagram at the end of November, Dafeng Semiconductor’s ace product Feilong F7-1660 directly tops Intel’s i53570K, and the gap with AMD is very small. .

   After more than half a month, the market's evaluation of the fashion has basically come out. The product of the fashion notebook gives people the feeling that you can't say how bright it is, but you can't fault it. It is quite satisfactory and qualified.

  At this point in time, this product still has an advantage, because it is true that the chip gap is not so easy to see. The mainstream games can be played, and the computer will not be stuck. Isn't it enough for users.

   But this is a notebook equipped with a pure Huaxia autonomous system and Huaxia autonomous chip. It may be a good use for users, but it is a violent shock for the entire market.

Before the fashion came out, in the confrontation with the Intel-Microsoft alliance, Dafeng Group cooperated with IBM, and later betrayed by IBM and cooperated with AMD. As a result, they all rushed to AMDYES. AMD was pressured and unexpectedly cut off. Cooperation with Dafeng Group.

   Along the way, the facts have repeatedly proved to Dafeng Group, China Enterprise, and the whole world that relying on others is unreliable. In the end, you can only rely on yourself. If you have to rely on others, at least, try to rely on your own family.

   Therefore, November 2013 has become a significant day in China's IT history.

   The era of Gale Kylin Alliance has begun. The fastest full text of 噺⒏⑴祌 んττρs:/м.χ八㈠zщ.còм/


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