Rewrite the Technological Landscape

Chapter 757: On their own

At the end of June, Meng Qian suddenly appeared in France and accepted a live interview with French News Agency, one of the four largest global news agencies in the West.

The theme of this live interview is to discuss the issue of scientific and technological development in Europe.

However, after the news came out, it was slammed by French netizens.

"Why should Meng Qian be invited at this time? What qualifications does he have to make irresponsible remarks on our European technological development?"

"We hope that you will not rely on the United States. It is not the meaning of letting you rely on China!"

"Could you be a bit spine, either kneeling this or kneeling that!"

The appearance of Meng Qian seemed to further stimulate the dignity of Europeans, so that the French news agency was scolded until the live broadcast began.

But no matter how people scolded, the live broadcast started as usual.

"We can see that Mr. Meng mentioned on social media not long ago that Europe is an underestimated science and technology center in the world. I wonder why Mr. Meng posted such a status at the time?" The host asked the first question of today. .

"Because I saw some online statements that were unacceptable to me. Everyone knows what happened some time ago. Dafeng Group also suffered a certain amount of cyber violence in Europe.

At that time, it was not only Europe, but the whole world seemed to be discussing a question, and that was whether Europe should rely more on the US or China.

In my opinion this is an extremely ridiculous question, because Europe does not need to rely on anyone at all. Why can't Europe rely on itself? "

As soon as Meng Qian's answer came out, half of the Europeans who were typing on the keyboard and cursing stopped, even for a moment.

Meng Qian, asked their biggest question, can't Europe rely on itself?

The host immediately asked, "We can see that there are few European companies on the list of the world's top 100 technology companies or the world's top 100 Internet companies.

I believe that many people are more likely to ask such questions because they see these data and see these problems. I don't know if Mr. Meng has any different opinions? "

"For those netizens who sentenced European technology to death, I can only say that they may not know much about technology.

I ask a very simple question. Why are computers developing so fast in recent years, but rocket technology has hardly developed. Humans went to the moon in 1969. After more than forty years have passed, the technology of going to the moon has not been popularized. "

"Why is this?" The host went down very cooperatively.

"Two key factors. The first is commerciality. The explosion of computer development actually broke out in business because personal notebooks can make money, and personal mobile phones can make money.

How about the Rockets? Can you make money from the common people? Can a suitable account be calculated for the initial investment and late return of the commercial company?

The second problem is that we must understand the truth that basic research determines the upper limit of engineering technology development.

Now many people have forgotten what Mr. Marx said. The development of human society is spiralling, not a straight line. Now any technology blogger can tell the world that our current technology development direction is controllable. Nuclear fusion is life science, quantum mechanics, and artificial intelligence.

But few people tell the public that we should pay more attention to basic research such as unified field theory, particle physics theory, mass-energy conversion, cosmology, high-energy astrophysics, and genetics. "

"Mr. Meng meant that we paid too little attention to basic research."

"Yes, too little, so that the development of basic research has been slow.

I saw many people saying that after Nokia was acquired, Europe would not be able to produce a decent smartphone brand, which is a symbol of the complete failure of European technology.

But smartphones and technology are two different things. If smartphones can represent technology, I can sell Nokia to the Finnish government. I believe that the Finnish government will definitely be willing to buy it at a high price, but the problem is that it really does not represent technology.

When the next real technological explosion comes, when a great revolution like the industrial revolution comes, smart phones may not be a big deal at all.

What Europe has is precisely the most important key to future technology and the richest basic research experience. "

Speaking of Meng Qian's words, the Europeans who scolded him on the Internet have basically stopped their actions and listened carefully to Meng Qian's words.

"So since last year, I have conducted in-depth communication with many countries in Europe, including France. I have been mentioning one point. Is there any problem in Europe? Of course there is. On the current road of innovation and commercialization, Europe does take a little bit slow.

However, Europe is the birthplace of the Industrial Revolution and is full of treasures of basic research. We should dig out these treasures. They will bring unlimited possibilities. "

"In Mr. Meng's view, what should we do about the treasure of basic research?"

"Deepen cooperation, especially at this stage, because I think we can help each other very well.

First of all, why do we pay so much attention to the development of artificial intelligence, because an important function of artificial intelligence is to assist learning.

In addition to the lack of attention to the development of basic research, it is indeed due to the increasing difficulty of research. We need to use some external forces to solve this problem. Artificial intelligence is a good auxiliary tool.

Secondly, the realization of engineering technology generally lags for several decades, because it involves many issues such as cost, operation, and marketization. However, we at China Huaxia have used our efforts and wisdom to develop more and more models to accelerate the realization of engineering technology.

This is an ability to innovate as well as an ability to think. It can be said that this is our treasure of China. If our treasure of China can be put together with the treasure of Europe, I believe this must be one plus one greater than two. thing.

Another point is that our talent explosion in the field of basic sciences in China has attracted worldwide attention. Last year, at the physics graduation ceremony of the University of California, Berkeley, 44 of the 45 graduates were Chinese.

No matter how much information, we need talents to tap the value of them. We have a large number of talents. "

"So in Mr. Meng's opinion, there is great complementarity between Europe and China."

"Yes, this complementary fit will exceed many people's imagination, because we have done a lot of experiments in Europe."

Meng Qian went on to illustrate how to achieve win-win results through cooperation with some European companies and even countries in recent years.

"It can be said that Dafeng Group entered Europe not long ago, but we have now established 18 R&D centers, 26 laboratories, and 52 scientific research stations in Europe.

In just two years, we have promoted more than 20 breakthroughs in basic research, especially in the field of physics. We may have the opportunity to attack the further understanding of black holes next year.

These experiences tell us that cooperation is feasible, and more importantly, the results of these cooperation have given us great confidence that the speed of human science and technology development is likely to be faster than we expected.

Through this strong combination, China and Europe will give full play to their respective advantages, and ultimately everyone will share the results, make progress together, and benefit all mankind.

Twenty or thirty years later, those things that can only be seen in science fiction may actually appear in front of the public.

And Europe will play an irreplaceable role. "

After the live broadcast,, the public suddenly understood why the French News Agency, one of the four major news agencies in the West, would invite Meng Qian to do such a live broadcast with such fanfare.

This represents the attitude of some people in Europe, that is, the attitude of those who are willing to cooperate with Meng Qian. Through such a live broadcast, they want more people to see Meng Qian's ideas and try the public's reaction.

In this live broadcast, Meng Qian not only highly affirmed European science and technology, but also put forward many suggestions that are beneficial to Europe. At the same time, he showed that all he has done in Europe over the years proves that these suggestions are feasible.

There is also a very important point. Meng Qian showed his new globalization thought under a situation of high attention.

These things will enter the eyes of the people, let them have their own thinking.

Judging from the public opinion reaction in the next period of time, most Europeans are relatively happy to hear Mr. Meng’s thoughts. On the one hand, it safeguards the dignity of Europeans. It does not mean that Europe should rely on China. This kind of equal cooperation, Europe will not be short of China.

On the other hand, Europe needs development too much. If cooperation can promote the development of Europe, there is no reason to refuse.

At this time, we will look back at what has happened over the years. Dafeng Group has the technical strength, safety guarantee, and a new global mindset that can make everyone comfortable.

On the other side of the United States, the technology is becoming less and less bright. It is still engaged in surveillance, and now it is still engaged in malicious occupation. The contrast is too obvious.

For Europe, Meng Qian's new global thinking has clearly become something that can be considered.

In the past, it was the combination of European design capabilities and China's manufacturing capabilities. Now, what Meng Qian proposes is the combination of European basic scientific research capabilities and China's innovative scientific research capabilities.

People are full of expectations.


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