Rewrite the Technological Landscape

Chapter 781: Large-scale cooperation

"Rewrite the technological landscape (

The so-called U.S. New Era IT Alliance is a statement made by the U.S. media. This statement more embodies the arrival of a new era of comprehensive cooperation between U.S. companies.

In the next month, a series of actions by American technology companies have really attracted global attention.

First, Amazon, IBM and Microsoft led the establishment of a cloud computing research institute, focusing on the development of cloud computing.

A few days later, Apple and Microsoft Intel took the lead in creating a five-year plan for mobile smart development, preparing to jointly promote the development of mobile smart devices.

Immediately afterwards, Google and IBM proposed an artificial intelligence strategic cooperation plan, which attracted more than 30 artificial intelligence companies in the United States to jointly build artificial intelligence promotion projects.

The next news is virtual reality. Microsoft takes the lead in creating a virtual reality development plan for the United States. Ten companies will spend 10 billion meters to jointly promote the development of virtual reality in the next five years.

The last news is that Intel, IBM and AMD will work together to promote the development of chips in this era.

The news one after another is obviously the result of a long-term communication.

And these news came out together, it really shocked the market.

More and more media began to write and comment on this matter.

"This series of actions by U.S. companies is enough to make the global technology industry, which has gradually begun to lean towards the Dafeng Group in the past two years, realize that the U.S. is going to move for real, and the U.S. wants to maintain its technological hegemony."

"Compared with Dafeng Group, the United States has adopted a subcontracting system. A group of technology giants encircled and suppressed a Dafeng Group. This pressure is not only given to Dafeng Group, but also to the entire industry.

If the Dafeng Group at this time is already strong enough to fight against Microsoft, Intel and other companies, is the Dafeng Group at this time able to fight against the entire U.S. technology companies?

The market is obviously skeptical about this. Therefore, we can see that the market sentiment has changed very directly. Some people have just fallen to the balance of the Dafeng Group and have returned to the US technology companies, and some people have begun to choose to wait and see. , Waiting for the result of the competition between the two sides. "

"When the US technology companies show their determination, the world will see the real focus again. The battle of Mini Semiconductor may be staged again in the new era. Whether Dafeng Group has the ability to maintain its position requires a big question mark."

Public opinion slowly began to ferment, and after the establishment of the US alliances, the first thing was to win people over.

In fact, if Dafeng Group had only good technology, American companies would not engage in alliances with such a big fanfare. Even if they wanted to cooperate, they could finalize it privately. But helplessly, Meng Qian had been engaged in various organizations and alliances, and even more ruthless was Meng Qian. Now starting to develop standards in the development of several core technologies in the future, this is no longer a purely technical dispute.

Meng Qian made the greatest use of the advantages of prophecy and turned technical prophets into ecological confidence. U.S. companies had to engage in high-profile alliances. If you don’t do it, you simply play with technology. Even if the technology is ahead of Dafeng Group, there is no ecology in your hands. It's no use, just like some of China's technology can really be made, but without ecology, it can only choose to overtake on the corners so that the difficulty of research and development is instantly increased by an order of magnitude. This is a reason for the future US companies to see clearly.

In the global cooperation, it is not possible to pull allies in a low-key manner. American companies must clearly display their platforms like Dafeng Group and make things clear, so that everyone can go to you with peace of mind.

And even if it only considers the technology itself, Dafeng Group is different from Huawei. Huawei's core is communication, and communication is not originally the strong point of the United States, but there is a Qualcomm there.

However, Dafeng Group involves too many industries, and it directly impacts several pillar technologies of the United States, and its influence is completely different.

For Microsoft, Intel and IBM, Huawei has moved the 5G cake, but Huawei can make money for them. In fact, they don't have such strong anti-Huawei sentiments. They can even help Huawei if they can make enough money.

But Dafeng Group is different. Dafeng Group has completely moved the core enterprise cake of the United States, which will inevitably arouse the collective anger of American technology companies.

For companies, the obvious means of competition is to use technology and the market to suppress their opponents. Companies cannot directly use some very domineering methods, and companies cannot clearly use the laws of a country as their own tools.

Secondly, companies have to talk about their interests. Although they want to suppress the Dafeng Group, they have to admit that it will harm their interests to suppress the Dafeng Group.

Therefore, this large-scale cooperation between the United States was really forced by Meng Qian.

In early December, Kazuo Hirai called Meng Qian, "Microsoft, Intel, and IBM have contacted me these days, and I hope I can join their alliance."

"How are their pressure levels now?"

"I can only say that American companies are now ready to force everyone to stand in line.

At the very end of globalization, there can only be one big standard..." Kazuo Hirai hesitated to speak, but Meng Qian could already understand what he meant.

"What are your thoughts, Mr. Hirai?"

There was silence on the other end of the phone, "Sony has been cooperating with Dafeng Group for more than ten years. We don't want this cooperation to break, but Dafeng Group's development has finally come to this point.

Perhaps the most important thing is what Mr. Meng thinks and does now. "

Meng Qian said calmly, "I can only say that we will never choose a shameful compromise. The Dafeng Group may die, but it must be killed in battle."

Kazuo Hirai on the phone said tactfully, "I knew Mr. Meng would have such an attitude. I believe that our cooperation with Dafeng Group will continue. As the CEO of Sony, I will always make decisions from Sony’s standpoint. ."

Kazuo Hirai's words gave Meng Qian the attitude of cooperation and left room for it to make Meng Qian unable to fault, but it was also a reminder to Meng Qian that Sony, which has been cooperating for so many years, will be because of the actions of American companies. And swing, let alone other companies.

The next day, Ollila’s call came, "The response from Europe has been great, and the top executives of American companies have recently been active in Europe."

"What's the specific situation?"

"Now it is more of a worried mood. The new globalization you have proposed in the past two years is actually becoming more and more popular in Europe. Someone talked to me about President Meng before I joined the company.

To a certain extent, European companies know their own situation very well, and everyone does not want to see a technological pattern monopolized by the US But if US companies must take action to suppress them, they are being forced There is not so much room for more European companies to consider when standing in line.

After all, although Dafeng Group has developed rapidly in Europe in the past two years, the foundation of cooperation is not as good as that of American companies. Even if the foundation of Omi’s allies is not strong, it has at least the most basic community of interests.

We and American companies have a certain containment basis. Therefore, from the perspective of cost and risk, it is obviously not wise to support Dafeng Group now. "

"Has the U.S. government come forward?" Meng Qian asked subconsciously.

"I think the answer is yes, and they will speak in a relatively ‘tactful’ way as they did in the past."

"It is indeed the style at this stage." Meng Qian almost knew it in his heart.

The situation at this time, the neon country is slightly neutral, Europe is likely to reverse the situation, while the Goryeo country is rushing to show favor.

Samsung announced in a high-profile manner that it had entered a number of projects initiated by the United States. The behavior of the United States seems to have become Samsung's life-saving straw. It can be seen that Samsung is desperately trying to seize this life-saving straw.

In mid-to-late December, the actions of U.S. companies became more frequent, and more and more news spread to the country, which also triggered a turmoil in domestic public opinion.

The people who have been in the Heidafeng Group have broken Coke now, and they can't wait to sit in front of the computer and mock Meng Qian.

But no matter how high these people’s keyboards are, it’s a pity that Meng Qian doesn’t even look at these boring things. They spend their time chatting and trying to brush up some sense of existence, and the people they scold are often busy. Hard work.

On December 25th, after Meng Qian let the market ferment for a while, he finally convened a company executive meeting.


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