Richest Man: Divine-Grade Reconstruct System

Chapter 244: Be careful to be seen

Remember for a second【】

Let's not talk about how much income a core mobile phone can bring you, this technology alone will definitely bring unexpected income to Lin Yi.

It is even said that this technology alone can be compared to the entire Baida Group!

All that is needed is, of course, only a matter of time.

Seeing that this little fox is not easy to deal with, Lao Wang simply opened his mouth and gave the cooperation method that he had thought of for a long time:

"As such, I'll just say, we can do a technology license buyout.

Baida Group spent 8 billion to purchase the long-term license of the virtual reality technology of the nuclear group.

And Baida Group will not transfer it to third parties outside the group in any way.

How about it, brother, at this price, brother, I am sincere. "

However, Lin Yi smiled, but he was already MMP in his heart.

This old guy is really cunning enough.

Eight billion sounds scary enough. If it is just used to buy virtual reality technology for Baida Film Cinema, it will undoubtedly be quite sincere.

To be honest, Lin Yi's psychological price is five billion.

It's just that this guy, Old Wang, was really careful. This guy said that Baida Group used 8 billion to buy the license, which is undoubtedly digging a hole for Lin Yi.

Or maybe he wanted to play word games here with Lin Yi.

Because this guy didn't say that the licenses bought for 8 billion can only be used by Baida Cinema.

In this way, if Lin Yi really agrees, even if Baida Group uses this technology to manufacture mobile phones with virtual reality, Lin Yi will not have the slightest way.

Of course, this is just an example, there are many more that can be operated.

I believe that with the business acumen of this old king, as long as the technology is in place, at least the eight billion can be doubled to eighty billion in an instant, or even more!

After speaking, Old Wang looked at Lin Yi sincerely.

Seeing that Lin Yi still just smiled and didn't speak, Old Wang couldn't help but beat a drum in his heart.

He secretly thought in his heart, even if this kid has the ability and business acumen at this age, but after all, his age is limited, and he has rarely experienced intrigue in the shopping mall.

There should be no reason to see it so thoroughly.

At this time, Lao Wang fully demonstrated the quality of an excellent businessman.

Although there was some uncertainty in his heart, he couldn't see it on his face at all.

Those who don't know what it looks like will definitely think that this is like a pro-uncle trying to help his nephew.

Gently picked up the teacup in his hand and took a sip, Lin Yi deliberately pretended to be happy and said:

"Haha, Brother Wang is really taking care of my brother. Since my brother is so real, I have nothing to say."

Hearing this, Old Wang didn't change his face, still smiling, but he couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief.

It seems that he really guessed correctly.

Just before he could finish being happy, he heard Lin Yi continue to say:

"Since my brother loves you so much, I can't be too stingy.

Let’s just say that, except for the 8 billion yuan that can be used for five years in the Baida Cinema, I gave my brother a week of comprehensive promotion in the core building community.

The old man must know that the daily active users of the core building community have exceeded 100 million.

And among such more than 100 million supporters, almost 99% have never used Guohe mobile phone.

Once they know that the Baida Cinema can watch the projection effect, these nuclear fans will frantically pour into the Baida Cinema to experience it.

This wave of traffic is an astronomical figure.

Haha, what do you think about this kind of promotion? "

This is the case in the shopping mall, any emotion is just a disguise of interests.

Since Pharaoh puts Lin Yi in the loop first, Lin Yi naturally won't sit down and wait.

Sure enough, after hearing Lin Yi's words, Old Wang had a wry smile in his heart.

It seems that this kid has seen his own thoughts.

But this is nothing, after all, in business, no one will be taken advantage of.

Today, Baida Film’s revenue is mainly divided into theater revenue, film production and distribution and related revenue, TV drama production and distribution, etc. according to product According to Lin Yi, virtual reality technology can only be used in Cinema business.

However, although the introduction of virtual reality technology will relatively increase sales revenue, advertising revenue and other theater revenue, etc.

But the purchase right of 8 billion is a bit high. After all, even if the theater chain can become popular in an instant, it will take a year to earn back 8 billion in pure profit!

That's right, a year, or even longer.

After all, this has to be calculated after deducting the original annual profit of Baida Cinema.

And this is also based on Lin Yi not licensing this technology to other theaters within this year!

Once a third-party theater chain appears, even the fourth party, fifth party, etc. have obtained this technology, then the eight billion yuan may not be able to earn it back for a long time.

【To be continued. . . . 】

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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