Richest Man: Divine-Grade Reconstruct System

Chapter 850: how do you feel here

Chapter 843 How do you feel here

Thinking of this, Lin Yi's brows furrowed even deeper, and at the same time he was thinking about whether he should go out and find this guy now.

If he was released this time, it would not be so easy to find him again, or in other words, it would not be easy to find him again in a short period of time.

This is not the end. The most important point is that I made a bet with this guy. If I can't find him in a short time, I will not be able to prove my identity. In this way, my confidence will be reduced. Much lower.

As a result, if it comes later, it is very likely that many things will not be able to proceed as smoothly as you wish.

But Lin Yi quickly dismissed the thought in his mind.

If you go out now, it's not half an hour yet.

Not to mention that it is too late to find him when I go out now, but if I go out before half an hour, it will also make him disappear from that fear of himself.

At the same time, it also reduces his own prestige, which is also more than worth the loss.

Under the left and right thinking, no matter what, it is a very difficult thing again and again.

But in the end, he still endured the thought.

After all, according to his thoughts, even how cunning this king is, he should not have thought of this.

In other words, his arrogant personality did not allow him to take off that dragon robe, so he changed into a little eunuch's costume and ran out.

Such a thing will not happen.

In the current situation, it is very likely that there is only one situation, that is, this guy is very likely to make a boat and float into the small lake that is half his waist.

And the reason for this may be because this guy thinks that if he hides in the water, he should not be discovered by himself.

"Oh, I hope so."

Not to mention Lin Lin Yi's side, he turned his head and said to King You.

When he jumped into the lake, he was immediately pulled down by several hands and directly drilled into the small door.

After entering, he swam for nearly two or three meters before emerging from the water.

When he emerged from the water, he immediately saw a deep corridor, but at this time, the torches had been lit by his subordinates.

As for how these torches got in, this is actually easy to understand.

It's because these individuals wrapped them in some oil paper and brought them inside, and then ignited them smoothly.

After all, no matter what, the distance of this swimming lane is very short.

Because of this, when these torches were transported in, a large part of them were not even soaked, which also allowed them to start the fire smoothly.

When King You walked in, he was soaked all over his body.

However, due to his anxiety, he did not stop here, but walked quickly towards the bottom of the river under the guidance of the guard.

Fortunately, there were no accidents on this road, and there were many subordinates who had already opened the way ahead, so there was no unpleasant thing to happen.

It was a long sigh of relief until King You came to the bottom of the lake.

Looking at this stone house the size of a football hundreds of square meters, the corners of his mouth turned up slightly, and he hid here, even if the guy was gentle and skilled, he couldn't find it.

"Your Majesty. It's a bit cold here, please change your clothes quickly."

Among the food, a bonfire has been set up by the subordinates. After all, this is the bottom of the lake. No matter how hot it is outside, it is still very cold inside.

At this moment, King You was drenched all over his body, and when he heard these words from his subordinates, he couldn't help but shudder.

The subordinates next to him also quickly handed over the dry clothes. King You didn't stop there too much, and threw the wet clothes on the ground directly. After that, he dried his body and put on a clean one. robes.

This made the cold feeling dissipated a little.

Not only that, but he also walked to the side of the bonfire and reached out to bake the hot bonfire.

This supplemented his body with a warm current, and instantly made him feel extremely comfortable all over his body.

As this refreshing feeling spread throughout his body, he couldn't help but laugh out loud:

"Hahaha, it's ridiculous, thinking about finding the widow in half an hour, this is really a joke.

Even if you are really an immortal from heaven and earth, how can you find a widow?

The widow should see how much skill you have. "

At this moment, although King You's voice is loud, his laughter can be said to be almost unobstructed.

But don't forget, they are at the bottom of the lake at this time, and there is a depth of about ten meters above it. In this position, even if he makes a big movement, he can't hear the slightest bit above the lake~www After laughing, this is not the end, but at this moment, he waved his hand, and suddenly, a woman walked over.

If Lin Yi were here, he would definitely find out, isn't this the 79th concubine who just wanted to seduce him?

That's right, this woman is the Concubine 79 that Lin Yi saw before, and one of the most favored women of this King You.

This time I forgot to come here again, not only did I come down by myself, but I also brought this woman with me.

As for whether this woman can swim or not, and how she got in, it doesn't matter. Some of those guards were there, and even a pig could easily be pulled in.

Of course, at the very beginning, the 79th concubine was also taken aback when she came here.

She couldn't imagine what she said, that there is such a secret room in this palace.

This was something she had never seen in the palace for so long, and she had never even heard of it.

What's more, she used to come here often. When she had nothing to do, she would come here for a walk to take a look at the wide lake, which would make her feel better.

It's just that she could never imagine that there is such a secret room under the water of the lake that she often walks through.

It seems that there are still many things that I don't know. It seems that the royal family really has a lot of secrets. After all, I know too little.

I have to say that this woman's ability to adapt is really strong. Although she was very flustered when she first arrived here, she has completely calmed down now.

And at this time, suddenly, King You Na's very gentle voice resounded in her ears.

"Hehe. How do you feel here?"

[To be continued. . . . 】

(End of this chapter)

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