Rise up Hong Kong! Build a super wealthy Zhuang family

Chapter 159 Flying to Canada to observe the joint venture (overseas business war)

a week later.

Zhuang Rongxu has flown to Canada and cooperated with the Rong brothers twice. This is the first time for him to go there. It's not that he doesn't want to go, but because of previous conflicts with the Shengkes family in the United States.

Moreover, when Zhuang Rongxu left, he ordered the young master of the Shengkes family to be killed.

When he was in Xiangjiang, he was also attacked by people sent by the Shengkes family. It can be said that they are already incompatible with each other, and North America does not matter whether it is the United States, Canada, Brazil, Mexico and other places.

These areas are all interconnected, and powerful people in the United States can basically live in these areas. Therefore, Zhuang Rongxu will not go there without absolute certainty.

Maybe it was delivered to your door and was cut off.

You must know that Shengkes is very powerful in the North American region. If he goes to these areas, people might know it as soon as he gets on the plane.

For a family like Shengkes, it is not easy to monitor information at various airports, so even if Zhuang Rongxu flew to Canada this time, he used other people's identity information instead of his own.

The other thing is.

This time all Zhuang Rongxu's guards were dispatched, and the twenty people sent by the space had already passed there a few days ago.

Ten people went to the United States to monitor the movements of the Senkes family head, and the other ten people went to Canada to take care of things so that Zhuang Rongxu could leave the airport safely as soon as he arrived.

Zhuang Rongxu had to do this. He only had one life, and he didn't want to ruin the good time of this life because of his carelessness.

Furthermore, there is.

If you don't taste the courtesy, you are not a gentleman.

Since the Shengkes family dared to send people to Xiangjiang to kill him, Zhuang Rongxu has never taken revenge. At first, because he was weak, he endured it, but now that the people around him are strong, this hatred must be settled properly. one time.

Long Yi and the others, with their mid-level warriors and twenty junior warriors, plus the weapons and equipment from his space, were enough to give Zhuang Rongxu the confidence to kill him at the Shengkes family base camp.

To avoid future trouble.

As early as a week ago, Zhuang Rongxu had notified the person in charge of his company to start to understand the Shengkes family business. Since he chose to attack the family this time, he must have wasted the family's business.

You must know that the Senkes family business is also very large, in addition to owning Goldman Sachs Group.

In addition, there are oil companies, hotel industry, department store retail industry, telephone companies, financial insurance, container terminals, and other companies.

Many of these industries are suitable for Zhuang Rongxu. If he can seize the opportunity to seize the Shengkes family industry during this operation, then he will have a foundation in the United States.

Therefore, Zhuang Rongxu must plan carefully before taking action to ensure that in addition to killing the Shengkes family, he will also take advantage of his family's industry.

City of Toronto.

As the largest city in Canada and a gathering place of industrial and commercial centers, Toronto is the capital city of Ontario, and its prosperity is certainly not bad.

As the economic center of Canada, Toronto is a global city and one of the most important economic centers in the world. It is also one of the most diverse cities in the world. Its rich and colorful ethnic characteristics make this city colorful and full of charm.

In the 1980s, Toronto was already the fifth largest economic city in Northern Ireland, second only to New York, Los Angeles and other super cities.

Since the 1970s, the United States has experienced an oil crisis and a financial crisis, and its economic system has gradually declined. However, at this time, Toronto was just the opposite. Its economy continued to grow at a high speed and became one of the fastest-growing cities in North America.

Today, the high-rise buildings in downtown Toronto are no worse than Hong Kong, and their buildings also have unique charm, adding to the city's elegance.

"Brother Zhuang, is this your first time in Toronto?" Rong Jieming asked.

After knowing that Zhuang Rongxu was coming to Toronto, Rong Jieming came out to greet him personally.

The Rong family is very influential in the North American region, whether in the United States, Mexico, Brazil, Canada, etc., and is the number one Chinese family in this area.

Maybe many people don't know the Rong family, but when the ancestor of the Rong family was in Wuxi, it can be said that half of the country belonged to his Rong family.

And I believe that there are several members of the third generation of the Rong family whose names many people must have heard of. There will even be members of the Rong family who will rise to prominence in the future and become influential figures in the Dragon Kingdom.

Among them, the famous Xinzhong Finance is run by the Rong family. It is now run by the second generation of the family, and will soon be managed by the third generation. Brothers Rong Jieming and Rong Weiming are the fourth generation of the Rong family.

This family is considered the real plutocrat of the Dragon Kingdom.

"Well, it's indeed my first time to come to Toronto. It's really nice here. No wonder you choose to live here for a long time." Zhuang Rongxu responded while looking around.

"To be honest, it has only changed a lot here in the past few years. Toronto was even worse than Vancouver back then." Rong Jieming responded.

Zhuang Rongxu nodded after hearing this.

"Have all the production lines in the company been started? Are you sure when the products will be put on the shelves?" Zhuang Rongxu asked.

"About a week. After all, the sales are on the shelves simultaneously in such a large area. There is no certain amount of goods, and it is easy to be out of stock, which will have a bad impact."

"Out of stock?"

Zhuang Rongxu smiled when he heard this: "Brother Rong, are you so confident in this TV? But even though it will be out of stock, have you ever thought about the possibility that things are rare and valuable?"

Zhuang Rongxu can't wait to sell a certain amount every day and be out of stock at the same time, so that he can naturally implement hunger marketing.

This is more influential than the publicity created by advertising. Certain conditions are required to achieve hunger marketing. Without a certain degree of popularity, this kind of atmosphere cannot be created. A large number of customers must rush to buy and a certain number of sales can be achieved before this can be done.

Only in this way can it cause a sensation.

Just like his previous Walkman product in Xiangjiang, this is how he was able to create hunger marketing and made his product a marketing hit.

The biggest benefit of hunger marketing is to make those people who are hesitant, not too expensive, and want to buy follow the trend.


Zhuang Rongxu often only sees this kind of situation happening here in the Dragon Kingdom. As for foreign countries, he believes that the situation is similar. After all, people's psychology is similar. Things are not expensive or good, but only when there are many people, lively and popular, it is best. of.

Of course, this is also the psychology of some people, excluding those who live meticulous lives and consume rationally. There are all kinds of people in this world, and there will definitely be people with different ideas.

He just wants to stimulate the group of people who like to follow the trend and buy. It is enough. It is impossible for his products to be liked by everyone.

"What does it mean when things are rare and valuable?" Rong Jieming asked in confusion.

"Brother Rong, I wonder if you know that our company's Walkman products only sold 10,000 units per day in Hong Kong?"

"Of course, because the Walkman was so popular with customers at the time, your factory couldn't keep up with production and could only sell 10,000 units a day. I believe everyone who paid attention knows this."

"Media in many regions are also rushing to report on this matter. Although the reports in Canada only reprint reports in small sections, the fact that the news can reach here shows that it is very important." Rong Jieming said in one breath Say a lot of words.

Zhuang Rongxu still had a faint smile on his face: "Brother Rong, I said that if my factory was fully operational at that time, it could produce 20,000 to 30,000 Walkmans every day, but I controlled the sales volume. Do you know why? ?”

"What, you controlled the sales volume?" Rong Jieming looked at Zhuang Rongxu with a very puzzled expression.

"Okay, Brother Rong, let me ask you, have you ever had anything you particularly wanted to buy when you were so old?"

"Of course I have. I always wanted a car when I was in college, but unfortunately this car is a limited edition. Those who can get it..."

At this point, Rong Jieming suddenly seemed to understand something, and he was immediately silenced.

After a while, Rong Jieming remembered Zhuang Rongxu's words (things are rare and valuable), and looked at Zhuang Rongxu excitedly: "Brother Zhuang, are you using this limited sales model?"

Zhuang Rongxu didn't hide anything and nodded directly.

"But the Walkman is a mass product, while the sports car is a luxury brand. The price difference between the two is so big. Does your operation really work?" Rong Jieming asked very puzzled.

At the same time, he also got serious and asked. He was also recognized as a business wizard, so he was very enthusiastic about various business methods. Now that he knew that Zhuang Rongxu actually had methods that could interest him, he became extra serious and wanted to know more about him. How is it done.

"Brother Rong, sports cars are indeed luxury goods, but the purpose of both is to make the brand more influential and make customers feel proud to own this product."

"Humans are very complicated animals. No one cares about good things, so no matter how good they are, they are still rubbish, but if they are good and many people want them, the price is certainly not low, so many people will hesitate at this time."

"So how can we stimulate this group of people to make up their mind to buy it at this time? First, let them know that our product is not something you can just buy if you want."

"Second: It is sold out every day, which makes this product worth the money. Even if it is more expensive, it is worth their money to buy it."

"Third: Selling out every day is better than selling tens of thousands of units a day, which will maximize the value and influence of the brand."

"We are manufacturers, and I believe you must also know the importance of brand value."

At this time, Rong Jieming next to him had been thinking over and over again about Zhuang Rongxu's words, which seemed to open a new sales door for him.

The more he thought about it, he found that Zhuang Rongxu's words were indeed very reasonable. Indeed, doing so would create a desire in many people's hearts.

And of course the brand value Zhuang Rongxu mentioned just now is important. Brand awareness is absolutely a brand. If a company can survive in this world, how can it not be important?

And once the brand is well-known, even if the price is more expensive, there will still be customers paying for it.

Compared with those brands that are not well-known, no matter how good the materials you use, the technology is more powerful, and the price is lower, no one will understand the product when it is put on the shelf.

This is the importance of brand awareness and value, which is the most important core of a company.

"Brother Zhuang, listening to you is better than studying for ten years. The plan you just said shocked me. I will study it carefully when I go back. I think it is very reasonable and worth learning."


"Brother Rong, I call this sales method hunger marketing, but this sales plan requires a certain right time, place, and people."

"If you want to implement this kind of sales plan, you must meet the conditions, otherwise it will be counterproductive and cause more losses."

"What conditions?"

"There are many conditions, but one must be met, and that is that the product is popular."

Rong Jieming nodded after hearing this, and when he thought about it carefully, Rong Jieming's words made perfect sense.

Indeed, if this product does not cause hot sales from the beginning, wouldn't it be digging a grave for itself if we try to limit sales?

"Brother Zhuang, let's chat more when we have time. I really learned a lot from you." Rong Jieming said very modestly.

"Brother Rong, are you flattering me?"

"Whatever I say, I mean it sincerely."


"Let's go, Brother Zhuang, let's observe the company first, and then go to the factory to have a look. In the afternoon, we'll go to the filming site for the commercial."

"Okay, Brother Rong, please."

After getting off the car, Zhuang Rongxu looked at the surrounding environment. Although he didn't know where this place was, it was surrounded by high-rise buildings, with people coming and going, and the roads were busy with traffic. It was definitely the center.

Zhuang Rongxu is very satisfied with the fact that the company is located in the CBD area. At least it can be seen that Rong Jieming is managing the company seriously and is not careless.

"Brother Zhuang, this building belongs to our Rong family. It has 32 floors in total. The 12th floor is used as Rong's headquarters. Everything below the 12th floor is rented out. Our company is on the 8th to 10th floors, with a total office area of ​​29,800 square meters on the three floors. The 12 departments and various framework personnel have been recruited, and the business is operating normally."

"The sales of the first batch of Walkman products were pretty good. It was not until the beginning of the month that the contact person sent by your company came up with a plan that doubled our sales. Now the Walkman's influence in Canada is also increasing. I I believe there will be a sensation in Mexico, Brazil, and even the United States soon."

"Oh, what plan is so powerful?"

"Manager Chen proposed to reprint all the news about the booming sales of the Xiangjiang Walkman in major cities here to promote it. We spent money to buy the front pages. One week has passed, and now the sales are increasing."

Zhuang Rongxu nodded with satisfaction after hearing this: "It's a very good idea. He actually knows how to use this method to stimulate. It seems that this management is very good."

"Brother Zhuang, don't you know the managers sent by your company?" Rong Jieming asked curiously after hearing Zhuang Rongxu's words.

"This... Brother Rong will tell you the truth. Personnel management and arrangements are all the responsibility of our company's CEO Danni. I am no different from the boss. Let alone arranging personnel, it is the company I don’t know about general projects.”

"Brother Zhuang delegates power to President Danni so much. It seems that the relationship is extraordinary." Rong Jieming asked Zhuang Rongxu with a smile.

Zhuang Rongxu smiled: "If you want to use someone without any doubts, or if you want to use her with peace of mind, then just let her be your own. That's the best way."

"Gao, Brother Zhuang is really not an ordinary person. No wonder you can start such a company at your age. I believe that in time, Dingsheng Company will become famous in the electronics and electrical appliances industry."

"Let's go. If I hear you flatter me again, I'm afraid my tail will be raised to the sky."

"Ha ha ha ha……."

Then the two of them walked into the building together.

The Rong family is involved in various industries in Canada, whether it is media, hotels, real estate, finance, shipping, petroleum, textiles, clothing, electrical and electronic products, etc.

But many of them are just agency brands.

Whether it's hotels, petroleum, clothing, electronic appliances, etc., none of them are truly owned by the Rong family, they are all agents.

Therefore, in order to break this situation of being controlled by others, the Rong family will develop in the direction of building its own brand. However, the family business is already deeply rooted, and it is impossible to make a comprehensive change at once.

Moreover, they did not have the experience to develop manufacturing on their own, so they accidentally learned about the Zhuang Rongxu company brand through the introduction of brothers from the same clan.

After consideration, the Rong family unanimously agreed to gradually change the situation of the Rong family through a joint venture.

That's why the Rong family attaches great importance to this joint venture. After all, they need to rely on Zhuang Rongxu's company's technology to gradually change the development direction of the Rong family.

Many people may not understand what is going on in the joint venture?

The biggest benefit of a joint venture is two-way. Foreign capital with technology needs local companies in the region to help open product sales channels, thereby also allowing the company to enter this market.

This is their biggest benefit. Otherwise, if you, a foreign-funded enterprise, want to sell your products in this unfamiliar area, who will give you the face?

Not to mention that the local merchants will not take action against you, but you also have no sales channels. What are you using for fun? If you want to establish sales channels yourself, how much money and time do you have to invest?

There are so many developed cities in the world. If every region invests so much, how much money do you have to invest?

Not to mention emerging companies like Zhuang Rongxu, even old brands like Sony, Panasonic, and Toshiba cannot do this.

Therefore, looking for cooperation with local companies is the best and the only way to develop rapidly.

And what are the benefits to local companies?

Local companies benefit in two ways.

First: Be optimistic about this brand and think that this brand can make a lot of money for his company.

Second: technology sharing. Since it is a joint venture, product technology can definitely be shared. Of course, there is a stipulation that the right to share technology can only be enjoyed within a certain period of time.

Once you have the technology, you can use it to develop your own brand.

Why does it take a certain period of time for technology to be shared? That’s because technology companies want to avoid being abandoned midway by local companies.

If technology can be shared from the beginning, if a local company gets your technology and still cooperates with you, won’t they produce it themselves and eat it alone?

Then you will be in misery. Your market has not been opened, there are no channels, and your technology has been taken away. This is a naked giveaway without any difference.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, the contract of a joint venture company will note that the technology will not be shared until a few years later.

After several years of development, if you still can't open up channels and markets here, then it's your own business and you can't blame anyone.

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