Rising America

Chapter 617: I will stare at you! Scum!

Kim Hyun-tae only took a look at the information on the electronic display card. It was less than ten seconds before he was driven away. It is impossible to remember much of the content as an ordinary person, but who is Kim Hyun-tae? ! He is a person who has passed through the space-time tunnel and was affected by the mysterious energy in the space-time tunnel!

So when he came to this time and space, he had the ability to distinguish him from ordinary people. August 1 Chinese √网★★く★

It's not too simple to remember things quickly.

He was stopped by the senior at the restaurant and asked to say the contents of the electronic display board. After reacting, he immediately said the contents verbatim.

The senior who stopped Kim Hyun Tae was shocked. He had no idea that some freshmen could do this. You must know that when these senior students could do this, they all suffered from starving for several months. It.

The content of the electronic display card is not static, this is also to prevent cheating.

But no matter what, this method can't guard against Kim Hyun Tae who has a big bug, right?

"Okay! You can go in."

The content of the electronic display board answered exactly the same word. The senior senior could not be embarrassed by Kim Hyun-tae, so he put down the arm that was blocking Kim Hyun-tae. Kim Hyun-tae smiled at the other party and walked in restaurant.

The campus restaurant at West Point is huge, almost as spacious as a cathedral, surrounded by marble columns, and on the walls there are paintings of famous military commanders in the United States from 2oo years ago.

The restaurant is very quiet, even when the students’ conversations are suppressed very low, it will not affect other people. After everyone buys their favorite food on the left side, they will randomly find a long dining table to sit down and enjoy Own lunch.

Jin Xiantai looked around for a while, and then walked straight to the place where the food was sold.

The lunch of different time and space pastry is similar to a buffet, and some is a bit like fast food on the streets of Huaxia, except that compared to the fast food of Huaxia, there are more types of food in the pastry and more expensive.

For $4.99, two meats and one vegetarian, plus a bowl of soup, this price is simply a conscience price in the United States. You must know that even the cheapest burrito can be bought from street vendors at $2.99.

It’s just that you don’t have enough to eat. The $4.99 pastry lunch can be eaten to death. Without it, enough rice and bread tube are still free, but meat and vegetable dishes cost money.

Therefore, I can eat a meal for less than five dollars, which is really a price of conscience.

Compared with other wealthy people, Kim Hyun Tae is not the kind of unearthly kind.

Because of the hard experience, Kim Hyun Tae certainly knew this very well.

Not to mention that he himself was a poor single dad in his previous life.

There is no need to give cash for meals. The students have a chip card in their hands, just swiping the card.

Kim Hyun Tae’s card is 10,000 US dollars, and the mere US$4.99 lunch is nothing.

Ordered curry beef and fried chicken nuggets, and after ordering a large plate of rice, Kim Hyun-tae held the plate in his right hand, and the mushroom soup in his left hand, found an empty seat on the side.

The rice was soaked in curry sauce, and the rich scent filled Kim Hyun Tae's appetite.

I picked up the spoon and tasted it. Well, it tastes really good.

Don't look at the price of only 4.99 dollars, but the college restaurant is not fooled at all.

The curry sauce is mixed with carrot, onion and beef flavor, and it is not bad at all compared to the regular Indian restaurant curry outside.

Kim Hyun Tae is a rich man and a small celebrity in Los Angeles, and his popularity on Facebook is very high, but obviously no one at West Point considers him a figure.

At lunch, everyone was staring at the food in front of them, and there was no chance of a conversation.

For this phenomenon, Kim Hyun-tae is still eager.

No one cares about himself, and he doesn't bother to care about these guys.

By the way, the curry sauce is really good. The Thai fragrant rice Kim Hyun Tae eats is called a hi, especially the restaurant offers a lot of beef. It's not like buying curry beef rice outside, where the beef is only diced.

For the curry beef on the West Point Military Academy, the big spoon basically takes up more than half of the beef, and each one is a large piece of beef, which is really affordable.

Perhaps it is because students know that in addition to cultural classes every day, there are high-intensity physical exertion courses, so of course the school will not be stingy in eating, not to mention the students still spend money.

The curry beef rice in front of me was wiped out like a windstorm, and the fried chicken nuggets were dry and quiet, but Jin Xiantai was not full.

Therefore, Jin Xiantai had to buy a curry beef rice again, and then brought it back to continue eating.

This time he did not buy chicken nuggets, only curry beef rice.

One serving, two servings, three servings, Jin Xiantai ate a total of four servings of curry beef rice before he was full.

When he finally hiccups contentedly, he suddenly realized that the students around him were looking at him stupidly with a look of ‘ghost’.

Fortunately, Jin Xiantai's face was gone. Facing the strange eyes of the surrounding students, he naturally took up the napkin and wiped his mouth, then stood up and walked out of the restaurant Shi Shiran.

When he left the restaurant, the originally quiet restaurant was suddenly fried.

"God! How can this guy eat like this? He ate four curry beef rice by himself."

"I have seen this guy in the newspaper. He is a rich man in Los Angeles. Net is the company under his name, but he doesn't look like a rich man in any way."

Jin Xiantai didn't care at all about the comments made by the students in the restaurant.

Is it because you care about these, you have to pretend to eat less and let yourself be hungry?

Kim Hyun Tae would not be so stupid.

It’s the biggest thing to eat, so you can’t make yourself hungry anyway.

As for eating more, how can it be regarded as a foodie by others.

Eat food, eat food.

On the first day when I entered West Point, although I encountered many strange things, in general, Jin Xiantai was in a good mood.

Even if he was punched a few times by the two senior sisters, Jin Xiantai wouldn't be so uncomfortable for the sake of those two senior sisters who looked good.

The white elder sister is in good shape, not to mention the unevenness, and the chest is big.

The black elder sister is also in good shape, especially a pair of long legs.

Jin Xiantai, who was hypnotized by himself, wandered on the square paved with slabs of West Point Military Academy, and walked slowly towards the playground.

When get out of class ended at noon, Jin Xiantai was informed that he had lunch and went to the playground to participate in freshman training.

As a student who came one month late, he was delayed by half of the two-month military training.

He didn't worry about military training or anything.

Because he knew his abnormal physical stamina, Jin Xiantai knew that he could deal with the past.

Although his physical stamina was incomparable to those of girls like Hilda, it was still much better than ordinary people.

"2o16 West Point freshman William King, go to netbsp; there are more than a dozen small square teams on the playground, and each team is led by a large middle-aged instructor.

This two-month military training has been turned into a "soldierization process" by West Point veterans. Only after these two months can formal cultural courses begin.

And this is the first step in elimination.

Many freshmen can't survive the two months of military training and withdraw sadly.

Because of the military training in these two months, it was really abnormal.

"500 push-ups in 2o minutes, start now!"

Kim Hyun Tae stepped out of the queue and immediately started doing push-ups.

The instructor responsible for leading the military training of Class C is named LaVine, a stereotype of Lao Tzu.

Because Jin Xiantai was a transfer student, and the military training was still delayed for a month, when he reported on the first day that the military training was still idle in the morning and afternoon, the Texan guy immediately gave him a disarm.

Generally speaking, students can do 2oo push-ups, and the time is also 2o minutes.

But he wants Jin Xiantai to do 5oo push-ups, the time is 2o minutes, which is totally a pitfall.

Perhaps, this guy thinks that Jin Xiantai walks through the back door to enter West Point, so it's not pleasing to his eyes.

Well, the rigid Texan guy obviously treats Kim Hyun-tae as a scum.

There was no refutation, no resistance, Jin Xiantai obeyed the order honestly.

Kim Hyun Tae is not an idiot, and he does not want to be expelled himself.

He is also thinking about making some friends here at West Point.

Jin Xiantai is not stupid, he knows exactly who these students are who can serve pastry.

Besides, most of West Point Health will enter the military in the future, so what is most important in the military?

obey! obey! Still obey!

Therefore, in the face of a Texas instructor who finds fault and sees himself as unpleasant, of course Jin Xiantai will not idiotically defy him, will he?


Before 2o minutes arrived, Kim Hyun-tae had done 5oo push-ups, but he was also sweaty, and his dark blue T-shirt was soaked with sweat.

"Report instructor! It's done!"

A hint of surprise flashed through the instructor's eyes, but his attitude towards Jin Xiantai had changed a lot, at least not the way he looked down at the beginning.

5oo push-ups in 2o minutes, this is not easy.

"Yes~www.NovelMTL.com~ It seems that your physical fitness is very good, you are a soldier."

Jin Xiantai separated his feet slightly, put his hands on his back and waist, without squinting.

"Continue to maintain this good state, but I will stare at you. If you are unqualified, I will kick you out without any affection! West Point does not tolerate scum, is it clear!"

"Clear, sir!"

Kim Hyun Tae answered in a loud voice, busy.

But in my heart, I was not convinced that I was seen as a scumbag who walked through the back door.

The instructor nodded and waved for Jin Xiantai to return to the team.

Kim Hyun Tae ran back to the team with a sharp glance.

Next, a group of freshmen began to run laps around the playground according to the instructor's order.

After running for almost twenty laps, one by one, tired like a dog, the instructor told everyone that the military training in the afternoon had officially started. (To be continued.)

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