Rubik’s Cube Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 29: Advance

"Magic's Cube All Heavens (

Before, when the team was refurbishing the meal, Kewen thought of the cave environment he would face next, so he had already made the corresponding ‘enchanting props’.

When he reached into his pocket and took it out, he was already carrying a small cloth bag.

Taking out an oil lamp from the small cloth bag, Corvin handed it to Flavie.

After the other party reached out to take it, Kewen pointed to the oil lamp and introduced: "This is a magic item I made before. Its normal lighting range is about 30 meters, but the light irradiation mode can be adjusted."

He took out an oil lamp again, and after lighting the lamp, Kewen demonstrated: "Like this."

Turning the lid of the oil lamp, the originally scattered light of the oil lamp began to condense quickly, and finally converged into a cone of light.

Kewen turned the beam to shine towards the distant mountain wall, and pointed his other finger over there and said: "Look, if you use this beam pattern, you can easily illuminate a distance of 50 meters ahead, and then the light begins to spread, and Continue to illuminate the distance of 100 meters."

Flavie was very pleased to see this, and hurriedly learned Cowen's movements to light up the oil lamp, and then adjusted the light irradiation pattern.

After the test, Flavy asked impatiently: "Sir, how many oil lamps are there?"

"There is not enough time." Kewen handed the cloth bag in his hand to the other party: "So I only made ten oil lamps."

"Enough!" Flavie responded cheerfully: "The terrain in the cave is not wide, so these oil lamps are enough to provide everyone with a perfect view!"

"That's good." Kewen smiled and nodded: "Go ahead, don't forget to send someone to guard the rear of the team to avoid monsters chasing into the cave afterwards."

"Yes!" Flavie looked serious, and then immediately turned around to greet the ten Roger fighters.

After distributing the oil lamps, Rogers began to change their weapons. Except for a small number of people who still wield bows and arrows, others replaced them with long spears and short spears.

Seeing everyone planning to'explore the grass with their faces', Kewen quickly reminded: "I will control the puppets to enter the cave first, and I will also follow in to see the situation first. Everyone will stay outside and wait for my signal. "

Everyone hesitated for a moment when they heard the words, but they still trusted Kewen's actions alone.

Next, Kewen stepped forward and stood at the entrance of the dark cave. On both sides and behind him were Rogge holding spears surrounding the entrance.

Seeing that everyone was on guard, Kewen took control of the puppet monsters and began to go deep into the cave through the passage that Rogers gave up.

Until all the puppet monsters were ‘stuffed’ into the cave, Kewen stepped in and followed.

His vision quickly dimmed, and after stepping on the stone steps a few meters high, Kewen completely entered the cave.

This cave is a passage transformed from a karst cave. The structure is similar to the cave on the "Blood Wasteland". Similarly, the entrance is a medium-sized open karst cave.

At this time, the resurrected puppets have already fought with the monsters in the cave. Because there is no control of Kewen, more than two hundred puppets are being crushed and beaten by the same two hundred monsters.

Seeing this, Kewen adjusted the position of the puppets while turning his head and shouting at the top of the stone steps: "Come in!"

The sound of rapid footsteps sounded, and the figures of Rogers ran down the steps one after another.

Without Kewen's command, the Rogers took advantage of the fire in the cave to quickly put away their spears and replaced their bows and arrows.

The monsters found Roger at the entrance of the cave, but were unable to rush over to fight, because Cowen had re-adjusted the position of the puppet shield wall to block the monsters.

Arrows were continuously fired by Rogers, and the number of monsters in the cave rapidly decreased.

Rogers are very experienced. They first destroy the "hunters" that are corrupted by Roger, and then destroy the ordinary sinkers, and separate two people who continue to harass and shoot at the sinkers and interfere with their release and resurrection. magic.

After the sinking demon was almost eliminated, the sinking demon wizard was shot to death.

Without the lead of the wizard, the ordinary sinker began to scream and flee, but before they ran far, they were shot and killed by the arrows of the Rogers.

In the end, Rogers easily shot the only zombie monsters left in the cave.

The battle in less than five minutes ended easily. If it were not for the range of the cave to limit the number of shots, I am afraid the battle would end sooner.

After all Roger entered the cave, Cowen began to make arrangements.



"Choose a more powerful team member to serve as an aid in the subsequent battle, responsible for guarding and cleaning the battlefield."

Flavie hesitated, and nodded ‘yes’.

Seeing this, Kewen explained: "The scope of this crypt is too small to fully deploy an attack formation, so the next battle can only be carried out by a certain group of people. This time the opportunity to increase the strength will be given to the weaker members. Bar."

"Yes!" Flavie looked suddenly, and thanked with a smile: "Thank you for your care!"

With a smile back, Kewen arranged for ten Rogge with the oil lamp to stand to ensure that there were no dead ends in the projection of the light.

Next, I waited for Flavie to allocate the ‘upgraded’ manpower.

When cleaning up the spoils, Cowen noticed some differences. The image of the "Dark Hunter" here is different from the previous two maps.

The hunter equipment here is thicker and heavier, not only the defense coverage is larger, but the material is changed from leather to metal.

Moreover, weapons are no longer spears, but metal hammers and shields.

Corvin asked Flavie.

Hearing this, Flavie sighed and explained: "The devil’s corruption of our Rogge is also divided into strengths and weaknesses. The strong sisters are transformed into more advanced corrupters, and the weakest are transformed into us. Those'dark hunters' that I have encountered."

Kneeling down, Flavie picked up a shield from the body of the Corruptor, and while waving it to try to get the feel, he continued: "These Corruptors are called'evil hunters', and they are more advanced than them. There are'dark attackers' and'dark hunters' who use bows and arrows as weapons."

"So that's it." Kewen nodded suddenly.

It didn't take long for the battlefield to be cleaned up, and then, Kewen controlled the puppet monster as the front row of the path, and began to lead the team to explore the depths of this underground passage.

The speed of the team is very slow, because the puppets in front often fight with monsters.

Those puppets not only blocked the monsters, but also blocked the Roggs' display. Only after leaving the narrow passage area and entering the next open cave, the Roggs could attack.

However, for the sake of insurance, Kewen did not arrange the Rogers to go forward in order to increase the advancing speed, and still let the puppets form the first line of defense.

Even if the speed is slow, Kewen does not want any Roger to be in danger. After all, this is not a game, so he must cherish every Roger's life.

In this way, it moved slowly, and after nearly four hours, the team cleared nearly ten caves, large or small.

This crypt is much larger than that in the "Blood Wasteland", and there are many fork roads.

Because the mission was to cross rather than eliminate, the team did not explore those forks, but under the guidance of Flavie, went all the way to the other side of the exit.

This allows the team to keep on guard against the monsters rushing out of those fork roads while advancing.

Therefore, after a few hours, the entire team has already shown fatigue.

Seeing this, Kewen announced the refurbishment after emptying a cave.

Flavie immediately arranged for manpower to arm the two passages before and after, allowing everyone to take turns to rest and eat.

It took more than an hour, and Kewen estimated that the time outside should already be at night.

After looking at the passageway ahead, Corvin said to Flavy who was resting beside him: "Let’s stop here for today, let the team start to rest, and continue to travel through the catacombs tomorrow."

Flavie was taken aback when he heard this, but he didn't expect that Kewen would actually make such a decision.

Regaining his senses from Lengshen, Flavie said quickly: "Mr. Don't worry about us, everyone's physical strength is enough to support us through the entire cave."

"Don't worry, be steady." Kewen waved his hand: "I believe that everyone still has plenty of physical strength, but after this whole day of fighting, everyone's spirit will be exhausted. Take a good rest for the next night. To be more efficient."

Flavie thought for a while, then nodded and Corvin prevented Flavie from arranging the vigil, and then stood up, took out the'mana potion' and drank it.

When he walked to the entrance of the passage behind him, Kewen waved his magic wand and deformed the rocks near the entrance of the passage with a ‘transformation technique’. In addition to leaving two narrow gaps at the upper and lower sides for ventilation, the entire passage was completely blocked.

Then, Kewen walked to the passageway in front of him, and did the same.

Corvin's cautious attitude is more than that. After returning to the middle of the cave, he drank the'mana potion' again, and then continued to wave his wand toward the surrounding rock wall.

A block of stone platforms protruded horizontally from the stone wall, hanging in the air more than two meters above the ground.

After deforming the surrounding stone walls out of the platform, Kewen finally transformed into a ladder to climb the platform.

Putting down his wand, Kewen turned around and said to everyone whose eyes were focused on him: "Everyone can go up to the platform. Tonight, everyone is sleeping on the platform."

Hearing this, Rogge showed joyful expressions one after another, this kind of full sense of security made them couldn't help but talk with laughter and laughter.

But soon after laughing and talking, Rogge quarreled one after another in a whisper.

Kewen was taken aback, and after listening carefully, he discovered that it turned out that Rogers were vying for a place to sleep on the same platform as him.

In response, Kewen shook his head dumbfoundedly, and then drank a bottle of'mana potion' again.

Standing in the middle of the cave, he pointed his wand towards the ground.

In the next moment, the rocky ground began to rise ‘booming’. In the end, the four-meter-square stone pillar stopped at a height of about three meters.

Stomping the stone pillar under his feet, Cowen smiled triumphantly and said to the Rogers below: "I will sleep here tonight."

Suddenly, a voice of disappointment and annoyance sounded...

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