Ruins of the past

Chapter 124 Show off

The merchants on the whole street next to the Gongyuan are all posted with all kinds of red papers that are the best and the most popular. There are also small vendors selling high school talismans and martial arts talismans from unknown sources. Kneel down and pray in front of the portrait.

In the small courtyard, Chen Gang was helping Chu Qiguang check the test box. There were pens, inks, paper, inkstones and other things in it, all prepared for today's test on the scriptures.

Although the classics and meanings of martial arts are just a formality, they still have the most basic requirements. If you can't even pass such a simple classics and meanings, no matter how strong your martial arts is, you will not be admitted. Moreover, the discipline on the scene is still very strict. Once caught, Cheating is a lifelong disqualification.

Chen Gang sent the prepared test box to Chu Qiguang: "Brother Dog, I checked it several times, it should be fine."

Chu Qiguang brought the examination box to Gongyuan, and Chu Qiguang lined up to enter the examination room.

Chu Qiguang observed the team of candidates and calculated that there were only about fifty people. Obviously, in every county, wealthy families basically monopolized martial arts registration through the recommendation mechanism, so that disciples from poor families could only get into the arms of wealthy families. Participate in martial arts.

However, Chu Qiguang thought about the fact that the wealthy families monopolized a large amount of martial arts knowledge, and practicing martial arts required money and elixirs, so their monopoly on martial arts forced most disciples from poor families to take the liberal arts exam. Naturally, it couldn't be easier.

Chu Qiguang suddenly had an idea in his mind: 'Perhaps apart from being possessed by demons, martial arts and Taoism themselves... are the biggest obstacles to the development of this world. ’

Then Chu Qiguang saw the youngest boy in the team. His face looked extremely childish, but at the moment, he had his hands folded across his chest and looked aloof, refusing to allow strangers to enter.

This person is the youngest candidate in this exam, Jiang Longyu, one of the eight generals of Xinghan.

Thirteen-year-old Jiang Longyu was lining up, shaking his head and sighing: "I really don't understand why we have to take the martial arts exam before taking the martial arts exam. Can't we just take the martial arts exam directly? Don't any of you think this is a waste of time?"

Chu Qiguang looked at the ugly faces of the candidates around him and thought to himself that this naughty kid was really as arrogant as Qiao Zhi said.

Jiang Longyu seemed to be completely unaware of it. He took the water poured by the boy and sighed while drinking: "The spiritual water in the Feng Shui Pool on Zulong Mountain is good in everything, but the taste is too bitter. I really drink it." Not used to it."

Zulong Mountain is a real royal garden. The spiritual veins on it are related to the Feng Shui formation of the entire capital. The spiritual water on the mountain has only been enjoyed by the royal family in the past dynasties.

Chen Yuebai, who comes from the Chen family in Liyang County and has long flowing hair, couldn't help but said: "Okay Jiang Longyu, please stop showing off. Everyone is lining up to go to the Tribute Academy to prepare for the exam."

The Chen family in Liyang County is the Chen family who spent a lot of money to compete with the Wu family and Chu Qiguang in the cotton business. This Chen Yuebai is also the Chen Yuebai who promised to dethrone Chu Qiguang on stage a few days ago. .

Jiang Longyu said helplessly: "Why am I showing off? Do you think I want to drink this? My master didn't force me to do it. Everything I eat, drink, take, and use ointments every day is destined to die. I can’t even choose what to eat.”

Jiang Longyu sighed: "And you don't know how stressed I am now. Master invests tens of thousands of taels of money in me every year. Everything I do has to be related to martial arts training."

"To be honest, I really envy the childhood that some of you spent doing nothing, eating, drinking and having fun all day long."

Chen Yuebai gritted his teeth and decided to turn his head and stop talking.

As Jiang Longyu and Ababa kept talking, the faces of the candidates became more and more ugly, but no one dared to speak against this eight generals of Xinghan.

Until it was Jiang Longyu's turn in line...and he could no longer speak after entering the examination room, which finally made the candidates present heave a sigh of relief.

When it was Chu Qiguang's turn, the invigilator checked his ID and then compared the appearance written on the ID. Another invigilator checked Chu Qiguang's clothes and test box.

After entering, the Taoist priests taught by the Heavenly Master performed exorcism rituals and demon subduing rituals. Chu Qiguang, who possessed the Heavenly Demon Foundation Building Technique, allowed the Taoist priests to chant sutras and burn paper without being affected.

Then he entered a square in the Gongyuan and saw rows of desks already placed there.

After all the candidates came in and sat down, the invigilators began to distribute the wrapped test papers and drafts.

A moment later, with the bells ringing from the bell tower, the invigilator shouted: "The time has come, everyone, let's start."

Everyone began to open the test papers and read the questions.

No matter how dandy he usually is, the young man now carefully read the questions and then started to answer them on a draft, and finally transcribed them.

Only Jiang Longyu still had a relaxed look on his face and started writing directly on the answer sheet with a swipe of his pen. He didn't even bother to write a draft. With his status as the Eight Generals of the Prosperous Han Dynasty, no one would dare to take the classics and meanings test in the Tongshi Examination. Eliminate him.

Chu Qiguang almost answered the question after more than half an hour, then began to carefully copy the answer, and finally waited for the time to end.

Fortunately, he has taken time to practice calligraphy every day in the past few months. Although what he writes on paper is not excellent, it will not be thrown out by the examiner.

When the candidates walked out of the examination room, they immediately began to exchange their answers in small groups. Only Chu Qiguang and Jiang Longyu were not approached.

Chu Qiguang's reputation was so bad that the candidates were ashamed to associate with him. Even Wang Chaoqun and Zhang Yuntian from the same county avoided him.

Jiang Longyu's personality was too arrogant. In the past two days, all the candidates who wanted to make friends with him were immediately angered by him.

He didn't take it seriously either. In his eyes, these candidates from Beiyue Mansion were all unknowns and had no value in making friends.

After Chu Qiguang returned, he practiced directly until the next day.

And early the next morning, five huge circular arenas were erected in the square in front of the Gongyuan.

The candidates were already standing aside gearing up, and more than a dozen of them secretly looked at Chu Qiguang's position from time to time.

Further out, hundreds of spectators were already standing watching the ring.

All competitions in the martial arts arena are allowed to be watched by outsiders. This is a rule set by Emperor Taizu of the Han Dynasty. On the one hand, it encourages civilian martial arts through free viewing of the competition, and on the other hand, it is under the supervision of the whole people to show the integrity of the martial arts arena. just.

In the restaurant box not far away, Hao Yongtai and Hao Xiangtong occupied a good position by the window, so they could see the situation on the ring and surrounding areas.

Hao Yongtai said with some expectation: "I didn't expect that the martial arts prodigy Jiang Longyu is also here. With his martial arts talent, he should be the first in this children's test."

As a martial arts fanatic, although he has no outstanding talent, Hao Yongtai still likes to watch martial arts competitions. This time, he knew that Jiang Longyu, the Eighth General of the Xinghan Dynasty, was also coming to participate in the Beiyue Mansion's children's examination, so he came over immediately to watch the battle.

Hao Xiangtong heard that he was coming to watch the match, and he followed him over to watch the arena. At this moment, his eyes were sweeping... looking for a certain figure among the candidates.

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