Ruins of the past

Chapter 163 Origin Exploration (Thanks to the leader of ‘Ruyue Jiuye’ for the reward)

A cold feeling hit his face, and even with Chu Qiguang's physique, he couldn't help but tremble slightly, and he felt like he was getting goosebumps all over his body.

But this coldness is not actually a drop in temperature, but a psychological feeling.

Chu Qiguang once again observed the large library shrouded in darkness...

The bluestone slab under your feet leads all the way to the library door. On both sides of the road are placed three-meter-high, exquisitely shaped stone statues of crouching tigers, sheep, unicorns, horses, lions and other stone statues.

Further inside, there is a stone statue of a man holding a sword in both hands, which looks lifelike, like a living person.

The entire large library is made of a huge black stone.

When Chu Qiguang walked to the door, he could still see the exquisite and complicated relief carvings on the stones under the light of the white lanterns on both sides.

‘This big library... really looks like a cemetery. ’

Looking at the black stone door that was more than five meters high, Chu Qiguang tried to knock on it and shouted, "Is anyone here?"

After Chu Qiguang knocked on the door for the third time...


Accompanied by the sound of the stone door scraping against the ground, the door slowly opened. A bald old man with thin cheeks stretched out his head. His skin looked like a pale white color that had not been exposed to sunlight for many years. His two sunken eyes looked at Chu Qiguang.

"Hehehe, you are Chu Qiguang, right? Coach Yi told me about you..."

As he said that, the thin old man stepped aside and said, "Come in."

Chu Qiguang walked in, and at the moment he entered the big library, the Ring of Foolishness on his chest seemed to appear uncontrollably, exuding waves of heat.

Chu Qiguang touched his chest, feeling extremely strange: 'What's going on? What happened to the Ring of Foolishness? ’

At this moment... a soft bang was heard, and the thin gatekeeper had already closed the stone door again.

‘This janitor is very powerful. ' While Chu Qiguang was thinking this, his eyes were plunged into darkness due to the sudden closing of the stone door. There was no light in the entire large library.

Cracking... With a soft sound, the gatekeeper behind him had lit a candle with flint and tinder and handed it to Chu Qiguang.

The gatekeeper smiled nervously: "Hey, I'm not used to lighting candles when I'm alone."

Chu Qiguang took the candle and asked, "Can you see it?"

The gatekeeper shook his head: "I've been here for so long that I can find a place with my eyes closed."

The small candle can only illuminate a distance of two or three meters in front and behind Chu Qiguang, and the space farther away is completely invisible.

He held a candle and followed behind the gatekeeper, and the two of them walked along the stone path.

Under the weak light, Chu Qiguang couldn't see very far away. He could only see what seemed to be one stone man after another on both sides, all of them holding swords with both hands.

Chu Qiguang secretly estimated that the two of them had walked about fifty or sixty meters before they came to a bookshelf.

The gatekeeper said: "You can read the books on the first floor as you like, but don't go upstairs."

Chu Qiguang asked curiously: "Why?"

The corner of the doorman's mouth was slightly crooked, and he looked even more gloomy under the weak firelight: "On the first floor, people read books, but on the second floor... the books want to eat people."

After saying that, he ignored Chu Qiguang and walked into the darkness that the candle could not dispel.

Just when Chu Qiguang thought the other party had left, a burst of light came on not far away.

It turned out that the janitor lit an oil lamp and put it on the desk beside him: "If you need anything, call me."

After saying that, he left again, and this time he was really far away.

Chu Qiguang picked up the oil lamp and looked at the darkness that was gradually becoming blurry a few meters away.

It felt like there was endless black fog all around, swallowing up everything.

But what Chu Qiguang is more concerned about now is the strangeness of the Ring of Foolishness on his chest.

Since arriving near the bookshelf, his chest has become increasingly hot and burning.

He tried walking around the rows of bookshelves in front of him, and found that the closer he got to one of the rows of bookshelves, the stronger the burning sensation of the Ring of Folly became.

‘Is this reminding me to look for one of these books? ’

Chu Qiguang thought for a while, then walked to the row of bookshelves that gave him the strongest burning sensation and looked at them. He found that they all talked about the history of sects.

Then he stretched out his palm and touched a few books at the bottom, and found that the heat in his chest had not changed.

But when he touched all the way from bottom to top until he touched a book on the third row of the bookshelf, the heat of the Ring of Foolishness increased again, as if someone had placed a piece of burning carbon on his chest. .

Chu Qiguang took out the thread-bound book and took a look. The cover of the book was already a bit mottled and old, with the words "Inquiry into the Origin of the Immortal Way" written on it.

After opening it and taking a casual look, you can see that the pages are slightly yellowed, and some of the writing is also stained.

"It doesn't seem to be anything special." Chu Qiguang felt the heat in his chest and thought to himself, "Do you want me to read this book?"

Originally, Chu Qiguang himself was a little curious about the origin of the Immortal Way, so he simply found his way to the desk and sat down. With the faint light of the oil lamp and surrounded by darkness, he read the book in his hand.

Chu Qiguang turned to the first page. Although the book was written vertically and had no punctuation, he was used to it after coming to Dahan for so long, so he quickly read it.

The author of this book should be a former researcher of the Zhenmo Division, who is responsible for exploring the origin and purpose of the Immortal Way.

"Most of what you see below comes from the oral accounts of those crazy people who are immortals."

"In some obviously contradictory and slightly absurd places, I combined the historical materials within the department and made moderate guesses."

"But it needs to be noted that the true origin of the Immortal Way can be traced back to the Pre-Han Dynasty. Because it is so long ago, we may never be able to find the real answer."

"Because some knowledge is secret...for a reason."

Seeing this, Chu Qiguang thought in his mind: 'The Pre-Han Dynasty is said to be the first unified dynasty of mankind in this world. The name of the country is the same as the current Han Dynasty. It has been more than 4,000 years ago, right? Does the Immortal Way have such a long history? ’

Chu Qiguang continued to turn to the second page.

"The lower-level followers of the Immortal Way know nothing about the origins of the Immortal Way. They are often just extremely fanatical about immortality."

"But during an operation in the south, we captured Shenxian Dao (crossed out)."

"From her mouth, we learned a different way of immortality."

"That was the era of the first generation of the God-Emperor of the Pre-Han Dynasty. In order to pursue immortality, the God-Emperor at that time convened a large number of monks to study the art of immortality."

"But after ten years, the art of immortality has never been created."

"Until they found the true immortal, a man named (crossed out)."

"By extracting his (crossed out) to refine the elixir, they obtained the first elixir."

"It is a pity that the tester who took the elixir did not lead to eternal life, but caused an unprecedented disaster, and the entire Han Dynasty collapsed..."

In the quiet darkness, the only sound left was the sound of Chu Qiguang turning the pages of the book.

He seemed to follow the contents of the book and suddenly returned to four thousand years of ancient times, experiencing a twisted, crazy and bloody disaster.

With the rapid spread of the elixir, the undead destroyed the imperial court at that time, and the Tao of Immortals at the beginning... was a school that studied the undead and found ways to end the undead and destroy the elixir.

But during long-term research, their consciousness was gradually distorted by the elixir, their spirit and body were gradually alienated, and finally they turned to worship this immortal power...

After reading this book, Chu Qiguang felt that the burning sensation of the Ring of Foolishness gradually disappeared, and even a hint of joy reached his heart.

Then he realized that he had forgotten the contents of "Inquiry into the Origin of the Immortal Way".

Then something called a gift poured out from the Ring of Foolishness and converged into his eyes.

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