Ruins of the past

Chapter 177 Chu Qiguang’s peaceful life

Chi Shude saw that Yang Ling always spent a lot of time coaching Chu Qiguang in the past two days, and thought that this coach Yang was particularly optimistic about Chu Qiguang. Hearing this, he said no.

Yang Ling chuckled and said, "It's not difficult to win over your friend. There happens to be a fingering technique in the Demon Suppressing Division called the Star Finger. It specializes in practicing hard skills through various disciplines. Especially when the fingering power is concentrated, it can make people difficult to unload." Strength, borrow strength.”

Chi Shude was delighted when he heard this: "Teacher Yang, can you teach me this fingering technique?"

Yang Ling said confidently: "I will personally guide you for a month. It will be easy for you to beat that friend in this monthly competition..."

In the huge stone courtyard, there were constant banging and loud noises coming from a distance. It sounded like someone was hammering away at the rock with a giant hammer.

In the small courtyard at this moment, I saw a young man who was shirtless and wearing only a pair of underpants. In the ice and snow, he was constantly hitting the gray granite in front of him with his flesh and blood.

After the collision for a long time, pieces of skin fell off the boy's body like a snake shedding its skin.

The new skin looks whiter, finer, and seems to be a little tougher.

It was Chu Qiguang who was practicing the Hunyuan Taiyi Demonic Skill with all his heart, and was constantly polishing his body in the collisions.

He could clearly feel that with the practice of Hunyuan Taiyi Demonic Skill, Qi and blood were constantly flowing back and forth between the skin and flesh. The speed of his skin shedding and the speed of healing of bruises were increasing bit by bit.

‘If we continue to improve like this, then this method of shedding might be useful not only in cultivation, but even in combat? ’

Concentrating on practicing alone made Chu Qiguang soothed physically and mentally.

After completing his afternoon practice, he ate alone again and went to the big library to prepare for reading.

It was such a lonely and peaceful life, slowly improving himself minute by minute, which made Chu Qiguang feel happy.

‘Since I came to this world, I haven’t had such a simple life for a long time. ’

After entering the big library by familiar means, the gatekeeper asked directly: "Did you bring the sugar?"

Chu Qiguang thought that this uncle really cared about Lin Lan, so he said: "I asked the cook on the mountain to buy some candied fruits. There are candied red fruits, candied crabapples and candied osmanthus. I don't know if Lin Lan likes them."

The janitor nodded, a smile appearing on his thin face.

"Give me the stuff and I'll give it to her when the time comes."

Seeing that Chu Qiguang seemed hesitant, the gatekeeper explained: "It's not good to eat too much at one time. I'll help her keep it, and just feed her a little each time."

Although it felt a little strange, Chu Qiguang still handed the candied fruit to the gatekeeper.

Then I came to the already familiar desk and saw several stacks of books placed in different categories.

Obviously, Lin Lan helped find this after agreeing to Chu Qiguang's request as agreed.

Chu Qiguang felt the hot feeling coming from the Ring of Foolishness, and he smiled slightly: "Miss Lin is really capable, she has helped me a lot now."

But when he turned around to look, he saw that the gatekeeper who had accompanied him had disappeared into the darkness.

Chu Qiguang was no longer surprised by this, so he sat at the desk and started picking.

‘Well, only one meets the requirements of the Ring of Foolishness? ’

The book Chu Qiguang held in his hand was called "The Biography of the Assassins of the Chu Dynasty".

Before today's Han Dynasty, there was a hundred years of chaos caused by dragons in the Central Plains. Before that was the Xia Dynasty, and before the Xia Dynasty was the Chu Dynasty.

Chu is often called Baochu in this world, because after the founding of the country, the founding emperor not only did not cultivate his health, but instead engaged in extortion and expropriation, which disturbed the peace of the world.

During the Chu Dynasty, uprisings continued almost every year. Under the turmoil in all directions, the country fell into ruin in just over thirty years.

The Chu Dynasty dates back more than 1,500 years.

The "Biography of Assassins of the Chu Dynasty" in front of Chu Qiguang tells the story of several major assassinations in the Chu Dynasty for more than thirty years. Behind these major cases, there is a vague secret of the world. The shadow of Jian Zong.

It was during the investigation of Chu Qiguang that the Tianjian Sect and the Wuwei Sect fought for the scriptures that were discovered in the Jiling ruins nearly 2,800 years ago during the Guangshou period of the Chen Dynasty.

"...Ding Daoyuan, a native of EZ Shao Mansion, is famous all over the world for his sword skills. Emperor Chu was good at martial arts, so he recruited Daoyuan as a general, went south to quell the rebellion, and won every battle..."

"...In the main hall, Daoyuan Yu's three-foot sword energy is robbing Emperor Chu. No one dares to move..."

"...The Emperor of Chu asked: What does the general want?"

"Dogen replied: Your Majesty, please die..."

Chu Qiguang was reading "The Biography of the Assassins of the Chu Dynasty" and saw that various generals, ministers, eunuchs, maids and even concubines and princes all turned into assassins to assassinate the emperor, and a ridiculous emotion surged in his heart.

At the end of the Chu Dynasty, Emperor Chu actually suffered more than fifty assassinations, and every time there were still people who could get close to him.

It seems that it was because of the same sense of absurdity that some people studied why so many people would assassinate the emperor.

According to the "Biography of Assassins of the Chu Dynasty", every assassin turned his essence into sword energy and assassinated the emperor with a three-foot sword energy.

The characteristics of this skill are very similar to the "Shenguang Jingqi Sword" among the twenty-five righteous methods mastered by Tianjian Sect.

Although there is no direct evidence, the author collected various historical materials and clues, and everything seems to vaguely point to the mysterious sect of Tianjian Sect.

After reading the "Biography of the Assassins of the Chu Dynasty", Chu Qiguang once again felt the joy coming from the Ring of Foolishness. This time, the gift poured directly into his abdomen, like a purple flame burning.

Then suddenly the King of Sumeru Sutra, Heavenly Demon Foundation Building Technique, Immortal Seal Technique, Hunyuan Taiyi Demonic Technique, etc. suddenly flashed in his mind.

"Another transformation technique? But I still can't choose from the Sumeru Mountain King's Scripture, the Heavenly Demon's Foundation Building Technique, and the Immortal Seal Technique."

Based on the idea that adding points in a bucket is not as good as adding points in extremes, Chu Qiguang once again chose the Hunyuan Taiyi Magic Skill.

Little did he know that this time it was not the memory about the technique that had changed, but Chu Qiguang felt his whole body burning.

The flesh and blood seemed to be moaning, the bones seemed to be melting, and the internal organs seemed to be burning.

The moment of extreme pain made Chu Qiguang couldn't help but groan.

But before he could react, the pain had receded like the tide.

Chu Qiguang looked at his hands in confusion. The next moment, he suddenly activated all his energy and blood and activated the Hunyuan Taiyi Demonic Skill.

Then he saw that his whole body turned into a green color instantly... The first level of Hunyuan Taiyi Demonic Skill was broken through.

‘This time you actually asked me to break through a martial arts directly? ’

‘It’s not bad, although it won’t take me more than a few days to practice by myself. ’

Chu Qiguang also felt that the skin and flesh all over his body was a little strange, as if he could shed a layer of skin at any time if he wanted to.

‘It should be the unique ability of Hunyuan Taiyi Demonic Skill. ’

But this is a big library after all, so he didn't try it rashly, but immediately restrained the Hunyuan Taiyi Demonic Skill, and planned to go back to the big stone courtyard to try again at night.

Next, Chu Qiguang continued to read "The Biography of the Assassins of the Chu Dynasty" to make up for the forgotten content in his head.

When he was halfway through reading, a cold voice suddenly came from the darkness: "Thank you... thank you, I have tasted the candied fruit, and it is delicious."

Chu Qiguang's hands shook and he cursed in his heart... I was almost scared enough to transform.

However, he quickly calmed down and said gently: "As long as you like it, I won't bother you with finding books this time. It saves me a lot of time."

Lin Lan's somewhat shy voice came from the darkness: "It's nothing... I have to sort out the books anyway, I'm just looking for them for you."

The two chatted for a while, and Lin Lan suddenly asked: "Do you want to study the history of cults?"

Chu Qiguang nodded: "Yes, I am a little interested in this aspect. But the big library closes too early every day, and I will bother you again in the future."

"Well..." Lin Lan pondered for a while and said: "But there are not many books on this topic on the first floor. If you are really interested in this area, you have to go to the second floor to look for it."

Chu Qiguang nodded when he heard the words, and thought to himself: 'Maybe the Ring of Fool will be more interested in the books on the second floor, and I don't know what difference the gift will make. ’

But thinking about the janitor's warning to him, he knew that the second floor might not be that easy to get to.

So he asked: "I can't seem to get up to the second floor. Miss Lin, can you help me find a few books to take down?"

Lin Lan was silent for a while and then refused: "No, since you can't go to the second floor, I can't get you the books on the second floor."

Chu Qiguang thought to himself that the friendship was not enough. He also wanted to find out what was special about the second floor, but Lin Lan had already left.

‘This woman… I have to find a way to get to know her. ’

Chu Qiguang and many students have been attending classes, studying, and practicing all day these days. They have already gone through the history, demons, cults, ghosts, elixirs, Celestial Master beliefs, and martial arts arranged by the Demon Suppression Division.

These seven courses are all they will learn in the next month.

From then on, Chu Qiguang devoted himself to learning knowledge and practicing martial arts on the mountain. He went to the big library to read books every night, and in the morning he went to the Taoist temple's study room to find opportunities to read Taoist scriptures and try to obtain gifts from the Ring of Foolishness.

In the following days, the major coaches and lecturers on the other side quickly learned that Chu Qiguang did not believe in Dao Zun.

Although the head coach felt extremely disappointed about this, he did not give up on Chu Qiguang.

He fully supported Zhao Lingxiao and asked Chu Qiguang, a backward element, to follow him in the Taoist temple and soak in the Taoist aura. He must cultivate a firm belief.

In the sacred city of Jing, in the study of Wu Siqi, the chief minister of the dynasty.

At this time, Wu Siqi was writing, while his eldest son Wu Yang was grinding ink for him.

While Wu Yang was grinding his ink, he reported to Wu Siqi some recent events in the DPRK, Zhonghe and other places.

When he talked about the cotton spinning machines built in his hometown in Qingyang County, and the 10,000 taels of silver his younger brother Wu Wei sent to the capital, Wu Yang couldn't help but smile, and then praised Chu Qiguang a few words. .

The cost of spending in the capital is really too high, and Wu Siqi is now the target of public criticism. It would be great to have a legitimate business to make money.

Wu Siqi frowned slightly when he heard this and sighed: "I'm afraid that going too far is not going as far as you can... You write a letter and tell me not to force farmers to make cotton, nor to exploit the weavers below, nor to speculate on food prices. "

Wu Yang nodded thoughtfully, and then talked about things on Chaoyao Mountain. Apparently they also had acquaintances in the Demon Suppression Division.

Wu Yang sighed: "Chu Qiguang actually doesn't believe in Tao Zun. I'm afraid he will be ostracized in the officialdom in the future."

Wu Ge Lao smiled slightly and said, "Not believing in Dao Zun is not necessarily a bad thing."

Wu Yang looked at his father in surprise, thinking about it but not understanding.

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