Ruins of the past

Chapter 701 Natural Disaster

The one holding Jiang Hongyun up was a demon Buddha with thousands of arms and a head full of spiral bun hair.

The flesh and blood of the demon Buddha are covered with various expressions on his face. As his mouth opens and closes, bursts of Zen sounds are emitted, causing the demonic light to bloom and confuse people's minds.

The Hercules controlled by Zhou Yujiao was as small as a child's toy in front of this super giant demon Buddha.

Jiaojiao also said in surprise: "Is this the Immortal Buddha?!"

There was no unexpected expression on Chu Qiguang's face. After all, the Incorruptible Buddha had been reincarnated as a monster for hundreds of years, and it was completely normal to have the ability to save lives and clones like Jiang Hongyun and Li Yaofeng.

What's more, in his last fight with the Indestructible Buddha, he had witnessed the opponent's humanoid clone and the huge demon body located underground in the Buddha world, and knew that what he suppressed was not all of the opponent.

At the same time as the voice of the Indestructible Buddha sounded, it brought forth waves of hurricanes that swept in all directions.

"Chu Qiguang, thanks to you, I was able to re-cultivate the martial arts of "Dragon Elephant Great Freedom" under heavy pressure."

"Now that I have two great gods and righteous powers, you have to protect the old and the weak behind you. What can you do to fight with us?"

"Although you are not afraid of demon stains, it does not mean that they are not afraid either."

Faced with this threat before the war, Chu Qiguang would naturally not show weakness.

The qi and blood in his body began to circulate violently again, and as the qi and blood of the 'World's Universal' flowed in again, the flesh and blood on his body burst apart, and clouds of blood mist exploded.

The Great Freedom continued slowly, and Chu Qiguang said with an indifferent expression: "Indestructible Buddha, Jiang Hongyun, if I can defeat you once, I can defeat you a second time."

"It just so happens that now that my new method has just begun to take shape, I need the lives of top masters like you to sacrifice it."

As Chu Qiguang's voice spread all the way out, the crack behind him that represented Yuanshi Heizhang's persistence expanded again.

Jiang Hongyun said coldly: "Chu Qiguang, why are you bluffing?"

"You have stepped into the realm of manifesting the gods at a young age, and you have also created the 26th Dharma. You can indeed be called a genius."

"But even so, if we continue to fight against us, we will be hurt at most, but it will be impossible to defeat us."

"On the contrary, the Night City behind you will be completely destroyed by the aftermath of our fight."

The Buddha of Immortality let out a long roar, and the sound of Zen chanting broke out more violently from all over his body. He shouted: "Why bother to talk to him anymore? Today I will destroy his Shuzhou foundation and make all his previous efforts go to waste."

Suddenly, the two sides were at war with each other, and a solemn atmosphere filled every inch of the space present.

Demonic aura surged into the sky on the side of the Indestructible Buddha and Jiang Hongyun. Every inch of the atmosphere seemed to have been filled with demonic stains, and the entire land was covered with corrupted flesh and blood.

On Chu Qiguang's side, Qi and blood surged to the top. The power of Qi and blood was like the Yangtze River and the sea. It was continuously extracted from the circulation of the world and poured into Chu Qiguang's body. Then, with the blessing of Yuanshi Black Chapter, An earth-shattering force burst out.

On top of the city of Night.

Duo Chiwen looked at the vision between Chu Qiguang, the Immortal Buddha, and Jiang Hongyun in the distance.

The demon stains and monsters emerging from the bodies of the Indestructible Buddha and Jiang Hongyun were like endless dark abyss, constantly emerging towards Chu Qiguang.

Rolling heat waves continued to emerge from Chu Qiguang's body, making the monsters in the sky sizzle, making it difficult to approach.

At this moment, the momentum and pressure of both sides exploded, just like the endless night and the bright sun, constantly squeezing and fighting each other.

Dochiwen looked at it and sighed secretly: "This kind of fight is no longer something I can participate in."

Originally, Duo Chiwen thought that she was far enough away from the battlefield.

But the next moment, I don’t know who made the move first.

The terrifying power exploded in the middle of the two sides, and a storm spread out in all directions instantly. The sky was full of smoke and dust, and the sky and the earth were blown by sand and rocks.

The densely packed rubble was carried by the strong wind and shot out like thunder, creating large holes in the city wall.

Duo Chiwen screamed and jumped off the city wall. His ears were filled with thunderous whistling sounds, as if thousands of thunders were exploding above his head.

The cat demon Baimi jumped on the roof of Night City, writing and drawing in the small book held in his mouth with his paws.

"Hmph, these gangsters dare to take advantage of the chaos to steal our goods."

"Look, I'll write you all down and report you..."

Suddenly, a storm surged forward and hit Bai Mi directly.

Bai Mi groaned and fell to the ground, feeling sore and sore all over his body.

He raised his head and found that at some point the entire sky over Night City was filled with storm and sand.

He turned around and saw that in the direction of the battlefield... a strong demon stain mixed with hot blood and flames shot straight into the sky, like a pillar reaching the sky inserted into the land of the Buddha's world.

Chu Kunwei was tied up and locked up in a house. Outside the house were all guarded monsters and living corpses.

He was filled with hatred and anger when he thought about how he was happily going to work, but ended up encountering monsters causing trouble and being controlled to join the riot.

'Oh, I don't know what will happen to me next, I am being controlled...'

At this moment, there was a sudden violent vibration on the ground, and someone in the distance screamed something.

Chu Kunwei looked out from the window.

I saw in the very far direction, a huge giant standing tall and tall, looking up to the sky and roaring.

Countless twisted black arms stretched out from the giant's body, holding black magic lights and slashing towards the sky.

The giant's chest was bursting apart, turning into countless powder and falling into the sky, like a heavy rain.

The next moment, the ground shook again, and Chu Kunwei saw the ceiling above his head collapse. He immediately screamed and rushed outside the house.

Outside the Night City, a piece of gray mist floated over, and then condensed into the shape of Qiao Zhi.

It's just that at this moment, Qiao Zhi's body has been taken away too much because of his previous fight with Jiang Hongyun.

He now looked only one-third of his original size, and seemed to be erratic like a shadow.

He looked at the earth-shattering battlefield in the distance.

I saw huge black eyeballs rising up on the battlefield.

Then with Jiang Hongyun's roar, his eyeballs twisted violently, the earth shattered, and pieces of rock formations rose into the sky, like mountains flying into the sky.

In the sky, golden lotuses bloomed out of thin air, accompanied by bursts of Zen chanting, and shot out magic light like a meteor shower toward the earth.

Qiao Zhi frowned and said, "It's too close to the city. For mortals, this kind of fight would be a natural disaster."

He understood that Chu Qiguang, Busha Fo, and Jiang Hongyun were all powerful masters with extremely large destructive areas. The result of the three of them fighting together was that the destructive area suddenly increased again.

The next moment, spiral ripples were seen blocking the Night City, constantly easing the violent wind and smoke.

Qiao Zhi knew that these were two Lin Lans resisting the aftermath of the battle.

But the range of resistance was still insufficient. Buildings continued to collapse and topple over in the Night City, and there were screams and screams everywhere.

But a moment later, Chu Qiguang's soft drink resounded throughout the world.

The storms and earthquakes subsided in an instant.

Qiao Zhi looked up and saw that the monsters transformed by Jiang Hongyun and the Immortal Buddha had disappeared without a trace.

Only Chu Qiguang was left in the sky, sitting cross-legged, with Buddha light shining all over his body and spreading to the earth.

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