Ruins of the past

Chapter 893 The decline of the real world

Just as Chu Qiguang crossed the void, controlling Matt to continue climbing to the top of the apartment tower, while reading various records of the park.

The intelligence he collected in the void also made new progress and gains.

From a large amount of intelligence information from the past, he gradually pieced together part of the past history.

As the park's server evolved into a flesh-and-blood deformed existence, and as the park became a second world that all humans can enter, the human race has never stopped fighting for this second world.

All kinds of forces and people are entering it endlessly, for wealth, power, fame... and want to gain a place in the second world.

And the rules after the paradise change are different from before.

It is said that the authority of the paradise has been turned into various fragmented spells, scattered in every corner of this virtual world.

As long as you absorb the spell, you can obtain the corresponding permissions to change the server code, make waves in the paradise, control the wind and rain, and even change the various world laws in an area, becoming a god-like existence.

Legend has it that if someone gets all the spells, he can control the entire paradise world.

In order to compete for the authority of this virtual world, human beings have erupted with great enthusiasm and conflict.

As the struggle continued to spread, the highest authority in the virtual world was mainly divided into 21 parts, controlled by 21 different people.

These 21 authority controllers each occupy a place in the paradise and have established 21 different forces.

Among these 21 different areas, the rules within the area also vary depending on the controller.

There will always be good weather and bright sunshine, and you can live and work in peace and contentment like a peach blossom land.

There are also cooperation with real-world governments, completely integrated with real-world laws, currencies, etc., becoming another real-world one.

There are also those that still maintain the appearance of the game world, where people can level up, fight monsters, and master various extraordinary powers.

There are also areas in the sky, in the ocean, in the starry sky... various areas that contain strange laws and have evolved different social systems.

There are even areas where you can completely abandon your physical body and stay in paradise with your own consciousness.

Looking at the information on the 21 sub-areas of the paradise, Chu Qiguang thought to himself: 'The authority...the different zones...look a bit familiar. ’

At this moment, a familiar voice sounded in his mind: 'The people in that place are quite good at playing. ’

Hearing these familiar words, Chu Qiguang asked: "Jiaojiao? Are you awake?"

Jiaojiao and Chu Qiguang maintain a state of complementing each other as humans and cats, which means that Chu Qiguang can use his ability to monitor the entire Buddhist world and control countless monsters at any time.

It also means that Jiaojiao can see the scene on the other side of the void through Chu Qiguang's Taoism.

Looking at all the information about the paradise world, Jiaojiao said excitedly: "This world is so interesting. Should we do the same?"

"This virtual world is very similar to Montnets. Can Montnets be turned into this?"

When Jiaojiao said this, she seemed to have seen countless people and demons working hard under her spurs.

And she just needs to give them some virtual feelings with a random thought.

She couldn't help but think: 'What a huge profit. ’

‘If everyone lives in the Dream Net, then wouldn’t the entire world and the Buddhist world belong to me? ’

As if he guessed Jiaojiao's thoughts, Chu Qiguang said: "It's not that simple. If you want to load the consciousness of so many living beings, the current Mengwang is far from being able to meet the load."

"In this respect, the virtual world technology of this world is far superior to ours, but it has also exposed many shortcomings of the virtual world."

"Despite this, there is still a lot in this world worth learning. We can cross the river by touching the world."

"You are here just in time. You can learn some advanced experiences of this world with me."

As the living corpses around them roared fiercely, the efficiency of the ritual increased again, and a large amount of void information continued to pour into the minds of Chu Qiguang and Jiaojiao.

Jiaojiao looked at it and said, "Brother, what did you mean when you said it looks familiar?"

Chu Qiguang said lightly: "Don't you think that the structure of this paradise is very similar to the current universe in some places?"

Jiaojiao frowned: "Is there any?"

Chu Qiguang said: "Our universe is run by the way of heaven. As long as you master the ability to interfere with the operation of the way of heaven, you can move mountains and do anything, and even change the rules of an area."

"The paradise world is composed of servers and codes. As long as you have the authority to interfere with the code, you can do anything, even change the rules of an area."

"Our universe has been divided into many areas with different rules due to various powerful beings similar to Huangtian."

"And the paradise world is also divided into 21 regions due to the division by the strong ones who have the highest authority."

"In our universe, we need to learn different knowledge and understand the way of heaven in order to obtain various extraordinary powers, and even eventually interfere with the operation of the way of heaven..."

"In the paradise world, obtaining permission and interfering with the code also requires mastering relevant knowledge."

When Chu Qiguang said this, Jiaojiao's eyes moved: "It's really similar."

Chu Qiguang nodded: "I always feel... it feels like an experiment."

Especially thinking about the extraterrestrial being who was summoned by the ritual of the virtual world and caused changes in the server of the paradise, Chu Qiguang has not been able to fully understand the other party's plan until now.

"Let's not talk about this anymore." Chu Qiguang said: "Did you gain any abilities after waking up this time?"

Jiaojiao said proudly: "I can see luck!"

"See the luck?" Chu Qiguang's eyes lit up: "Yes, then you can take some time to take a look at the luck of those high-level demon clans outside the territory, and transfer all the demon clans with high luck. It should be able to Let the Gangqi layer last for a few more years."

After discussing the plan for the balance of luck, Chu Qiguang continued to feel the information constantly coming from the void, and said slowly: "Let's continue to watch, the next step should be the unification process."

Jiaojiao: "Huh? Will there be another fight? It looks quite peaceful."

Chu Qiguang said: "It is said that if they are separated for a long time, they will be reunited and they will be separated for a long time. The reason why their real world is not unified is because they missed opportunities due to various factors such as terrain, distance and technology."

"No matter how far away you are in the virtual world, as long as you turn on the teleportation function, it will be the same."

"And the power gap between these 21 people in the virtual world may not be big, but the gap in the real world is too big."

"As time goes by, the gap in strength between them will become larger and larger. In the end, one of the strongest will emerge, driven by interests, to unify the entire virtual world..."

The following history is just like what Chu Qiguang said. As time goes by, the 21 forces in the virtual world began to undergo various changes.

First, due to interference from the real world and various real physical threats and attacks, these 21 forces began to annex each other.

In just thirty years, only the last three of the 21 forces remained.

Two of the representatives behind them are two major powers in the real world, while the other is a director of the original park.

The director's name is Zhang Wendi, and he is the director who originally organized the farewell ceremony for the players and caused the changes in the virtual world.

His physical body in reality was also judged by doctors to be brain dead, but his consciousness survived the ceremony and always existed in paradise.

Because he does not have a physical body in the real world, he has never been threatened by governments, companies or other forces in the real world.

At the same time, it was he who created the rules in Paradise that allowed one to live eternally in Paradise without a physical body and only with consciousness.

Relying on the temptation of eternal life and freedom, he tempted a large number of human beings to abandon their bodies and live in paradise.

Among these people are the dying old man, the disabled with severe mutilations, the desperate criminals, the naive dreamers...

And Zhang Wendi did fulfill the promise he made at the beginning. In addition to resisting the attacks of other powerful people with high authority, he did not interfere too much with the freedom of human beings on his own territory.

Like a superior god, he only granted his followers eternal life and freedom, and then allowed them to develop.

Wendi Zhang even took the initiative to delegate a large amount of authority, allowing every human on the territory to have the power to move mountains and seas in the virtual world, and even change some simple rules...

Seeing this, Jiaojiao said in her heart: "This Zhang Wendi... has the greatest time advantage. As long as he continues to develop like this, the population in his territory will continue to skyrocket, and eventually it will even be more than the total population of the real world. "

Chu Qiguang nodded: "Their real world only has a population of a few billion at most, and the number of people who have died from ancient times to the present may be hundreds of billions. As long as Wendi Zhang continues to absorb those who are about to die but don't want to die, and ensure that in the conscious world As long as they live forever, they will be able to continue to absorb the population."

"And it's not just a time advantage. His tactics are a dimensionality-reducing blow to the two major countries."

"His offensive is not to defeat the two major powers head-on, but an ideological offensive and an impact on values."

"How tempting would it be for real people to live forever in a virtual world and live a free and comfortable life like a god?"

"On the contrary, the two major powers cannot do this because they cannot give their people such high authority because their laws and currencies are in line with the real world."

“Once people are given such high authority, it will have a huge impact on the real world.”

"Secondly, when more and more people become addicted to the virtual world, the marriage rate and fertility rate in the real world will continue to decrease, and the relationship between the two worlds will become upside down..."

What happens next in history seems to be exactly what Chu Qiguang said.

Under the temptation of eternal life and a god-like life, the population on Wendi Zhang's territory continues to skyrocket. In the real world, tens of millions of people who would otherwise die flock to the paradise every year.

And many of these dying people were even old people who originally held high positions in the two powerful countries.

Even in addition to the dying people, more and more poor and low-income people began to pour into his world.

In contrast, although the two major powers continue to provide various benefits in the virtual world, such as flying, efficient sleep, and working from home... the benefits provided by Wendi Zhang are really insignificant compared to them.

Seeing that the population of the virtual world is getting closer to the real world year by year, Jiaojiao said: "But... Wendi Zhang can't be so kind, right? Judging from the history behind it, the future of the paradise will not be so happy."

Chu Qiguang said: "Wendi Zhang and the two major powers are like two platforms. They attract customers by giving out benefits in the early stages of starting a business."

"After one party defeats the other and completely monopolizes the entire market, it will naturally be impossible to continue to provide benefits as before..."

Jiaojiao said: "Don't people in that world know this? Can you guess this?"

Chu Qiguang said: "Then who should sacrifice themselves and not enter Wendi Zhang's world to gain eternal life?"

"The temptation given by Wendi Zhang seems to be a choice, but in fact there is no choice at all."

"Few people would choose to sacrifice themselves."

"Even for many people...rather than self-sacrifice, it is better to enter a few years earlier and enjoy more before there are no benefits."

Jiaojiao said: "But... but this enjoyment can only be enjoyed for more than ten years or decades, right? If the rest of it is eternal life, doesn't it mean that it has to be controlled by others forever?"

"Shouldn't they find a way to unite and find a way to take away Wendi Zhang's authority?"

Chu Qiguang said lightly: "The only lesson that humans can learn from history is that humans never learn lessons."

"Coveting for short-term comfort and ignoring long-term interests is the instinct of intelligent life after long-term evolution, and it is very suitable for the natural environment."

"But this doesn't work in a society of intelligent life."

"Most mortals can't even bear to read a few more books to improve their test scores in half a month."

"You expect them to give up the temptation of living as gods for decades to consider the illusory interests in a few decades? Or even sacrifice themselves for the sake of future humans?"

"No, people prefer present enjoyment to future satisfaction. Most people pursue the interests of their own generations more than the interests of future generations."

"It's not their fault, it's the instinct engraved in their hearts by the universe."

About 55 years later, the population on Wendi Zhang's territory officially surpassed that of the real world.

Over the past few decades, people have become accustomed to the paradise life in Wendi Zhang's Paradise and take it for granted.

A few decades are enough for many people in peacetime to forget the existence of war, enough for many people with full stomachs to forget the existence of famine, and enough for many modern people to forget the cruelty of nature.

Although experts and professors warn about the hidden dangers every year, most people just laugh it off.

Wendi Zhang's paradise has long become a paradise that everyone in the real world longs for, and he himself has not shown up for twenty years.

Everyone thought that life in paradise would last forever.

Even if many countries enact legislation prohibiting abandoning the physical body to go to paradise, it still cannot prevent the continuous decline of the actual population.

I'm quite busy today, so the number of words is a little less. Will update more starting tomorrow

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