Rule the Ming Dynasty Alone

Chapter 113 Will you become stronger if you die?

At the beginning of the first year of Hongzhi, the military and political reform quietly began.

The biggest reason for the decline of the Ming Dynasty's army is the loss of money and talent. Money is actually relatively easy to solve, but talent needs to break stereotypes.

In this age where civility is valued over martial arts, anyone who does something that can cause loss of life at any time is not treated as well as a sour scholar, which makes everyone feel unhappy.

Even the highest-ranking commander-in-chief in the army has to obey the orders of civilian officials. The local magistrates and magistrates will scold you and glare at you when you meet them.

It is this mismatch between risk and status that people all over the world are rushing to get the title and become the number one scholar, but now no one's dream is to become a general.

When everyone is bent on getting a civil service exam, even the best adventurer chooses to drink tea and read the newspaper in a certain office.

In addition, the military household system of the Ming Dynasty restricted the development of talents.

Almost all generals are limited to digging in military households. For example, the grandfather of Mao Wenlong, a famous anti-gold general, was a salt merchant, and his father was a student of the Chinese Imperial College, so he was not qualified to be a soldier at all.

Although the recruitment system was already in place during the Jingtai period, the recruited soldiers were still civilians and were essentially temporary workers outside the establishment.

He was the first to kill the enemy, but he received the least amount of money. There was not even a head bounty at all, and he had to be ridden on the neck by someone with an official position.

As for promotion, how can any temporary worker be promoted in the world?

Zhu Youtang was not in a hurry to throw out the recruitment system before formulating a promotion mechanism.

In fact, the recruitment system is not necessarily a good solution. After all, there are generals such as Qi Jiguang and Yu Dayou in the military. The most important thing is actually how to discover and cultivate talents.

Each magistrate and county is authorized to recommend a person who can carry an eighty-pound sword. The person from each place will be verified and sent to the capital. Once he passes the examination, the magistrate will give him a first-class rating!

In addition to breaking the restrictions on military status, Zhu Youtang's real intention in launching this measure was to find good seeds from various counties, so that he could get some truly good soldiers or generals.

It is said that masters are among the people, and Ming Dynasty has a population of tens of millions. Even if Mao Wenlong cannot be found, it is actually profitable to select a group of strong men.

The second measure is: Restore the martial arts school in the capital during the Zhengtong period. Each of the five prefectures will enroll children from hundreds of families. After three years of schooling, they will have artistic skills, be exempted from the provincial examination, pass the general examination, and stay in the court for important positions. Those who fail to pass will be sent to their place of origin to serve!

China has never lacked good general talents, mainly due to the uneven distribution of teaching resources.

Even if Messi was born in China, he could only do elementary school homework until late at night every day. As for finding enough people to play football, it is almost impossible.

Now if we want to draw some fierce men back from the Four Books and Five Classics, or from eating, drinking, whoring and gambling, we must create a corresponding teaching environment for them.

Although the Jingwei Wushu School located in Wuxue Alley during the Zhengtong period ended in failure, the main reason was that it recruited a lot of rich and martial arts students who were military officers.

These children from a privileged background were not willing to study hard and practice martial arts at all. They only wanted to travel around the capital every day. Moreover, Jingwei Martial Arts did not have a systematic teaching system, and was eventually forced to cancel it in the third year of Jingtai.

Zhu Youtang naturally wants to learn from the lessons of failure when he restarts Jingwei Martial Arts. In addition to paying more attention to and secondary screening of students, he will also develop corresponding systematic training courses for generals.

Only by providing a good teaching environment for these good talents will they have the opportunity to become talents, instead of allowing these good talents to slowly disappear from the crowd.

The third measure is: Xining and Hezhou each have 400,000 kilograms, and Taozhou has 300,000 kilograms. One hundred kilograms of tea can be easily traded on a horse. The tea horse department should stop illegal tea and seize the benefits of trading tea with horses. All tea If a merchant dares to exchange private tea for a horse, he will be punished according to the law!

Since the nomads live in pursuit of water and grass, most of their daily diet consists of beef, mutton and milk. Although their bodies appear to be strong, most people have problems with cholesterol and fat accumulation in their bodies, which can easily lead to various diseases.

Tea can delay the formation of cholesterol and fat and promote circulation in the body, which makes tea a strategic necessity for the nomadic people in the northwest.

During the Song Dynasty, due to the lack of high-quality war horses in the Central Plains to deal with the threat of cavalry from the northern ethnic minorities, the Song court pioneered the Tea Horse Division, trying to explain the horse problem by exchanging tea for horses.

In the early days of the Ming Dynasty, the Central Plains were also faced with a shortage of horses, so Emperor Taizu Zhu Yuanzhang followed the Song Dynasty's Tea Horse Division and exchanged tea for horses with the nomadic people in the northwest.

Zhu Youtang knew that in order to deal with the threat and humiliation of the imminent unification of Mongolia, it was not enough to cultivate military talents, but also needed to invest a lot of military supplies.

Because of this, he decided to increase the trade volume of tea, and then obtain more good horses from the ethnic minorities in the west.

War horses are undoubtedly the top priority. Whether it is the needs of the Aegis battalion he formed or the supplement of war horses from the frontier army, he needs to obtain more high-quality war horses from the northwest ethnic minorities.

It is worth mentioning that in the current salt method Kaizhong method, it is not only easy to import millet, but also easy to import horses. There is also the potential to stimulate the private sector to support the people.

Zhu Youtang was very fortunate that his ancestors had already set up a platform for him. He only needed to clear away the resistance from the court to complete the reserve work of war horses.

The fourth measure is: Wherever iron ore is produced in each province and local people express their willingness to mine it, the governor will appoint officials to supervise the implementation. The officials will get five points and the people will get five points.

In this time, the supply of military supplies to the SHIELD camp was caused by deliberate delay by the Ministry of Industry, but there was also the dilemma of a clever woman struggling to make a living without rice.

In order to prevent rebellion, Ming Dynasty imposed strict restrictions on private mining of iron ore. Each mine could only employ fifty people, and it was not allowed to recruit refugees.

Even in the original history, Xu Jie, the chief minister during the Longqing period, believed that the Ming Dynasty's iron production was sufficient, and he directly issued an iron ban. As a result, the iron production in the later period was flat every year, which invisibly aggravated the Ming Dynasty's problems. perish.

Zhu Youtang knew that there might not be a shortage of refined iron for his three thousand suits of armor now, but for future military supplies, and even for future heavy artillery and spears, the problem of iron ore production needed to be solved in advance.

Private capital is now allowed to intervene in the mining of iron ore, especially in Shanxi, which is rich in iron ore. Capital has completed the accumulation of original capital through salt profits, which will undoubtedly stimulate the rapid growth of Ming Dynasty's iron production.

Of course, the best way is to send a fleet south to find the best iron ore in the world, build the sharpest knife, and ride on the northern prairie to harvest the clamoring lives.

The fifth measure is: The General Soldiers of Liaodong, the General Soldiers of Xuanfu, the General Soldiers of Yansui, the General Soldiers of Jizhou, the Deputy General Soldiers of Datong, Governor Tang Yu of Gansu, Governor Cui Rang of Ningxia, and Governor Liu Gong of Liaodong returned to Beijing. Listen and use it.”

Zhu Youtang discovered that there was a strange disease in the officialdom of the Ming Dynasty. The civil servant group was ranked based on seniority, but the generals of the generals group also liked to appoint old men in their fifties and sixties as the chief soldiers.

It would be fine if these generals in their 50s and 60s had outstanding military exploits, but the result would be like that of the British Duke Zhang Mao. He might be able to talk to you about the art of war, but he would definitely be the first to urinate when he goes into battle to kill his troops.

Zhu Youtang actually did not object to Darwin's theory, but he would never allow someone who had never made any meritorious deeds for most of his life to try to occupy the position of commander-in-chief just because of his old face.

As for the three civil servants: Tang Yu, the governor of Gansu, Cui Rang, the governor of Ningxia, and Liu Gong, the governor of Liaodong, they were all sixty-year-old governors, and they also had no military exploits to speak of.

Although it may not be a good thing to replace new officials and commanders, at least it can put some pressure on the successors, instead of licking the old face and occupying important positions related to national security.

Of the five major military and political measures, this is actually just the first step.

There are actually many things that Zhu Youtang wants to do, but what he finds is that clearing the land, opening up sea trade, and setting up a business, these are all secondary.

If you don't have a gun in your hand, even if the route through the Western Ocean has been opened up, some people dare to burn it down, and they themselves will make huge profits in ocean trade.

This is exactly the case. If you want to govern this country well, you need not only good measures to benefit the people, but also a strong deterrent. Otherwise, no matter how good the measures are, they will be distorted by those who are out to make profits.

The failure of Wang Anshi's reform was actually not accidental, but inevitable.

After Zhu Youtang realized this, he postponed all other reforms slightly. Instead, he wanted to take the army into his hands, and even more importantly, he wanted to build an invincible cavalry.

While all the officials and military officials in the capital were enjoying the New Year in a land of fish and meat, their emperor was silently preparing to perform a small operation on this decadent dynasty, and the name was: tempering the military body with a thousand gold and a hundred silver.

The sixth day of the Lunar New Year, the first day after the Zhengyuan Festival holiday.

Since there is no prior copy of the memorial, the morning court on this day is usually closed by default.

Zhu Youtang never thought that the morning court meeting with more than a thousand officials was a good place to discuss matters, so now he likes to summon ministers to the front hall of Qianqing Palace to discuss matters together here.

Wan An and other important ministers are actually willing to come here. After all, the floor heating here is the best in the world, and it is an honor for ministers to be able to meet the saint.

Due to the constant turmoil at the top of the Ming Dynasty, not many important ministers are now lucky enough to participate in discussions.

In addition to the two immovable ministers, they are Li Yu, the minister of the Ministry of official affairs, Du Ming, the minister of the Ministry of punishment, Jia Jun, the minister of the Ministry of industry, Li Si, the minister of the Ministry of household affairs, Xu Qiong, the left minister of the Ministry of rites, and He Cong, the left minister of the Ministry of war.

As for the Zuodu Censor of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, Ma Wensheng has already submitted his resignation. Now there is a vacancy for the Zuodu Censor of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, and the one who has the loudest voice is the retired Wang Shu.

The already elderly Wan An was given a seat, and the other seven people stood, looking at the five military policies that were copied.

Seeing that the five of them were still thinking, Zhu Youtang said calmly: I am not a warlike king! It's just that you and others still see that the little prince sent an envoy to be called the Great Khan of the Yuan Dynasty, and his intention is clear. Wait for him to unify all the Mongolian tribes. , will definitely come back and invade the Central Plains of China. The late emperor taught us in the past that if you don’t plan for the world, you can’t plan for a moment. If you don’t plan for the overall situation, you can’t plan for a region! These five military policies are designed to strengthen the national defense of Ming Dynasty!


When Xu Qiong, the left minister of the Ministry of Rites, heard these words, he immediately showed an incredible expression.

Zhu Youtang noticed Xu Qiong's strong reaction and said with confusion: Xu Qing, do you think what I said is inappropriate? Or do you think these five strategies are inappropriate?

Your Majesty, if you don't plan for the eternity, you can't plan for a moment. If you don't plan for the overall situation, you can't plan for a region! Such wise words come from your Majesty's mouth. The Ming Dynasty will be prosperous! Chen Qiong swallowed and spat, then her eyes filled with tears. He said with tears in his eyes.

Wan An turned to look at Chen Qiong and found that Xu Qiong had a bit of his own style back then.

Zhu Youtang knew that this guy liked to flatter, so he emphasized: I just said, these are the words of the late emperor!

The late emperor preached and your majesty implemented it. Isn't this the policy of Emperor Han Jing and Emperor Wen of Han? The Ming Dynasty will become a prosperous era! Xu Qiong's mind was spinning very fast and he shouted excitedly.


When Wan An and others heard this statement, they found that what this flatterer said was quite reasonable.

When Zhu Youtang heard that Chenghong was prosperous, he was secretly happy and said: I really intend to create Chenghong Zhongxing! But although I have been carefully taught by the late emperor, I still need the help of all my ministers. If these five military and political policies are not inappropriate, I will I hope you will implement it with your heart!

Your Majesty, it has been a long time since the military was suspended today, but there are many dead people in the magistrates and counties everywhere! The first policy is to order the patrols in various places to conduct strict inspections. Once the magistrates are found to be perfunctory or derelict in their duties, they can be dismissed and investigated! Li Si, Shangshu of the Ministry of Household Affairs, came from the local government. The one who came up immediately added.

Zhu Youtang was actually not sure about the reaction of the local magistrate. Now with Li Si's reminder, he nodded gently and said: Good!.

Your Majesty, in recent years, there has been collusion between government and businessmen in the tea and horse industry. Private tea has become more and more rampant, making tea cheap and expensive and foreigners getting it easily. I think that I can send an imperial envoy to control private tea, so that the price of tea can be guaranteed. It's easy to get more horses! Li Yu, the official minister, also added.

Zhu Youtang knew that moths would inevitably grow in profitable places, so he nodded gently and said: Good!.

Your Majesty's five military and political policies are in perfect harmony. The veteran has nothing to add at the moment! They will be promulgated today. If there are any problems in the future, we will correct them at that time. According to the veteran's opinion, this is a good policy for strengthening the army. The Ming Dynasty It will be a prosperous and prosperous age! Wan An had slowly become loyal to the young emperor in front of him as if he were Emperor Cheng Hua, so he expressed his stance sincerely.

Although Liu Ji and others knew that it would cost a lot of military expenditures, Zhu Youtang's statement that If you don't plan for the world, you can't plan for a moment. If you don't plan for the overall situation, you can't plan for a region. They were speechless. That's fine.

But sometimes, he had to wonder why the late emperor suddenly became so wise after his death. Did such words really come from the late emperor's stammering mouth?

Does it mean that you will become stronger if you die? Do you want me to try?

Seeing that the five military and political policies had been adopted, Zhu Youtang continued the discussion and said: I have been very embarrassed when I sat down in court in the early morning, and many of my ministers were absent from court or tired, so I decided to revoke them. From now on, we will pay attention to the ceremony of the palace. We should discuss the important matters here. We should go to court as usual during the first lunar month. We should go to court regularly every month and leave the rest! Do you think this is appropriate?

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