Rule the Ming Dynasty Alone

Chapter 120 Yangzhou Dream

The ten-mile-long street is lined with markets, and you can watch the gods on the Moonlight Bridge.

Life is only suitable for death in Yangzhou, where the Zen wisdom mountain is bright and the tomb field is beautiful.

Yangzhou City, a prosperous and picturesque ancient city in the south of the Yangtze River with a ten-mile long bluestone street, is a place that has fascinated countless literati throughout the ages.

Because it is located in a plain, with fertile land and rich water resources, it has been an important grain-producing area since ancient times. However, the most commendable thing is the Huai salt that has the highest quality in the country, making Yangzhou Prefecture the largest salt production base in China.

Although the handicraft industry in Yangzhou is far inferior to that of Su Song, thanks to the transfer of the Huaihe River to the Huaihe River, the Si Yamen is located here, and the richest salt merchants in the world gather here. It can be said that this is the most prosperous place in the southeast.

Even though there is no Qinhuai River in Nanjing, there are many brothels here and a ten-mile long green brick street, which shows the style of a prosperous city in the south of the Yangtze River.

“When it comes to fireworks, Yangzhou is definitely the place!”

When I get here, I feel like I'm a groom every day!

Stop bragging, Miss Liu Yan has already revealed your story!

Since the end of the Spring Festival, salt merchants from the southern Zhili area have gathered in Yangzhou City, so this time of year is the busiest time in Yangzhou City.

The people of Yangzhou City have long been accustomed to this. Which salt merchant spends a lot of money on which brothel girl, and which courtesan gives how much gold to the salt merchant from whom. These are the topics they talk about after dinner.

It's just that prosperity has always belonged only to the upper class, and the living conditions of the people at the bottom are actually not as beautiful as many people think, and there is even a hint of helplessness.

Painted boats ride on the spring dawn smoke, and the city is filled with silk pipes and elm money.

The adopted daughter of a thousand families teaches music first, and planting flowers ten miles away counts as farming.

Due to the prosperity of the entertainment industry, many people make a living by growing flowers, and some people have taught their daughters to play music since they were young. Naturally, there are many adopted daughters from all over the country.

Although the poem Dream of Yangzhou sleeps for ten years is very beautiful, the prosperous age boasted by the civil servant group is ultimately only the prosperous age of a few people, and Yangzhou is one of the representatives.

Although Zhu Youtang, who is far away in the capital, has already heard about the prosperity of Yangzhou, he was an excellent industry researcher in his previous life, so he can naturally see that Yangzhou is a false prosperity.

If China's economy wants to truly take off, it needs industries that can continue to create value, rather than entertainment areas for the rich that are fostered by stealing salt profits.

It is also for this reason that after he ascended the throne, he was not keen on so-called reforms. Instead, he wanted to target Yangzhou directly and make these worms pay the price with blood.

History may not be able to stop the daughter of a thousand families teaches music first, and planting flowers ten miles away counts as farming, but even if he abandons Hongzhi and ZTE, he will still support Wang Yue in cleaning up this place.

Not far from Si Yamen, the transfer envoy of Huaidu and Huaidu, there is a brothel called Yangzhou Dream, where salt merchants from all over southern Zhili gather.

How many citations will the imperial court release this year?

The new emperor spent a lot of money on his ascension to the throne. It must not be worse than last year, right?

It doesn't matter how much he puts in, I've already decided the lead in advance!

A large group of salt merchants who were familiar with each other gathered in the hall of the brothel. Since the imperial court would release the salt at about this time, they were all preparing to transfer the salt from the Huaidu to Si Yamen to purchase the salt.

Although the Ming court's salt law still implemented the Kaizhong method, the use of salt to break silver had already appeared during the Chenghua period.

The Kaizhong method was designed to solve the military needs of the border army, but military supplies are not an endless bottomless pit. What's more, the Ming border troops in the Chenghua Dynasty reproduced the style of the Ming cavalry.

Taking the Battle of Weininghai as an example, the Tatars also wanted to attack Yansui. Yu Zijun, the Minister of War supported by the civil servant group, strongly opposed sending troops, but Wang Yue urged the eunuch Wang Zhi to send troops.

Xianzong Zhu Jianshen was a courageous monarch, but he did not adopt the opinions of Yu Zijun, the Minister of War, and other important ministers. Instead, he issued an edict to Wang Zhi to supervise the army, and Wang Yue, the admiral, went to attack Yisi Mayin.

Wang Yue and Wang Zhi lived up to their high expectations and led their troops to attack Yisimain's hometown of Weininghai, causing thousands of casualties to the opponent and achieving a great victory.

Since the military pay of the Ming Dynasty was divided into rations and line food, the stability of the nine sides actually reduced military expenditures, and the large number of commercial villages on the nine sides alleviated the military food problem, resulting in the accumulation of salt in the Huaihe River and Huaihe River in the 16th year of Chenghua.

The Ministry of Household Affairs decided to sell accumulated salt at a price of one to two to three cents, which was regarded as a benefit to the stability of Jiubian.

But the most difficult thing to guard against is the people's hearts. As soon as this hole was opened, the salt merchants in Lianghuai Province immediately saw business opportunities, and even saw the opportunity to surpass the Shanxi salt merchants in one fell swoop.

You only need to spend one or two or three dollars to get a Lianghuai salt quotation, and they have already established a relationship with Lianghuaidu Salt Transporter, and they have a monopoly market. This is simply a hugely profitable deal.

As everyone knows about the subsequent development, with their encouragement, the imperial court started the Yan Yin money printing press, which in turn forced Yan Yin to lower its price.

Nowadays, the imperial court sells accumulated salt every year at a discount of silver, which also allows the transfer of goods between the Huaihe River and the Huaihe River, giving the Si Yamen an additional avenue to make money.

A bald-headed broker stared at a salt merchant with an extraordinary bearing. He learned that the other person was a newcomer from Huguang. After learning the details, he patted his chest and said: Give me fifty taels, little one. I can arrange for you and the transfer envoy from the Huaihe River to meet here!

After Wang Yue escaped from the dock that night, he took off his tattered cotton-padded jacket and put on a suit of silk and satin, with a piece of beautiful jade hanging around his waist. He resolutely looked like a wealthy man.

In order to thoroughly understand the depth of the transshipment envoys in the Huaihe River and the Huaihe River, especially the silver shipped by the ship that night proved that the salt official's embezzlement was far greater than imagined, so he pretended to be a new salt merchant from Huguang.

Wang Yue knew very well that he should not act too hastily, so he raised his tea cup and said doubtfully, You are not blackmailing me, are you? Although I am involved in the salt industry in Yangzhou for the first time from Huguang, I will not seek medical treatment in a hurry!

Look what you said, you can ask anyone here casually, who doesn't know me, Zhu Laoliu? Besides, since you are going to make a big deal, do you care about this little bit of silver? Zhu Laoliu patted his chest, Then came the doubts.

Wang Yue took a sip of tea, nodded gently and said: It makes sense, I will believe you once! After saying that, he turned to look at Zhang Cai next to him, who even said happily He took out a large ingot of silver.

Wang Yue put down the tea cup and said with another smile: Put away the silver. It depends on you whether I can meet Mr. Li as I wish this time!

Facts have proved that people in the world can only believe half of what they say.

The next day in the elegant room of the Mengqinglou in Yangzhou, the person Zhu Laoliu brought over was not Li Zhiqing, the transfer envoy of the Huaihe River, but his Master Qiangu, a shrewd middle-aged man with a mustache.

Zhu Laoliu looked in awe of this master and solemnly introduced to Wang Yue: Exceptor Hu, this is Master Li Qiangu Master Li!

Aren't you going to introduce Mr. Li for us? Zhang Cai looked suspicious when he saw that it was not Li Zhiqing himself.

Zhu Laoliu was not embarrassed at all, but asked naturally: Look at what you said, can Mr. Li meet you in person?

In fact, it doesn't matter how much money you have. Li Zhiqing is a very cautious person and would never come forward in person on such matters. Even Master Li may not come forward in person.

Wang Yue seemed to have already guessed this, but he pretended to be worried and said: Well, that's true, but what should I do with the salt I want?

Executive member Hu, I wonder how many quotations you want this time? Master Li saw Wang Yue's extraordinary temperament at a glance, so he went straight to the point.

Wang Yue also had no idea, so he asked tentatively: Do you have two thousand citations? came all the way from Huguangda, do you have to do this? Master Li glanced at Zhu Laoliu next to him, and said disappointedly to Wang Yue.

Wang Yue knew that the other party might be testing him, so he looked very calm and said: I'm afraid I'll ask for too much, but you don't have one! Besides, I'm new to the salt industry, so it's impossible for me to lose all my wealth at once!

Just be rest assured, there's nothing we can't give you! Master Li said with relief when he saw that Wang Yue was more cautious than himself.

Wang Yue picked up the tea cup and took a sip of tea, then asked tentatively: Is there even ten thousand words?

I can make the decision for you and give you an upper limit of five thousand! Master Li saw that the other party did have some background, so he promised directly.

Wang Yue put down the tea cup and asked the question he was most concerned about: Okay, but what's the price?

Today's silver payment is eight cents and four cents set by the court, but the salt fee... four cents per cent! Master Li stared at Wang Yue's eyes and said the price.

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