Rule the Ming Dynasty Alone

Chapter 160 The case is unfair and the old people should be punished

The officials described by the writers of history books are like the girls in the mouth of the old bustard. It seems that each of them is a virtuous minister who cannot eat the fireworks of the world, but the reality is so unbearable.

In the 19th year of Chenghua, even the civil servants with history pens could only leave a faint brushstroke. The causes and consequences of this incident exposed the ugly face of the entire group.

Civil servants have always exaggerated the concept of sharing a peaceful and prosperous age above diplomacy. When facing Mongolia, they always choose a defensive strategy.

Even Yu Zijun, who was the Minister of War at the time, was an out-and-out peace seeker. As for the British Duke Zhang Mao and other military honors, their blood had long been wiped out by the extravagant life.

Fortunately, the Chenghua Emperor Zhu Jianshen was not a weak person. He used the official system to challenge the civil service group internally, and he dared to take tough military actions externally.

The emergence of the combination of Wang Yue and Wang Zhi was a loud slap in the face for the Lord Harmony Sect.

The two of them did not believe the story of the coming wolf told by Zhu He at all, and directly led the cavalry to Mengting, beating the Mongolian troops who were deified by the civilian officials to the ground.

After the great victory at Weininghai, their lies about the boy who cried wolf were directly exposed. The main faction of the imperial court regarded Wang Yue and Wang Zhi as a thorn in their side.

In June of the 18th year of Chenghua, the Tatars invaded Yansui and other places. Wang Yue and Wang Zhi mobilized troops to assist them. They were trapped in the Haogou of the city wall and suffered a major defeat. It is said in history that no one dares to invade the border again. The army and the people of Sui are relieved. Xianzong increased the king's salary by fifty dan.

No matter how many Tatars these two men killed and how many border residents they saved, in the eyes of civil servants, they were the culprits who disrupted the blessing of shared peace.

This has been the case for the Lords and Factions of all dynasties. Although this battle is not as good as others, when it comes to conspiracy, it is naturally easy to capture.

In particular, Datong, controlled by Wang Yue and Wang Zhi, simply cut off the smuggling route from Shanxi to Mongolia, which inadvertently offended many people.

Just like this, even though conflicts within the civil service group continue, a conspiracy against the two people has quietly begun.

They used the method of defeating them one by one. The civil servants headed by Wan'an suggested to Xianzong that Wang Yue be transferred to Yansui as the commander-in-chief, and they said beautifully: Change the defense.

After transferring Wang Yue away from Datong, they finally controlled the personnel power of the army and easily transferred the obedient Xu Ning, the grandson of Yongxin Bo Xu Gui, to Datong as the commander-in-chief.

Since Yong Xinbo was exposed, he was not hereditary, but Xu Ning also became the hereditary commander. Tongzhi, the governor of the Leiguan office, is now serving as the commander-in-chief of Datong. This is naturally a big promotion.

He came to Datong with a mission. He would violate everything and was headstrong, openly challenging Wang Zhi.

Wang Zhi is a rare genius with a bit of arrogance in his character. The only one who can make him bow his head is the emperor. Naturally, he can't tolerate this idiot martial arts kid, so he ignores Xu Ning.

But everything had already fallen into a conspiracy spun by civilian officials. Due to the general rift in Datong, Datong Governor Guo Boring immediately brought the matter to the capital.

Prior to this, Kedao officials had written memorials to impeach Wang Zhi, thus driving a wedge between Emperor Chenghua and Wang Zhi.

In this operation against Wang Zhi and Wang Yue, since Emperor Chenghua had already lost trust in the civil servants, he still needed the cooperation of people in the palace.

Huai'en was a true peace-seeking faction. As early as the 14th year of Chenghua, the Jurchens in Jianzhou invaded the border, and Chen Yue, the governor of Liaodong, tried to cover up the killing of soldiers who had rebelled against him for committing crimes. Wang Zhi wanted to go and deal with it.

Huaien, the chief minister of etiquette at the time, believed that Wang Zhi's visit would inevitably cause trouble, so he proposed to send ministers there. Ma Wensheng responded quickly, and people at the time called Huaien a wise eunuch.

Huai'en had already resented Wang Zhi, and now he naturally got involved, constantly looking for opportunities to stir up trouble in front of Xianzong.

Xianzong gradually became disappointed with the court. At this time, he was addicted to Taoism. Faced with Wang Zhi who was constantly being attacked, he finally agreed to demote Wang Zhi to be transferred to Nanjing to be a eunuch in charge of the royal horse.

At that time, Zhu Jianshen probably just wanted to get Wang Zhi out of the center of the whirlpool of struggle, and retained the idea of ​​using Wang Zhi again in the future.

However, the civil service group did not intend to stop here, but chose to continue to pursue Wang Zhi fiercely.

Xu Yong, the imperial censor, impeached Wang Zhi for the crime of deceiving the emperor and neglecting his superiors, so he demoted Wang Zhi, who had not yet arrived in Nanjing, to serve as the Nanjing emperor. Soon, the censor of the right capital and the censor of the deputy capital, Tu Jie, joined forces to continue the impeachment of Wang Zhi. As a result, he was dismissed from office and deprived of his salary, and was deposed as an idler.

After successfully overthrowing Wang Zhi, another militant faction will also be liquidated.

It is undoubtedly much easier for them to deal with Wang Yue. Wang Yue does not have many holy relatives, but he still likes to write poems. Poetry and resentment were the only evidence they could get, but it was enough to make Wang Yuewei Ning Bo's official rank and banished to Anlu.

The most powerful duo in the history of Datong has since fallen apart. Wang Yue and Wang Zhi have been guarding Datong, which has been safe for the past two years. As expected, something is going to happen.

After Wang Zhi left, they replaced Cai Xin, a very obedient eunuch, who was responsible for the border defense of Datong with the equally obedient Datong general Xu Ning and governor Guo Yong.

Just one month later, the little Tatar prince invaded Datong. With only ten men, he lured the commander-in-chief Xu Ning and the supervisor Cai Xin into an ambush. More than a thousand people were killed in the battle, and they returned with a great defeat.

But this defeat was not over. The two sides fought ten times, and Xu Ning retreated and did not dare to fight again. The little prince no longer had any threat, so he robbed property and people around Datong.

After this defeat, the more exciting part happened.

This group of civil servants who always claimed to be loyal to the emperor and patriotic faced this defeat and learned that the Datong Army had killed two thousand people and that a large amount of property and people in the border areas had been robbed. They actually chose to conceal the matter.

Two thousand lonely souls and Datong border residents were looted, and it turned out to be a secret matter.

It was not until nearly a year later that the Datong Inspector saw that Xu Ning, the commander-in-chief, and Cai Xin, the supervisor, were still following the officials of the peace-seeking faction to force the border troops and people to build the border wall. After all, they chose to report the matter secretly to Xianzong of the Ming Dynasty.

At this point, the defeat of Datong was made public, and Xianzong was furious.

Ordinarily, the commander-in-chief Xu Ning and the eunuch Cai Xin who committed serious crimes should be executed. It's just that the Ministry of War only demoted Cai Xin three levels in a row because they were new to their posts, while Xu Ning just stayed idle.

In the view of the peace-seeking officials, the two thousand lonely souls of the Ming Dynasty are insignificant, as long as they can continue to enjoy the blessing of peace. It's just that Wang Zhi has feelings for the soldiers who died in Datong, and Wang Yue has already regarded many soldiers as brothers.

Although the murderer was a little Mongolian prince, the two thousand soldiers and border people who were killed were actually the peace seekers who were bent on pursuing the blessing of peace. Cai Xin and Xu Ning deserved to be killed.

This old incident was actually like a thorn in Wang Yue's heart.

Wang Yue did not reveal his true thoughts, but focused his gaze on the execution platform. A hundred officials had lined up neatly, waiting for him to order the execution.

Woo hoo... I don't want to die!

I only took two hundred taels, is that much?

God, why do you allow such evil people to be in high positions?

High positions should be occupied by virtuous people. How could Wang Shichang be so virtuous? It's unfair!

At this time, the execution platform was already bursting into tears. Even though these officials were once sages who could not eat the fireworks of the world, they were still afraid of death, and even complained against Wang Yue.

They did not repent, but resented why Wang Yue was appointed as the imperial envoy.

Tears also welled up in the eyes of Liang Xian, the magistrate of Taizhou, and he suddenly directed his anger at Wang Yue and said: Wang Yue, you kill local officials so indiscriminately, aren't you afraid of ruining the peaceful and prosperous era, and aren't you afraid that history is like iron?

It's not yet three quarters past noon. Do you want to have a debate? Wang Zhi fanned himself with a fan, but Dadi encouraged him without hesitation.

Guan Gu, you should be cut into pieces by a thousand cuts!

In this bullshit peaceful age, you eat and drink every day, but my life is worse than that of a dog!

Mom, have you seen this? These damn people finally got their comeuppance, and someone finally upheld justice!

There was no need for Wang Yue to stand up and argue. Today, many Taizhou people came here just to witness the evil-doing Taizhou magistrate Liang Xian, and immediately started to insult him.

They don't know if this is a peaceful time, but now they just want to crush these corrupt officials into ashes.

Wang Zhi looked at this scene with an interesting look, and immediately took up a pen again, preparing to write down what happened here on the other side of the fan.

Are you writing again? Can Your Majesty read it? Wang Yue noticed that Wang Zhi had become a daily official and couldn't help but say.

Wang Zhi wrote in his own way, appearing very natural and authentic: It's your Majesty's business whether you want to read it or not. The Zajia family has to write a letter every day, and didn't I reply to the letter last time?

Wang Gong, you seem to have changed? Wang Yue found that Wang Zhi had become more stable and couldn't help but sigh.

Wang Zhi smiled miserably, but stopped writing and looked at the sky and said: Because like you, I still care about the lives of those two thousand Datong soldiers! I don't want to say whether I want to kill the little prince in revenge, Xu and Cai Er Man, is this really the case? Now that the limelight has passed, it is said that someone has recommended Xu Ning to be the commander of the capital. Does such a person deserve to enjoy glory and wealth?

Wang Yue was silent. He really couldn't let go. He even thought about dying in Anlu.

Ugh...I don't want to die!

I still have one hundred thousand taels at home, and I'm willing to use it to buy my life!

Didn't the imperial court atone for its sins by losing millet? I am willing to donate my family wealth!

I have two beautiful concubines that I would like to offer together. Please be kind to me!

The officials on the execution platform noticed that the shadow of the flagpole was getting smaller and smaller, and the last trace of scholarly restraint was gone, but they all begged for mercy.

Ordinarily, by this time they had no possibility of survival, but a hundred officials had an influence on each other, causing some officials to think that they could really buy their lives, so the number of requests became more and more frequent.

When the people watching the execution saw this scene, although they despised the moral integrity of these officials, they were also worried that the prison officer would change his mind at a moment's notice, so they couldn't help but turn their heads to look at the execution platform with worry.

Wang Yue's expression did not change. When he heard that the time had come, he immediately took out a fire stick from the bamboo tube, threw it into the open space in front of him and said, Kick!.

Keep coding and try to get another update!

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