Rule the Ming Dynasty Alone

Chapter 184 What is the intention of the thousands of horses and mules heading south?

In the scorching summer, the grass and trees hang their heads, the birds and animals have lost their traces, and only the heat-resistant sheep are gnawing on the green grass.

A few shepherds were sitting under trees or rocks to enjoy the cool air. When they heard their stomachs growling, they did not intend to do anything to their flocks, but planned where to get some food.

One of the shepherds with a broken arm pointed in the west direction, and the other five people immediately understood it, but they knew that they were going to rob the Minkeli tribe over there.

According to their rules of survival, as long as they are strong enough, they can plunder anything.

call out! call out! call out!

A Mongolian cavalry suddenly appeared on the hillside. Before the shepherds could react, they had already drawn their bows and arrows, and arrows were shot from the hillside.

puff! puff! puff!

Several shepherds were trying to escape, but sharp arrows had been shot into their bodies. The shepherd with a broken arm was pierced through the throat by a sharp arrow and died on the spot.

In this land, killing has become a commonplace thing.

There is no rule of law.

No mercy.


Some are naked predators of the weak.

Damn the Minkeli tribe, I'm at odds with you! A shepherd who was lucky enough to escape got on his horse and ran towards the east, angrily saying to the Mongolian cavalry who came for revenge.

puff! puff! puff!

The cavalry leader of the Minkeli tribe ignored the shepherds who had fled. When he saw someone here who was not dead after being hit by an arrow, he immediately stepped forward to hit him.

The area is stained red with blood, but in this land without the rule of law, it has become commonplace.

It's just that this group of shepherds brought it all on themselves. They came to rob, but they even killed the daughter afterwards. So naturally, someone came to cut their scum into pieces.

Tumochuan, sweat tent.

News that the Minkeli tribe frequently killed their Dayuan people continued to spread from the west, causing the leaders of various tribes in the Dayuan to gather together to discuss countermeasures here.

Dayan Khan is now a strong young man of fifteen years old, with a maturity that does not match his age, and is sitting on the tiger-skin seat.

I don’t know whether it is true or not, but many people claim that Dayan Khan and Genghis Khan were carved from the same mold.

Originally, this kind of thing could not be verified at all, but after more people said it, many people gradually began to believe it, even Dayan Khan thought so.

Khan Yanhan is a man with a proud temperament. He has followed Mandu Hai in the north and south in battles since he was a child. He has also been injured. Now he has slowly grown into a brave general in battle.

Faced with the frequent harassment from the Minkeli tribe, the young Khan immediately expressed his position: This matter can no longer be tolerated. Let's gather people to fight against the Minkeli tribe, and we must kill them without leaving a single piece of armor behind!

When Master Tuohuochi heard Dayan Khan's statement, he knew that the young Khan in front of him was too impulsive, but he looked at his nose with his eyes and his heart with his nose.

The tribal leaders had watched Dayan Khan grow up, and were accustomed to the young Khan's impulsiveness, but they all remained silent like old foxes.

Zhiyuan Tongha coughed lightly, then turned to look at the middle-aged woman sitting next to him and said respectfully: Mandu Haihatun, what do you think?

In this sweat tent, the person who receives the most attention and love is not Dayan Khan, but Manduhai, a middle-aged Mongolian woman sitting next to Dayan Khan.

Manduhai is over forty years old, with a slightly chubby face, healthy wheat-colored skin, and a very strong body. She is wearing the traditional clothing of a Mongolian woman, with a dash of heroism between her brows.

She is from the Wangji tribe, which is a special tribe among many Mongolian tribes. The women of this tribe are generations-old in-laws of Genghis Khan's golden family.

In the eyes of later generations, this kind of thing is not considered an honor, but the people of the Wangji tribe have always been complacent, and the women of the Wangji tribe are proud to marry a man from Genghis Khan's golden family.

Manduhai has also been influenced by this kind of thinking since he was a child, so he has always been obsessed with marrying a man from Genghis Khan's golden family.

She first married Mongol Khan Mandulu, a descendant of the golden family of Gis Khan, and gave birth to two daughters with Mandulu. However, Mandulu died four years after he reigned. Due to the lack of heirs, there was a dispute over the Khan's throne.

Originally, according to Mongolian tradition, the next Great Khan could inherit his wife, tribe, property, cattle and sheep.

It was just that the circumstances at that time were special, and things eventually evolved into the idea that whoever could marry Manduhai would be able to take over Mandulu's old subordinates, and thus ascend to the position of Great Khan.

Faced with the temptation of such huge interests, countless tribal leaders wanted to marry Manduhai, so as to ascend to the position of Great Khan by taking over Mandulu's old tribe.

Manduhai has been highly skilled in martial arts since she was a child, and has outstanding political and military talents. She is a woman with considerable opinions and ambitions.

Facing countless suitors, she made a decision that shocked everyone in the prairie, but she chose Dayan Khan, who was only four years old.

Many people don't understand her choice, but she has quietly taken the first step towards her ambition.

Similar to Cao Cao, who held the emperor hostage to order the princes, after marrying Dayan Khan who was only four years old, she took up the banner of safeguarding Genghis Khan's golden family to unify Mongolia through Dayan Khan.

The Golden Family of Genghis Khan was indeed so glorious that many tribes still miss the period when the Golden Family ruled, so they all support Manduhai.

Manduhai inherited the 10,000 households directly under Mandulu Khan and part of the former deputy Khan Bayan Munch. Now it has the banner of safeguarding the unification of Mongolia by Genghis Khan's golden family, and has resolutely become one of the top powers in the grassland.

Ordinarily, Dayan Khan was young and Manduru should recuperate, but making Dayan Khan, who was only four years old, the heir was only the first step in her ambition.

After Manduhai took power, he did not stop the pace of unifying Mongolia.

Her first goal was to conquer the old enemies of the Oirat tribe in Mongolia. Since Dayan Khan was young, Manduhai put him in a quiver and carried him on his body for protection.

Manduhai personally led the cavalry to go out, clearing the way for the Kehuiketen tribe, and went to the land of Tesibuldu to fight the Oirat tribe. After a great victory, he subdued 40,000 Oirat tribesmen.

In the 19th year of Chenghua, the most powerful Grand Master Yisima Yin was severely damaged by the coalition forces of Manduhai and Wuliangha. Grand Master Yisima Yin luckily escaped to his lair in the north of Hami and finally saved his life. .

In the 22nd year of Chenghua, the desperate Yisima Yin Taishi could not escape their suppression. Manduhai's general Tuohuo Chi shot him dead.

At this point, after the killing of Taishi Yisiyin, the large and small lords of the Mongolian left wing have surrendered to Manduhai, and now the biggest opponents are the Oara and Mekeli tribes.

Although Manduhai has been unifying Mongolia in the name of Dayan Khan, Manduhai has been in charge for so many years, and now she is actually in charge.

Great Khan, the strength of the Minkeli tribe cannot be underestimated! Even if we want to conquer it, our supplies can no longer keep up, so it is not appropriate to send troops to the Minkeli tribe immediately! Manduhai is a real master, and he should be treated as such. Explain the current plight of the tribe.

Although they are a people on horseback and can rely on their strong hunting ability to replenish their own supplies, this method can never be 100% effective, and they actually always carry dry food.

What's more, they have been fighting within Mongolia for many years, resulting in a sharp decline in bows, arrows and horses, so now they are motivated but unable to conquer the Minkeli tribe.

Dayan Khan's character was reckless. Although he maintained respect for Manduhai, he still frowned and said: Their Minkeli tribe is harassing us frequently now. Should we just sit back and watch?

Great Khan, of course we can't just sit idly by! Manduhai was more determined than anyone else to unify Mongolia, so he looked at Dayan Khan seriously and said his strategy: Our top priority in the Yuan Dynasty is to trade tribute and trade with the Ming Dynasty. , in exchange for supplies from Daming, we can then fight against the Min Keli tribe for a long time, and we will definitely be able to completely eliminate the Min Keli tribe!

Now that they have harassed the large and small lords of the Mongolian left wing, their strength is naturally higher than that of the Minkeli tribe, but it is not easy to encircle and suppress the Minkeli tribe on the grassland.

For example, the Ming Dynasty's military strength was obviously far superior to theirs, but they were not afraid of the Ming army at all. Even if the Ming court sends a large army to invade, they can retreat to the north without facing a head-on confrontation with the Ming army.

Similarly, the Min Keli Tribe was originally strong, but now if Dayuan wants to defeat the Min Keli Tribe, they also need to go through a long-term siege to have a chance to completely defeat it.

The Khalkha tribe and other tribal leaders couldn't help but nodded gently, and they felt very relieved that Manduhai was in charge.

Then let the Minkeli tribe be arrogant for a while longer! Dayan Khan did not dare to disobey Manduhai's decision, and pretended to agree.

Master Tuohuochi was Manduhai's confidant general. He immediately turned to look at Dayan Khan and said, Great Khan, I wonder what's going on with the Ming court. Have they agreed to trade tributes and mutual trade?

After all, Dayan Khan was still a boy of fourteen or fifteen years old, but he relied on his confidant Zhiyuan Tongha for this kind of diplomatic matter, so he turned to look at Tongha.

Zuo Yu, the governor of Datong, is a man who is greedy for life and afraid of death. The previous report deliberately exaggerated the strength of our troops to suppress the border, which will definitely aggravate the panic of the Ming court! According to reports from Datong officials, the Ming court has never sent more troops to Datong, and even officials None of them have been changed. Based on my understanding of the Ming Emperor, they have absolutely no reason to refuse our Yuan tribute! Zhiyuan Tongha has been paying attention to the situation in Datong and promised very optimistically.

We have already paid tribute to them, and the Ming Dynasty naturally wants it!

The Ming court wants us to pay tribute, but this time we call ourselves Emperor Yuan!

Our Khan is the Great Khan of the Yuan Dynasty, how can the Ming court deny it?

If their city walls hadn't been strong enough, our Great Yuan would have wiped them all out!

Now that we, the Yuan Dynasty, are paying tribute to them, the peace-seeking faction in the Ming court will burn incense!

It's not just the peace-seeking faction. I think the Ming Emperor will definitely hold a banquet to congratulate him when he learns about this!

In response to the Ming court's reaction, Mongolian Zhenbu Huoshai and other tribal leaders expressed their opinions one after another.

Although some people were worried, due to their understanding of the Ming court, the voice that the Ming court compromised became the absolute mainstream.

Originally, several tribal leaders were worried that the Ming Emperor would not agree, but seeing how strongly everyone believed that the Ming Emperor would compromise, they all rejected their earlier judgments.

Today, the tribal leaders came here to discuss, in addition to the issue of the Min Keli tribe, what was more important was to discuss the next trip to pay tribute to the Ming Dynasty.

Manduhai was interested in cultivating his chosen young husband, so he looked at Dayan Khan and said seriously: Great Khan, you have full authority to handle the tribute and exchange trade with the Ming Dynasty this time! Now our top priority is to unify all the Mongolian tribes, only the Ming Dynasty Only through mutual trading can we replenish enough supplies, so we must pay attention to it this time!

After so many years of fighting, not to mention other tribes, even their own tribes are severely lacking in supplies. Not to mention that the number of arrows was already insufficient, and even a pot for cooking was hard to find.

Summer days are better now, but if winter comes, it will be too difficult for the tribe to cook without a pot.

No matter how hard they squeezed out the Ming court, judging from the current situation in Mongolia, their Yuan Dynasty really needed this ally with sufficient supplies.

Hatun, please rest assured that I will handle this matter properly! Although Dayan Khan did not like paying tribute to the Ming court, he expressed his stance seriously for the sake of the overall situation.

Manduhai nodded lightly, but he knew that Dayanhan had agreed to something and would not break his promise.

She actually had hidden worries in her heart. Originally, if the Yuan Dynasty lowered its stance a little, the Ming Dynasty would have no reason to refuse their request for a mutual trade of tribute from the Yuan Dynasty. However, Dayan Khan actually followed the advice of Zhiyuan Tongha and used the Great Yuan Great Khan. Self-proclaimed.

However, she also felt that she was worrying too much. After all, the emperor of Ming Dynasty was not as good as the previous generation, and the important ministers of the Ming court were all people who were greedy for prosperity. There was really no reason to refuse them the truce that the Yuan Dynasty had given them from the Ming Dynasty.

Just imagine, they had to capture the Ming Emperor first, but now their Ming Dynasty must not be much weaker.

Since they had already decided to send envoys to the Ming Dynasty, and with the guarantee of Zhiyuan Tongha, everyone began to report the number of horses and mules going to the Datong Exchange after finalizing the number of envoys from each tribe.

Our Khalkha tribe will provide 1,000 horses!

Our Mongolian Zhenbu will provide 1,000 horses!

Our Ordos department will send 2,000 horses!

The leaders of each tribe were as if they were on fire, but they wanted to take this opportunity to go to Datong to exchange for more supplies, so they reported to the tunnel one after another.

After counting, Zhiyuan Tongha couldn't help but take a breath of cold air. The total number had reached 10,000 horses and mules, of which more than 90% were horses.

According to the conversion of Ming Dynasty silver taels, if a horse is calculated as ten taels, then the supplies each tribe wants to exchange for in Datong this time are as high as one hundred thousand taels.

One hundred thousand taels of supplies will undoubtedly greatly resolve their predicament, and this trip will definitely be a fruitful return.


At the end of the meeting, Manduhai suddenly felt an itchiness in his nose and sneezed loudly, but there was a faint feeling of uneasiness in his heart.

A Mongolian girl appeared like a colorful butterfly, but she pestered Manduhai who was just about to leave and said: Eji, my daughter wants to go as an envoy to the Ming Dynasty with her!

Faced with the girl's request, Manduhai suddenly said displeased: Yixi, you are about to get married, why are you still thinking about running around?

Ixi is the daughter of Manduhai and Mandulu. Because of her pure and lovely appearance and very lively personality, she is known as the first pearl of the grassland and is pursued by many tribal leaders.

Eji, just obey your daughter this time. My daughter wants to go to the capital of the Ming Dynasty to gain more knowledge! Yikesi shook Manduhai's arm and begged pitifully.

Dayan Khan found that those charming eyes suddenly glared at him, and he said with excitement: Hatun, why don't you let Princess Ixi go!

Manduhai originally did not want his daughter to be involved in danger, but seeing his daughter pleading hard and Dayan Khan standing up to plead for mercy, he reluctantly agreed.

The advantage of horses and mules is that they can move quickly. After the horses and mules from various tribes gathered in Tumochuan, these tens of thousands of horses and mules immediately followed the mission towards Datong.

Zhiyuan Tongha has always been in charge of the exchange of tribute and trade with the Ming Dynasty, and has the closest relationship with the Ming Dynasty, so this time he is sent to the Ming Dynasty as the envoy of the Yuan Dynasty.

As for the distinguished Princess Ixi, she went there disguised as an ordinary member of the mission.

In just two days, the border wall of Datong was in sight.


A flute sounded, and countless Datong soldiers rushed to the pass near the town, looking like they were facing a formidable enemy.

Chen Jian, the deputy general of Datong, discovered that these Tatars were driving a large number of horses and mules, so he asked with some confusion: What do you want?

I am Zhiyuan Tongha, the envoy of the Yuan Dynasty. Please report to the governor as soon as possible and ask the governor to arrange for our delegation to go to the capital to pay tribute! Zhiyuan Tongha did not take the general in his eyes and said arrogantly. The intention is genuine.

The soldiers standing on the pass looked at each other, but they didn't understand which song the other party was singing, or were they pretending to be stupid on purpose?

Chen Jian, the deputy commander-in-chief of Datong, pointed to the Huang Jin memorandum hanging on the top of the city, but said in a calm voice: Didn't you send someone over to read this memorandum two days ago?


The little leader who came to inspect the sentry was immediately dumbfounded and turned to look at Zhiyuan Tongha in fear.

Zhiyuan Tongha realized something was wrong, and immediately asked: What do you mean by this? Does it mean that your Ming Emperor doesn't agree that our Yuan Dynasty can't pay tribute?

Haha... should you read this memorandum carefully yourself, or should I, the general, read it for you? Chen Jian asked with a raised eyebrow, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

what happened?

Master Zhiyuan, I am illiterate. I...I came here two days ago and thought it was a flag to welcome us. Who...who knew it was a message!

What exactly is written on it?

Since ancient times, emperors have ruled the world, and they have always stayed in China to control the barbarians, and the barbarians have lived outside to serve China. Now the little prince wants to become an emperor and stand on his own, but he refuses to surrender. This is beyond the power of my strong power! I, the people of China, cannot be tolerated by Heaven. I will definitely live in China...

Dayan Khan and those self-righteous Mongolian tribal leaders were probably ashamed of themselves here. They kept saying that they would succumb to their Ming Emperor, but the Ming Emperor came and slapped them hard.

There is no mutual trade between tribute and tribute, and there will be an incompatible war.

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