Rule the Ming Dynasty Alone

Chapter 417 Happy New Year to Hongzhi’s fifth year!

The New Year atmosphere in Beijing is very strong this year, and the sound of firecrackers can be heard from time to time.

Thanks to the rapid development of the capital's textile industry, the textile industry now drives the capital's economy, resulting in many people throughout the capital being able to enjoy the dividends of development.

The economic principles of a city and a country are actually the same. If the capital can maintain a continuous trade surplus, then the money flowing in will feed the people of the entire capital through various industries.

Nowadays, people in the capital are no longer limited to working in related industries such as growing cotton and dyeing cloth. As the consumption level in the capital increases, it also drives employment in related fields.

Especially when the price of rice soared, other farmers who grew fruits and vegetables also benefited. As a result, people in the capital now often get good returns for their hard work.

Now that the Spring Festival is approaching, everyone's pockets are bulging and they are buying more New Year's goods than in previous years to enjoy this better and better life.

“The Spring Festival in Beijing is really lively!”

It's only been like this these past few years. It wasn't like this before!

Actually, the current emperor is wise and the people of the capital can live a good life!

The servants and guards who came with Yin Zhi were all from Jiangxi. There were old people who had followed Yin Zhi before and newcomers experiencing the Spring Festival in the capital for the first time, but they all expressed emotion.

Yin Zhi closed his eyes and rested in the sedan chair, naturally hearing the conversation outside.

In fact, he feels this change more deeply. Not only has he been an official in the capital for decades, but he also went to the capital to take the exam and integrated into the lower class of Beijing. Naturally, he can be more aware of the invisible changes here.

Although the current emperor is indeed not like the Mingjun praised in history books, let alone rule from the top, he has basically not stopped since he ascended the throne.

The initial reorganization of the Beijing camp directly took over military power, and then Wang Yue was appointed to organize the salt administration. Then he cracked down on the most profitable financial industry in the country. When the Yellow River was seriously affected, he even regained Jianzhou and resettled millions of disaster victims.

Even now, it has not stopped. While it continues to vigorously promote maritime trade, it also resolutely abolishes the silver standard and cracks down on the Jiangnan landlord class and Japanese daimyo to jointly mine silver mines.

However, under the derivation of the idea of ​​empty talk will harm the country, but hard work will rejuvenate the country, although the entire Ming Dynasty was not called Hongzhi Zhongxing, it showed the scene of a prosperous age.

Yin Zhi no longer bothered about what Mingjun should be, but decided to focus on the current people and work hard to assist Emperor Hongzhi to create a prosperous age.

At this moment, he has quietly assumed the role of Governor of Zhejiang.

Compared with Liu Ji and Xu Qiong, he actually prefers to be Wang Yue. Now the resistance in Jiangnan obviously comes from the landlord class. If you want the landlord class in Jiangnan to obey the imperial decree, the only way to do it is by using absolutely tough methods like the emperor and Wang Yue.

He was originally a kind-hearted person, but for the sake of the Ming Dynasty and tens of millions of people, he could only learn the Shura body like Wang Yue.

Just as Yin Zhi was thinking about what to do, the sedan chair had already returned to Yin's house.

Because the wind was very strong today and there were a few snowflakes floating in the sky, the bearer did not lower the sedan in the front yard, but gently lowered it in the sedan hall.

Mrs. Yin seemed very virtuous. When she learned that Yin Zhi had returned, she led her family members to welcome him out.

Of course, Yin Zhi was suddenly called into the palace. This was something that rarely happened before, so she was a little curious in her heart.

Yin Zhi had a slight expression on his face, but his eyes fell on the fat man behind his wife, and a look of surprise flashed through his eyes.

Brother-in-law! Zheng Yan originally had a fat figure, but now he was even more well-dressed and said hello.

Yin Zhi had already regarded his brother-in-law as a relative, but after the joy in his heart passed, he looked very confused and said: Seriously, why did you come to Beijing?

Since the disputed case in Jiangxi ended, Zheng Zheng has become more enthusiastic about doing business, and even started sea trade based on the advantages of Jiangxi ceramics.

Mrs. Yin glanced at her brother and coughed immediately.

I'm going to Beijing to accompany you and your sister to celebrate the New Year! Zheng said with a proud look on his face.

Mrs. Yin interrupted their conversation and said, It's cold outside, let's talk inside!

Yes, yes, it's cold outside! Zhengxin agreed, knowing that the brother-in-law in front of him was already the prime minister, and his body was more valuable than before, so he seemed to be more respectful.

Yin Zhi knew that Zheng Zheng could not just celebrate the New Year with him. After entering the Nuan Pavilion inside, he also asked with concern: Zhen Zhen, are all our elders okay?

Brother-in-law, I sincerely care about you. The family is well! He replied seriously, then took out the envelope he carried with him and said, Brother-in-law, everything is well at home. This is your letter from home. It was a little damaged on the road!

In this day and age, family letters are worth tens of thousands of dollars.

Yin Zhi left Jiangxi at the beginning of the year, and now it is almost a year in the blink of an eye, and he is actually very worried about him. It's just like living in this era, loyalty and filial piety cannot have both.

Just seeing that everything was well at home and the letters contained the concerns of my loved ones, I felt a warmth in my heart.

The butler put down a cup of hot tea and withdrew gently.

Yin Zhi picked up the teacup and felt the warmth, but he said straight to the point: Seriously, you haven't been at home for years, so you went to the capital specifically to go to the capital. I wonder what happened?


Seeing Yin Zhi see through everything seriously, Zheng Zhen couldn't help but look at his sister in embarrassment.

You guys chat, I'll prepare dinner! Mrs. Yin glanced at her brother with a look of displeasure, but she still cared for him.

When Zheng Zheng saw his sister leaving, he earnestly begged: Brother-in-law, I want you to write a note to Ningbo Shipping Department Zhao Tiju and Zhejiang Governor Zhang Jue to help me get back the merchant ship that was seized by the City Shipping Department?

Asshole! Didn't I tell you earlier that I will never engage in any malpractice for personal gain! Yin Zhi stopped the tea cup that was brought to his mouth and said sternly.

When Zheng Zheng saw that Yin Zhi was really angry, he immediately explained: Brother-in-law, listen to me first! This matter is not for you to show favoritism, but for you to write a note so that they can treat us Jiangxi businessmen fairly!

Ever since he saw the Southeast maritime merchants making a lot of money, his mind became active, but he and a few Jiangxi businessmen bought a batch of porcelain in Jingdezhen, hoping to sell the porcelain to Japan to make money.

Since he has been doing business for many years, whether it is sourcing goods or building a fleet to go to sea, he is familiar with these things. In fact, engaging in trade is very smooth.

We were already preparing to have a good year this year, but the seafood we didn’t want to ship back not only failed to be tax-free, but was also detained by the Municipal Shipping Department with both cargo and ship on suspicion of tax evasion.

He solemnly told the whole story, but continued to cry: Brother-in-law, I have never called on you, but they are really bullying people! You don't know how deep the water is in Zhejiang, and the boats of Jiangnan merchants are flowing smoothly No obstacle, but even if our Jiangxi ship has a golden Buddha, it has to take off its golden body to cross!

Jiangnan company? Yin Zhi was very concerned about things in Zhejiang and suddenly became interested.

Serious is a businessman who knows how to watch people's words, and he nodded solemnly: Brother-in-law, you don't know the situation in Jiangnan in the capital! The profits of this sea trade are too high, and the big families in Jiangnan have united. In fact, they just want to They want to squeeze out our Jiangxi Chamber of Commerce. To be honest with you, even if I am under your banner, there is no need to join them!

When you said that, I remembered that this year the tax revenue of the Shanghai Shipping Division decreased, but the tax revenue of the Ningbo Shipping Division increased. It seems that the Ningbo Shipping Division wants to get the tax money back from you! Yin Zhi drank. After a sip of tea, I immediately felt like I had some enlightenment.

The tax revenue from the Ministry of Household Affairs was no secret. When he saw the decrease in tax revenue from the Shanghai Shipping Department, he once thought that the Shanghai Shipping Department was the most abominable.

Judging from the feedback from his wife and brother, it turns out that Ningbo Shipping Company is not abiding by the law, but it also opens the door of convenience for Jiangnan companies, but it fills the shortfall by squeezing other small and medium-sized businessmen.

Comparing the two, Ningbo Shipping Company appears even more abominable.

Brother-in-law, do you know why I have to take this trip? If the Ningbo Shipping Company seizes the ship and fines it, we will admit it by pinching our noses! It's just that their Shipping Company dares to steal the money on the ship, so this trip We still have to make losses, so I don’t dare to negotiate a relationship and go back to the ship. I can only hope to use your name to make them not dare to covet the money on our ship.”

It was not easy to travel to the capital. If he hadn't learned that the Ningbo Shipping Company dared to empty the seized ship's silver coins, he would not have bothered his honest brother-in-law.

Is this serious? Yin Zhi realized that the problem was more serious than he thought, and immediately asked seriously.

It's absolutely true! After all these years, if I hadn't been forced so hard, I wouldn't have bothered you in Beijing! He looked seriously into Yin Zhi's eyes and expressed his difficulties.

Although he is Yin Zhi's wife's brother, he has always hoped that Yin Zhi would be a good and honest official, and he has never revealed his identity as Yin Zhi's wife's brother to others outside.

It's just that this time he was forced too hard. If he followed his usual solution, although the ship and cargo would be able to come back, the hard-earned gold and silver would be wasted.

Because of this, he came to the capital on a rare occasion, hoping to use his brother-in-law's influence to prevent Ningbo Shipping Secretary Zhao Tiju and Zhejiang Governor Zhang Jue from taking away the money on the ship.

In that case, I'll accompany you to Ningbo Shipping Department and ask for it back in person! Yin Zhi's eyes flashed with a fierce look, and he pretended to express his stance.


When I heard this seriously, I couldn't believe my ears. I even suspected that my brother-in-law was playing a trick on me.

Not to mention that my brother-in-law couldn't leave the capital at all, I just hoped that a letter would be enough to make Ningbo Shipping Secretary Zhao Tiju and Zhejiang Governor Zhang Jue restrain themselves, without the need to go there in person.

Serenity quickly reacted and said very bitterly: Brother-in-law, I...I was wrong. You really shouldn't be allowed to come forward for this kind of thing!

Mrs. Yin had been rubbing the corner outside the door. At this time, she came out and scolded: I told you to stop talking. How can your brother-in-law come forward for such a thing? Aren't you causing trouble to your brother-in-law?

I'm not kidding! After the second day of the Lunar New Year, we will pack up and go south to the south of the Yangtze River! Yin Zhi looked at the frustrated brother-in-law and his wife who were trying to reconcile things strangely, but he said very seriously.

Only then did Mrs. Yin and Zheng Zheng realize that Yin Zhi was not speaking sarcastically, but they still couldn't wrap their heads around it and asked, Why is this?

The dignified Mr. Ge went to Jiangsu and Zhejiang to help his wife's brother because of a trivial matter. This matter even sounds full of magic.

His Majesty just summoned Mr. Wangge and I into the palace to discuss matters in Jiangnan! The imperial court's order to scrap silver was blocked, and now Jiangnan merchants dare to help Japanese daimyo mine silver mines in exchange for Ming Dynasty goods. Your Majesty decided to let your ministers go to Jiangnan to handle it. Mr. Wang Ge is in charge of South Zhili, and I happen to be in charge of Zhejiang, so Ningbo will be my first stop when I go to Jiangnan! Yin Zhi took a sip of tea and told what happened just now.


His serious eyes suddenly lit up, and he was almost dozing off with a pillow. His brother-in-law was going to take him directly to the door to whip him!

It's a long journey, so you stay in the capital while I take a few servants to Zhejiang! Yin Zhi put down the teacup and explained to his wife.

Mrs. Yin knew that her husband was not a foreigner, but she was worried and said: How can a few servants do it? The place is different from the capital, so we need to bring a few more people to protect you!

Your Majesty will arrange an imperial guard! Now that I am the elder of the cabinet, if they really want to take action, they will have to think carefully! Yin Zhi felt concerned, but said seriously.

Zheng Zheng knew that Elder Ge was absolutely invincible in his position, so he asked with hopeful eyes: Brother-in-law, do you have Shang Fang's sword?

I am the elder, and I am here as the governor. Who dares to openly challenge me? According to His Majesty's temperament, he will definitely give the elder Wang Ge, and I am afraid he will not be inferior to me! Yin Zhi greeted his wife and brother. His eyes also revealed his feelings.

Jiangnan's problems were largely due to their disloyalty to the country and the emperor, so the emperor would definitely give Wang Yue Shangfang's sword. Whether it was to help Wang Yue open up the situation or to shock the entire Jiangnan family, a Shangfang sword was indispensable.

Zhen Zhen found that happiness came so suddenly, and he danced and said: It's so great, why don't we set off now!

Nonsense! Mrs. Yin immediately yelled angrily.

Fortunately, at this time, the housekeeper had already arranged the food and came over to inform them to go to the dining room, and then they came to the rescue for Zheng Zheng.

On New Year's Eve, the Qianqing Palace was brightly lit.

Although Zhu Youtang has entered a state of vacation, since intelligence from various places continues to come to the capital, he will still check the latest intelligence at night.

Just flipping through the information on Nanzhili, his face suddenly darkened.

Although Lv Zhong, the former governor of Yingtian, had a good official reputation, he was dismissed from his post because he was too close to the aristocratic families in Jiangnan. Especially during his tenure as Zhejiang Supervisory Censor, he was successfully publicized by Jiangnan officials and gentry.

Who would have thought that less than half a year after taking office, the new governor of Yingtian, Qiu Nai, would hear news of drowning.

Zhu Youtang thought of Qiu Nai's earlier secret reports, and suddenly felt that the water in the south of the Yangtze River was indeed too deep, so deep that they did not even know the existence of the imperial court.

Your Majesty, you are celebrating the Chinese New Year, why do you always keep a straight face? Queen Chang personally delivered the ginseng soup and said very gently.

Zhu Youtang raised his head and saw Empress Chang, and said helplessly: Ruling a country is like treating a disease. Although Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty recovered from his illness, now the Ming Dynasty is plagued by all kinds of diseases. How can I be happy!

Although he complained like this, he still adjusted his emotions and opened his arms for the queen to embrace.

Queen Chang carefully protected her belly and nestled in Zhu Youtang's arms very intimately, feeling the New Year's Eve that belonged to them as a couple.

Niu Mengmeng was originally standing here guarding the lights. After seeing the emperor and the queen being so close, she secretly stuck out her cute tongue and tiptoed to the courtyard outside to prepare for the fireworks.

Your Majesty, the soup should not be kept for a long time. You should drink it while it is hot! Although Empress Chang enjoyed this intimate time, she still reminded her with a smile.

Zhu Youtang pinched Queen Chang's cheek, ready to enjoy this nourishing ginseng medicine: Although our ginseng is good, American ginseng also tastes good. I wonder if Liu Zhang can bring me some American ginseng back!

Although all kinds of bad news have been coming frequently recently, there is also a piece of information that makes him very comfortable.

After investigation, it was found that the appearance of Liu Zhang's ship in Nanyang was fabricated. Not only did the businessman see Liu Zhang's ship, not even Liu Zhang's people had seen it.

Liu Zhang did not flee before the battle, which proved that the plan to go to South America to find treasure seeds cannot be concluded to fail.

Although the situation of Liu Zhang's fleet is still unknown, and even Liu Zhang's fleet may have been buried in the sea, there is still a spark of hope.

Even though he is a high-ranking emperor, all he can do now is wait silently.

Liu Zhang led the fleet across the Pacific Ocean and faced problems such as food shortages and diseases. This trip was impossible to reach without perseverance, but China needed this miracle.

With China's current productivity, the population that can be fed is basically at its peak.

Not to mention going up to Xiao Glacier, even if the Ming Dynasty encountered a major natural disaster, it would still have to die. It needed to return to a position where food and population matched before it could stabilize.

Now that China wants to develop, the only way to solve China's food problem is to introduce high-yield crops, which can not only feed more people, but also free more people to invest in scientific and technological development.

The most ideal result now is that Liu Zhang leads the fleet to South America and finds the treasure species. Now he is ready to return. He only hopes to get good news about Liu Zhang's smooth return in less than half a year.

Your Majesty, I wish your Majesty that all your New Year wishes will come true! Empress Chang knew that Zhu Youtang had been looking forward to opening a route to the New World to benefit all people, so she wished her very gently.

After drinking the ginseng soup, Zhu Youtang also stopped what he was doing and led the queen outside to enjoy the fireworks.

Maybe there were some bad things last year, and maybe next year we will face even more difficulties, but now the family is reunited, and the entire capital is enjoying this moment.

Although it is not as colorful and colorful as the later generations, the happiness in the capital of this era seems simpler.

A new pair of couplets, a new set of clothes, a meaty reunion dinner, and a few firecrackers in front of the door are enough to make them feel happy in the New Year.

A bright firework bloomed in the night sky, and the fifth year of Hongzhi arrived as scheduled. (End of chapter)

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