Rule the Ming Dynasty Alone

Chapter 424 Jiangnan won? Even Zhu Youtang couldn't sit still!

Just when Ningbo Shipping Department was struck by thunder, the capital city ushered in March.

Everything has revived on the outskirts of the capital, showing a farming scene.

The frozen soil in winter was turned into black soil by rakes dragged by cattle. After being moistened by spring rains and flowing water from the canals, the farmland turned into mirrors.




Some frogs have woken up from hibernation, spring swallows have picked up new mud in the paddy fields to build nests, and various small animals are already active in the fields.

There are no chemical reagents such as pesticides, nor roaring mechanical sounds. Today's fields are showing a harmonious beauty between man and nature.

The five years of Hongzhi have been a good era.

The farmers who are working hard have experienced weathered faces, but their faces are all filled with smiles. Although spring sowing has just begun, my eyes are already looking forward to the harvest and a better life.

The government announced that this year they will no longer limit the area we can grow cotton!

If all families grow cotton, they can pay taxes with new dollars!

People who raise ducks can receive subsidies from the government, and each duck can receive rice stamps or tax offsets!

Different from previous years, this year the government provided some welfare policies to the people of Beizhili, and these welfare policies spread in the Beizhili area immediately.

In the past, people were very resistant to government orders. After all, no matter what new government orders were issued, the government actually wanted to squeeze money from them.

However, everything has changed after the imperial government rectified the salt policy, lowered salt prices, cracked down on finance, eliminated usury, and cleared land ownership.

Instead, they are now beginning to look forward to new decrees. Today's imperial court does pretend to be ordinary people like them, and there will always be many measures to benefit the people.

For example, people can be given subsidies for raising ducks. This kind of good thing was something that I didn't even dare to think about before, and it was even impossible to believe that the court would be so kind.

But this year, everything seems to have fallen into place, and now this court, which is full of care for the people, has once again given some benefits to ordinary people.

If that were the case, I would be planting all cotton this year!

Hehe... raising ducks is such a good thing, then I will hatch another nest of duck eggs!

The current emperor is really too wise. Just because of his actions over the years, the old man hopes that he can live a long life!

Faced with the new policy just promulgated by the imperial court and these welfare policies that were obviously beneficial to them, the people loved Zhu Youtang even more.

Perhaps Zhu Youtang became more and more established as a tyrant among the scholar-bureaucrats, but in the hearts of ordinary people today, Emperor Hongzhi was already an extremely sage emperor, even surpassing the legendary Yao.

The imperial court's welfare policies also spread to the northern suburbs, and also reached the ears of Zhao Laosi.

Zhao Laosi was one of the first crab eaters to try to grow cotton. It was the huge economic benefits brought by growing cotton over the years that allowed his family to wear new cotton-padded clothes and build a new house.

Now I know that the government has loosened restrictions on cotton planting this year. After carefully comparing the output values ​​of rice and cotton, they decided to plant all 20 acres of land with cotton.

We are right to follow the imperial decree. Let's all plant more cotton this year!

Zhao Laosi is a warm-hearted man. Not only does he grow cotton himself, but he also encourages people in the village to follow him to grow cotton and make a fortune.

Although he expects the price of cotton to fall, it will still be stronger than the economic benefits of growing rice, so growing cotton is still the best option for their farmers.

Just watch! I'll plant all my fields in rice this year, let's see who of us can get rich! Ma Youli's ancestors were wealthy and he looked very stubborn.

When Zhao Laosi learned that Ma Youli had this plan, he immediately frowned and said helplessly: You have been to a private school for a few years, why are you so stubborn?

I think you can't see through it! Nowadays, everyone is vying to grow cotton. When there is more cotton, the cotton will definitely not be sold at a high price, but the price of rice will definitely skyrocket! Ma Youli, who was squatting at the foot of the wall, snorted coldly, showing that everyone We are all drunk. I am alone awake and looking at the sky with a different face.

Although he didn't understand why the imperial court wanted to relax restrictions on cotton cultivation, he just knew that rice was cheap when it was abundant. On the other hand, the cotton market has been improving for several years. Originally, cotton should have declined, but now large-scale planting will definitely be cheap.

As for the price of rice in Beizhili, their northern region was originally short of food. Now that there are fewer people growing food, the price of rice will naturally rise, so planting rice now is the best choice.

Zhao Laosi saw that he could not convince the smart-aleck Ma Youli, so he provoked: Ma Youli, why don't we make a bet?

What are you betting on? Ma Youli still hid his hands in his sleeves and said with a sly look in his eyes.

Zhao Laosi knew that although Ma Youli's daughter was a little fat, she had thin skin and tender flesh: If you lose, give your daughter to my youngest son as a wife!

What if you lose? Ma Youli asked rhetorically, knowing that the other party had long wanted to marry him.

Zhao Laosi narrowed his eyes and made an astonishing decision: My youngest son will be your son-in-law!

Okay, it's a deal! Ma Youli's eyes brightened, and he immediately agreed to the bet.

Soon, under the witness of Li Zheng, the bet was completed.

Although this bet is very important to the two families, in this era, it is just a small game among farmers. As for whether cotton is cheap and rice is expensive, or whether cotton is expensive and rice is cheap, only time will give the answer.

March in the capital is already the time when spring flowers are blooming. Xiyuan has turned into a royal garden with birds singing and flowers fragrant. The water in Taiye Pond is as clear as a mirror.

In the Yangxin Hall, wisps of green smoke rise from the copper furnace, and a faint scent of sandalwood floats in the air.

Zhu Youtang sat in front of the treasure case and processed memorials from the two capitals and thirteen provinces. Now he has become accustomed to this kind of three-point and one-line life, and is becoming more and more comfortable in governing this country.

Although he was in the palace, he knew all the major events in the two capitals and thirteen provinces. Even the information was sent back from Japan, and now the gold mining work on Dongji Island was proceeding in an orderly manner.

If there is anything to worry about, the mining of Iwami Silver Mine is blocked, which will directly affect his silver payment in two years. Either restart mining at the Iwami Silver Mine as soon as possible, or get a large amount of silver from other silver mines.

Although the Ming Dynasty is currently facing numerous problems, the most important task at the moment is actually to create a currency system that belongs to China.

Han Niu stood at the door and took the tea cup that had just been delivered with great care.

Now the eunuchs in charge of the capital camp would come to Xiyuan every day to take turns to serve the Ming Emperor who gave them glory and wealth.

After getting along with each other for these years, he knew that he was lucky to have met a talented and strategic emperor, and that Ming Dynasty would definitely return to the glory of the early Ming Dynasty.

The governor of Shandong is ordered to inspect the granaries of each government, and the granaries of each government must be consolidated! Zhu Youtang seemed to have entered a state of selflessness and was handling the government affairs at hand very seriously.

Living in this era, food security is the top priority, and it is even directly related to the lives of millions of people.

Not only a country, but also a region must ensure sufficient food, otherwise it will easily cause great turmoil in a region.

Many peasant uprisings were not because they wanted to overthrow the feudal dynasty, but because there was a serious shortage of local food, and they had to embark on the path of rebellion in order to survive.

Even the northern nomads, who are hated by everyone, sometimes have no choice but to go south. Especially in times of disaster, only going south can solve the food problem.

Although Shandong is now peaceful and there are no corresponding reports of locusts, he still feels uneasy in his heart. According to previous experience, locust plagues in one place are usually continuous.

As an emperor who is determined to lead China to prosperity, he cannot wait until a locust plague occurs and then make up for it. Instead, he needs to have the wisdom to prepare for a rainy day.

Although Zhu Youtang did not get high-yielding crops, he attached great importance to the country's food security.

Last year, North Korea's grain trade was successfully opened. Although the bridge in northern North Korea was damaged, Tianjin Port became a link connecting North Korea's seaports.

The grain output in Northeast Prefecture has been increasing year by year, and grain from Cao can also be transported to the Tongzhou granary on time through the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, so the capital does not need to worry too much about food problems.

For the sake of food security in Shandong and to prevent possible locust plagues in Shandong in advance, he decided to consolidate the granaries of various prefectures in Shandong to prevent sudden food shortages.

The reason why people are encouraged to breed ducks this year is precisely because they hope to nip the locust plague in the cradle through private power, or to reduce the scale of the locust plague.

As for encouraging people to grow cotton, it is also to prevent locust plagues.

Although large-scale cotton planting will affect the total grain output in the north to a certain extent, if the locust plague in Shandong really comes, the people who grow cotton will be able to avoid the locust plague and the economic losses will be greatly reduced.

Your Majesty, please have tea! Han Niu came over with a tea cup and said cautiously.

Zhu Youtang saw that the young eunuch who appeared in front of him was becoming more and more steady, and suddenly asked: Han Niu, are you feeling unwell at sea this time when the gold ship is being transported?

Since the gold ship was robbed last year, Zhu Youtang also sent Han Niu, one of the leaders of the Beijing camp, to Luzon to be responsible for escorting it. Now he has successfully transported a new batch of gold back to the capital.

Your Majesty, before I was kidnapped when I was young, I still remember living on a boat. Although the trip to and from Luzon City took a lot of time, I didn't feel any discomfort! Han Niu replied with a smile as he recalled his childhood.

Zhu Youtang looked at Han Niu with enlightenment, as if he suddenly remembered something: When Zhang Yong and I first met, he said that he wanted to be a eunuch like Zheng He. I wonder if you have such thoughts?

Your Majesty is as wise as Taizong, so he needs a servant to go to the South Sea and the West Sea. I am willing to serve your Majesty Zheng He! Han Niu's eyes were very calm, and he immediately expressed his stance seriously.

Zhu Youtang knew that sailing did have a great charm for some people, so he picked up a cup of tea and asked: I sent Liu Zhang, the minister of the Ministry of Industry, to South America to search for treasure species, and also sent Wang Shouren, the son of Xinjian Bo, south to Australia. Aren’t you afraid that there is no news?”

Your Majesty sent Liu Zhang and Wang Shouren to the sea in order to bring long-term peace and stability to the people of China. If your Majesty thinks that the slaves can be used, you can also send the slaves to the sea. The slaves will serve as Zheng He and share your Majesty's worries! Han Niu also thought. People who want to do practical things appear to be authentic without any fear.

Although Liu Zhang has not returned for a long time, it does make people worried. It's just that Zhang Qian's first mission to the Western Regions took thirteen years, Tang Sanzang's search for scriptures took seventeen years, and Liu Zhang's journey to the New World in search of treasures inevitably had twists and turns.

However, once he can bring back high-yield crops, he will be a Chinese hero who can go down in history, and he also wants to contribute to China.

Zhu Youtang sensed Han Niu's decision to do something. He sipped the tea with a half-smile and said, What if I want to send you to the West now?

It is my duty to serve you! Han Niu was overjoyed and immediately knelt down and said.


Liu Jin just came in and was secretly shocked when he heard that Zhu Youtang actually wanted to send Korean cattle to the West.

Zhu Youtang made a decision in his mind. In fact, sending Han Niu to the Western Ocean was just the Indian Ocean.

If the Ming Dynasty now wants to carry out maritime trade, it will undoubtedly need to develop a large enough consumer market, and consumption capacity has a great relationship with population.

There are currently two best locations: one is India and the other is France.

Since the end of the Hundred Years' War between England and France in 1453, both countries have embarked on the path of national unification. France's population now reaches about 12 million.

Since Portugal only discovered the Cape of Good Hope, although it has ushered in the Age of Discovery, it has not opened up maritime trade routes or exploited maritime resources on a large scale. Therefore, these maritime countries can only be seeds of potential.

But the most important thing now is the Lodi dynasty in India. This is a dynasty in decline with a population of about 15 million.

Ming Dynasty's cotton cloth needs a market, so the Lodi Dynasty is a good option. As for France in Europe, the distance is still too far now, so we have to make plans slowly.

Zhu Youtang decided to start his westward plan and decided to give him a surname: You are a person without a surname, so I will follow Taizong's example and give you the surname Zheng He. From now on, you can change your name to Zheng Niu!

Slave Zheng Niu, thank your Majesty for the name! Zheng Niu was immediately overjoyed and kowtowed heavily.

Zhu Youtang originally wanted to slowly develop his own strength, but the changes in the Iwami Silver Mine and the obstruction of the Jiangnan landlord class forced him to speed up the pace of maritime trade and officially open the westward route.

Fortunately, we now have enough talents and the technology of the Mingyuan Treasure Ship, and finance is not a problem, so it is not difficult to spend half a year building a fleet for the Western Ocean.

As soon as Zheng Niu retreated, Liu Jin sent over the military information he had just obtained.

Zhu Youtang saw that it was sent by Wang Yue, but after seeing the content of Wang Yue's assassination, he immediately became very angry and said: Is this Jiangnan a dragon's pond and a tiger's den? Call the important ministers to discuss, I want to go to Jiangnan! (This chapter) over)

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