Rule the Ming Dynasty Alone

Chapter 465 The king and the people cherish each other, and the emperor’s throne is not right

The hall was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop.

Zhu Youtang picked up the tea cup he had just delivered, but he knew that Yin Zhi could not be held accountable for this matter, but Yin Zhi was not really without any fault.

It is indeed human nature to refer to the measurement results of the previous three groups of people in this case, but since the matter can come to him, he cannot really trust the Yamen below.

The biggest problem in the governance of the Ming Dynasty was the bureaucracy. Since officials were managers in the true sense, there was never an equal dialogue between them and the people.

In particular, there are natural relationships between teachers and students, classmates and fellow villagers, among which there are various humanities and sophistication, which cause the original good policies to change their flavor.

Taking the Tongzi Examination as an example, since the county magistrate and the Tixueguan were officials in the same dynasty, the first person in the county examination evaluated by the magistrate will naturally get a student quota when he takes the college examination.

Yin Tai's unwillingness to accept this case due to the trouble and cost of investigation is essentially a kind of inertia because he dislikes the trouble. After all, it is because he believes too much in the conclusions of his so-called colleagues, and he is essentially helping his own people.

Of course, it cannot be completely ruled out that Shuai Jiamo is not making trouble unreasonably. After all, the probability that all three yamen are on business trips is still relatively low.

Your Majesty, I do believe too much in the previous investigation report, so I have been lax in handling the case! Now that the matter has come to this, I am willing to lead people to re-measure it immediately! Yin Zhi, an official who dared to admit his mistakes, immediately expressed his position.

Shuai Jiamo frowned slightly, but he stood up and objected: Your Majesty, my student, please send your Majesty to send an entourage to measure it in person, so as to bring justice to the common man's father!


Liu Jin's brows furrowed. Even the dignified cabinet minister didn't believe this scholar!

It's no wonder, after all, Shuai Jiamo not only redressed his grievances, but also wanted to sue the entire Zhejiang officials for protection, and Yin Zhi, as the governor of Zhejiang, became the biggest protective umbrella.

Mr. Yin Ge is my confidant. If he can't do justice for me, then I... will really become a loner, and I can't do everything myself for the people of the world! Even though you keep claiming it. The case was unjust, but Mr. Yin Ge came to Zhejiang on my orders to implement the bank ban and introduce new coins, and he worked very hard every day. Since the three official measurements were all hidden fields, it was difficult for Mr. Yin Ge to do everything Personally, I believe Mr. Yin Ge has no intention of protecting anyone, so let's do it now! Zhu Youtang was well versed in the emperor's intentions and also defended Yin Tai.

Old minister, your majesty is so considerate, and I will die without fear! Yin Zhi's eyes immediately turned red, and he expressed his gratitude while suppressing the emotion in his heart.

This is indeed the case! Originally, as the governor of Zhejiang, he needed to focus on implementing the silver ban, but various things seemed complicated and complicated, so he could not handle trivial matters as he wished.

Although there was a death in Shuai Jiamo's case, the core point of the case was whether the measurements were accurate, and Chashan had conducted a full investigation after three measurements.

It was for these reasons that he chose to refuse to accept the case submitted by Shuai Jiamo, but he did not want Shuai Jiamo to bring the case to the emperor.

Fortunately, the emperor still has full trust in himself even now, which makes him have the consciousness that a scholar will die for his confidant.

The student made a mistake, please thank your Majesty for measuring again! Shuai Jiamo could feel the true feelings of the emperor in front of him, so he solemnly thanked him.

Although he pointed the finger at the entire Jiangsu and Zhejiang officialdom and hated the cabinet elder who refused to accept his case, he was not quite sure that the cabinet elder in front of him was in cahoots with Jiangsu and Zhejiang officials.

Although Yin Tai did not have the same reputation as Wang Yue, he was still a senior minister in the Ming Dynasty cabinet, and now he was deeply favored by the emperor, so he would not do such a self-destructive thing.

Now Yin Tai is responsible for re-measurement, but he hopes that the cabinet elder can handle it impartially. If Yin Tai still judges that the measurement is wrong, he can only file a lawsuit again.

Shuai Jiamo was worried about Xiao Jiujiu in his heart. He turned to look at Yin Zhi and said seriously: Mr. Yin Ge, the student is not targeting you deliberately. This time it is a matter of fact. You believe too much in the measurement results of the officials below, so the student has to go out and complain. , and also suspect that you are the biggest protective umbrella for Zhejiang officials!

Your Majesty has shown great kindness to me, and has been entrusted with the important task of regulating Zhejiang. How could he conspire with the officials below to do something that confuses right and wrong? Although you keep claiming that the measurement is wrong, it is still too early to tell! Although I feel that I have However, the three yamen sent three groups of people to measure hidden fields, and I still believe that Qian Sen's measurements are more accurate! Yin Zhi also insisted on his position in the face of Shuai Jiamo's hostility.

Shuai Jiamo has also realized that Yin Tai is indeed valued by His Majesty, and also expressed his position: As long as Mr. Yin Ge can re-evaluate impartially, then everything will be judged!

Zhu Youtang had never been a judgmental person, and did not intend to make an early judgment before the results came out, so he gently raised his hand to let the two of them retreat.

As for other officials in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, he is too lazy to meet them now, thinking of their loyal and treacherous faces. Now I just want to rest in the palace, and then choose a day to go to the West Lake to complete another important thing.

The end point of this southern tour is arranged in Hangzhou, which is not only determined by geographical factors, but also has a very important arrangement, which may even change the entire Chinese society.

The sky in Hangzhou appears unpredictable. The sun shines brightly in the morning, dark clouds cover at noon, and a blue sky appears in the afternoon.

Since the emperor came here on his southern tour, the entire city of Hangzhou seemed very lively.

Thanks to the imperial court's opening of the sea, Hangzhou, as a merchant city in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, has become one of the biggest beneficiary cities and has a faint tendency to catch up with Su Song.

There is no airtight wall in the world. As the news about Shuai Jiamo's arrest and complaint spread, the whole city of Hangzhou was in an uproar.


My dear, the emperor really accepted it!

Since the emperor has stepped forward to preside over it, I believe this case will be resolved soon!

Because Shuai Jiamo is a genius, this matter is well known in Hangzhou. Now that the emperor has handed the matter over to Mr. Yin Ge for re-examination, the truth is that the Yamen falsified the truth, or that Shuai Kuai deserved his punishment.

I think the handsome guy deserves what he deserves!

The tea officials have checked, the government has checked, how can there be any mistakes?

Shuai Jiamo is stupid because of reading. This is just a scholar's anger!

Faced with this case that has long been known to everyone, many people are siding with the official side, believing that Shuai Kuai is indeed Yin Tian, ​​and that Shuai Jiamo is actually making trouble unreasonably.

This matter may not be official but accurate!

For many years, haven't Zhejiang officials protected each other?

Some of these officials are good people, but they are obviously committing fraud!

Faced with the same case, many people sympathized with Shuai Kuai for his bad performance, and instead pointed their fingers at the Zhejiang officialdom, which has always been corrupt.

There are disputes wherever there are people, but the case has not been concluded yet. Some people are already arguing in restaurants, teahouses and restaurants, but no one is convinced.

In this kind of thing, the public is right, the mother-in-law is right. Until the final measurement result comes out, we don't know who is right and who is wrong.

But some things are quietly changing, just like the wild grass that grows wildly in the summer and covers the entire land in the blink of an eye.

This incident shows that His Majesty truly cares about our people!

If His Majesty didn't have us people in mind, how could he measure it again?

Many people say that the emperor is a tyrant, but the reality is that the emperor is always on our side!

Although there were differences on other matters, Emperor Hongzhi's acceptance of Shuai Jiamo's petition still won the favor of the people of Hangzhou, and also made him feel more deeply the emperor's love for the people.

The emperor's southern tour not only made the official and gentry groups in Jiangnan aware of the emperor's existence, but also allowed the people in Jiangnan to feel the emperor's love for the people more closely, and also prompted the general public to support the emperor even more.

Although Zhu Youtang's reputation among the officials and gentry was not good, he had even been confirmed as a tyrant. It's just that in the hearts of the people, there are more and more people supporting it, and there are also more subjects at the bottom who are willing to die for Hongzhi.

Zhu Youtang's visit to Hangzhou this time also brought a generous gift to the people of Hangzhou. The Royal Bank stimulated Hangzhou's economic development through low-interest loans.

No matter what era it is, regional development cannot be separated from the support of capital. Now the imperial court that controls the money printing machine is actually the largest capital of this era.

I heard that one silver mine in Japan is worth more than all the silver our Ming Dynasty has!

It's true. There is far more than one silver mine in Japan, and I heard that the silver mine on the other side of the ocean is even bigger!

If the Japanese are allowed to benefit, then the wealth will not flow to outsiders. I will sue the officials if I see anyone using money!

As for the silver ban, many people gradually saw its great benefits and began to support this new decree.

Since they didn't have much property, they hoarded a lot of copper coins. As the status of silver continues to rise, copper coins have depreciated considerably, but the silver ban has allowed copper coins to return to their normal valuation.

Just like this, although the Hangzhou official and gentry group also stood up to obstruct it, they could not stop this trend at all, and with the arrival of Zhu Youtang, it was even more irreversible.

The trees want to be quiet, but the wind doesn't stop.

Just as the people of Hangzhou were talking about the truth about Shuaikui Chashan and applauded the court's ban on silver, a wave of trouble finally started in Jiangxi.

At dusk, a grand banquet was being held in Prince Ning's Mansion.

The elderly King Ning Zhu Mianpei was sitting on the main seat, his face glowing red, his eyes shining with an indescribable light, which seemed to be excitement and expectation.

At this time, Prince Ning's Mansion already had many more guards. These guards were all arranged to come in without the knowledge of others, and a genuine Hongmen Banquet was already held.

Jiangxi officials attached great importance to this banquet, so they came to the banquet in sedan chairs or carriages. They wore official uniforms and had respectful smiles on their faces.

Although the current palace does not have much power, it does have enviable Lumi and a rich family fortune accumulated over a hundred years.

Shen Hui, the current political envoy to the left of Jiangxi Province, is from the Southern Zhili Province. He was a Jinshi in high school in the fourth year of Tianshun. He was first appointed as the head of the Nanjing Household Department and served successively as Yuanwailang and Langzhong.

In the 14th year of Chenghua, he was appointed as a doctor in the Ministry of Rites of Nanjing, and was promoted to the chief minister of Shaanxi Province. After Ding Youshou, he was reinstated as a counselor of the Fujian Chief Secretary. Soon he was promoted to the chief minister of Fujian and participated in politics. Last year, he was transferred to Jiangxi Zuobu Chief Envoy.

Shen Hui is over fifty years old, but he has a strong body and a strong literati style. His face is like a spring breeze, giving people an amiable image.

But when others were not aware, he secretly exchanged glances with the protagonist of today's banquet, King Ning Zhu Mianpei, and nodded in perfect agreement.

After three rounds of wine, five flavors of food.

Ning Wang Zhu Dianpei suddenly stood up, raised the wine glass in his hand, and said loudly: My lords, I am not holding a banquet today to celebrate my birthday in advance. In fact, we have a big matter to discuss.

His voice echoed in the hall, shocking everyone present. Although it was unusual for Prince Ning to say these words, his tone was obviously very strong, which made people feel uneasy.


The officials looked at each other in confusion. Although they didn't know what King Ning was going to say next, they already knew in their hearts that it wouldn't be a good thing.

The princes of the Ming Dynasty were all raised as pigs, and now this pig suddenly tells you that he wants to discuss important matters with you, so this pig obviously does not intend to remain a pig peacefully.

Ning Wang Zhu Dianpei narrowed his eyes slightly and spoke eloquently to the officials present: According to the decree of the Empress Dowager, today's son has lost his virtue, but to make the king wise and wise, he should abolish the elder and establish the younger. Back then, the late emperor had already planned to abolish the prince. However, the former emperor died in Zhongdao and was unable to achieve his wish. However, when he died, the empress dowager promised to depose the emperor's power... The empress dowager now wants to carry out the will of the late emperor. However, there are many treacherous sycophants in the court today, who support the tyrant to promote rule and order the empress dowager. The Empress Dowager does not dare to act rashly... Although a big mistake has been made to this day, we, the officials of the Ming Dynasty, should bring order to the chaos. Your Excellencies and I have started an uprising in Jiangxi. In response to the decree of the Empress Dowager, we depose the emperor and support the king as the new king.

Originally, he planned to go it alone, but when the capital extended an olive branch and the Empress Dowager was involved, he naturally had to rely on this power.

The most important thing is that through the imperial edict left by the Empress Dowager and the late emperor, it is possible to fundamentally veto Zhu Youtang's inheritance rights, which will make it easier for him to overthrow Hongzhi's regime.

As for King Xing, who has just grown up now, he is nothing more than a puppet.

Ning Wang Zhu Dianpei didn't wait for the officials present to react, and then he slammed the wine glass in his hand to the ground. The fragments flew everywhere, and the crisp sound was particularly harsh in the silent night sky.

Is Prince Ning crazy?

Let's get away from here!

Prince Ning rebelled and is trying to bring disaster to the Ming Dynasty!

Jiangxi officials automatically ignored the Empress Dowager's edict, which was difficult to distinguish between true and false, and ran around in panic, but it was obviously too late.

No one is allowed to leave here, otherwise I will kill you! Zhu Jinjun, the crown prince of Prince Ning, personally led his guards to the door and said with a crazy light in his eyes.

The officials were stunned by this scene. They froze on the spot and found that they had become turtles in the jar.

King Ning Zhu Dianpei stood in the palace and looked down at all this, his heart filled with pride and ecstasy. From this moment on, he will control the fate of Jiangxi and become the true master of this land. (End of chapter)

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