Rule the Ming Dynasty Alone

Chapter 478 The empire’s giant ship is starting up

Chapter 478 The empire’s giant ship is launching…

February of the Hongzhi Dynasty was a busy month.

At dawn, Juren Mao Cheng got up early and began the final preparations before the exam.

Wearing a green cloth robe and a square scarf, he looked both simple and elegant, and his eyes were full of determination and perseverance.

Under the dim light, he carefully inspected the three treasures of his study: pen, ink, and inkstone, making sure that each one was in good condition.

His heart was full of expectations and tension at the moment. This exam was his hard study and pursuit for many years. Taking the exam now would determine his fate in this life.

Mao Cheng was a lone ranger. He led his old servant to carry a lantern and left the inn, carrying examination tools and a food basket on his back. Following the endless flow of people on the street, they slowly walked towards the gate of Sunchon Gongyuan.

There are already crowds of people in front of the gate of Shuntian Gongyuan. People from all over the world are either in groups or standing alone, waiting for the moment the door opens.

They were chatting in low voices or closing their eyes to meditate. The air was filled with tension and expectation.

Isn't this Mao Shen's plan?

It's just a blind cat hitting a dead mouse!

This person is a bit clever, but he is really good at trying it out!

There is a smell of gunpowder among students from all provinces. Faced with Mao Cheng, a competitor, some proud Jiangxi students stood up and became angry.

Earlier, public opinion in the capital about the emperor's distress during his southern tour suddenly became hot in the capital. Mao Cheng keenly caught the fishy nature of it and reported the matter to his father-in-law.

His father-in-law Chen Kai also reported the matter to Liu Xuan, Minister of War. Liu Xuan reprimanded Chen Kai at the time, but later commended Chen Kai.

As Mao Cheng, who was the first to discover something unusual, this was regarded as a meritorious performance, so Mao Cheng also became popular in the capital because of this incident.

It’s just that he has a lot of popularity, and now he has become a thorn in Mao Cheng’s side for many self-respecting politicians. Facing Mao Cheng, who is already in his early thirties, they sarcastically said: “Looking at his face, I’m afraid he is already in his thirties, right? If I were the master, I have reported to the Ministry of Household Affairs a long time ago and will be a good official!

Mao Cheng maintains a consistent modest behavior. He usually bows to acquaintances on his own initiative, but turns a deaf ear to the gossip or ridicule around him.

Quite unexpectedly, the examiner this time was Liu Xuan, Minister of the Ministry of War.

Although it is no longer popular to join the protégé in the examination, he and Liu Xuan finally got in touch through his father-in-law, so he acts more low-key now.

Liu Xuan, Minister of the Ministry of War, was one of the famous people around the emperor. Now he appeared here with a group of examiners, and then performed a fixed pre-examination ceremony.

As the gate of Gongyuan slowly opened, people lined up to enter.

Mao Cheng followed the team forward, secretly praying that everything would go well, even if his life was shortened.

At the entrance, he underwent a strict search.

After the inspector carefully checked the test box, food and bedding he carried, he was asked to take off his clothes and only allowed him to enter the examination room after confirming that there were no prohibited items.

Mao Cheng walked along the wide corridor and first looked for the exam lane assigned to him. Then he found the assigned exam room No. 9, and began to put down his luggage and clean the exam room like other candidates.

When all the candidates entered, the gate of Gongyuan was slowly closed, and it would take the ninth day for this gate to be reopened. Even if a fire breaks out here, priority is given to putting out the fire yourself.

Three drums from Mingyuan Tower sounded, and the exam officially began.

Mao Cheng took a deep breath, saw the test questions that had just been distributed, picked up his pen and started to answer the questions.

His heart is full of longing for the future. The efforts at this moment will determine his future destiny, and he is very eager to devote himself to the construction of this thriving empire.

While the Liberal Arts Examination is in full swing, the Martial Arts Examination has quietly started.

Since the current emperor Hongzhi attaches great importance to military construction, the military science department has been reformed. On the basis of the martial arts examinations, a martial arts academy was established for potential martial arts examination candidates from all over the country to enter the academy for further studies.

Dawn had just broken, the morning glow reflected on the gate of the martial arts academy, and the copper nails shimmered.

The entrance to the academy is already bustling with people, as martial arts practitioners from all over the country gather here. They are either wearing cotton clothes or silk, and everyone's eyes are shining with love for military affairs and longing for the future.

As the bell rang, the college door slowly opened.

Young Qi Jingtong faced the morning sun falling on his cheeks and couldn't help but have a bright smile on his face when he saw this new world belonging to soldiers.

He followed the martial arts people in front and entered this sacred academy in order.

They stepped on the road paved with bluestones. On both sides were statues of soldiers standing solemnly. In the center was the famous Second Master of the Martial Saint Guan.

Like other martial arts practitioners, Qi Jingtong followed an official from the martial arts academy to the spacious hall located on the central axis of the academy. There were several rows of tables and chairs in the hall.

Each student has a test paper, pen, ink, paper and inkstone in front of them. This is their first exam.

The content of the exam covers military art, strategy, historical allusions, etc. To many people’s surprise, this time the exam questions on maritime knowledge and geography account for the most weight.

Qi Jingtong has a heart that yearns for the new world. With the knowledge accumulated over the years, he immediately answered the test paper like other candidates.

There was silence in the hall, except for the rustling of the pen tip across the paper.

The current martial arts department has two paths: Wu Kui, who is illiterate, and Wu Zhuangyuan, who understands the art of war. However, it can be seen from the positions of Wu Kui, Lin Yuanyang, and Wu Zhuangyuan, Yu Yuanzan, in the first term, that the latter's achievement points will be higher.

Although the assessment of martial arts examinations has been greatly relaxed now, the level of martial arts academy has been added. Nowadays, martial arts practitioners can only obtain the title of martial arts scholar through a martial arts academy and become the seeds of the reserve generals of the Ming Empire.

As long as they can enter the martial arts academy and successfully graduate this time, they can start as deputy 100 households or 100 households, and will also enter the empire's important military talent training plan.

According to the current plan of the Ministry of War, future generals will be given priority in selecting generals with diplomas from martial arts schools.

Qi Jingtong could have adopted his uncle Qi Xuan in exchange for a hereditary military position. However, he finally chose to give up the adoption and decided to come to the capital alone to try his best.

Although it would be more difficult to choose this path, he wanted to be an upright man, contribute to the empire through his own efforts, and obtain a hereditary military position for his family.

After the literary test, the candidates were taken to the large campus at the back. This was the most important pre-entrance test.

Various weapon racks and shooting ranges have been arranged here. Candidates need to choose the weapons they are good at to demonstrate their martial arts skills, showing their solid martial arts skills.

When it came to the shooting session, they originally needed to shoot with bows and arrows, but now that the assessment has been relaxed, candidates can also use firecrackers to shoot.

After seeing or hearing about the power of flintlock guns, everyone knows that firearms are the future of the military, so more and more candidates choose to shoot with muskets.

Qi Jingtong chose bows and arrows, not because he couldn't see the bright future of firearms, but because he always felt that only by having a solid foundation could he become a true general.

How did you do in the two tests you just took?

My performance is pretty good, I think I still have a good chance of being admitted!

Work hard, we will be assigned to serve as military officers overseas after graduation!

After the two exams, several familiar Shandong martial arts students gathered together. In fact, they had already planned their future and had clear goals and ideals for life.

Although the life of being stationed overseas is relatively difficult, it is a recognized fact that the treatment of overseas troops is good, especially when more and more veterans return home and bring North Korean beauties with them to envy others.

Although prostitution overseas is frowned upon, middle- and lower-level sergeants are all young men with strong blood. Now being able to garrison overseas has become a place that many low-level sergeants are trying to go to.

In particular, the Eastern Navy District and the Nanyang Military District are constantly expanding. Even if they enter the martial arts academy for further studies, might they not want to use the martial arts academy as a springboard to serve as officers in overseas military regions and live a good life?

Qi Jingtong just stood by and did not participate in this topic.

Naturally, he had heard about the military garrison overseas. He also knew that more and more soldiers were yearning to go overseas. One of his cousins ​​from the Qi family was even one of the first batch to go to Shenzhi Island to garrison troops.

Originally, the uncle could transfer his cousin back for a two-level promotion, but his cousin refused directly because he was more like a soldier overseas and he was willing to stay in the new territory for His Majesty.

Qi Jingtong actually knew that his cousin was reluctant to let go of his North Korean lover, but judging from his cousin's demeanor, he was indeed full of loyalty to the Ming Dynasty and His Majesty.

In his heart, he also went overseas, not because he was attracted by the Korean beauties depicted by his cousin, but because he wanted to become a real soldier and open up new territories for the Ming Empire and the emperor.

If firearms are the future of military warfare, then overseas is the future of their Ming soldiers.

In the afternoon, the last exam was a simulated actual combat exercise.

Candidates are divided into two teams, and each team needs to formulate tactics and compete on a virtual battlefield. This not only tests the students' martial arts skills, but also tests their resourcefulness and teamwork ability.

With the end of this last exam, the academy will comprehensively evaluate their performance based on their performance in the three exams: Art of War, Martial Arts Demonstration, and Teamwork Ability, and decide whether to admit them.

Three days later, Qi Jingtong followed his companions to the gate of the martial arts academy. When he saw his name on the list, he was so excited that he shed tears.

He was not the only one who cried. Almost all the people who were admitted to the martial arts examination cried. This was not only an opportunity for them at the bottom to change their destiny, but also to realize their dream of serving the empire.

The Ming Dynasty's giant ship is slowly moving forward, and they are lucky enough to board this ship. As for where the Ming Dynasty's giant ship will sail, I'm afraid only Emperor Hongzhi can know, right?

Just as the nine-day examination was in full swing, and just as the admissions process to the martial arts academy had just ended, a new type of graduation ceremony had been held grandly.

Imperial College, College of Engineering.

This newly opened branch is not located in the city of Beijing, where land is at a premium, but is located on the edge of the canal in the eastern suburbs, a large institution covering hundreds of acres.

The ceremony was held in front of the assembly hall of the School of Engineering, which is where important ceremonies and lectures are held on weekdays.

The square in front of the conference hall is wide enough to accommodate many teachers, students and guests who come to watch the ceremony. The square is surrounded by green pines and cypresses, and is full of ancient charm.

The front hall of the meeting hall serves as a high platform. There are rows of exquisite tables on the platform, on which are placed the Four Treasures of the Study, as well as scriptures and models that symbolize wisdom and learning.

On both sides of the high platform, there are banners and school mottos such as Mingde and seeking truth, unity of knowledge and action.

The Imperial College had added an engineering major three years ago, and students were admitted from all over the country. This time, many children of craftsmen have been benefited, and many children of craftsmen with meritorious performance can enroll in the engineering college for free.

Zhang Wei is a very ordinary person. His father is just an ordinary craftsman at the bottom.

Since his father was transferred to Tianjin Shipbuilding and performed a meritorious service, he was arranged to enter the newly established engineering college for free.

After three years of intense study, this group of students participated in an internship in the construction of the Beijing-Tianjin Canal, and each of the once ignorant teenagers has become successful.

The graduates wore uniform black clothes and modified small hats on their heads. Their skin was already tanned, and they were both elegant and capable.

With three gun salutes, the ceremony officially began.

Wang Hua, the newly built uncle of the Imperial Academy, came to the high platform to deliver a speech, and loudly asked the students below: We are a brick of the Ming Dynasty!

Move wherever you need it! The students, who had already determined to devote themselves to the vigorous construction of the motherland, responded loudly.

The voice was high, as if it was about to break through the sky.

Among the guests watching the ceremony in front, in addition to the parents of the students, there were also officials from the imperial court and local gentry, who were also shocked by this momentum.

After delivering a speech, Wanghua, the new minister of the Imperial Academy, began to issue graduation certificates to this batch of graduates and encouraged the graduates.

The graduates of this class are mainly majoring in roads and bridges. They will be assigned to various positions as junior bridge engineers, quality personnel, safety personnel, standard personnel, material personnel, mechanics, labor workers, document personnel, etc. These personnel will be important talents for the major infrastructure construction of Hongzhi Dynasty.

Not only the Ming-Myanmar Highway to be built, but also various domestic infrastructures, as well as overseas infrastructure that will exist in the future, all require a large amount of talent investment.

Of course, the initial monthly salary of these graduates was one silver dollar, making them quickly become the middle-income group of the Ming Empire.

With the current military capabilities of the Ming Dynasty, it can actually dominate the world. It is not difficult to add 70% of the unclaimed land in the world to the territory of the Ming Dynasty.

If you just want long-term peace and stability, you need the support of a large base. Even though they were stronger than the Yuan Dynasty, after conquering Myanmar, they finally gave up their autonomy due to transportation problems and other reasons.

Looking at the entire territory of Greater China, this road is smooth, so when King Ning rebelled in Jiangxi, even if he could leave Nanchang Mansion, he would not be able to dominate one side.

In the second month of Hongzhi, the Ming Empire showed a prosperous and prosperous scene.

It's just that the Ming Dynasty was after all a huge empire with an unimaginable territory. Since Zhu Youtang succeeded to the throne, there has been no peace every year.

In addition to facing provocations from Mongolia, the Li Dynasty, and the Jurchens, we have also encountered disasters such as the Yellow River bursting its banks, locust plagues in Shandong, and plagues. This year, we may not be lucky.

Just as the people in the capital were enjoying the warm spring of the last February, turmoil finally broke out in the north, and a piece of military information was sent from the north via fast riding.

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