Rules Strange Story: My Family is Not Normal

Chapter 45: Two conditions for correct arrival

  Chapter 45 Two conditions for correct arrival

  【Circular Train Rule B】

  【1. Please believe that everything we do is to send passengers to their destinations. 】

  【2. The security of each station is very strict. Therefore, when you leave the station, be sure to read the station rules first, otherwise you may be deported back. 】

  【3. If a passenger sounds an alarm after leaving the station, please do not make any noise at this time. 】

  【4. If you are rushed back to the train, don’t be nervous, you can choose the alighting station again. 】

  【5. When there are not many passengers, it is allowed to change seats on the train. But the number of seat changes must not exceed twice. 】

  【6. The small animals in the train are very timid, please don't scare them, especially when its eyes turn red. 】

  【7. Uncle Li, who sells special products, has poor legs and feet. 】

  【8. If there is a conflict among the passengers on the train, please ring the silver bell placed in the first row and ask the flight attendant for help. But that doesn't include when the bell turns red. 】

  After Zhou Bai read the eight rules, the voice of the system sounded in his mind.

  【Discover the host and find new rules】

  【Now mark an error rule for the host. 】

  【The fourth rule of B is wrong. 】

   Zhou Bai looked at the wrong rule.

   Passengers enter the wrong station, will they be expelled?

   This is a bit strange.

  In the first loop, all five passengers got off at the wrong station, but no siren was sounded, and none of them were evicted.

   Or, besides getting off at the wrong station, you have to meet other conditions before you will be expelled?

   Zhou Bai felt that this guess was very likely to be correct.

  However, since this rule is wrong, after being deported back to the train, it is estimated that you can no longer choose the alighting station again.

   Then, Zhou Bai looked at the first rule of rule B.

  【Please believe that everything we do is to send passengers to their destinations. 】

   His finger, on this rule, tapped lightly.

  After a while, he summed up in his mind the two conditions for judging that passengers arrive at the correct station.

  The first condition is to meet the rules of the station.

  The second condition is that the alighting station needs to be the purpose in the mind of the passengers.

  Zhou Bai now understands the rules of the four stations. Next, he needs to know the destination of each passenger before he can pass the customs.

  Thinking of this, Zhou Bai set his sights on the old couple sitting in the front row.

   If there are no accidents, they will still get off at the No. 1 station.

   Zhou Bai had to stop them from getting off the bus before the No. 1 station arrived.

   But which station is their real destination?

   Zhou Bai thought about the rules of the four stations.

  The first rule of stations No. 1, No. 2, and No. 4 should be used to distinguish whether passengers are polluted or not.

   Zhou Bai hadn't taken the pills the last time he cycled, so he himself was a polluted person.

   Using himself as a reference.

  He can see the two gates mentioned in the rules of Stations 1 and 2.

   That is to say, stations No. 1 and No. 2 receive polluted people.

   Station No. 4 should receive people who have not received pollution.

   Station No. 3 can accommodate all types of people, but they must pass an examination before entering.

  So, Station No. 3 should be a special organization.

   At this point in the analysis, Zhou Bai already had his own answer to the correct place to get off the bus for the old couple in the first row.

   Zhou Bai clipped the note with Rule B on it to the brochure, and then took the brochure and sat near the old couple.

  The flight attendant Xiao Lei just came back from the rear compartment at this time, and saw that Zhou Bai didn't sit in the seat he recommended.

   His expression darkened.

   Then stood back in his corner.

  Although Zhou Bai saw his expression, he didn't affect his plan because of this episode.

  He showed a friendly smile, then turned around and said to the two old men.

   "Grandpa and grandma, where are you going?"

  Because he looks like a good boy, the two old people immediately took a liking to this young man when they saw him smile.

   "We are planning to go to our son's unit to see him.

  We haven't seen him in over a year, no wonder. "

  After Zhou Bai listened, he continued to ask.

   "Then your son should be very busy at work, which unit does he work in?"

   "He works at the slaughterhouse in City C."

  When Zhou Bai heard this name, his heart skipped a beat.

   No wonder the rule 2 of station 2 is written like that!

   Zhou Bai couldn't help but sigh inwardly when he thought of the physically disabled employees in the slaughterhouse in City B.

  If there is no source of pollution in the slaughterhouse and cutting off the mutated part can prevent the body from continuing to mutate, it can indeed afford the sentence of Rule 2.

   I just don’t know about the slaughterhouse in City C, did any accident happen?

  Zhou Bai knew that he was thinking too much, so he quickly brought his thoughts back to the topic.

  He had to find a way to persuade the two old people not to go to Station No. 1.

  So, he continued.

   "Your son missed you a little bit, so he asked you to go there, right?"

  When the two old men heard Zhou Bai say that, they laughed so hard that their eyes narrowed.

  “My son always told us to go there. But we were afraid of causing trouble to our son, so we never dared to go.”

   Seeing that the conversation finally got to the point, Zhou Bai hurriedly continued.

   "Why does my son think that you are causing him trouble? If he really thinks so, he won't let you pass."

   After listening to the two elderly people, they seemed to be touched.

  However, the old grandma stroked her empty trouser leg with her hand, still looking worried.

   "But...but my leg..."

   Zhou Bai comforted her, "These are the pains you have experienced, but they are all in the past. Your family will not dislike you just because of the injuries you have suffered."

  When the two old men heard this, they were thoughtful and fell silent.

  Zhou Bai racked his brains to say these two sentences of Chicken Soup for the Soul.

  After I finished speaking, I felt goosebumps all over my body.

   But so far, it seems that the effect is not bad.

   At least two old people listened to it.

  The train arrived at Station No. 1 not long after.

  Seeing the car door open, Zhou Bai nervously waited for the two old people's decision.

  I saw two elderly people approaching the car door, carefully studying the two lines of text on the bulletin board.

   "Old man, do you think this station is where we are going?"

  Grandpa also hesitated.

   "I saw that the station has two gates, so it should be correct.

  But... this rule two...

  Old lady, I am also a little undecided. "

  (end of this chapter)

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