Ye Youran lives in the same apartment with Adolf. In the morning, while Ye Youran was brushing her teeth, Adolf was tossing for breakfast. Then the two sat in the dining room together for a meal, looking a bit like a couple.

“We will go to this place in a while.” Ye Youran quickly finished eating the poached eggs and put the phone in front of Adolf.

Adolf glanced at the line on the phone and said, “This place is quite remote.”

Ye Youran was lightly un’ed, and his eyes flashed darkly, “This place is very evil. I’m going to find out…” At first, Adolf thought that the remote place displayed on the phone was just a barren ruin. Didn’t expect it to be such a beautiful cherry blossom forest.

The cherry blossoms in the cherry blossom forest began to fall. After all, it is almost May. The cherry blossom petals on the floor are very beautiful. Ye Youran and Adolf walked through the cherry blossom forest to the small village behind the cherry blossom forest.

“Uncle, hello, are you a local resident?” Ye Youran looked at an old lady who was fetching water by the well. This old lady seemed to be in her 80s.

“Yes, I was born and raised here.” The old lady took a look at Ye Youran. Ye Youran smiled cordially, with a sweet appearance, and naturally it was easy to get the other’s favor.

“Uncle, may I ask, who does this cherry blossom forest belong to? I especially like cherry blossoms, and I want to buy some home and plant with the other party.”

In the cherry blossom forest, he couldn’t help but look at a large area of ​​beautiful pink not far away. He sighed, “This cherry blossom forest looks beautiful, but it is very unknown. I always hear some strange things before.”

“However, you want to know who the Sakura Forest belongs to. You asked the right person. The old fart in our village is the only one who knows it well…”

Finally, Ye Youran is full of smiles thanked the country master, with anxious eyes hidden, and drove to another place quickly.

Ye Youran is driving. She is driving very fast. A traffic policeman is already watching her behind the car.

Adolf sat in the vice seat, he looked at the woman next to him depressed, “Why is it so urgent?”

“You never heard that this cherry blossom forest is a It is owned by an old man named Fu Bo, who is nearly 90 years old. I don’t hurry over. Maybe people will go west when they stretch their feet.”

Naturally, Adolf would not believe that Ye Youran simply wanted to find someone to buy something. The cherry blossom tree is probably related to the investigation in Indonesia, but Adolf did not understand, what can the Indonesian gangster have to do with this cherry blossom forest?

Ye Youran stayed in Indonesia for nearly a month, but unfortunately not at all found too many clues, only knew the name of a mysterious and low-key person, which made Ye Youran anxious, so she thought there was no news from Indonesia, then Starting from the cherry blossom forest, I hope to find some news.

In fact, Ye Youran was disappointed again.

“Is he a dumb?” Ye Youran frowned and looked at the kindly, wrinkled Senior in front of her with a frown.

All of a sudden, Ye Youran and Adolf looked at each other in blank dismay very helpless.

“Senior, hello, I would like to ask, is the cherry blossom forest in Northern Part of City yours?” Ye Youran asked with a chuckle.

But the other party’s expression was a bit embarrassing, he shook his head, and made a gesture.

Adolf paid attention to his expression and said flatly, “Not only is he dumb, but he can’t hear…”

“How could this be?” Ye Youran collapsed Under the small face, she would encounter all kinds of unsatisfactory things every time she pursued it.

This Senior is deaf and dumb, he was born, or someone deliberately did it.

Suddenly Adolf seemed to have thought of something, he ran back to the car, and he broke some cherry blossom branches in the cherry blossom forest.

When Adolf handed the cherry blossom branch to Senior’s eyes, Senior’s face suddenly changed, and his muddy old eyes were full of memories and grief.

Ye Youran and Adolf looked at each other. This Senior must have something to do with the cherry blossom forest, otherwise his mood would not change so much.

Ye Youran saw the Senior staring at the cherry blossom branches in her hand, looking a little dazed, she spoke to Adolf’s ear, and quickly walked away.

Adolf continued to stay in front of this ordinary house, sitting with the elderly man.

Ye Youran did not leave. She ran to the back of the house and jumped in from the window. This Senior named Fu Bo was an old man living alone. Ye Youran looked at the furniture all around. The decoration and decoration, although very simple, are some good-quality supplies. I want someone to take care of the old man, perhaps his descendants…

Ye Youran quickly inspected the house, hoping to find some Senior likes nostalgia for suspicious things, and likes to collect things. Ye Youran looked carefully in Senior’s room and still didn’t find it.

Just when she was about to leave, she suddenly noticed a painting hanging on the wall. The painting was a cherry blossom tree. It was very beautiful. The English name MARK was signed at the bottom of the painting. This made Ye Youran suddenly startled.


This is the only clue that Ye Youran found in Indonesia. Lerse had contact with this mysterious and low-key MARK man many times during his lifetime.

What is the relationship between this MARK and Forber? Why is there a picture of MARK in Fu Bo’s room? The most important thing is why it is painted with cherry blossoms…

Suddenly at this moment, footsteps came from the window.

Ye Youran was startled suddenly and suddenly turned out from the window. She thought for a while, and immediately chased after the sound.

Who is it? Is it the man named MARK? Did he come to see Fu Bo?

Ye Youran was very agile and quickly chased after her, but she was still very surprised that the opponent could be so fast.

Ye Youran narrowed her eyes, grabbed a shovel by the side of the road and fell fiercely towards the man in front.

But the man seemed to have eyes in the back, and when he turned, he easily escaped.

Just at a turning point, Ye Youran leaped, as if the whole person suddenly disappeared, suddenly disappeared.

But the other party was slightly startled. It was obvious that he deliberately led Ye Youran to come over. He just turned around and looked at it. At this moment, Ye Youran leaped down in the sky and fell straight on the man’s body. .

“Don’t move! Otherwise I will kill you!”

Ye Youran’s voice is cold, and a small steel blade is pressing against the man’s neck artery, as long as she moves , This man will return to the West.

“You…” Ye Youran looked at the man below him, suddenly froze, looked at him incredulously, and his tone became strange, “Why are you here?”


Ling Yue looked at her, his eyes deeper and deeper, “You did good.” He said unfathomable mystery.

Ye Youran quickly puts away the blade. This is not for cracking a joke. With a single stroke, you have to go to the hospital for rescue.

“Your vigilance is too bad.” There was a trace of embarrassment on Ye Youran’s face. This person was actually embarrassed to praise me.

Said Ye Youran was about to get up, but Ling Yue stretched out his right hand, hugged her waist, hugged her tightly and pressed her body against herself.

“Don’t move…” Ling Yue said in a low voice.

“Let go of me! Ling Yue, if I am controlled by someone now, then you are dead! I said, you should stay away from me, I don’t want to hurt you, and I will meet you later Fight with me, don’t be soft.” Ye Youran’s voice is a little dull, her face is pressed against his chest by Ling Yue, her eyes are a little dim.

“Don’t move, let me hug…” A very low voice.

Ye Youran really didn’t move anymore. She could hear the vibration of his heartbeat and smell the cool aura that belonged to him. Everything was so familiar and missed…

“Ye Youran…” Ling Yue suddenly turned over and pressed her under him, staring at her, “Ye Youran, you seem to be thin.”

He Her voice echoed in her ears, and the cold and deep voice sounded into Ye Youran’s ears, which inexplicably made her eyes sore.

“I ran to Indonesia…” She replied in a low voice, closing her eyes, and turning her head to prevent him from seeing the sadness in her eyes.

Leaving city A, sufferer untold hardships arrived in Indonesia, and suffered a lot to track down the affairs of Challerce. If it weren’t for Adolf’s help, I’m afraid I would have to be injured by bullets, but these are not the most important of.

She didn’t want to leave City A, nor did she want to leave him and her son, but… there was no way…

I had to leave…

Ling Yue was like usual Same, like to squeeze her face with his hands, “Go to Charalce, Indonesia?” He guessed and asked, suddenly thinking of important things, and quickly asked, “Last month, the freighter at Pingxi Wharf had an accident. Have you ever ……”

“I heard the news, but I was very fortunate that I took a merchant ship and left, otherwise I would not be blown to death, and I would be in shipwreck…” Ye Youran knew he was worried about himself. Immediately interrupted him by lying without drafting.

Ling Yue looked at her suspiciously, but it didn’t matter anymore, it would be good if she came back well now.

“Ye Youran…” Ling Yue suddenly bent his head and whispered in her ear, “Ye Youran, go home…”

“No!” Ye Youran bit her lip and immediately refused.

Bitterness flashed in Ling Yue’s eyes, he knew she would refuse, but he still hoped that she could go home…

“It will be against you if I go home.” Ye Youran The voice said coldly, “You know, I won’t go home until things are clear.”

Ling Yue stared at her annoyedly, “What a hard-hearted woman!” , His right hand pinched the tip of her nose.

“Hey, don’t pinch my nose.” Ye Youran is depressed, this man is not wary of himself at all, if I lose my mind again and deal with him, then his ten lives are not enough to die.

“Ling Yue, I found some news in Indonesia, I will tell you now…” Ye Youran immediately thought of the business, and immediately pushed him away and sat up.

Ling Yue also simply sat on this small rural stone road, looking at her strangely.

Ye Youran was a little embarrassed by his staring expression, “Why, do you suspect that I am lying to you now? I really have something to tell you. You can choose to believe it or not, but it’s really very Important, you can check it.”

“No.” Ling Yue suddenly said in a cold voice, “I think you have the smell of other men!”

Ye Youran Her expression stiffened, and she thought it might be the aura on Adolf’s body. Of course she couldn’t tell him that she was living with a big man now, and if she crossed that sex, 80% would stop it.

“It’s normal for me to run around all day and rub against men. Now I tell you, I found a clue in Indonesia…”

“In short, it is called MARK The man in is very suspicious. Not only did he cooperate with Lerce many times, but his relatives seemed to be very jealous of this man, and they were a little jealous when they heard his name.”

” Another point, I think the cherry blossom forest in Northern Part of City has a very big relationship with the other party. Yi Nuo was injured, Little Zi had an accident, and Fu Elder was kidnapped. They are all related to the cherry blossom forest…”

“So I checked the owner of this forest. He was a Fubo who was nearly 90 years old. He was deaf and dumb. I suspected that he was murdered. I just found one in Fubo’s room. Deputy Sakura oil painting, signed by MARK, Ling Yue, you quickly send someone to check Fu Bo’s relatives, I think this MARK must be closely related to Fu Bo…”

“Ye Youran.” Ling Yue Suddenly interrupted her.

Ye leisurely paused and looked towards him in a dazed manner. Before he could react, he was suddenly pulled by the man and rushed towards him, and the hot lips kissed her fiercely.

“Don’t talk…” Ling Yue’s voice was low and muffled…

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