Run Out of My Life

Chapter 318: not the end

    “Su! Su!…”

    When Su Zu looked away from the big screen, he had already heard many people shouting his name.

    Countless media and reporters poured out from the media area on the sidelines, and almost every step he took was surrounded by spotlights and cameras.

    Everyone's attention was focused on him, and a new men's 100m world record was born.

    Starting from the Oslo Golden League on June 2, Paris, France, Rome, Italy, to this battle between Zurich, Switzerland, and Suba, who can break the world record.

    Finally in this game, there is a result.

    At this time, many spectators watching the game on the spot have a sense of value for money and witnessing the legend.

    Men's 100m world record, every hundredth of a second, one thousandth of a second, represents the continuous improvement of human limits, and at this moment, it happens in our Under our noses, we are witnesses and participants!

    The domestic audience watching the game in front of the TV really couldn't help applauding after the results appeared.

    Su Zu, has created a new world record, he has refreshed his own world record!

    When Powell launched the competition this year, when Powell tied the world record at the British Gateshead Grand Prix this year, as long as the Chinese know something, they are all worried.

    I'm really afraid of the men's 100-meter record that Su Zu just created, the world record that the Chinese people have managed to hold, and it will be taken away in just a few months gone.

    And now, although this heart does not dare to say that it is completely put down, that kind of strong and absolute confidence has been established.

    It is rare to be able to break a world record once. The top athletes may only have one time in their life. Athletes like Isinbayeva who almost set the women's pole vault record as their prize money in various competitions are, after all, a minority.

    Most of the athletes who have won the Olympic World Championships may not have a record at the end of their entire career.

    And some athletes who have not won too many honors, often in a certain competition, may have achieved a world record that can be remembered by history.

    Su Zu was able to set a world record in the men's 100m, which is already an unimaginable achievement for most Chinese people, and at this moment, Su Zu has broken his world record again.

    Withstood the pressure of the strongest competitor Asafa Powell and set a new world record.

    Almost subconsciously, many Chinese people watching the game in front of the TV had a burst of pride in their hearts.

    If you can break it once, then you can break through it a second time, and there is nothing to worry about.

    Even if you can break it again, in the end, we will take it back!

    Su Zu raised his head and looked at Letzigren Stadium, feeling a little dizzy and dazed for a moment, applause and cheers seemed to fall from the sky.

      Rotating screen as seen with Steadicam.

    Breaking the world record once again, this time with the same feeling as last time.

    But there are many differences.

    The same is, the same excitement, the same excitement, the same boundless joy at this moment.

    The difference is that when I broke the world record last time, I felt that I was almost omnipotent, and I felt that I had enough confidence even in the face of the Jamaican Lightning after 2008.

    This time is different.

    He really felt how powerful the top players of this era were.

    Asafa Powell's achievements under his stimulation are almost unimaginable.

    By the way, and Tyson Gay, his performance in this game is amazing enough.

    Suzu's most impressive impression of Tyson Gay is from the 2007 World Championships and the 2009 Grand Prix in Magic City. Such extreme performance is regarded as the number one challenge for Jamaica Lightning By. And he, in this game, also showed absolutely powerful strength.

    Su Zu felt more urgency in his heart.

    I can do it, I can do it again.

    But I'm not alone.

    This world is turbulent, and talents change from generation to generation.

    The world record he ran this time was far from the limit.

    The other difference is the atmosphere of the scene. The last time in Doha, although the atmosphere was warm, it was far behind this time.

    On the one hand, although Doha is rich, the sports atmosphere is much worse than that of the old European Zurich Golden League, and the audience's favor, media hype, and the two-month duel between Suzu and Powell , in this game completely divided the winner.

    In the past, although Su Zu won, there were all kinds of unexpected situations in that result. Only in this game, here, can the two really perform at the highest level.

    "Su, congratulations!"

    On the field, Powell came over and hugged Su Zu lightly to congratulate him.

    "Powell, your performance is also very good, I am very happy to be able to compete with you, without your presence, I could not have run such a result."

    Su Zu looked into Powell's eyes and said sincerely, this is the truth in his heart.

    The day I chose sprinting, I never thought that I would be able to reach the highest stage of the competition, much less that I would be able to set a world record.

    But it all came.

    This world record, Su Zu knows very well, that is because there are opponents, famous players like Asafa Powell, forcing him not to slack off, forcing him to invest 100% concentration forced him to use 100%, 200% of his strength in such a game.

    Asafa Powell, this name, in the life of Suzu, even if he was not as famous as the Jamaican Lightning, he was also the most important sprinter.

    Su Zu can't remember how Asafa performed at this stage in 2006, but everyone can see that Powell was the peak of his entire career in 2005 and 2006.

    From 9 seconds 77 to 9 seconds 75, such a top player, Su Zu and him competed with each other for four games, and finally in the fourth game, the Zurich Gold League, won Powell, the two even more They broke the world record together.

    This feeling is really indescribable!

    Same as Doha, that one was Justin Gatlin, this one was Asafa Powell.

    Is there a better time for an athlete than this? !

    Powell stood in the middle of the arena with a rare smile, and after hugging Su Zu lightly, shook hands again.

    To respect your opponent is to respect yourself.

    There are almost as many cameras as the previous ones, and they are shooting this exciting moment at the same time.

    Powell lost and finished second, but no one would take the Jamaican sprinter lightly.

    Not to mention ridicule, 9 seconds 74, Asafa Powell also broke the world record, he just lost to Su Zu.

    Everyone in the world can now see clearly that Powell is the top sprinter in the world's field despite his defeat. This is an indisputable fact.

    Even if Su Zu wins, it can be said to be a very weak result. In terms of absolute strength, the gap between the two is the closest.

    Perhaps, plus another suspended American player, the strength of the three is now on the same level.

    Three people who can really run into the 9 seconds 80 mark today.

    In this game, in addition to Su Zu and Powell, many reporters also discovered new surprises!

    After Justin Gatlin, another world-class American sprinter is on the rise.

    Tyson Guy, his score in this game was 9.83 seconds, an astonishing score, if placed two years ago, this score was enough to win the Olympic men's 100m gold medal.

    Different from Nigerian star Orusoki Fasuba, Orusoki Fasuba just ran a 9.85 on the spot, although his own strength is not bad , but in the last few games, there has been no good performance.

    And Tyson Gay has fully proved his strength as a top star. In the 100-meter event, in the previous Athens Grand Prix, he had run out of 9.88 seconds. The Gore Grand Prix also had a time of 9.97.

    And his strength in the 200m event is obvious to all. The Lausanne Super Grand Prix, the London Super Grand Prix, and Tyson Gay's 200-meter results are all amazing.

    In 2006, the second year of his career, Tyson Gay has caught the world's attention in this shocking battle led by Suzu and Powell.

    At this time, Tyson Gay looked at Su Zu, who was surrounded by countless reporters and staff in the middle of the runway, and watched Su Zu sitting on the yellow timing board, 9 seconds 73 The electronic figures are very eye-catching.

    "0.1 second." Tyson Gay muttered silently in his heart.

    This time, his time was 9.83, his personal best time in the men's 100-meter run, a result that can definitely win the championship in any number of races.

    But here, it can only be third.

    He was 0.1 seconds away from the world record, and he remembered this moment very clearly.

    "It's not impossible, is it Tyson Guy?"

    After seeing the result, he asked himself if he could achieve this result.

    The answer is yes.

    Tyson Guy knows he wants to be a champion and he wants a world record, but maybe not yet.

    He played very well in this game, but not completely without room for improvement. He has basically completed his training recently. If, I mean, if there is a top coach to coach myself, how would that be?

    Thinking of this, Tyson Gay definitely became more and more clear about the road ahead.

    He was unwilling, but not entirely for his own achievements or the world record broken by Su Zu.

    More than that, he regretted and annoyed that he had wasted a lot of time before.

    If, if he switched to the men's 100m earlier, he might be able to go further now? Even the score of 9.73 is not out of reach.

    But now, the game is over.

    But the game has only just begun.

    Su, Asafa Powell, our competition is just beginning.

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