Run Out of My Life

Chapter 354: Outlook

    "Usain, Usain..."

    Dwight Thomas looked at the tall black youth who had been sitting in a daze since the men's 100m final, and gently pushed him.

    In the Nagai Stadium, the lights were all lit, and tens of thousands of spectators left in an orderly manner under the guidance of the stadium staff. There was an endless stream of discussions in Japanese, Chinese, and English along the way.

    Obviously, many viewers are still immersed in the extremely intense and moving "Flying Man War" just now, and at this moment, they still have a sense of excitement in the aftertaste.

    "Uh...what's the matter, Dwight?"

    The tall black youth who sat in the seat with his back straight came back to his senses and looked at Dwight Thomas with some doubts.

    Dwight Thomas reluctantly pointed to the crowd around him, "We should go."

    "Oh, good!"

    The tall black young man stood up from his seat. In the stadium, the athletes have already left. The award ceremony will be held after the women's 100m final tomorrow night. Some of the staff were busy packing equipment and clearing the runway.

    "Usain, what were you thinking about?" Dwight Thomas asked with some doubts after the tall black youth got up.

    In his eyes, the current 200m national record holder in Jamaica has always been a carefree, outgoing and cheerful person. expression.


    The tall black youth left his position, and before leaving the field, he turned his head and glanced reluctantly at the track of the track and field field.

    He finally ran the first 100-meter race in a small event this year. Maybe, in this event, he probably won't have the chance to board such a world-class stage soon. .

    The 2008 Olympics? Maybe.

    However, it is time to prepare for the next 200m!


    "9 seconds 69!"

    In a small apartment building in Pensacola, Florida.

    The live broadcast on the TV screen has long since passed, and the TV screen is playing a mess of advertisements.

    Justin Gatling was silent for a long time, then slowly stood up from the soft sofa, his lips moved lightly, and he chewed the result again.

    The two black teenagers beside him also stood up and looked at Gatlin blankly.

    "Justin, you..."

    The two black teenagers have undergone formal track and field sprint training for more than a year, and they are not ignorant of sprinting. .

    Understand what a score of 9.69 means, the world record, starting from Maurice Green's first run into 9.80, followed by Green, Montgomery, Gatlin, Powell, Sue Zu, Guy, and others all ran into that number.

    The mark of 9 seconds 70, at present, Su Zu is the first to break through this limit.

    "What, you think I'm going to get hit?"

    Justin Gatling had a smile on the corner of his mouth, reached out and rubbed the curly hair on John's head, raising his chin slightly.

    "Suzu is very strong. I knew early on that Powell and Guy were also top players, but I didn't lose confidence. Wait, I haven't given up."

    In the more than a year of his suspension, many of his friends were estranged because he hid on the high school campus. He often feels alone, with overwhelming pressure and loneliness.

    But he never gave up. In addition to daily coaching young players, he still maintains a great intensity of training every day, and further improves his skills.

    "Come on, it's time for us to train!"

    Justin Gatling took a breath, clapped his hands and greeted the two black teenagers.

    Four months to 2008, and less than 12 months to the Olympics.

    Justin Gatling, you are the one who only explodes in big scenes!


    August 27th, afternoon. It has been less than 24 hours since the 100-meter trapeze final of the World Championships ended.

    In a venue on the 34th floor of the Swissotel Osaka, the air-conditioning was very strong, but the heat of waiting permeated the emotions of many reporters.

    Just after the appointment, Asafa Powell pushed in the door. Smile, calm, as if the hustle and bustle of the night never happened.

    This is a small press conference held by Asafa Powell's economic team after the game. In addition to several Jamaican journalists, there are many major European and American sports TV stations, websites and well-known sports newspapers and magazines.

    After the protagonist of the conference appeared, several relaxed topics began to be cut, and gradually entered the theme of this conference.

    In the crowd, a Jamaican reporter got up and started to ask: "Asafa, the 100m final is over, we know you don't have the 200m event, the next event is the men's 4x100m relay. I would like to know, was your loss to Su Zu and Tyson Gay this time affected by previous injuries?"

    Asafa Powell's knee injury and groin injury at the beginning of this year have been known to the outside world, especially some Jamaican media who have followed reports, know this well, at this time Bringing it up is meant to justify a few words for Powell.

    Asafa Powell, who was sitting in the main seat, shook his head slightly, "No, my health is very good."

    Speaking, Powell moistened his throat and showed a serious look, "In this competition, I have ruled out the influence of Su on me before, starting from my acceleration at the start, to the end Crossing the finish line, I've played to my strengths."

    The light in the room was just right, reflecting in Powell's eyes, flickering with sincerity.

    "But that's the track, that's the game. I did my best, but my opponents, they also played perfectly. However, I think in Osaka, it was still a perfect time experience.”

    "Aren't you disappointed?"

    "Disappointment is unavoidable. This duel will surely be remembered in the world of field, and I am a loser. But it's just a game, isn't it?

    I am very grateful for this game, because it made me realize the gap between my previous self and my current self. I've always wanted to prove myself in big competitions, and time and time again, I've often been unable to play at my level in big competitions.

    This time is the easiest match I have had since I put down the burden. Although I lost, I let the world see my strength. Su's time was 9.69. Guy and I were both 9.72. There is still a gap between us, but this gap is not insurmountable. "

     Having said that, the reporters present did not continue to entangle this topic, after all, Powell in this time and space is different from before.

    It was also a bronze medal in the 100m, third place, but this time his performance was a personal best and equaled the previous world record.

    Such a level, if it is not on the same stage with Suzu and Guy, no matter what level of competition, there is no doubt that the champion will be the champion.

    "Can you talk about your future plans? We know it's not too long before the Olympics?"

    This time it was a yellow-skinned and dark-eyed Asian man, Powell looked at the CCTV icon on the other side's microphone and couldn't help laughing, "Hey guys, you shouldn't go now Are you interviewing Su next door?"

    The relaxed tone made the reporters laugh. Everyone could see that Powell's performance this time was indeed different from before, or should be said to have become more mellow and mature.

    However, Powell did not embarrass the reporter who asked the question, and then said solemnly: "After the World Championships, I will return to my hometown in Jamaica and start preparing more seriously. I will not stop moving forward, my Motivation comes from myself and my family, they want me to keep going. Well, of course my opponents.

    I failed to win the championship this time, but I am very happy that I have won the heart of a champion. I am grateful to Sue and Guy, two good opponents, and to the coaches who helped me when I was lost. Our next duel will come soon. "

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