Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Chapter 46: Really angry

"Send someone to **** the beast horn to the imperial city!"

It wasn't until Chu Jingtian's back disappeared in Wanjushan that Bai Xun came to his senses and started to arrange the next things. By the time everything was ready, half a day had passed.

"You killed Chu Hailong with Chu Jingtian and originally told me!"

Bai Xun left the unrelated people, leaving only Hong Mingguang.

Hong Mingguang immediately originally said, when he said that Chu Jingtian killed Zhou Hailong with a sword and burned hundreds of black dragon troops with a spell, Bai Xun couldn't hold back his shock.

"Everyone in the world is embarrassed by Chu. Even we are blinded by rumors, thinking that he is a scumbag. But who knows, he is not only a strong person, but also a master of cultivation!"

Bai Xun sighed heavily. In the Beast Mountain battle, Chu Jingtian didn't seem to show deep, but it was extremely scary.

Whether it is the freewheeling way to drink away from the herd, or the respectful attitude of Luo Shengyu and Wang Chong to him, it is clear that his means are not the same.

"Hahaha!" Just then, Bai Xun laughed aloud. "Someone is going to suffer!"

"Suffer? Master, I don't know what you mean ..." Hong Mingguang couldn't help wondering, he couldn't figure out what the other party was referring to.

"Do you know Chu Wushuang?" Bai Xun asked with narrow eyes.

Hong Mingguang froze and nodded again and again.

The two most famous people in the Beiliang Palace are Chu Jingtian and Chu Wushuang. If it is Chu Jingtian, he is idle and wasteful. Then Chu Wushuang is the first genius of the palace!

Chu Wushuang, at his young age, has reached the inner strength. After worshiping Chen Beiwang as a teacher, Xiu Wei has made rapid progress and will reach the master of Nei Jin at any time, posing a sword!

"Beijing Palace seems to be peaceful, but in fact it is surging. The elder of the palace is the ambition of the wolf, and has been peeping at the inheritance of Beiliang Palace." Bai Xun's eyes narrowed slightly, a hint of coldness in his eyes.

"And his greatest support is Chu Wushuang!"

"How come?" Hong Mingguang opened his mouth wide. He had never heard of these inside stories.

But after thinking about it, it was normal.

After all, he is only a thousand captain, and there is still a long way to go from the upper level of dynasty power. These things are not the level he can reach at all!

If it is true according to Bai Xun, isn't there a lot of problems in the Beiliang Palace?

"Chu Wushuang claims to be the first genius of the palace, and his talents are even looked at by the royal family. If this continues, it will be impossible for the king of Beiliang, Chu Ao, to return to the sky. You can only watch as the inheritance of the palace is taken away by Chu Wushuang. go!"

"But they never imagined that Chu Jingtian, who was looked down upon by the world, was a dormant real dragon! Hehe, if the elders and Chu Wushuang, obedient obedience, there may still be a way of life. But if they continue to act arbitrarily, I am afraid No one can save them! "

Bai Xun's eyes were far away, and he suddenly remembered something, and said quickly: "Hong Mingguang, how long is the annual meeting of the Royal Palace of Beiliang?"

"A month and a half!" Although Hong Mingguang did not know the meaning of the other party's inquiry, he quickly answered.

"There is still a month and a half! It seems that this year's annual meeting of the Beiliang Palace will not be too peaceful!" Bai Xun's face showed a meaningful smile.

"If the elders and Chu Wushuang knew the real strength of Chu Jingtian, I'm afraid the expression would be very wonderful!" Bai Xun narrowed his eyes, looking forward to the day when the annual meeting would come.


It was three days after returning to the palace.

Chu Jingtian was not in a hurry to go to the medicine storehouse, but was going to retreat for a few days to stabilize his realm. Most people reach the period of true qi and wish to take Tianlingdibao daily to improve cultivation, but he knows the importance of foundation.

He practiced in the previous life only eagerly for cultivation, and after he reached the Tianyan period, he suddenly came to his senses. But the foundation has been established, and it has been exhausted for half a lifetime and cannot go further.

Now that you are born again, naturally you will not make such mistakes again!

In the small house, countless heaven and earth aura that is invisible to the naked eye has been around Chu Jingtian who sat with her eyes closed and crossed her legs.

As he swallowed and breathed, these rich heaven and earth auras continued to flow towards his body.

The heaven and earth aura is transformed into supreme aura, and it runs wildly in Chu Jingtian's body. This motivating force even caused the tiny cracks on the hard bluestone slabs under him to gradually appear.

These fissures continue to spread in all directions with the operation of 'Taikoo's Qi-extraction tactics'.

After sitting for a long time, suddenly Chu Jingtian's body shook. Numerous celestial auras surged from the middle of the sky, poured into his body like a wave, and finally gathered in his Qi Haidan Tian !!

"Are you going to break?" Chu Jingtian was startled.

He only reached two vortexes of aura a few days ago, and the speed of this kind of cultivation has been far beyond his imagination.

Is it possible that we can continue to break through today?


In Chu Jingtian's unbelievable belief, the second vortex of Qi in his body has already reached the limit under the infusion of heaven and earth aura. Immediately, it was directly divided into two, and the third vortex of aura was derived!

Hum! ~

At this moment in his Dantian Qihai, there were three swirling vortexes of Qi!

At this instant, the flow of qi in his body was directly increased more than several times. As soon as the mind is moving, the surging vitality can flow through the body in an instant.

"Three big vortex vortexes, I didn't expect me to be able to ascend to qi xiaocheng so soon!"

"I originally expected that this state would not be reached until at least the annual meeting, but I did not expect it to happen today!"

His eyes slowly opened, and Chu Jingtian's eyes burst into an intense coldness. Until a moment later, this light was quietly hidden.

"The ancients don't deceive me. The fastest way to increase their strength is to fight! It seems that the battle of Wanjushan really sharpened me!"

Chu Jingtian was lost in thought.

Now that Qiqi Xiaocheng has been reached in advance, the original plan seems a little conservative.

"One and a half months away from the annual meeting of the Royal Palace!"

"If I can sharpen it in the 'Budo Martial Arts Exchange Meeting', maybe there is still the possibility of a substantial increase in strength!"

In the Dayan Dynasty, martial arts became common practice, and there were various kinds of competitions in the people's court and martial arts battlefields. But these are limited to the participation of the inner strength martial arts, the grade is too low, Chu Jingtian has never looked straight.

In addition, it is the 'Budo Exchange Meeting' hosted by the fighters of the Shinki period.

He also learned from Wang Chong about the 'Budao Exchange Conference'. This is a royal platform with a royal background. At the conference, the strong parties from all sides will gather here.

Some infamous strong people will make their appearance on the ring and attract the attention of the royal family. Even if they have some notable presence, they will also look for opponents and sharpen their strength in the ring games.

This occasion is perfect for Chu Jingtian.

It ’s a pity that the ‘Budao Exchange Meeting’ will only start in the evening, and if you want to go in, you have to be led by an acquaintance. Chu Jingtian wasn't in a hurry, he still had to pick up Xuan Yincao at the barracks anyway, and wait with Wang Chong at night.

"Where have you been in the past half month?"

As soon as he went out, he bumped into Chu Yao who was furious. "The King of the North Liang arranged for you to evaluate the Beastmaster, but you ran out without a word. How can you compare to Chu Wushuang like this?"

Chu Jingtian smiled lightly and would not argue. Instead, I remembered something, wondering:

"Why are the people in the house missing?"

"Except for a few people who have not passed the test, most of them have reported to the Guards. I have to report to the Suzaku Regiment today!" Chu Yao stared at Chu Jingtian, hating iron as steel.


Chu Jingtian frowned. The four major legions of the Guards are divided into Qinglong, White Tiger, Suzaku, and Xuanwu. Each legion has different responsibilities.

The Green Dragon Regiment is responsible for dealing with emergencies in the dynasty, such as the robbing of the beast horn by Wanshoushan.

The White Tigers are responsible for foreign affairs, usually bandits, killing enemies, and fighting invasions.

The Suzaku Regiment is the only legion in the Guards that consists entirely of women!

As for the Xuanwu regiment, it is guarding the imperial city.

"Oh, congratulations, congratulations!" Chu Jingtian was a little uncomfortable to be stared at Chu Yao, could not help but embarrassed. "I hurried out this time and hurried back again ~ ~ I didn't have time to prepare a gift for you. When the annual meeting, I will prepare a copy for you."

"Chu Jingtian, you are so disappointing. You are the orthodox heir of the Beiliang King's Mansion, but you don't have the slightest consciousness. Do you think you can support the entire Beiliang King's Mansion now?

Chu Yao was so angry that he couldn't help but scold.

"Some things I can't tell you, but I tell you, but I will never let you down. I have passed the assessment of the animal master and become a second-order animal master!"

"As for the successor to the palace, you can rest assured that no one can take it away!"

The cold mang flashed in Chu Jingtian's eyes.

The elders and Chu Wushuang are first-rate, he has long lost sight of them. If it weren't for the royal family's existence, he could show all his hole cards.

"Second-order animal trainer? At this point, are you still lying to me?"

Chu Yao sighed and couldn't help shaking his head. "The entire imperial city, and even the entire Great Swallow dynasty, the number of second-order animal masters is less than two palms. If you study well together, you may reach the level of second-order animal masters before you are thirty ! But now, how do you make me believe? "

She waved her hands and seemed reluctant to say more.

Chu Jingtian's face didn't matter, he patted Chu Yao's shoulder and said:

"Aren't you going to the barracks to report? It's too late to delay. I happen to have a trip to the barracks, let's get together!"

"You finally woke up?"

Chu Yao is overjoyed, she knows that Chu Chutian's current strength may not be comparable to Chu Wushuang, but it is more than enough to join any of the guards. As long as you can make achievements in the army, it is not uncommon to surpass Chu Wushuang.

Chu Jingtian saw the other party wrong, and did not intend to explain anything. Anyway, by the day of the meeting, everything would be clear.

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