Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Chapter 75: Cut Dragon

"Mr. Chu!"

Yan Hezhi's eyes were red, and his face was ashamed.

He had thought about beating his opponent with a sword on the ring, and using his blood to wash the shame of the White Tigers!

He also thought about the other party's loss to himself, kneeling and begging for mercy, begging him for a life!

He also thought about various possibilities.

However, Yan Hezhi never expected that when he shot, he was forced to retreat with a sword. Under these eyes, even if he had already seen his vanity, he couldn't help getting angry.

"It seems you are not convinced yet, so that will let you know the gap between us!"

After speaking, Chu stomped his feet and shouted, "Get up!"

There was a blast of wind, and the endless aura of the entire venue came. In Yan Hezhi's shocking eyes, a flame rose up and turned into several fierce fire dragons with the help of the wind!

This fire dragon fiber pattern is necessary and lifelike. From dragon horns to dragon scales, whiskers, and claws are clearly visible. The raging flames released a billowing heat wave, leaving everyone in the furnace for a while.

"This ... this is!" Yan Hezhi looked up, only feeling that the cold hair on his whole body stood up.

These fiery dragons, with a total of thirteen heads, quickly formed under Chu Jingtian's drink. This is an extremely sophisticated technique.

At the same time, it whistled away towards Yan Hezhi!

"Fire Dragon Curse!"

Fang Chengjing struggled to wake up from the shock and shouted in a loss.

He looked at Chu Jingtian in awe, only to feel his throat dry. In the past few days of hard work, he thought he had mastered the true meaning of the technique, and this time he discussed with the other party again, at least 70% of the odds.

But now the opponent's trick "Fire Dragon Curse" directly tears away the confidence he has gathered over the past few days!

"The left door is not fearful!"

Yan Hezhi bit his teeth and rubbed his hands into a sword.

I saw his body shake, and the eight vortexes of qi in his body twitched madly, and the pure qi swelled out, turning into a thirteen qi sword, and fired at the fire dragon attacking him.

"嘭!" "嘭!" "嘭!" "嘭! ..."

Suddenly, the fire dragon was beheaded and killed on the spot, and turned into countless fire and rain.

He is still happy in the future, and Chu Jingtian's second strike has arrived.

I saw Chu Jingtian's hands under his body. Immediately, he turned into a black hole, and countless days and spirits turned into numerous strands and poured into his hands. Then he cut off his right hand, and his feet were three feet tall. The wind blade cut out.


The blade is extremely fast, almost blinking.


Yan Hezhi did not dare to neglect, and condensed his sword energy directly to chop it up. Just hearing a loud sound, the sword qi and wind blade were all gone on the spot!

Pedal Pedal!

The explosion produced a wave of air, and Yan Hezhi was violently retreated on the spot. But when he looked up, Chu Jingtian's technique was ready again, and it was even more terrifying than the previous Fengdao and Fire Dragon Curse!

"Is this kid's mana infinite? How can he show so many spells at once?"

Yan Hezhi was shocked, but more regretful.

"Only seven or eight days later, his true energy and Tongxuan have reached a perfect condition, I am afraid that only the master can kill him! What the **** is this!" Yan Hezhi only thought it was incredible, even if the boy was Practice from the mother's womb, shouldn't there be such a practice? Knowing this already, he shouldn't rush out of the mountain.

But at this time he couldn't help thinking about it, because Chu Jingtianmantianshu's technique had swept through.

Each of these techniques is a second-order top grade, and even mixed with some superb. Such a mighty, so fierce, almost everyone stunned, and even covered the entire platform in an instant. And Yan Hezhi can only dodge constantly, avoiding attacks!

The whole venue was silent, only the sound of explosions during the bombardment of spells. Everyone was stunned looking at the Yantai, even if there was a white tiger group who regarded Yan Hezhi as a celestial being, it was not much better.

"Just a successful and energetic practice is scary enough, and now he has demonstrated his full-handedness. It is only a matter of time before Yan Hezhi loses."

Everyone has such an idea in their hearts.

"Yan Hezhi today is like Ye Zhichen before. I'm afraid he can't even touch the other person's clothing corner, and he will be beheaded?"

"Yan Hezhi, aren't you trying to kill me? What's the difference between your ups and downs and a wild monkey? If you want to drag my mana out, it will disappoint you."

Chu Jingtian looked at Yan Hezhi, who was constantly avoiding, and said sarcastically.

He reached Tongxuan's completeness, and was already in the vortex of seven powers. Now the third house is opened, and qi, blood, qi, and mana can be changed at will. According to this release speed, he will be more than enough for another four or five hours, only that Yan Hezhi will be exhausted by then.

However, Chu Jingtian didn't want to consume it with him anymore. As soon as his voice fell, his hands were printed separately, and an extremely cold and hot temperature burst from his body.

Dozens of fire dragons and ice dragons flew directly out of the void and flew towards Yan Hezhi!

"Fire Dragon Curse and Ice Dragon Curse!" Fang Chengjing exclaimed aloud.

"Master Fang? Is there anything special about this Fire Dragon Charm or Ice Dragon Charm?" There is a companion next to me who doesn't understand why Fang Chengjing is so shocking.

Fang Chengjing was full of shock.

The fire dragon spell and ice dragon spell cast by the opponent are naturally nothing special, but what shocked him was the release method of the opponent.

"The conversion of mana into spells requires concentration and attention. You must not be half-hearted. These two different spells are the opposite of each other. If you do not take one step, you will not be able to kill the enemy, but will burn your body!"

Fang Chengjing woke up from the shock and couldn't help muttering.

Reaching this level, he can of course use it with one mind and two methods at the same time, but it is also limited to the lowest level. Such a level of skill as the Fire Dragon Curse gave him the courage to dare to try it.

Because once the spell fails to release, it will counterattack itself ten times and one hundred times. No matter how high you are, you will be torn apart by this backwashing power!


As the crowd shook, Chu Jingtian sang aloud. Suddenly, a thunderous thunder over the venue, dozens of mad thunder poured down, turned into a mad dragon, and ran towards Yan Hezhi almost at the same time!

This is already three ways!

"not good!"

Everyone in the White Tiger Group changed their looks.

The power of these three methods being released at the same time, even if they are far away from the stage, they can feel the power. Shown in such a way, let alone Yan Hezhi is the entire platform, I am afraid that the entire venue will be razed to the ground!

In the face of such atrocious techniques, Yan Hezhi suddenly stood still.

I saw him slowly looking up, his voice rang through the audience:

"Mr. Chu, your strength is beyond my expectations. But do you think I'm nothing more than that?"


He shook in the void, as if pulling a bolt of lightning from the void, chopping it out fiercely. Several fire dragons rushing forward were beheaded by him on the spot and turned into light spots and dissipated in the void.

The crowd looked at him and couldn't help but be surprised, Yan Hezhi had an extra silver sword in his hand.

"I thought killing you was just a hand gesture, but I didn't expect you to force me to use it!"

"This sword was bestowed by the royal family when I was the head of the White Tigers. It is called 'Cut Dragon'!"


With a wave of his hand, the sword of the Dragon Sword burst into a dazzling sword light. The infinite sword energy enveloped him. The ice dragon, fire dragon, and thunder dragon were completely scared by the terrible sword gas before they came close. Torn.

The flying sword gas turned into infinite sword rain and fell to the ground, and every bit of sword rain can blast the ground into a deep hole.

No matter how powerful the overwhelming technique is, it is impossible to get close at this moment!

At this moment, Yan Hezhi turned to the situation with the might of the Dragon Sword and changed the situation!

"The chief coach is mighty!"

Seeing this scene, everyone in the White Tiger Group shouted in unison.

They had no hope at all, and thought Yan He's death was undoubted, but who had thought of a shocking reversal.

"This cutting dragon sword is a royal royal gift, a second-order best-in-class flying sword. How can I take it easy. I almost forgot the existence of this sword. The chief coach has this flying sword, and will definitely be able to kill Mr. Chu!" The millionaire clapped and shouted.

Everyone nodded all around.

This is a sword in hand, a model I have in the world. No matter how dreadful the method is, it will not be able to break through the sword net gathered by that piece of sword light. Although this battle has its twists and turns, the final outcome cannot be changed.

"But this Mr. Chu is also extraordinary ~ ~ The head coach who is actually able to force him, please send out the Dragon Sword!" The other head coach nodded his head. "Unfortunately, although he is a natural talent, he will eventually have to die here!"


At this time, Wang Chong, Fang Chengjing, Song Shuhang and others were all looking down.

The power of the flying sword directly changed the situation.

Can Chu Jingtian still win?

"I cut!"

At this moment, Yan He screamed loudly, and the whole person seemed to be immersed in the snow-capped mountains of the sky, like a scabbard excalibur. He lifted his right hand and chopped it down sharply.

No matter how the mad dragon roared, they were beheaded at this moment.


This sword brought out a tens of meters of sharp edge, which split the entire venue directly in half. The huge roof was torn directly to reveal the starry night sky!

I saw Yan He's fierce stepping forward, actually carrying the unstoppable edge directly towards Chu Jingtian and blasting away!

"Mr. Chu, I can cut the sky with this sword, and you have to bow to whatever kind of existence you are. You are a natural talent, but the dead are not worthy to be called geniuses!"

This sword pointed directly at Chu Jingtian, and the spreading sword gas almost blocked the entire ring. Even if Chu Jingtian knew the direction of the sword, he felt a sense of inevitable and inevitable.

At this moment, everyone in the venue saw its discoloration, and no one thought that he could survive this sword.

However, when Wang Chong and others were desperate, they saw Chu Jingtian under the might of a sword and sneered:

"is it?"

In the horrified eyes of everyone, he suddenly drank and shouted:

"Shen Yuan!"


At this moment, a sword sounded.

ps: 10 o'clock, and one more.

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