Salted Fish Zombie

Chapter 46: Manman

Ning Su should correct the title of "Mom", but he is sad and tired by the name Manman.

He thought again of what Zhu Shuangshuang said that day when he was cleaning the blood doll.

This dungeon may also have a ghost owner.

Ning Su would rather fight another wave of monster kids.

When Ning Su was about to ask the blood doll melancholy, he suddenly heard a shrill scream.

He turned back immediately.

Many players who were pulled into the door by ghost friends also ran from the room to the door to look at the scream when they heard the scream.

Looking at it this way, he was completely terrified.

Each ghost friend pulls the player to a house, which is a one player one ghost friend situation.

But some players have more than one ghost friend, Bai Shuang on the fifth floor has three, and Ling Guangqing on the sixth floor has two.

That is to say, two or three ghost friends have only one companion.

However, it seems like every ghost friend has a home.

They all want to bring their companions into their homes.

So what to do?

Bai Shuang was first pulled into a Japanese-style courtyard by a ghost friend, and then pulled out by two ghost friends, one pulled forward and the other pulled left.

The ghost friend in exquisite kimono who ran out of the courtyard hugged her leg again and pulled her back.

Three weird real ghost friends, neither crying nor making trouble, silently hugged a part of Baishuang's body, and pulled Baishuang towards their respective houses.

They are so small, smaller than a six-year-old player.

Many players heard Bai Shuang's screams and saw them pull Bai Shuang, and felt that Bai Shuang's screams were a bit exaggerated, which might be caused by the unrest in the environment, but they immediately understood that Bai Shuang's screams were not exaggerated, she was real. the pain.

The ghost friends are small, but after they are born, they are very powerful and terrifying.

Bai Shuang was torn apart by him.

A living girl, just like that, was instantly torn into three pieces before all the players could react.

The left hand is connected to the left shoulder and head, the right hand is connected to the right shoulder and right leg, and the left leg is connected to a large part of the stomach.

The blood vessels were torn off, and the blood burst out, penetrating the dark mist.

Blood and intestines fell instantly on the ground.

The street was dead silent.

The three ghost friends didn't seem to notice, they each held a part of Bai Shuang's body, and walked towards their house contentedly.

The ghost friend with Baishuang's head put his face on Baishuang's wide-eyed head, and rubbed it affectionately. That was Baishuang's first ghost friend.

The kimono ghost friend with Baishuang's left leg picked up the **** intestines that fell on the ground, hung them around his neck, lay down on the ground and licked the blood there, and went back to the room after licking it clean.

This is not at all the ghost friends they met in the castle, they are bloody, weird, and sick.

They are evil dead children walking on the streets of the underworld.

The players looked at them in horror, one calf was trembling, and their hands were tightly clutching the door frame, not wanting to enter the room again.

Among them, Ling Guangqing is the most feared, and he does not only have one ghost friend.

He was dragged into the door of a house by a ghost friend just now. His original ghost friend was holding his other hand with his head down, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Let's, let's discuss, how about living in one house for one day and taking turns?" Ling Guangqing said tremblingly.

Seeing that Baishuang was torn into three pieces, he was terrified, his face was pale, and cold sweat was dripping down.

If he had known this would happen earlier, he would never have opened the door to another ghost friend.

The only thing he is grateful for now is that under Shi Tianshu's reminder, he did not neglect any of his ghost friends, and has always treated them well.

So, he may not necessarily encounter Bai Shuang, right?

He stood there stiffly, not daring to move.

His new ghost friend dragged him into that house, and his original ghost friend followed without saying anything.

All the players thought that they acquiesced to Ling Guangqing's statement.

When the players were about to be pulled into the room by the ghost friend again, they suddenly heard a door knock.

It turned out that Ling Guangqing's ghost friend was shut out.

He stood alone in the dark street.

The players didn't have time to see what would happen in the end, and were dragged back to their rooms by ghost friends one by one. Only Ning Su was still standing on the street, looking at him.

He lowered his head slightly, standing in front of the big iron gate, surrounded by gray mist, like a child abandoned in the dark world.

After an unknown amount of time, he raised his head, slammed open the big iron gate, and ran in.

Within a few seconds, a shrill scream came from the room, resounding through the dark street.

But this time no player ran to the door to look.

Ning Su saw that ghost friend come out holding half of Ling Guangqing.

Half of the head, half of the upper body connected to a leg.

Ling Guangqing opened one eye wide, red, red and white things scattered from half of his head onto the ghost friend's head.

The ghost friend just hugged him tightly, even if it was only half, he would take him home.

Ning Su watched him hold half of him and walked into a simple bungalow.

"Does mom think they are cruel?" The little girl's voice came from behind.

Ning Su turned to look at her.

The little girl's eyes were no longer bloodshot, but there seemed to be a red spot in the center of her **** pupils, and she looked at people in a deep and quiet way, "But they are going to die too."

Ning Su didn't know what to say for a moment.

The change that happened at this moment was too great.

Not long ago they were having breakfast in the castle, and all the ghost friends were sticking to them obediently.

Now that they've left the castle, two players are torn apart by ghost friends.

But, it seems, they don't hate players.

The little girl took his hand and continued walking.

She brought Ning Su and Gui Sheng to a villa at the end of the street.

Looking at this villa, the one in Huaiyang Village is incomparable.

The villas in Huaiyang Village are also quite beautiful, both inside and outside are natural and rustic, and this villa, in Ning Su's opinion, is the kind of real rich and well-known people who live there.

Different from the outside, the villa was brightly lit, and they could see a large clear swimming pool and the glass greenhouse next to it at a glance.

Even the ghosts opened their mouths and let out a "wow".

Ning Su's gloomy mood outside suddenly brightened.

This is simply his dream love house, a big villa, with a swimming pool and a greenhouse, and Ling Xiao is also planted in the villa.

It would be perfect if you don't have to worry about eating and drinking.

"A Fei, ah Man Man, can we really live here?"

Manman nodded, "This is ours, do you like it?"

Ning Su: "I really like it."

Guisheng: "Yeah!"

Manman: "I'm sorry mom, we have to pick vegetables and cook by ourselves."

"Huh?" Ning Su was startled, "Is there a place to grow vegetables?"

Even the title of mother is not corrected, what is being a mother, Manman is their parents.

Sure enough, she was, he and Guisheng didn't think wrong at that time.

Manman took them around to the back of the villa, where a lot of vegetables and fruits were really grown.

The love room in the dream is not like this.

For a post-apocalyptic zombie who has experienced years of food shortages and no greenery, this is simply paradise.

Ning Su felt that there were only twenty days left, which was a bit short.

He carried the little princess to the seat on the spot, took the exquisite rattan basket and went to pick vegetables and fruits.

Because I got up late and had breakfast late, it was almost noon when I came here, so Ning Su picked it up and went to cook.

Neither Guisheng nor Manman expected that Ning Su would be so good at cooking.

Six dishes and one soup were placed on the table, steaming hot and so fragrant that people drool.

The villa kitchen is very large, complete with oven, refrigerator, coffee machine, etc., full of oil and food, enough for Ningsu to develop his cooking skills.

Except the current height needs a chair for this.

"Let's eat." Ning Su said with his eyes bent.

The bright light in his crooked eyes was like warm starlight.

The two children stared blankly at him, their hearts illuminated by the starlight.

Manman asked: "Mom, are you happy?"

Ning Su nodded, "Happy."

Ning Su was an orphan since he was a child. He moved to many families and shared a room with many people.

He is eager to have a stable and spacious residence.

At first he liked the villa in Huaiyang Village very much, but in fact there were many people living in that villa, and he and Su Xiangsheng shared a room.

Then, he likes that castle very much, because everyone in the castle has a room, and he and the ghost can live in their own room, but that castle also has many people living on the same floor, like a hotel without the feeling of home.

There are only three of them in this villa, ah, three non-human beings.

Ning Su is completely satisfied, even if it is only 20 days.

Guisheng: "Happy!"

With a tuft of hair on the top of his head, he opened his beautiful yin and yang eyes and said.

He was kicked out by Xueqiu before and could only live in a small dilapidated warehouse, but now he can live in a villa.

Manman held her chopsticks and lowered her head, not knowing what she was thinking. When she raised her head to say something, she saw two boys frantically picking up dishes, and half of the dishes on the table were gone.


It seems a loss not to eat.

If you don't eat it, it seems to be gone after a while.


It was dark and foggy outside, and under the bright lights of the restaurant, three children sat at the corner of the table, eating with chopsticks.

The food is steaming, and the soup is delicious and warm.

The lifeless little face also has a world of smoke and fire.

After the meal, the three children lay on the sofa half-lying on their stomachs in a daze.

In a daze, he took a nap.

Manman sat up abruptly, she felt that this direction of development was a bit wrong.

She turned her head to look at the two boys who were sleeping soundly, which was even more wrong.

The two boys slept until three o'clock in the afternoon. When they woke up, they rubbed their eyes and saw the little girl sitting in front of them with a lot of resentment.

"I'll show you to your room," she said.

There are only three of them in the villa, and each of them can live in the house facing the swimming pool and the greenhouse.

On the second floor, Ning Su's room is in the middle, and Gui Sheng's and Man Man's rooms are next to him on both sides.

Ning Su and Gui Sheng actively cleaned up the room, cleaning all the rooms on the second floor, and Man Man was there to help.

There is one room left, let the two children clean it, and Ning sleeps down to prepare dinner.

The remaining room on the second floor should be a children's toy room, filled with various dolls and other toys.

Guisheng arranged them one by one, and Manman placed the two dolls on the window.

Jian Guisheng was sitting on a low chair, wiping the face of a doll.

Even with a toy in his hand, he wiped it very gently and carefully.

The ghost child is a small one, sitting on the small chair that the three-year-old child is sitting on, looking very well-behaved.

In addition to being a little introverted, he has a very good personality.

I held a bowl to catch her tears so many times before, but I never poked her chin once, and I never said I was tired when I kept raising my arms.

Once in danger, immediately put her behind.

Manman walked up to him, blocking the light in front of him, "Brother Guisheng."

Guisheng raised his head, "Huh?"

The little girl tilted her head, "Would you like to stay here with me forever?"

Guisheng stared at her blankly.

"Come down for dinner!" Ning Su shouted from the first floor.

The two children quickly came down, washed their hands and sat down.

Ning Su took a mouthful of delicious rice, and then Xin Dadi asked, "Who gave Manman the name?"

The little girl said: "I have a name before I was born."

Ning Su let out a "huh".

Before they speculated that the name of the dungeon is "Manman", this Manman refers to Gumanthong and Gumanli.

Unexpectedly, his ghost friend is also called Manman.

From what he heard, his ghost friend might have a ghost owner.

That's because the ghost owner's name is Manman, and the dungeon name is Manman, or because these ghost friends are Gumantong and Gumanli, the dungeon name is Manman.

Possibly, both?

Forget it, Ning Su took a sip of crucian carp tofu soup, narrowed his eyes happily, and didn't think about it.

However, he thought again, they should be all right?

Nothing happened all night, no monster kids attacked, no need to worry about ghost friends, Ning Su had a good night's sleep.

When he woke up the next morning, he saw the little girl carrying a big bag not much smaller than her from outside the door. Just as Ning Su was about to jump up from the bed, Guisheng had already run over to help her carry it.

Ning Su walked downstairs slowly, and saw two children stepping on chairs, putting ingredients into the refrigerator.

What the little girl brought back from the outside just now were ingredients.

Ning Su was a little embarrassed, "Just let us pick it up next time."

Manman said: "It's good for mother and brother to stay at home."

"Brother?" Ning Su looked at the two children who looked similar, "How do you know it's the younger brother? Do you know how old Guisheng is?"

Guisheng also looked at her curiously, "Yes."

Manman said: "I know, it must be my brother."

Ning Su let out a "huh" and put on an apron to make breakfast. While cooking, he said, "Shall we go out for a stroll after dinner?"

Manman was silent for a moment and said, "Okay."

After breakfast, the three of them came out of the house together. They were at the innermost part of the street. To go out, they had to pass by the houses of every surviving player.

Ning Su pricked up his ears.

Along the way, he heard Zhu Shuangshuang say, "Zhizhi, do you want to go out and play?"

I heard Meng Jiang ask: "Ayi, are you full?"

Money bag Ji Mingrui and Sui Sui have never talked much.

Shi Tianshu doesn't have to worry.

Ning Su happily took the two children around Fairy Tale Town, and finally took them to the Children's Amusement Park in Fairy Tale Town.

At night, there will be many monster children here, but there are very few children during the day.

Ning Su had never been to a playground when he was a child, and the feeling of owning an entire playground was so joyful.

The three children played happily for three hours before going back.

After coming out for a trip, Ning Su had no other ideas, he just wanted to lie at home and be a salted fish.

Strangely and miraculously, after coming out of the castle, they lived a warm little life for the remaining 20 days.

Ning Su is lazy, Guisheng has a particularly good personality, Manman has his own opinions, and the three children get along very harmoniously.

Manman is the head of the family, she can always bring back all kinds of fresh ingredients, and she can also visit friends.

Although friends are a little weird.

It was a group of small skeletons about three or four years old.

Manman said: "Brother Guisheng is too introverted, I need to meet more friends, I brought the skeleton band."

The little skeletons looked up at Ning Su unanimously.

Ning Su: "."

The two children and the skull band had a party on the grass. The little skull picked up the mini guitar and bass, played the guitar and sang.

The coolest thing is the smallest skeleton. When it looks like it has flesh, it should be at the age of just learning to stand. It wears a pair of small ripped jeans and a peaked cap on its head. When playing the bass, the skeleton shines in the moonlight. Cool silver light.

Ning Su baked some biscuits and served them coffee.

The little skeletons sat on the grass with coffee and chatted about music.

Ning Su and Gui Sheng sat next to each other, listening to their talk about when the musical instruments made of human bones were the best.

Guisheng didn't know why he was so thoughtful, he nodded and joined the discussion.

Ning Su felt that he was out of place because he didn't have enough underworld. After all, he still had 0.1 health points.

Manman will also find all kinds of seeds for Ning Su, they are strange in shape and look a little cute.

Ning Su opened an experimental field in the backyard, planted them one by one, and took a look at them every morning, waiting to see what kind of buds they would produce.

It's dark here and the sun doesn't see, will there be shoots breaking through the soil?

They lived like this for ten days.

This is simply the life Ning Su dreamed of. He didn't go out even once in the past ten days, and he wished he could live here forever.

This morning, Manman was wearing a red tutu skirt, and she had pinned a lily lily flower in her hair by her ears.

She is a very dexterous girl, in the castle, only Zhu Shuangshuang helped her clean the first night, after that she can clean herself up very well, never needing others to intervene.

During this time, it can be said that she took care of them a little more.

After she sat down, she was about to speak when she suddenly heard Ning Su say, "Manman, is there a way for us to stay here for a while, 20 days is not enough."


In another house, Zhu Shuangshuang and Zhizhi are also eating.

She asked again: "Zhizhi, when are we going out?"

After the paper turned into gray skin, Zhizhi became a thin, gray-eyed boy. While eating, he said, "This is the third time you have asked this question today."

"Ah, really, that's because I really want to go out." Zhu Shuangshuang said.

The little boy ate in silence without speaking.

Zhu Shuangshuang looked at him, inexplicably feeling cold, and didn't speak again.

They lived on a large flat floor, as if they had been pulled out of a tall building, appearing here with neither high nor low.

After eating, Zhu Shuangshuang sat at the window and looked out.

I don't know what happened to the few of them. It has been more than ten days since they were pulled into the room by ghost friends, but she didn't even see them once.

She was very worried, especially when she thought of the hoarfrost that was torn apart by the ghost friend just before entering the room on the first day, she was full of anxiety.

Fortunately, she and Zhizhi each had a room. Even so, she didn't dare to close her eyes the whole first night.

Once she was sure she was safe, she started worrying about others.

They lived on the same street, and they hadn't even met once. The more Zhu Shuangshuang thought about it, the more strange she became, and the more worried she became.

She looked out of the window with yearning for the outside world.

Compared to the window, the room was very dark, Zhi Zhi stood in the shadows, quietly watching the hopeful light in her eyes.

At noon the next day, Zhu Shuangshuang couldn't hold back, and asked again: "Zhi Zhi, shall we go out today? If you don't want to go out, can I go out alone?"

Zhizhi still didn't respond to this question, and he ate more silently.

On the third day, Zhu Shuangshuang asked again without giving up. She even went to open the door by herself, but she couldn't open it after several attempts.

That night Zhu Shuangshuang opened her eyes in a burst of dizziness. She first saw a pair of feet before realizing that she was standing on her head.

It wasn't until she felt the ropes tied around her hands and feet that she realized she was hanging head-down from the wall.

On the walls of this storage room, there are all kinds of weird yellow talismans pasted on them, with strange pictures outlined in red sand on them, red like blood.

In addition, there are two pink lotus lamps emitting a dim light, and a few burning incense sticks.

In the dark room, there was an aura that made people feel hairy everywhere.

Zhizhi stepped back a little, Zhu Shuangshuang was able to see his face upside down.

Her eyes were facing his mouth, and she saw that small mouth open and close, "Why do you always want to leave, why can't you stay with me all the time?"

A pair of cold little hands cupped her face, so cold that Zhu Shuangshuang's face immediately had goose bumps.

"Sister, stay with me forever."

Ning Su slowly opened his eyes.

These days he sleeps more than ten hours a day, and after sleeping half of the night, he doesn't want to sleep much.

He got up from the bed and opened the door.

At this point in time, both Guisheng and Manman were sleeping, and besides the three bedrooms on the second floor, there was only one toy room left.

Ning Su gently pushed open the door of the toy room.

The toy room is also very large. There are all kinds of dolls and toys on the surrounding cabinets, as well as exquisitely made dolls. There is a thick long-haired carpet in the middle, which is convenient for children to sit on and play with toys.

If a little girl can have so many toys, it will generally make many children envious.

However, Ning Su felt inexplicably that these dolls could not bring joy to children.

The entire Fairy Tale Town is in dark tones, and this street is extremely dark. Even the pale moon above Fairy Tale Town at night cannot clearly shine light into the room, as if it is covered in a layer of mist, blurred and oppressive.

In the dim moonlight, among the hundreds of dolls on the sky-high cabinets on both sides, there are some eyes that are like the eyes of real people, shining faintly at night.

They are all small and stand one by one in the cabinet.

Ning Su didn't come to clean the room that day, so he picked up a doll, only to realize that the doll had more than one floor, the cabinet was made very deep, and there was another row of dolls behind the front row of dolls.

Ning Su looked at the doll on the farthest floor inside, and opened his eyes slightly.

It was a glass mirror villain.

Ning Su had seen this villain before. On the first day of staying in the castle, he frantically knocked on Sun Xing's door and was smashed by the monster kid.

Ning Su moved the children's ladder and looked at the hundreds of dolls inside one by one.

He found slime figures, paper stick figures, new year picture dolls, rag dolls, mummy figures, wax figure boys...

All these dolls were placed on the carpet by him.

The boy sat on the plush rug and picked up the little dolls to study.

The time they were made seems to be a little old, and they are placed on the tip of the nose. Some have a fragrance, and some have a rancid smell.

Ning Su checked carefully and found a mark on the back of their necks where the hair covered them.

Each minifigure has a mark, but some have other marks.

It's not Chinese, Ning Su still recognizes that this is a post.

Arranging these positions from low to high, it can be seen that this is not a low starting point, but also a very high position, a promotion path for a person.

Inexplicably, Ning Su remembered the children's song he heard the night the ghost friend was born.

It's not the same as the one the monster kids sang.

"Dad grows taller and taller, and mother grows wider."

"My father made a fortune, but my mother was short-hearted."

Ning Su stared blankly at these familiar and unfamiliar dolls.

He put them back in place and quietly went to the third floor where he had never been before.

The third floor is different from the second floor, it is like two worlds from the second floor.

The place is full of dust, thick spider webs can be seen in every corner, and small footprints of old blood can be faintly seen on the wall.

Ning Su pushed open the door of the first room on the right side of the stairs.

This is a study.

The study room seemed to have been disturbed by naughty children, and a book was thrown all over the room.

The desk was empty, and the things on it should have been thrown out too.

Ning Su stepped over a broken desk lamp and picked up a photo frame in the corner.

The glass on the outer layer of the photo frame was broken, but it did not affect the viewing of the photos inside.

In the photo, a man in his thirties was playing with a little girl about three years old.

That little girl was very delicate and beautiful, and Ning Su recognized it as Manman.

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