Salted Fish Zombie

Chapter 61: flower slave

Flower attendants can only grow flowers that are not polluted.

This is the rule that the saint and Ye Nanwang told them together that day.

That night, the white-haired flower servant Huafeng said that he wanted to raise the dead-handed flower, and the flower that grew out of a human hand was a polluted flower, but the saint agreed.

At that time, some players speculated that Huafeng's identity was unusual.


The surname Hua is well-known in the entire Kingdom of Gods.

"My brother, he is the first flower attendant."

The main forces of the Hua family are not in Furen County. They are just a small branch in Furen County. They don't live well, and sometimes they seem to be very poor.

But Huafeng always felt that his elder brother was the most amazing and talented young master in Furen County.

When Huafeng was eight years old, his father died on the battlefield, and his mother died with him. They were all gone in the country.

Seeing their mother's death with their own eyes, Huafeng turned into an autistic and silent child who looked like an idiot, which made their situation even more difficult and they were often bullied.

His elder brother brought him, who was autistic, to Furen County to join his grandfather, so that he could recover without being sad.

Furen County is indeed a beautiful place. They were not taken seriously in their grandfather's house, but they lived happily together.

His elder brother took him through every natural lake in Furen County, and took him to listen to the sound of waves blown by the wind.

His elder brother took him to every mountain in Furen County, listening to the chirping of every bird in the forest and the rustling of leaves in the wind.

Now on the top of the mountain, my brother said: "Huafeng, look, how beautiful this city is."

The elder brother said: "Huafeng, listen, the wind is the most abundant sound in the world, and you will be one of them."

When Huafeng looked up at him, he happened to see Feng curling up his brother's hair.

With long hair in the wind, a small voice echoed in his ears.

That gust of mountain wind also bent my elder brother's eyelashes, and the sunlight in his eyes was bright and warm, reflecting a beautiful city.

The elder brother turned around, and the city became him when he was young.

Five years ago, there was auspiciousness from heaven.

Brother said: "Huafeng, brother is going to be a flower attendant."

Huafeng asked: "What is a flower attendant?"

Brother said: "Flower attendants are people who serve the gods. Our **** is the **** of flowers, and our surname is Hua. Look at Huafeng, are we born to serve the **** of flowers?"

At that time, his eyes were very bright, and it took Huafeng a long time to understand that it was a firm light, for himself and for Huashen.

My brother said: "My brother will definitely become the best flower attendant, Furen County will become more beautiful, and Huafeng will live a better life."

When he was thirteen years old, his elder brother went through layers of selection and entered the Temple of Flowers, becoming the first flower attendant.

At that time, flower servants were rare and honorable, and they had to keep holy and could not show up often.

Huafeng knelt with the crowd in front of the Huashen Temple every day, praying to see his brother.

He often only sees his elder brother once a month. His elder brother is getting thinner and thinner, and his face is getting paler, but the light in his eyes is always bright.

He knelt in front of the Flower God Temple, looked at the dark statue of the Flower God, and folded his palms in front of his chest to pray: "God, I don't want Furen County to be rich and peaceful, but I just ask you to bless my only brother in health, he is my wife The most beautiful scenery in Ren County is your most devout believer."

The last time I saw my brother, there was an obvious bruised blood vessel on his face, which extended from his right cheek to the corner of his right eye.

Brother looked at him, a tear fell from the corner of his eye, the light in his eyes was sad and bright.

Since then, Huafeng has never seen his brother again.

Not long after, the God of Flowers blessed Furen County with prosperity and peace, and the lord of the country came to worship the God of Flowers in person.

Amidst the lively cheers, no one saw a young man looking for him in a hurry.

He could not hear their cheers either, only the lonely wind in his ears.

A saint appeared in the Temple of Flowers, and the saint said that the first generation of flower servants really went to serve the gods.

The next generation of flower servants is different from the first generation of flower servants, and will no longer be selected among prominent families.

Then came the flower slave.

Poor people sell their children to be flower slaves, and the best flower servants are selected from the flower slaves, and the other flower slaves are sacrificed to the flower **** as sacrifices.

Flower attendants are no longer as rare as they were at first, and occasionally you can see failed flower attendants from the flower slave boss.

He has been observing, understanding more and more, but finally does not understand.

Zhu Shuangshuang: "So, you also come to be a flower attendant, and you want to walk the path that your brother walked, don't you?"

Huafeng only said: "Our **** is the God of Flowers, our surname is Flowers, and we are born to serve the God of Flowers."

Zhu Shuangshuang was silent and speechless.

So do other players.

Only Dai Dong didn't want to believe it, "How do you know it's your brother!"

Huafeng said calmly: "My brother has held my hand more than 2,400 times. I can recognize him even if he turns into bones."

Everyone was taken aback, seeing him calmly when he said this, for some reason they felt particularly uncomfortable.

When holding hands becomes a common thing, who will count it in their hearts every time and keep it silently in their hearts.

Unless that person is a lonely person, the only person I love most in my heart.

His world is empty and lonely, only trembling when holding hands, turning into time numbers.

They actually don't understand, even if they see their favorite brother become like this, does he still believe in the God of Flowers?

Is the God of Flowers really in the hearts of people in Furen County, is it a **** who can sacrifice themselves?

Dai Dong's voice was hoarse, "I don't care what it was before, it killed Jiang Ying, it is now a monster, and it will kill more people!"

Huafeng burst into tears again, "No! He's not! He's my brother!"

He covered the wrist of the dead hand with his other hand, "He is my amazingly talented brother! He is the great flower attendant who left his name on the Flower God Temple!"

"Haven't you seen the flower attendants in the later period! There is no blood in their veins. My brother doesn't mean to harm others, he just wants to catch his blood that is passing by!"

"His blood is gone."

Dai Dong: "If his blood is gone, can you take other people's blood!"

Huafeng: "He didn't want to take other people's blood, he just wanted to feel the blood! You see, he feels at ease when he feels the blood, and he won't struggle and hurt others anymore."

The dead hand really didn't move anymore, he stayed quietly in his brother's veins, feeling the warm blood flowing through his fingertips.

Two painful men, lying down and standing up against each other, are all for their loved ones.

Su Xiangsheng pulled Dai Dong back again, this time Dai Dong's reaction was not so violent, Su Xiangsheng said to him: "You'd better not hurt them, as a member of Hongyu Club, you should know this better than us .”

Dai Dong covered his face, tears flowed from his fingers, "I'm done, Su Xiangsheng, I'm done, I can't get into the swamp anymore, and I can't grow flowers anymore, when I see that potted flower, I miss it Will there be Yingying's flesh and blood on her body?"

"He loves her." He kept hoarsely emphasizing, "I really love her."

Zhu Shuangshuang was uncomfortable seeing it, but she still pierced the pus in his heart and asked him: "Then why didn't you stay strong and leave her, or accompany her through the last journey, at least bury her in Heisawa A corner?"

"The saintess is also going to be taken away. Huafeng left her brother, but you didn't keep Jiang Ying."

Everyone can see that the man in white easily pulled Jiang Ying's body out of his arms, and he could pull it back, but he didn't.

Just because the saint said that he could accompany Jiang Ying to Heize.

It was midnight then, when the night was darkest and the monsters were most active.

No one knows what Kurosawa looks like in the thick night.

Dai Dong cried even louder.

He is the third-ranked high-level club in the game base. His status is not low, his thinking is quick, and he is calm and composed. These two days have been the most embarrassing time in his life.

He was in pain, he regretted, and he was also guilty, so he dreamed of Jiang Ying every night, and dreamed that Jiang Ying said how painful and cold she was.

Su Xiangsheng looked at him for a few seconds, then silently dragged him out of the house.

The other two players who didn't know the details also left.

Ning Su looked at Huafeng, and he asked, "You knew it was your brother the first time you saw him, didn't you?"

Huafeng nodded.

He bit the towel back into his mouth, held the dead hand that was no longer struggling, and pulled his fingers out of his arm little by little.

The blood vessels of the flower waiters became very hard, and the fingers did not break the blood vessels.

When the fingers were pulled out, the blood vessels slowly subsided.

During that process, the sweat on his forehead was like rain, and the strands of white hair were wet, and the blood vessels on his face were clearly exposed.

When he pulled out his dead hand, Ning Su wrapped gauze around the torn wound on his wrist, and saw that his thin arm was twitching uncontrollably.

"Thank...thank you." He spat out the towel and said weakly.

At this moment, he should have collapsed from the pain, but he still trembled and turned over with difficulty. He turned sideways and used his good arm to hug the blood-stained dead hand weakly.

"They said that my brother who disappeared went to serve the God of Flowers." He said weakly and softly, "It's a kind of honor. My brother's name is left on the Temple of Flower God, and people from the Hua family in the capital came to invite me back."

"I think so too, I don't know whether to be happy or sad."

"When I saw this hand for the first time, I didn't know whether to be happy or sad."

"Happily, I can hold him again."

What is sad, he did not say.

The slender white hand held the stiff blood-red hand, "I just want to support him, my brother."

He said this a little naively, his voice trembled because of the pain, but it was inexplicably powerful.

The night wind blowing from Kurosawa at night whimpered.

Huafeng asked: "Did you hear that?"

Ning Su let out a "huh".

The wind is the richest sound in the world.

When Ning Su left, Huafeng hugged that hand and closed his eyes.

Back in the room, Ning Su sat in front of his flower and looked at it for a while, the boy's eyelashes fell down, and he stroked the blood-red four-petaled flower again.

He said, "Me too, just to support you."

The next morning, only one flower showed signs of contamination this time, and was taken away by the men in white from the Flower Temple.

As soon as the man in white left, Jia Chensheng brought someone here.

Jia Chensheng is the president of the Hongyu Club, and Dai Dong is his right-hand man. He has seen Dai Dong's situation these two days. He may know Dai Dong's plan and come to see him immediately after the man in white left.

Zhu Shuangshuang and Su Xiangsheng also followed to discuss the current situation.

After Jia Chensheng learned what happened last night, he first comforted Dai Dong, "It is the nature of human beings to be selfish and cowardly, Dai Dong, let this matter go like this, don't think about it anymore."

He understands Dai Dong's feelings better than other players here.

Dai Dong has always been the one who leads and guides others in the club. He will teach new members how to scrutinize copies and how to analyze people's hearts. It seems that his heart is strong and there is no gap.

But he didn't expect that one day when faced with such a thing, he would timidly avoid it.

Dai Dong's eyes were dark, and he nodded, wondering if he had listened.

Jia Chensheng sighed, looked at the other people in the yard, and said, "What Huafeng said last night is very valuable."

Su Xiangsheng said: "We have seen failed flower attendants at Boss Qi's place, and we have all seen the ending."

"According to what Huafeng said, his brother should be a successful flower attendant, so why did his hands grow on the flowers? And he is also called a polluted flower."

A person next to Jia Chensheng said with an ugly expression: "Doesn't that mean that as flower attendants, no matter whether we succeed or fail, we will end up dead?"

It will not be easy for anyone to hear this.

Jia Chensheng said: "Don't be so pessimistic. Our main task is not to be a flower attendant. We don't need to go to the end as a flower attendant. We just need to find a way to meet God, or meet God."

Su Xiangsheng really didn't want to hit him, but he still wanted to say: "The failed flower attendant at Boss Qi's place has almost no blood in her veins, and the same is true for Huafeng's brother. Huafeng said he wanted to catch his passing Blood."

"Regardless of failure or success, we may all lose blood."

Zhu Shuangshuang nodded, "This can also be compared with the hardening of our blood vessels, so what are they going to transform our bodies into? What are they going to use them for?"

None of them could give the correct answer.

As the discussion progressed and more plots unfolded, not only were they not relaxed, but their hearts were even heavier.

They are all aware of the danger of their own situation, and a looming dead end.

Ning Su sat in the tea room and watched their discussion. After the discussion, Jia Chensheng comforted Dai Dong for a while. He didn't leave until lunch time when he saw that Dai Dong's mood had stabilized.

Lunch was eaten together in the tea room by the two houses as usual.

During the meal, Ning Su asked Ning Changfeng: "Where are you going after dinner?"

Ning Changfeng said: "It's time to go to the flower **** worship after taking a nap."

"Ah" Ning Su said, "I'll go with you."

Ning Changfeng looked up at him and said with a smile, "Okay, brother, I hope you can."

What can be, he didn't say.

The season of welcoming the gods ushered in a new week, and the streets continued to be bustling.

In the morning, people will still come to the Temple of Flowers with gifts dedicated to the God of Flowers, and in the afternoon, more people will kneel down and pray in front of the Temple of Flowers.

When Ning Su came, he was a little startled when he saw a person who couldn't see the end.

I don't know if it's because the afternoon is a special time for worship and prayer. There are more people here than Ning Su imagined.

The crazy belief in the God of Flowers in Furen County can be seen from the Temple of Flowers. The Black Flower Temple is the most magnificent and solemn building in Furen County. The front of the temple can accommodate tens of thousands of people to worship.

When Ning Su and the others came, the place was almost full.

People kneeling on the outermost perimeter may not be able to see the five-meter-high door of the Flower Temple.

"Brother Ning! Here! I've got a seat for you!" Someone waved to Ning Changfeng.

Ning Changfeng glanced at Ning Su proudly, and Shi Shiran walked over.

Ning Su: "..."

Ning Su silently followed, and blinked obediently at that person, "Brother, I am also his brother, and a brother's brother is a brother. Is there a place for my brother?"


In the end, that person also gave you Ning Su a futon.

Ning Su: "Thank you, brother!"

"You're welcome, brother!"

In a few minutes, the two brothers came and went. If the saint hadn't appeared, the two of them might have to chat for a while.

The appearance of the saint meant that today's worship activities had officially started, and the scene suddenly became very quiet.

The saint's futon is located in front of everyone, and the only one is inside the gate of the Flower Temple.

She was still wearing black gauze, black brocade and red runes, which should be the saint's robe.

The glowing black robe was spread all over the floor. She knelt on the futon, folded her palms on her chest, and made a gesture of worshiping the Flower God.

Ning Su was slightly taken aback.

Even though he knew that she was the saint of the Flower God Temple, Ning Su never thought that this extraordinary saint would kowtow to the Flower God so devoutly every day.

He turned his head and saw that Ning Changfeng did the same. He followed the saint and made a gesture of worshiping the flower god, then put his palms up in front of him, and kowtowed his head into the palms.

When I met Ning Changfeng for the first time, he was a descendant of a coquettish hydra. When I met him later, he also looked like a fairy, but there was always a sense of indecency that sometimes appeared.

He is a lone ranger, and he may disdain to walk with fools in his bones.

Beneath the indecency, there is a sense of arrogance.

Neither his indecency nor his arrogance could be connected with the scene in front of him.

He bowed his head reverently.

Ning Su continued to turn his head and look back. Rows of people knelt down one after another, from front to back, like continuous waves, tens of thousands of people knelt quietly in front of the Flower God Temple.

There was silence in front of the Flower God Temple, and the pious and sincere atmosphere slightly touched Ning Su's heart.

"Do you have faith?" Ning Changfeng's voice came from the ground in a low voice.

"If you don't have faith, treat your loved ones as faith; if you don't have a loved one, put your peace of mind into faith."

Ning Su felt that Ning Changfeng was reminding him of something.

He looked up again into the Flower God Temple, and suddenly found that there was a Flower God statue in the temple.

It was a huge black **** statue, the same color as Kurosawa, and it was unknown what it was made of.

Ning Su's gaze slowly moved upward along the dark robe of the statue.

The line of sight passes through the hair tail at the waist.

Pass the slender fingers wrapped around black vines.

Go through straight shoulders.

Pass the grub's neck.

For some reason, his heartbeat became faster and faster, and it became heavier and heavier, so heavy that he could hardly breathe.

Maybe it's because the color is too dark, as dark as the bottom of a black marsh, condensed from a dark heart.

Maybe it's because the statue is too mysterious, and the most specific shape of the **** is depicted with a panic-black color.

At that moment, Ning Su understood why thousands of people believed in Him so crazily and heavily.

When the line of sight passed the neck of the statue, there was an ups and downs.

Immediately, came to the face of the idol.

The slightly drooping, stagnant peach blossom eyes slightly widened.

This dark statue is different from the usual statues of gods sitting upright in front of them. It casts the posture of Huashen standing at nowhere, looking slightly sideways.

His long hair fell behind him with the movement, and when he looked back, there was only a vague outline.

The arc of the drooping eye can be seen.

You can see the blood red at the end of the eye.

A sharp nose bridge can be seen.

A straight mouth corner can be seen.

But he couldn't see his face clearly.

Secretive and vague.

Ning Su's heart beat heavily, just looking at him like this gave him faith, and he couldn't describe the whole body's feelings.

"If you don't have faith, treat your loved ones as faith; if you don't have a loved one, put your peace of mind into faith."

Ning Changfeng's words resounded in his mind again.

The young man stared blankly at the black **** statue, the blackness blurred in his eyes and merged into his limbs.

The dark energy in the body is overwhelming.

He still watched for a long time.

The idol is also a human form.

A circle of light trembled in the depths of the pupil.

The Gu worm in his arm was going crazy, colliding with the power of faith, and finally fell into a deep silence.

After an unknown amount of time, he looked at Him and murmured together with thousands of people, "My God..."

During the period of welcoming the gods, there are uninterrupted gifts dedicated to the God of Flowers.

Boss Qi's business here has been booming.

There are no old faces in the No. 1 water room, and all of them have become a new wave of flower slaves.

There are not many old faces in the No. 2 and No. 3 water rooms, only the No. 4 water room still has those old faces.

This afternoon, another beautiful girl came. Like everyone else, she came to buy flower slaves.

"Boss Qi, I want to choose an immortal."

Boss Qi: "Okay, you said the request."

The girl said a few words to Boss Qi, and Boss Qi glanced at the four water rooms, and his eyes stopped in No. 4 water room.

There are more than 20 players left in the No. 4 water room. These days, they watched flower slaves die one after another, with a sword on their heads that they didn't know when they would be cut off. collapse.

Sometimes they think they might as well just get picked and die sooner.

But when Boss Qi's eyes were fixed on this place, they would pray in fear that it must not be them, and their hearts were so nervous that they lost their balance.

Boss Qi seemed to have an idea in his heart, he smiled, pulled one out of the No. 3 water room, and went to the No. 4 water room.

He walked up to a very young male player and said with a smile, "Son, come out with me."

The other players breathed a sigh of relief, but Fang Qi's face instantly turned pale.

The previous futile struggles proved that resistance was useless, and he was pulled out by the boss stiffly.

In the past few days, he applied the ointment given by the boss every day, drank water every day, and the scars on his face disappeared long ago.

But he still failed to be sold as a flower waiter.

Fang Qi smiled wryly, hasn't he been told about his eighteen years of life?

He is just an ordinary, ordinary high school student. He has no eye-catching appearance, no IQ beyond the scope of ordinary people, no courage and perseverance, so he should not have fantasies.

Mrs. Yang was dragged out together with him. Mrs. Yang was talking to him, but he didn't hear a word.

He was dragged into the black house by the man in white. He had been wondering what the black house looked like before, but he couldn't see it now.

The black house is not dark, the black is to cover up the blood, or some kind of belief.

The shattered limbs flashed past his empty pupils.

The strong smell of blood lingered on the tip of his numb nose.

He was put into a thick black porcelain jar, and when the sharp iron pipe was inserted into his wrist, his pupils trembled.

However, he was not reconciled.

He has obviously worked so hard, he has obviously changed, and he has obviously risked his life to find him time and time again.

He is not reconciled.

He hasn't found him yet.

He is not reconciled!

"Let go of me! I'm going to find him!"

"Go away!!"

His face was distorted, like an erupting beast struggling frantically on the verge of death in a trap.

The torment and depression of death these days completely exploded at this moment.

The black porcelain pot exploded, and the men in white clothes around were knocked away by him.

He threw away the iron pipes inserted into various parts of his body, and blood sprayed out from countless small holes.

"Eh?" Boss Qi's eyes widened in shock, excitedly looking at the iron pipe that was inserted into his blood vessel and then snapped, "I didn't expect it! I didn't expect it, it turned out to be a natural flower maid!"

"Quick, quick! Let him go." Boss Qi took a gauze to cover the blood gushing from his neck, "Son, I didn't find your seedling, so I'll send you to the Flower Temple."

The young man panted heavily and looked at him with fierce eyes.

He didn't seem to hear his words clearly, and he was still immersed in his own world, murmuring in a trance and angrily: "I'm not good-looking, I'm not good enough, so you can..."

"No, no, no." Boss Qi interrupted him, "You will know right away that it is important to look good, but there are more valuable things."

His hand touched the blood vessels on Qi's neck above, his fingers trembled excitedly following the blood vessels, and he smiled meaningfully, "It's right here."

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