Salted Fish Zombie

Chapter 73: flower slave

Ning Su, Ning Changfeng, Fang Qi and Chu Kui were taken to the sixth floor of the Flower Temple.

There is a large reception tea room on the sixth floor of the Flower Temple.

The man in white stopped after sending them to the sixth floor. He pointed to the only door on the sixth floor and let them in.

Walking in the corridor on the sixth floor, Ning Changfeng asked: "Have you really thought about it? I don't care. I won't die. You have to think carefully."

He mainly asked Fang Qi, because he knew that Ning Su had made the decision that night.

If they want to deal with this group of people, they are fighting against the main npc. This is not a trivial matter in the game. Even if they survive in the dungeon, they will not get many points when they leave the dungeon rating.

Fang Qi: "I've thought about it."

He turned to Ning Su and Ning Changfeng and said, "I used to be too cowardly and bloodless, so I failed in life and lost the most important person."

He added: "Anyway, there are only three days left, so it's better to burn the boat, maybe we can force an answer."

"Okay." Ning Changfeng said: "Leave serious violations to me, and the system will not do anything to me."

Protecting his son is naturally the first priority, and he has also been included in the scope of protection for this young man who looks about the same age as his son.

After suddenly becoming a father, he behaved very differently from before.

Ning Changfeng didn't think there was anything wrong.

He thought that one day, there would be a father who would protect Ning Su a little more.

Ning Su looked up at Ning Changfeng, and heard the system's concession to Gao Wan again.

That night in the Yinhua Club, Ning Su asked him to what extent the system would concede to top players, and Ning Changfeng said that it might be a terrible level.

He was a little curious about how scary it was.

Chu Kui didn't know what they were talking about, "You?"

Ning Su said, "You'll find out later, don't be afraid, we won't hurt you."

Ning Changfeng pushed open the dark door.

After coming to this world, they often see teahouses, which may be related to the fact that flower attendants cannot live without water, and teahouses often have streams of holy water.

This tea room was the largest they had ever seen. There were four people sitting in it, the king, the queen, the head of the Yenan family, the head of the Haobei family, two men and two women, sitting around the stream.

The stream circled the room in a circle, and the flower waiter sat in the middle.

As soon as the four people entered the door, the four people inside looked at them with hot and sticky eyes.

Ning Su had the most eyes on him, the blood flower growing on his finger, when the four pairs of eyes looked at it, it was stained red with blood.

They looked at the blood flower on his finger obsessively and frantically, their eyes were red, and they were trembling with excitement.

The obese king even stood up unconsciously. Fortunately, the queen gave him a hand, and he recovered a little bit of consciousness, swallowed and sat down.

"Sit, sit down!"

Ning Su and Chu Kui sat across the stream in front of the King and Queen, Ning Changfeng sat in front of Ye Nanwang, and Fang Qi sat in front of Hao Beijing.

Like An Xiang, they were **** by the men in black after they sat down.

This binding method is very strange. One arm is not tied, and the other arm is tied to the body. The legs of the kneeling wooden bench are tied to the wooden board.

Probably because they have sacred flowers growing on their hands, and they are going to be pulled up and eaten.

After they were bound tightly by this strange binding method, the king couldn't wait to wave his hand to let the man in black leave.

Don't disturb their feast, they are to enjoy it.

The king stared at Ning Su and couldn't stop swallowing.

The queen next to him stared at him with a flushed face, as if she was a little out of breath, breathing heavily, her chest heaving violently.

"You already ate one the day before yesterday. To be on the safe side, don't eat too much today. Let me have this." She leaned on the king's body as if she had no bones, staring at Ning Su intently, and softly said crispy If it was crispy, I swallowed my saliva twice in the middle.

The Flower Attendant is a unique existence in the Kingdom of the Attendant God.

On the surface, the status is noble, except for those with hard bodies and blood vessels, most of them choose those with good posture and appearance, which is a symbol of the sacredness and beauty of the kingdom of servants.

When you are carried away by one desire, other desires also arise.

The young man has an excellent figure, long hair hanging on his straight back, and a fresh and vigorous body, which is the youthful look that the elderly most want to have.

Even though his face was pale, black and red blood vessels spread across his face.

Terrible blood vessels entangle the clear and beautiful peach blossom eyes, but there is a strange beauty that they are obsessed with serving the gods.

"No, no, no." The king pushed the queen away, "It's already the day before yesterday, I had a day off, it's ok, it's ok..."

"I only ate two last year, and I can do it this year." He tremblingly stretched out his hand to Ning Su, "I want it," he took a rough breath, his eyes were bloodshot, "I want him!"

He stared at Ning Su's face, his sticky eyes moved down the blood vessels on his face, and when he saw the four-petal blood flower on his slender and slightly bent fingers, his heart beat so fast that the blood all over his body Agitated, an abnormal dry red welled up on his exposed skin.

He saw the hand that made him mad rise up.

Thin and pale wrists were exposed from wide black brocade sleeves.

Pale and slender fingers stirred up blood-thumping flowers, the young man's voice was clear and pleasant, and he was seriously puzzled, "Do you want to eat him?"

"Think, think!"

The king stared at the blood flower, and approached it absent-mindedly.

He stretched his arms, his hands stepped across the stream, and landed on Ning Su's thick black robe.

And his legs were still on the other side of the stream, his round belly was propped on the stream, panting like a fat dog, straightening his neck to touch the **** flower in that hand.

He was so excited that the fat on his face was trembling, his eyes were blood red and his eyes were slack.

He seemed to see that he was twenty years younger again, his hair became dark and shiny, the wrinkles on his face were gone, his skin was no longer loose, and age spots would no longer grow back.

He can sit on the throne for many more years, and a group of beauties can be welcomed in the palace.

Ning Su let out a "huh".

The trembling pupils of the king reflected that his hand was approaching him, and the blood flower was getting closer and closer to his mouth.

He subconsciously opened his mouth.

He was getting more and more excited, even with his mouth wide open, he felt like he couldn't breathe.

He really couldn't breathe.

His neck was gripped tightly by a slender hand, and his fingers pierced into the veins of his neck.

He widened his bloodshot eyes and stuck out his scarlet, wet and fat tongue, "Ugh!"

With the only arm that could move, Ning Su lifted up the obese king, and threw him into the light green stream, and the red blood immediately fainted in the stream.

The queen and the other two Patriarchs seemed to be still immersed in the excitement and didn't react. They were a little dazed for a while, so that they didn't make a sound, but Chikui screamed.

Awakened by Hina's scream, the country advocated screaming too.

As soon as he opened his mouth, a fat red snake got into his mouth immediately.

The snake was really a bit fat, and the king's mouth was a bit too big. It also split the king's mouth, and burrowed into his throat one by one.

This scene was horrifying and disgusting, the queen and the other two Patriarchs immediately shut their mouths tightly.

When they closed their mouths, three red snakes poked their heads out of the stream and stared at their mouths closely, as if they wanted to find a gap to slip in.

This made them even more frightened, not only closing their mouths more tightly, but also covering them tightly with their hands.

The sound of a human body falling to the ground and the scream of Chu Kui came from the tea room, but the man in black outside did not move.

They follow the king to participate in the Flower God Festival every year, and they know the inside story of it best.

At this time, the lord of the country does not want people to disturb them, and they want to enjoy themselves inside.

The screams of the flower waiters were nothing, and the small movement of falling to the ground was nothing to worry about, they had heard bigger movements before.

Anyway, after growing the holy flowers, the weak flower attendants who are on the verge of death cannot break free from the special ropes.

Ning Su tore off the rope on his body.

He first glanced at the sacred flower on his finger to make sure it wasn't dirty at all, and then walked to the king's side, "This time it's a red snake."

Ning Changfeng pushed Ye Nanwang into the stream, and said to his son, "I have nine snakes of different colors."

Ning Su let out a "huh", it turns out that Hydra has nine colors.

Fang Qi also pushed Hao Beijing into the stream, "Their bodies haven't been modified, should they soak for a while longer? Don't just cut them open and die."

Ning Su tilted his head and looked at the horrified and wide-eyed king.

His body was bound by the red snake's tail, his mouth was tightly blocked by the snake's head, and he could not breathe. He could only breathe through his nose. His two nostrils were wide open, his face was flushed, and blood vessels were exposed.

Ning Su said: "Maybe they can, they have eaten holy flowers."

He seriously used his professional knowledge to talk about this weird thing, "Maybe it's like being vaccinated. Some vaccines implant weak corresponding viruses in the body, allowing the human body to kill and adapt in advance."

Fang Qi: "..."

It's like being back in a high school classroom.

He pulled out a small, sharp knife from the boot under his robe, "Then I'll start."

Ning Su: "You are a senior in high school, a good-natured young man who is about to enter university, how can you hurt people so cruelly."

Fang Qi: "?"

"Wake up! We are in a horror game, these are scumbags." He said, "Aren't we treating others like others?"

Ning Su: "Is it true that you should treat the person in the same way? Shouldn't they be allowed to do it themselves?"

Fang Qi was taken aback.

Ning Su looked at the king and then at the queen, then turned his head and glanced at the two masters who covered their mouths, "There are exactly two pairs, good partners."

Fang Qi understood, he gave Ning Su a thumbs up.

Ning Su replied "ok" to him.

Ning Changfeng laughed softly.

Sitting around the stream became four flower attendants.

The big shots are here, no matter whether they eat or not, exquisite refreshments and fruits are placed on the tea table.

Ning Su and Fang Qi sat on both sides of Ning Changfeng, one ate dried meat and the other ate nuts.

Chu Kui stared blankly, not knowing what she was thinking.

Ning Su put a cup of hot tea by her hand, "Look carefully."

Chu Kui stared at him blankly, she seemed to understand something, her eyes were flushed.

She wiped her eyes vigorously with her sleeve, and opened her eyes wide to look at the four panic-stricken people.

Ning Changfeng sat in the middle, beside him was a half-human tall black snake with two big eyes aimed at the four people.

The image of its eyes simultaneously appeared in the eyes of the little black snake in the Flower Attendant Hall on the third floor.

The little black snake was beside Su Xiangsheng's bed, and there were several players sitting beside the bed.

Ning Changfeng said to the Queen and the two Patriarchs: "The sacred flower is the sacred object of our God-Serving Kingdom, and it is the representative of the Flower God. It should be kept in a warm and soulful place. You are the Lords of our God-Serving Kingdom." And Patriarch, you must lead by example and serve the flowers with your own body."

"It's very simple, just cut open the chest, cut open the heart, transplant the holy flower into the heart, and then sew it up."

He said what the saint had said to them, and then said: "It seems very appropriate for a couple to form a group, and two long-time friends to form a group."

"You decide the order first, whoever cuts the heart first."

In fact, Ning Changfeng didn't need to say, they were very familiar with this process.

It is because of understanding that I panic.

As soon as the queen opened her mouth, a red snake flew into her mouth and burrowed down her throat.

"Sorry, I'm afraid your voice is too loud and disturb the people outside, so please block it for a while."

While the queen's mouth was widened, her eyes also widened.

She was just stunned for a few seconds, and the king next to her immediately snatched a knife.

The queen's eyes widened, she was surprised but not shocked, staring at the king with hatred.

Soon she found the opportunity. Although the king grabbed the knife first, he was still bound by the snake tail, and she was only gagged at this time.

Immediately, the queen staggered onto the king with the long red snake in her mouth, fiercely snatched the knife from the king's hand, and was about to stab him in the chest.

The tail of the red snake in her mouth was wrapped around her wrist.

Ning Changfeng walked up to the king, knelt down and said to him, "I'll give you a chance to fight back, as long as you tell me how to meet the Flower God."

"Let's say you can't bark first. Once you bark, the red snake will immediately spray venom into your mouth."

The king nodded hard.

When the Red Snake was about to withdraw from his mouth, Ning Changfeng thought of the system's blocking and said, "Just say key words."

As soon as the red snake withdrew from his mouth, the king immediately said with a cracked throat: "Sacrifice, sacrifice."

Ning Changfeng sneered, "You have no chance."

When the red snake blocked his mouth again, the queen's hand was released by the snake tail, and she immediately stabbed the knife into the king's chest.

Don't blame her for being cruel, it was this man who wanted to cut her heart first without hesitation.

It's okay for the king to die, she still has a son.

I am afraid that he will not die.

The gushing blood proved how ruthless she was.

Blood splashed across the face of Hao Beijing who was also pressed to the ground.

The king's warm blood flowed from the bridge of her nose into her wide-open eyes, the world in her eyes turned blood-colored, and she trembled with fear.

Ning Changfeng Shiran moved in front of her, and said like a devil: "Patriarch Haobei has seen the result of not being able to tell the correct answer."

Hao Beijing trembled even more severely.

Ning Su put down the jerky and said, "They probably don't know either."

They may not have even seen the real god, and they don't believe in the flower god, otherwise they wouldn't eat the holy flower before the flower **** sacrifice.

By forcing ordinary npcs to get answers, the system should not leave them such a path.

If it works, the dungeon world will be in chaos.

Unless they can interrogate the ghost master, that is their ability.

Fang Qi's face was ugly.

Ning Changfeng's expression remained unchanged, and he said to Hao Beijing, "Tell me what you know from the beginning to the end, and don't hide anything, otherwise, look at your lord."

Seeing the dying king who was vomiting blood continuously, Hao Beijing nodded frantically.

In order to show that she would be obedient, as soon as the Red Snake withdrew from her mouth, she said in a hoarse voice: "Six years ago..."

Starting six years ago is a good indication of the attitude that she will know everything and start from the beginning.

The four flower attendants in the room were all staring at her closely.

"Six years ago, a major earthquake occurred in Furen County, and countless people died."

"During that earthquake, an abyss opened in Furen County. Countless dead people were left untreated, and the corpses were thrown into that abyss. That abyss became an abyss of death."

"I don't know exactly when, but that abyss became the current Kurosawa."

Ning Su lowered his head to look at the four-petal blood flower on his finger, as expected, it was born amid resentment and hostility.

Hao Beijing thought for a while, and quickly added: "The records of the city handed down from Furen County say that there was an ancient battlefield in the abyss, and the most tragic war in history took place there. A million dead souls."

Ning Su was taken aback for a moment, but at the same time his heart skipped a beat.

He seemed to see that on the ancient battlefield, blood flowed into rivers, and in the sea of ​​corpses, a vine grew windingly, absorbing the river of blood and condensing it into a four-petal blood flower.

"After this rumor spread, no one dared to go to Heize when they heard the crying sound coming from Heisze every night."

Hao Beijing said, "Until that night."

Hao Beijing remembered that night very clearly, and it has always been deeply imprinted in the bottom of her heart.

In the beginning, Furen County had a city lord, unlike it is controlled by several families now.

That night, she and Ye Nanwang were by the city lord's side, and someone rushed to say that a monster had appeared in Heisawa.

They took people with them, and when the torches were lit, several hideous and terrifying people waved their minions like devils.

Countless vines rushed out of their blood vessels, stretching and growing under the pale moon, with a sticky and foul-smelling liquid flowing eeriely.

Those people screamed in pain, crawled on the ground, and were pulled into the air by vines in Heisze. Their blood vessels bulged and snapped, and blood bubbles exploded in the air.

Hao Beijing will never forget that scene.

So far, when she thinks about it, she still hears the wailing of the soul of Kurosawa, the screams of those people, and the sound of blood bubbles bursting.


Hao Beijing trembled.

"We didn't dare to go up. Those people were sucked clean by the vines in front of us, their bodies were pierced, and they died on the spot. The vines in their bodies fell down."

"The city lord disposed of these corpses overnight. The strange thing is that there is still a young man alive and well."

"After investigation, we know what happened."

"Furen County was devastated by a major earthquake. Many people lost their homes and family members. Natural disasters killed people. No matter whether it was a strong young man or an old man, they couldn't escape. Some old people who lost their children and grandchildren naturally died. became a beggar."

"Everyone in Furen County can't take care of themselves. Naturally, there is nothing for them to eat. This group of elderly people support each other together. In order to survive, they stuff as long as they can eat into their mouths."

"They found flowers growing from the rotting mud in the black swamp, and when they had nothing to eat, they used them as food."

"There was that scene."

"The most amazing thing about this incident is that young man. He was originally one of those old people. Not only did he not die after eating that horrible flower, but he also became younger."

Fang Qi snorted, "You old **** only see getting younger, so you have a twisted mind."

Hao Beijing's expression was embarrassing.

Ning Changfeng: "Continue talking."

Hao Beijing: "We really want to study, who doesn't want to, you will understand when you step into the coffin with one leg."

Ning Changfeng: "Don't talk nonsense."

Hao Beijing immediately said: "We locked the young old man in a secret room and recruited various people to study it in various ways. The city lord secretly told the old lord of the country about it for greater power and wealth. , The king sent more people to study."

"While we were studying the young old man, we salvaged this magical flower in Blackpool."

"Unfortunately, the old man died in one midnight."

That scene is still deeply imprinted in Hao Beijing's heart.

At midnight, they heard screams coming from the secret underground room, hurried there, and saw a scene that made their hearts tremble.

The small house was covered with continuously growing hair, black hair covered with red fragments, pouring out from the young old man's chest, covering every wall and every floor tile of the room in that place, like black Like the waves surging.

It crazily entangles the people around it, pierces into the flesh and **** blood.

The courtyard specially established for research was full of panic screams and miserable screams.

As a last resort, they finally set fire to it.

That night, there were hundreds of people who were curled to death by their hair, sucked to death by sucking blood, and burned to death by fire.

Some people think that this is a punishment from the gods, and they are warning them not to continue their research. Immortality is not something that small humans can study. This violates the laws of heaven and angers the gods.

But some people, especially those who are about to lie in the coffin, are not reconciled. Only when time is running out will they truly fear death and have a crazy and urgent desire for life.

"The person used for research is indeed dead, but at least we know that they like blood and like to drill into human blood vessels."

"There is also good news. The team that salvaged the Kurosawa flower found a strange black humanoid in the deepest part of the Kurosawa."

According to the person who salvaged it, they didn't know what it was at first. When they first salvaged it, they couldn't see what was inside because it was entangled with vines.

The next day, they found that those who cleared the vines were all dead, and they saw that it was a black human figure in a daze.

The reason why it is said to be in a trance is because those people were blinded after a single glance.

Ning Su stopped eating and looked up at him quietly.

Hao Beijing said: "Some people say that this is the second warning from the gods, warning us not to continue our research."

Fang Qi saw through them, "You are not reconciled, you will not stop."

Hao Beijing nodded, "We said that it was the manifestation of the God of Flowers, the story of God descending from the sky, God of Flowers sleeping in Heisawa, He chose this place, and Furen County will become a blessed land, blessed by God of Flowers."

"We started to build the Flower Temple, and at the same time continue to find people to study."

"The young old man was burned, and we created such a person. We recruited men and women of different ages, from newborn children to the oldest old man in Furen County, fed them Kurosawa flowers, and gave them all kinds of blessings. Put Kurosawa flowers everywhere."

Just thinking about it, you know what a cruel experiment it is, and how many innocent people will die.

Just to satisfy their private desires.

"After the Temple of Flowers was built, we also figured out a set of vague methods."

"In the name of the God of Flowers, we were presided over by the Lord himself, and selected the first batch of flower servants."

Ning Changfeng said coldly: "Flower attendant, it sounds nice, but he is just your experimental medicine man."

His face was horrifying, and his eyes turned into terrifying vertical pupils, which made people shiver with fear from the bottom of their hearts.

A layer of cold sweat broke out on Hao Beijing's face, and he was too scared to look at him.

Even if it is so clear, Ning Su does not believe that the flower attendant is just their medicine man, and can only give them the elixir of life.

He said: "No, if it's just a medicine man, the saint would not have such a high status. Did she see the Flower God?"

The tea room was very quiet for a while, and the faces of the four old people showed a secretive expression.

The red snake spit out a long snake letter at Hao Beijing, and Ning Changfeng said sharply: "Say!"

"She, she, she should have really met the Flower God!"

The saint brought the flower wind to the highest floor of the Flower Temple, the ninth floor.

The pyramid-shaped Flower Temple has a small ninth floor with only one room, which is the residence of the saint.

Even if the king comes, he can only live on the eighth floor.

This is the most sacred place in Furen County. The people who live in it are self-evident in front of the Flower God and in the hearts of believers.

In this sacred and dark room, Huafeng sat on a black wooden chair, and the saint bent over and took his hand.

On the finger with protruding blood vessels, another finger as white as jade grew out.

Huafeng looked at the strange smile on the face of the saint, and a layer of cold sweat broke out all over his body, "What are you going to do?"

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