Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 55: The spirit of the old scalper must be carried forward

"In addition, I have suggestions." Yang Yuanmei raised her hand and didn't put it down, and said, "About the animal company. Since we are making a video, why not just raise some animals from the animal company and make a pet video? I see you The outline I gave contains hamsters, squirrels, hedgehogs and flying squirrels. All these animals can be raised."

   "Never mind the hamster, where can I buy the squirrel, hedgehog and flying squirrel?" Uncle Sheng asked.

"Uncle, it's the 21st century. Learn about Taobao transactions?" Yang Yuanmei tilted her head, showing a polite smirk, and then said: "We can also make small clothes for cute pets, uniforms in animal companies, anthropomorphic images. Even Jiao Jiao When drawing cartoons, we directly use the image of our cute pets as characters."

   "This is a good idea!" Jiao Tu praised with his thumb.

"Well, Yang Yuanmei's suggestion is very good. It is a system and can form a logical closed loop. Let's open another official account to post pet videos, and we can also divert each other through Animal Company with the tuba. If it is done, it will definitely work. To be effective, Yang Yuanmei should be given an option incentive of 1%."

Chu Yuanxi turned to Uncle Sheng: "Uncle, don't worry, even if Taobao can't buy it, there is actually a solution. Monica can be here." Chu Yuanxi glanced at Monica, Monica Nodded: "As long as it's not about cherishing animals and not breaking the law, it's okay. We can even look for foreign-specific animals that are not on the domestic animal protection list."

   "Will it cause species invasion?" Chu Yuanxi asked.

"Try to find something that is not dangerous, such as capybara? I know that capybara is not on the domestic protected animal list, nor is it an international protected animal." Monica said very well, "but domestic legal breeding is also very good. It’s a problem. It requires a wild animal domestication and breeding license and an animal inspection and quarantine certificate. The procedures are very cumbersome. Although the thing is treated as a pig in South America, it is not a wild animal at all."

   "That's it." Chu Yuanxi said, turning to Yang Yuanmei, this is simply an old scalper with golden light! "So the job of raising pets, what I didn't say, is yours. The company will reimburse you."

   "Cheating daddy~~~" Yang Yuanmei covered her face.

"Hey, Chu Yuanxi." Uncle Sheng waved his hand, and there was another problem: "Since we are soliciting followers from Douyin and Volcano, why should we use the WeChat official account as the main base? Why not directly treat the headline account as the main base Base? The headline is the parent company of Douyin and Volcano, right? Its own traffic is not low."

"Oh, three reasons." Chu Yuanxi didn't expect anyone to ask such in-depth questions, but he thought about it a long time ago, so he immediately replied: "First, the quality of fans. Although the headline traffic is very large, the quality of fans It is far worse than the official account. After all, the background and time are much different. Therefore, it seems that the traffic is the same. When the fans are converted, the difference is more than ten times the efficiency.

   Second, Toutiao is a news traffic platform without social attributes, while WeChat is the number one social platform in China, or one of the only platforms. When users want to spread our content, they still get WeChat up. We have big plans and high ambitions. The ecology of Toutiao cannot meet the needs. Moreover, when Toutiao and Penguin become hostile in the future, the content of Toutiao and even the dissemination will have problems. "

   "Huh? Penguins and Toutiao will have sex?" Uncle Sheng seemed to have thought of this possibility suddenly.

"Of course, this is inevitable. Sooner or later, unless Toutiao does it on its own, no one is going to have **** with you. There is also a third item. The official account has many background functions and is associated with a small program. In the ecological chain of WeChat, it is convenient to do everything. The headlines can say nothing. The simplest is that users can download or open the mini program with a QR code on the official account. How convenient? So it must be WeChat. The main base, headlines are naturally managed."

   "If Toutiao has **** with Penguin in the future, let's write content on Toutiao and get followers on WeChat. Isn't it because Toutiao won't let us go?"

"Uncle, you finally got the point." Chu Yuanxi smiled ridiculously, and said: "You don't have to wait, now that we can't put up the WeChat account on the headline, it is strictly blocked. However, we haven't formally committed each other. While the time window is still there, we can still wipe the edges. When we become a real big or have a bad relationship, there must be a problem. So—"Chu Yuanxi said a long tone, "We also have to race against time, and we can't be slow. The time window was wrong."

   "If Toutiao and Penguin have **** tomorrow, what shall we do?" Jiaotu asked.

"It can also be done. Go around on Weibo. We also have Weibo in our self-media matrix. But it's a roundabout way to create trouble for fans, so add fans more slowly." Chu Yuanxi clapped her hands. "Okay, the question is about it? Have lunch and start working in the afternoon!"

   "Where shall we go? That mozzarella cheese cod is very delicious." Zhu Yan thought of a good meal, very fascinated, "This fairy is also a fairy with a value of 2.5 million now, and high-end food is coming?"

   "I'll solve it by myself at lunch..." Chu Yuanxi said irritably, "When the super hits come out, I will invite everyone to Pangu Qixing."

   Zhu Yun’s eyes were bright at that time, without them, why are Pangu Seven Stars called Seven Stars? Because this hotel is known as a seven-star hotel, the usual days are okay, but this shop has special days to "open fish" every week. The fish is bluefin tuna, which is really more than one meter long. The bluefin tuna comes to and you can eat it on the spot, so it is very famous in the food market.

So, the one who ordered the takeaway called the takeaway, the one who bought the bento bought the bento, Yang Yuanmei pulled Chu Yuanxi, who was going to pick up the takeaway, and secretly asked: "Why don't you ask for an absolute holding of 66.7%? You pay the money, the team estimates Just adjust the value at will."

"Then you can't leave enough options for you, you have to leave some for future employees?" Chu Yuanxi knew what she meant, "Besides, I never said that options can get equivalent voting rights, eat you. Let’s go for lunch..."

  Yang Yuanmei has no feelings for junk food. She wanted to take He Nami to the Food City across the road, but He Nami said she had to go back to Pengfei to see.

   She went downstairs, and just walked over to the road, facing Li Zhaokai.

   Li Zhaokai frowned when he saw Yang Yuanmei. He wanted to pretend to be invisible, but Yang Yuanmei would instead say hello to him politely: "Mr. Li, morning."

   Li Zhao opened his mouth, "It's getting late. Hey, why are you here?"

  Yang Yuanmei was taken aback, and stopped and said, "Am I working here?"

  "Didn't you all leave your job?" Li Zhaokai was also stunned, "Only when you earn a salary are you going to work."

   "Yes, my salary has risen to 15k." Yang Yuanmei started to wave her hand at Li Zhao and left as she spoke.

   As she walks, she sends a WeChat message to He Na Mei: Li Zhaokai is down, don't come out.

Li Zhaokai was in a mess, and he used Superman's hand speed to search for Xiaochen Xiaochen's phone. After dialing, he asked, "Chen Qi! Isn't Yang Yuanmei already opened? How come I was hired back and my salary was increased. Should the salary be doubled? Who the **** did it! Stupid?"

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