Although there are many characters in    Animal Company, it is designed based on the corporate structure of a startup company. The story format is also familiar to Chu Yuanxi and Yang Yuanmei.

   When he was approving the play's own design, a memory of Chu Yuanxi from the world of salted fish suddenly floated up, overlapping with this set of characters. That is a memory about the TCG card game.

   The so-called TCG is a table-top trading card game, the most famous of which is "Heartstone" by Glass Slag.

   "Heartstone" is the first effort of glass **** in the direction of mobile games. It was a great success. The ability to attract gold is not intense, but the victory is long-lasting, durable and playable. It has received rave reviews from players and even gold players.

   Each card in the TCG game has its own key attributes, such as attack, blood volume, special effects and magic power for summoning, etc. Players organize their own card library according to the rules of the game, and then PK each other. The process of PK is to randomly draw cards from your own hand deck every round, and then pay for the magic required to use these cards to attack the opponent or summon creatures to fight with the opponent.

   However, TCG games on the market are all about fighting and killing. They are based on a magical and fantasy world view. The game process is basically trying to kill the opposite player, but it is also simple and rude.

   Salted Fish Chu Yuanxi also brought a copycat Hearthstone game when Pengfei Technology was working on the production, but the result was of course miserable. When he set up the project, he said that this kind of game already has a strong ceiling. Hearthstone is the iron curtain of all similar games. You can’t break out of this iron curtain without your own characteristics, and on the cards Making a fuss is definitely not helpful, it can only be the structure of the rules of the game. In a nutshell, you need to compete on the planning level.

   He discussed this idea several times with Yang Jiangang, Pengfei's old planner.

   Unfortunately, he is just a small product manager, no one listens to him.

   But this does not mean that his thinking is worthless. A person's thinking may not be of any use for a long time, but it will settle in the depths of the soul, which is the so-called accumulation. Once a suitable opportunity appears, it will collide with fierce sparks.

   Now is the right opportunity, why not make a TCG card game?

   To create a TCG business war game with a technology Internet startup company in a modern urban environment as a background, wouldn’t it be possible to reconstruct a completely different set of game rules?

  Traditional TCG games are competition among players. There is no way to change it. If you change it, you won’t be able to play, but no one stipulates that competition must be to hack each other.

   The rules of Chu Yuanxi’s thinking are: the player acts as an entrepreneur, the game process simulates the elements that will appear in the entrepreneurship, and conducts business battles. At the beginning of the game, each entrepreneur will receive the same initial capital, which is actually equivalent to the blood of a player in a traditional TCG game.

   Cards are divided into four types, character cards, project cards, skill cards, and event cards. Character cards are divided into three types: employee cards, management cards, and investor cards.

   Before the game starts, players need to bring their own card library to draw cards randomly during the game, and then form a set of cards for the opponent. This game cannot directly hack people, but you can trip each other. This is the fun of business war...

   After the game starts, the order is randomly determined, and then every time it is their turn, the player can draw a character card from his deck or not. It is equivalent to recruiting or temporarily not recruiting.

  Each employee card or management card has the salary required for recruitment. It should be noted that this salary is issued every round, and players can choose to recruit or give up. Each character has a corresponding project ability, and most of the employees are generalists. For example, programmers can do software development or make games. However, the employee card only has work skills, while the management card has skills that employees do not have.

  If the investor is drawn, congratulations, you need to conduct a valuation and then decide whether to raise funds according to this round of valuation. Every investor has their own unique investment terms. Players need to read carefully whether these terms can be completed, so as not to lose control of the company under certain circumstances in the future. The financing amount is fixed at 20% of the current valuation. Of course, the most important thing is that the player must carefully consider how much damage the investor's tearing skills can do to him.

   In addition, the attributes of employees must include the number of events triggered by their recruitment, and the attributes of management must include the number of events or projects triggered by their recruitment. Event cards and project cards can be drawn after successful recruitment. Some of them are special, and special events are also specified, such as losing skills and losing funds.

   It should be noted that all the cards that may be drawn contain the poison that the opponent has stuffed over, and there may be poison items or negative events drawn.

  As for skill cards, players need to spend money to buy them in their own rounds. Since it is a purchase, the price is clearly marked, and there is no need to draw, and it will not disappear after the purchase, so there is no need to prepare a skill card for the other party.

   skills are very useful, such as making collateral loans from the bank, looking at the character cards in the card library, or checking the opponent's hand, etc.

   It should be noted that the skill card can be used to the opposite player Even some skills are purely harassing and can only be used for opponents, not for themselves.

   Then how do players increase their own funds? Financing is one aspect, but it is not a panacea. The most important way is to complete the project to make money. Of course, the completion of the project is not necessarily profitable, and it may also lose money.

  The process of the game is to continuously recruit employees, develop projects, trigger events, use skills, harass friends and businessmen, tear up with investors and so on.

   In the end, the victory condition of the game is that the player's valuation reaches 1 billion or the opponent player loses control of the company.

The most subversive aspect of this game to traditional TCG is that it has cancelled direct PK between players and replaced each other with cold arrows. Second, it has cancelled the need to pay for magic when using cards. Instead, it uses one's own blood, which is capital. To pay.

   If it is a mobile game, the system will give players a basic deck, and then expand their card library through accumulation or krypton gold. However, Chu Yuanxi has not yet reached the stage of developing a mobile game, so he adopts the most original and original gameplay of TCG game, let the pepper draw cards, and then play a live board game.

   Because this game is not a direct confrontation, it jumps out of the traditional TCG mobile game logic that only two people can play against each other, and it can be played by three or more people.

   This is an unplanned event in the true sense, and there was no such thing when Chu Yuanxi specified her entrepreneurial milestone plan after crossing. However, a capable entrepreneur must not only have perfect execution ability to promote existing projects, but of course also have the ability to adjust to emergencies.

   Why do you make this TCG game? Chu Yuanxi feels that this is an opportunity to increase influence quickly, and the future is very broad!

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