Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 99: There are 2 types of overtime

   If only Yuan Mu vomited badly on WeChat, Yuan Jing actually asked: Are you coming?

   Chu Yuanxi was a sleeper at the time: Will Hong Xing invite me? Our relationship is very bad.

   Yuan Jing: I know, that's why I asked if you would come? We can also send invitations, have you forgotten?

   Chu Yuanxi: Go, why not?

   Yuan Mu: Brother! What is he going to do? He does not raise funds.

Yuan Jing did not type, but said to Yuan Mu beside the coffee table: "The main reason for him to go is to let him hear how other We-media people valued him and how much money can make the deal. Chu Yuanxi is most obvious. The problem is that I don’t know how much I’m worth."

   He rubbed his eyebrows as he spoke, mainly because Chu Yuanxi had also revealed the one-billion-dollar valuation plan to him, and his brain hurt...

   On the other side, Chu Yuanxi said that Yuan Mu, your grudge-loving little temper, had to be changed, and then typed: You can go and see if you don't raise money. After a group of talents, at least a long-term collection, it's good to go and learn. Besides, I can pretend to be an investor.

   Yuan Mu: You bull!

   Chu Yuanxi: I'm quite curious, what is Hong Xing's confidence? He should have done this kind of thing because he wanted to finance himself? The question is what does he get?

   Yuan Mu: Huh? Don't you know? He must want to raise money.

   Chu Yuanxi: What do I not know?

   Yuan Jing suddenly interjected: Hong Xing made a short video studio, which was a long time later than you opened. He said that now there are 500,000 fans.

   Chu Yuanxi thinks the world is so unreal. Is it because the sun on Saturday morning is dazzling? Or did Hong Xing master the method of scoring Douyin fans? Just them, how is it possible?

   Yuan Mu: Yes, the studio that was established later than you has not many fans, but the momentum is so strong that it can already raise funds. The magical Internet celebrity economy! I didn't think it before, but after seeing Hong Xing's example, I realized that you have a very visionary and a very good track.

   The words that Chu Yuanxi typed in her hand were: That must be! What is his studio called?

   The street that swears in his mouth is: Fuck, Hong Xing, this exchange meeting, the old man must go to communicate with you!

   Yuan Mu: I don't know, I didn't ask in detail. Well, for those with a sense of sight, please tell me what the final box office of "Surprised Anchor" will be?

   Chu Yuanxi: Why are you asking this?

   Yuan Mu: I'm going to be put on the fire and roasted. Their box office is over 600 million, I'm not finished with you!

   Chu Yuanxi is not in the mood to tease on WeChat. Needless to ask, Langtao Information must have asked Yuan Lu to help him organize such an Internet celebrity conference for his own benefit. He is the organizer. When introducing the project, he must stand in the C position to attract investors to overestimate. Value, this shameless man!

  I want to see which one is unlucky to vote for you? Is it February 13? huh huh huh huh……

   The schedule of "The Shocking Anchor" is to start large-scale filming at zero on New Year's Eve on February 15, which means that the premiere will be completed on the night of Valentine's Day on February 14. According to the timetable in the original world, the film was taken down by the relevant department on the eve of its release in the original world. Obviously, the relevant parties also rushed to operate before the time of the movie's release.

   It’s a coincidence when you look at the calendar, the will of the universe, let’s do it! Take these three groups of cows, ghosts and snakes away!

   But Chu Yuanxi has no time to think about Hong Xing for the time being. In the business field, doing a good job is always the most important thing. The Ba people's career has not yet succeeded, and the efforts of all members are needed.

   So he plans to discuss overtime work with his brothers and sisters.

   There are two types of overtime, one is called overtime, and the other is called overtime on legal holidays. why is it like this? Because the overtime pay for working overtime on statutory holidays is unreliable, it is impossible to use the clumsy excuse of "voluntary overtime" to rely on not paying overtime.

   Chu Yuan pays overtime pay at night, and the Spring Festival is approaching, so he comfortably asks to work overtime on weekends...

   "That's why you told us not to go home during the Spring Festival?" Jiao Tu's reaction was the most intense, because his parents were urging him every day when he would go home for the New Year.

   "What are you doing so actively at home?" Uncle Sheng said indifferently, he had already bowed his head to life.

   "I have to reassure my parents, they still feel that I don't have a decent and stable job, and I'm just a mess when I come to Emperor."

   "Then you earn three times the overtime pay for the Spring Festival overtime, wouldn't it be more convincing to go home?"

   "Five times." Chu Yuanxi said. During the Spring Festival, employees must be willing to work overtime, and it is absolutely impossible to force it. However, this company has just opened, and the best way to make employees willing is to make money.

  Some responsible IT companies will voluntarily choose to provide employees with opportunities to work overtime on holidays such as the eleventh of the Spring Festival, because this can give the brothers money in disguise.

  Usually a company in a good state eagerly hopes that employees will work overtime but is afraid to pay overtime during normal overtime work. The most compromised method is to provide overtime opportunities on statutory holidays and actively increase overtime pay in return. But some garbage companies do not. They usually want to work four or five hours of overtime every day. They work overtime on Saturdays and Sundays. Only when the statutory holidays are met do they think that employees’ bodies also need to rest. Overtime pay will never exist.

   It is a pity that this money is not attractive to Jiaotu.

"At our home, as long as you are not working in a state-owned enterprise, even if you make one million a month, your parents will feel that you have no stable job." Jiaotu was unusually embarrassed and whispered: "And my family arranged for me. A series of blind dates, from the 30th of the twelfth lunar month to the eighth day of the first lunar month, the row is full, you can't go back..."

   "A dutiful son!" Chu Yuanxi even felt a sense of guilt. It is almost inhumane to use money to lure Jiao Tu not to go home. He only heard Zhu Yun's question: "Jiao Tu, have you given up treatment?"

   "This is not called giving up treatment, it is called completing the necessary work, anyway, I don't care, it's the same, it's consuming."

"Hey, you might as well. If you are so active in slowing down, can the introducer of the Seven Aunts and Eight Aunts spare you?" Zhu Yan thinks of her own affairs even more Actually Chu Yuanxi proposed to work overtime during the Spring Festival. Happily, she really didn't want to come home during the Spring Festival.

"They won't forgive me? I won't forgive them!" Jiao Tu curled his lips. "You pay attention to sexual assault cases and appeal to women's issues. Everyone tells you: take care of yourself, take care of other people so much! But when When you say that you don't want to get married, they forget the truth of'just take care of yourself and take care of other people's so many things', and they jump out to persuade you,'I am doing this for your good.' I believe they are immortal! "

   "Don't say so much, I don't want to let everyone work overtime during the Spring Festival. Isn't this too much work to do..." Chu Yuanxi retracted his evaluation of Jiaotu, this unfilial son!

   According to Zhu Wei, the Spring Festival is the prime time for live broadcasts, and it’s easiest to attract fans. Chu Yuanxi felt quite puzzled. It is said that the traffic should be low during the Spring Festival, but Zhu Yan’s explanation is: the traffic is low, but other anchors have gone home for the New Year, and there are fewer snatchers of traffic. Whoever broadcasts will earn...

   Therefore, Zhu Wei intends to fight anyway. "Live broadcast on the Spring Festival, accompany you to celebrate the New Year." Of course, Chu Yuanxi must accompany her.

   Now is the hottest time for Douyin Volcano. The live broadcast answering questions is reaching its climax, and the traffic is strong at the same time. It is the golden time to get fans.

   Yang Yuanmei’s pet number accidentally sucked fans in the volcano, and the momentum was very fierce. It sucked more than 400,000 fans in a short time. It is a pity to stop for the Spring Festival now, she doesn't do it herself.

   But if Jiaotu can't stick to her post, then the value of her stay will become very low, because Chu Yuanxi's plan is to let Yang Yuanmei mainly promote TCG live broadcast during the New Year. Live broadcast is different from video recording. What cards are required for the video is designed and drawn. However, live broadcast requires a lot of cards, all of which need to be drawn by hand.

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