Salvation Began from Cafe

Chapter 499: The legendary ghost doll Hanako?

Chapter 499 The legendary ghost doll Hanako?

Well, our chairman Yuyu was really interested in this psionics incident. Not only was she full of interest, but she also planned to check it out after school this afternoon.

And this time, he was not the only one, even Li Yalin was taken together.

"I'll go as well?"

Hearing Yujian's decision, Li Yalin subconsciously pointed to his nose. In his opinion, the so-called psionicist is 90% a liar. Is this joke-like farce really necessary to participate?

"Of course! Who will protect us if you don't go?"

Li Yalin's question was answered affirmatively by Yu Jian. Well, this is the rhythm of using him as a bodyguard.

That psionicist is scary?

No, it all starts from the beginning.

It was almost a few days ago that the psionicist transferred to Sakura Choi Academy. Of course, according to Li Yalin's subsequent understanding, the person involved, that is, the transfer student who was identified as a psionicist, did not reveal her identity and did not Admit yourself as a psionicist.

But the problem is that since her enrollment, her classmates have found that the transfer student's behavior is very abnormal and weird.

For example ... she always stares somewhere on the ceiling, or speaks into the unmanned air, and even ... she walks around deliberately as if someone is in front of her.

This transfer student's thinking is normal, and there is no fantasy or neurosis, but her series of actions will undoubtedly make people feel very strange.

Is it possible ... is there really anything around this transfer student?

But when approaching her and communicating with her, she was always perfunctory and could not tell the truth.

When things get here, most people don't think too much, just treat her as a freak, and nothing more.

However, during this time, a very scary rumor spread in the Yingcai Academy.

Children's voices often appear in the toilets of Yingcai Academy! The eyewitness is not alone!

Before the transfer student arrived, Sakura Choi Academy was normal, but it was only a few days before she transferred to school. The strange phenomenon appeared. In this case, I really didn't want to associate this matter with her!


If this event spreads, it will inevitably cause panic, so immediately after the rumors appeared, the Sakura Choi Gakuen Student Union immediately issued a blockade order, and it is strictly prohibited to spread such false rumors!

But ... even if a blockade is issued, will the rumors not spread?

The answer is of course no. Recently, the voice of children in the toilet has become the focus of many girls' private discussions. In order to resolve this incident, the Sakura Choi Academy student council had to stand up and rumor in person!

Yujian was also invited by the Sakura Choi Gakuen Student Union to serve as a witness to the rumor.


As a witness, are you a little too excited? And seeing fish like this, she seems very interested in this so-called child sound incident in the toilet!

Is it hard to see a fish or a lover of spirits?

In this context, Li Yalin was quite speechless.

"Huako, Hanako! It must be Hanako, a ghost doll in the toilet!"

After school, Li Yalin and Yujian came to Yingcai Academy, but just after they walked into the office of the student union, they found that Amakusa, who is the president of the student union of Yingcai Academy, was shouting excitedly.

What makes people want to spit is that the yellow paragraph president is holding a Kagura bell in one hand, holding a wooden fish in the other hand, a bunch of garlic hanging around his neck, and a cross and a peach on the table. sword.

What does this girl want? She's going to come to a hodgepodge for spiritual removal?

You said that you can take Kagura bell, wooden fish or peach sword, but what do you want to do if you hang a bunch of garlic plus a cross? Do you want to get rid of spirits or annihilate vampires?

Too many slots! I ca n’t stop talking. Hey!

"According to my analysis, that should really be Hanako. As long as the rumors are correct, we will definitely get big news today!"

Standing next to Amakusa Shinoki is the same fully-armed Tan Lanzi, but unlike Chairman Huang Duanzi, this Minister of Information is carrying a long gun and a short cannon, and a variety of camera equipment full of rhythm.

Look at that, is she a part of today?

And ... have they identified the child's voice in the so-called toilet?

The legendary ghost doll Hanako?

Your brain hole is really big, but if you think about it, the ghost of a child who will appear in the toilet is really like the legend of Hanako.

Among the urban strange talks in the SAR, the Huazi in the toilet is a relatively well-known category. Because of its widespread popularity, there are more legendary versions.

In general, the widely circulated version is that Hanako was killed in the toilet, because the grievances in his heart could not become a Buddha, and he could only linger in the toilet to find the dead ghost.

If you go to the toilet alone ~ ~ When someone behind you delivers paper to you, you must not pick it up, because once you do, Hanako will appear and drown you in the toilet.

It sounds terrible. When this strange talk was popular, many girls were afraid to go to the toilet alone, but whether this strange talk is true or false, you need to discuss with the real psionics.

At least what Li Yalin said, he just listened to this strange talk as a story.

Whether Amakusa Shino and Tan Lanzi can really see Huazi, and what is the truth of the children's voice in the toilet, it needs to wait and see, anyway, he didn't plan to intervene at this time.

"See you!"


When Li Yalin and Yu met, President Huang Duanzi, who was on the rise, naturally saw the two of them, probably because of this excitement. Anyway, she rushed over directly, stretched out her hands to hold the fish, and said, Full of excitement.

"This time, we should really see Hanako!"

"Well! I look forward to it!"

Well, no wonder everyone said that Yujian and Amakusa are very similar. It turned out that they were not limited to their yellow paragraph hobbies, but they were unprecedented in terms of ghosts and strangeness.

Are all current female high school students so interested in urban quirks?

Do not! In fact, there is no interest ...

"No ... impossible! Hanako or something ... It's just a story, it can't exist at all. We must believe in science and don't engage in feudal superstition!"

At the time when the presidents Yumi and Amakusa were excited, as a student of Sakura Choi Gakuen student union, a returning child, IQ180 and a genius girl proficient in the five languages ​​suddenly burst out. ) Download Free Reader !!

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