Samurai of the Takeda Family

Chapter 410: Two-line combat

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Chapter 410 Two-line Combat

Mino, Kajita Castle.

Li Xiao convened more than ten retainers, including Masabu Shima, Masanobu Honda, Takatora Fujido, and Nami Usami for military discussions.

Li Xiao held a letter paper covered with a dragon seal and said to all his servants: "The lord has his life, let me Hida Yuezhong Legion, temporarily stop the attack, and mainly defend Mino. What do you think?"

As the chief strategist, Masanobu Honda shook his fan and said: "This is very strange. In theory, the order of Gokan-sama is to make me try my best to open up contact with Shinano, and then merge with the Akiyama Corps from Higashi Mino. Infiltrate Owari. But now Gokan-sama's order requires us to guard Mino."

"In addition, the main force of Gokan-sama surrounded Noda Castle. In my opinion, Noda Castle is not an important strategic city. The guards are no more than 500 people below Suganuma Prestige. The siege is enough. It does not need three. Ten thousand main forces gathered under the city, and at this time, my family should use troops to Nishi Mikawa in order to attack Owari as soon as possible."

Hearing the name of Suganuma Sadahiro in the mouth of Honda Masayo, both Li Xiao and Shima Katsumi couldn't help but smile at each other.

Li Xiao and Shima Katsuki met for the first time, precisely because Li Xiao rescued Suganuma Sadahiro's son Suganuma Sadazu.

Takatora Fujido said: "This matter is really strange. Maybe the Gokan-sama didn't want to attack Owari and fight a decisive battle with Oda's location, but wanted to induce Nobunaga to help Mikawa, and then he broke it again in one fell swoop."

Masanori Honda nodded and said, "It is indeed very possible. Now the torture department where our army is stationed is only three miles away from Hamamatsu Castle. It is possible to return to the division and attack Hamamatsu. In addition, you can also attack Yoshida Castle, the important town of the East Mikawa River. The capture of Yoshida Castle can completely cut off the connection between Mikawa and Yuanjiang, and cut the Tokugawa family territory into two."

"Of course, stationed in the Ministry of Justice, our army’s supply line is the shortest. It is no more expensive than going deep into Owari. At the same time, it does not enter the enemy’s geographical advantage. It can also avoid repeating the mistakes of Yoshimoto in the past. , If Nobunaga can't delay, he still has to stay in Sanhe."

"From the dispatch of troops in October last year to the present, the 30,000 Shangluo army has consumed a huge amount of rations. Even if it is very difficult to support it with our own forces, we cannot delay the war any longer."

The insights of Bendo's righteous faith can be said to be a high-end in this era. Li Xiaoshen agrees. After all, fighting is fighting logistics, and whoever has money to fight.

As far as Li Xiao is concerned, the daily cost of the 8,000 troops stationed in Yiliucheng and Jiazhitiancheng is a considerable figure. According to the previous period, there was not enough food and grass.

If it were not for the capture of Jiajitian City, Li Xiao would raise grain from the granary in the northern part of the Nou Plain, otherwise the army would be hungry.

And this time Takeda Shingen's battle of Shangluo has been nearly three months, and the siege of Ermata City took nearly two months.

The food and grass that had been hoarded for Shangluo had already been almost consumed.

More than 30,000 troops went to Luo, which was Shingen’s largest dispatch so far. For the Takeda family of 1.2 million shi, it would be difficult to sustain for a long time. Not to mention the consumption of military rations, the farming time is about to come again, and the war will be delayed. The Takeda family, which is dominated by peasants and soldiers, will have a major impact on the economy this year.

In addition, it is said that in order to support the Shangluo war, my family's reserves for mining Jinshan for many years have long been exhausted.

At present, the excavation of Kurokawa Jinshan in Kai's interior is nearing completion. Now, only after the capture of Suruga in Takeda, Fuji Jinshan, which originally belonged to the Imagawa family, was acquired. Abe Jinshan is still in operation, but the output of these two gold mountains is not as good as ten years ago.

Xinxuan's seizure of these two golden mountains is also considered a win.

However, after Li Xiao captured Songcang Castle, he directly dedicated the Songkura Jinshan, which originally belonged to Shiina's family, to Shingen.

This can be said to be a relief to Shingen for exhaustion of finances.

And Li Xiao also exchanged this, let Xin Xuan approve his request to attack Sado.

At the same time, because of this, Li Xiao's suspicion of supporting himself in the Takeda army has been reduced. For Li Xiao, Matsakura Jinshan is good, but it is less than one-tenth of Sado Jinshan.

"No matter what, the overall situation is now in favor of the family," Honda Masanobu set the tone affirmatively, saying, "Today, there are more and more rumors coming into and out of the Ministry of Justice. It is heard that it is Lord Gokan who has already approached Asakura. Asai, Matsunaga, and Honganji’s various forces communicated about the tripartite original destruction of the Oda Tokugawa Allied Forces."

"Presumably soon, the news will spread all over the world. Influenced by the original victory of the three parties, more daimyo will join the encirclement of Nobunaga."

Bendo believes that. All the retainers nodded one after another. It was true that the situation of Yuangui four years was really good for the Takeda family. The triumphant victory of the three original wars made more forces optimistic about Takeda's battle of Shangluo.

Li Xiao can't express any dissent at this moment. If the situation continues to develop in this direction, Takeda has a great chance of winning.


Li Xiao shook his head. Judging from the knowledge of history as a traverser and the intelligence sent by the ninja from Kai, he can guess that Shingen's life span is about to end.

In fortune-telling, just like a person’s luck, if the fortune is extremely prosperous, if you cannot go further at this time, then you will die from the middle, and then go downhill all the way, and it will be difficult to reach the previous height. .

In history, the fate of the Takeda family was also the same.

The battle of Shangluo that the world was looking forward to, due to Shingen’s illness, the middle way was abolished, and the gathering of Takeda in all directions disappeared at once. After that, Katsuyori Takeda wanted to reproduce Takeda’s Shangluo as Shingen did in the past. It was already very difficult.

On the other hand, Nobunaga, he survived a catastrophe this time, and in the future...

Li Xiao thought of this and smiled slightly. These are not his considerations at the moment. It is true that if Takeda seizes the world now, he can get it done once and for all, but it is not impossible for him to get ahead in the Warring States period, but it is more difficult.

As the saying goes, one disadvantage and one advantage.

Li Xiao said at this time: "Why don't you say, now the army must obey the master's arrangement, but although it cannot fight on a large scale, the penetration of Higashi Mino must not be relaxed."

As soon as Li Xiao said this, all the retainers knew what was going on.

Last time, when Nobunaga sent troops from Gifu Castle to attack Kajita Castle, Li Xiao asked Akiyama's faithful for help twice, but they were both rejected.

Especially for the second time, Li Xiao very sincerely sent out five big tubes to Qiushan, but he was returned by Qiushan believers.

The other party's claim of firearms is useless to the samurai.

Li Xiao sneered secretly after hearing this, Akiyama believer is indeed an excellent general of this era, but he can't escape the eye-beams and despise the power of Datong. He would not even ask how important the Datong played in Li Xiao's previous battles.

As a result, after rejecting Li Xiao Datong's support, Akiyama believers have not captured Seedling City until now.

Li Xiao did not have a good temper for the rude refusal of Akiyama's faithful. If it weren't for Shingen's victory in Mikatahara, it would threaten the hinterland of Owari and influence Nobunaga to finally choose to retreat.

Then, the main force of the Oda family, Li Xiao had to temporarily abandon Kajida Castle, a city that had been struggling to conquer.

So since Akiyama's faithful are not kind, don't blame Li Xiao for breaking the rules.

Earlier, Takeda Shingen was a one-man strategy to assign Higashi Mino to Akiyama Nobuyuki. He promised in advance that if Akiyama Nobuhiro completes the occupation of Higashi Mino, he can use this place as his knowledge and action place in the future.

With this encouragement, Nobuyuki Akiyama has shown the strength of the boss in the battle against Higashi Mino.

But after Li Xiao and Nobuyuki Akiyama turned their faces, they decided to join Higashi Mino to get a share of the pie.

Now Li Xiao has contacted five or six Higashi Mino tycoons through Oshima Mitsuyoshi, and with very generous terms, they have turned to Li Xiao instead of Akiyama's faithful.

This can be described as a means of digging a corner in the dark. Li Xiao is deeply looking forward to when the believer Akiyama wakes up all night, he will find that Higashi Mino, who was originally regarded as his possession, has been taken away by Li Xiao a quarter. What will he be like? .

According to common sense, Li Xiao would never use this method of getting over the world, but this time, the believer in Qiushan offended himself first, and it would be difficult for him to sleep well if he didn't let out this bad breath.

Of course, Faithful Akiyama responded to Xin Xuan about this matter and sued Li Xiao.

However, according to Li Xiao's current estimation, Shingen Takeda is probably unable to intervene on the bed. It is very difficult to decide the dispute between Nobuyuki Akiyama and Li Xiao.

As for the future victory of Shenglai, huh, let him go and sue himself in front of Shenglai.

Just as Li Xiao was discussing the military with his vassals, the envoy sent urgent news. According to Li Xiao’s meticulous return from the Uesugi family, Uesugi Kenshin was invited by the Oda family and decided to enter the army in two months, Xiang Song Cangcheng, Tianshen Mountain City launched an offensive on the front line.

Although there had long been news that the Uesugi army was preparing to attack Yuezhong, Li Xiao couldn't help mentioning it when he heard about it.

As far as Li Xiao knows, Kenshin and Nobunaga froze last year and reached an alliance in November.

After the two alliances were completed, Nobunaga showed great favor to Kenshin, and kept sending people by sea, sending him gold, war horses, iron cannons, and Nanban screens as gifts to him in order to please him.

Nobunaga's purpose to please mainly hopes that Kenshin, the old enemy of Takeda Shingen, can send troops when Shingen is in Luo, attacking Yuezhong, Shinano, and dragging Shingen's hind legs from behind.

In addition, I hope Uesugi Kenshin will use his influence to put pressure on the Asakura family.

As we all know, in order to fight against the common enemy of Hokuriku Yisojizong, Kenshin Uesugi and the Asakura family once met each other.

After wooing Kenshin into the same line, Uesugi Kenshin kept writing to Asakura Yoshiki, hoping that he could stop using troops to Nobunaga.

Therefore, Asakura withdrew from the siege midway this time, and Nobunaga's diplomatic offensive was also involved.

"Lord, there are two adults, Kinoshita and Takenaka, and with the defense of Kenshiro, even if Qianxin is strong, he will not be able to break through our army's defense line in Songcangcheng." Takato Fujido said to Li Xiao.

However, Li Xiao waved his hand and said: "I expected Qianxin to send troops this time. It's just that from now on, the situation of the Legion will fall into a two-line battle against Oda Uesugi. This is what I don't want to see. of."

#c. ..

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