Samurai of the Takeda Family

Chapter 427: First showdown

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Chapter 427: First Showdown

In August, heavy rain leaned on Kai's Rod Road.

This was built by Shingen who worked so hard to connect Kai Shinano.

The Takeda army, which is now coming out of the Tsugazakikan, is marching along this great road in the rain.

This is the first time that the master of the museum has led the army to fight since he succeeded Takeda's governor.

Under the heavy rain, Fenglin volcano, Suwa Myojin's banner lay down.

Under the battle flag, Takeda Katsurai, 28, is slowly riding his horse.

There were 12,000 people from the Takeda family who surrounded him.

The heavy rain wet the Suwa Dharma helmet, and the sight of Takeda Katsuyori under his head pocket was covered by heavy rain, which made him feel a bit gloomy in front of him, and he couldn't see the way forward.

He inherited the Takeda family governor for the past four months.

Takeda Katsurai had hardly slept a peaceful night, although he had imagined what kind of pressure he would bear when he inherited the position of house governor, when everything really came, it was still beyond his imagination.

Only three days ago, it was decided to go to Higashi Mino to assist the military meeting in Kajita Castle.

Takeda Katsuyori's decision to go out was unanimously opposed by important ministers headed by Baba Nobubu.

During that military meeting, the horse farm’s letter room was shaking with a white beard full of jaws, and said loudly: "My lord, my father has just been buried in Lake Suwa, and my lord’s dispatch of troops at this moment is not exactly what alarmed my father’s rest. NS?"

Takeda Katsuyori glanced at the Baba letter room and said: "Baba Minbu, I am not sending troops, but the Oda clan invaded their territory and must send troops to teach them a lesson."

The horse farm letter room said after hearing: "Lord, Nobunaga’s move is nothing but a tentative move. There is no need to fight. Kaji Tiancheng is under the rule of Tajima Shouden, and he has his own power to resist. If he is unable to do so, he will also ask for help from his family. , There is no need for the master of the labor center to inspire the people."

Takeda Katsuyori shook his head, took out a letter, and said: "This is the letter that Tajima Shou has sent me. Right now he is being besieged by Oda Uesugi Noto on three sides. It is when the situation is in danger. At this time, troops must be sent for rescue."

Nobuhiro Koyamada said: "My lord, Li Taumashou planned to send troops to Noto. How could he not anticipate the attack by Oda Uesugi, but now something has happened and I asked my family to clean up the mess. This is not what the courtier should do. As far as I can do, the only way to resolve this crisis is to order Li Danma to withdraw his troops from Noto."

"Master Koyamada, this is wrong..."

Katsuyori Shita, Akatsuki Akatsuki spoke out to argue with Nobuhiro Koyamada, and his position was clearly on Katsuyoshi's side.

After that, Nobuhiro Takeda and Masakei Yamaxian also expressed their opinions that they did not support Shenglai's dispatch of troops.

At this time, Nobuyoshi Takeda and Mitsuken Nagasaka were waiting to speak for Katsura.

During the military discussion, the two opinions became at odds. Everyone held their own opinions, and no one could convince anyone. This situation was never before Takeda Shingen's military discussion.

"No need to say anymore." Takeda Katsuyori finally got angry, and he got upright, and said, "My father left his last life, saying that if anyone dared to take advantage of his death to send troops to the Takeda family, he would send troops to annihilate him, absolutely no means. Although I don’t have the talents of my father, I also know that the Takeda family will never allow outsiders to insult.

Takeda Katsuyai's move immediately caused Takeda Shinren, Shanxian Changjing, Baba Shinbo and others to change their colors.

When Takeda Nobubashi presided over the military meeting, he would not make a decision so ignoring the opposition of his important ministers.

What's more, at least two thirds of the retainers of the convicts are opposed to the dispatch of troops this time, or at least recognize that the rescue of a Jiaji Tiancheng does not need to be so mobilized.

At that time, Takeda Katsuyori had already made the decision, and no one could object to the authority of the patron.

Regardless of whether they were willing or unwilling, all the retainers bowed their heads to lead their orders.

Only the Racecourse Letterhouse knelt on the ground, staring at the floor, and whispered something in a low voice: "The owner of the pavilion is so self-conscious, I am afraid it is Takeda's disaster."

Although the voice of the letter room of the horse farm was low, at that time, the mountain county Changjing and Takeda Shinren heard it. In such an occasion, it will inevitably be heard by Takeda Katsura.

Thinking of the unpleasantness of the military meeting, Takeda Katsuyori strenuously pumped his whip to drive the horse faster.

It is not that he has not heard the rumors about Li Xiao in his home. Although the horse farm in Shanxian County did not say it clearly, it was revealed at the time that Li Xiao's current strength is already too strong. If he attacks another Noto, it will be irresistible.

At that time, Takeda Katsurai never believed these words. He knew Li Xiaozhi that he was not comparable to Shan County or Racecourse. He was convinced that Li Xiao would not be dissatisfied.

After Katsuyori Takeda went out from the Tsugazakikan, he entered Shinano, and then joined the Ena Mountain and the Akiyama Shinyou Corps at an altitude of more than 2,100 meters in Higashi Mino. The army reached more than 15,000.

Under the confluence of the Takeda forces, Takeda Katsuyori changed his tactics and did not directly reinforce Kajida Castle. Instead, he fought hard at Higashi Mino. Within seven days, he successively took down the eighteen castles of the Oda family.

In one breath, most of the Oda family's forces in Tomino were removed.

And after hearing that Takeda Katsuyoshi sent troops, Nobunaga and his son Oda Nobuya also went out from Gifu Castle. After meeting Hashiba Hideyoshi and Akechi Mitsuhide Corps, they left Kajita Castle and quickly rescued Higashi Mino.

The strikers of the two forces met at Hetian Mountain outside Mingzhicheng.

This is the first time Oda Nobunaga and Takeda Katsuyoshi met on the battlefield.

Oda Nobunaga, still wearing a sassy appearance, pointed at the Takeda Army's main formation on the opposite mountain with his horse's whip, and said angrily: "Katsurai, this kid, dares to take the initiative to send troops. Does he pay for his father? Half the skill?"

"Lord, please be cautious. Victory is no less than his father. After all, he had defeated Kenshin Uesugi in the past, and this was something his father could not. And this time the troops were dispatched and the timing was just right. We all dare not. Imagine that Shenglai Guild dared to send troops just after the death of his father." Michihide Mitsuhide said directly.

Oda Nobunaga glanced at Wise Mitsuhide, still angrily, and said with a whip, "No matter what I say, I must teach this defiant child today."

"Lord," Akechi Mitsuhide hurriedly said, "At present, Omi, Echizen, Kinki has not yet recovered, and it is not the time to fight the Takeda family. If we lose strength now, we will give Miyoshi instead. Uesugi, Honganji can take advantage of it. machine."

"No, I can't stand this tone," Oda Nobunaga said loudly, regardless of Akechi Mitsuhide's obstruction, "The order goes on..."

"Lord, the Takeda Army is out!"

Wu Jian Banto picked up the spear, pointed towards the Takeda army position, and said to Nobunaga.

Oda Nobunaga was stunned on the spot at this moment, not angry but said with a smile: "Takeda Army actually went out!"

Oda Nobunaga strode to the edge of the battlefield, raised the edge of the curtain with his riding whip, and looked at the open space under the hillside. The Red Armored Corps of the Takeda Army began to line up slowly.

The sky was dazzling crimson, with the mighty military appearance, and the astonishing killing intent. Nobunaga could not help taking a breath, holding a riding whip and pointing down the mountain, saying: "This is Takeda's No. 1 Elite Chi Legion."

"Return to the lord, it is the Red Army Corps from Changjing in the Takeda family's generals."

At this moment, Oda Nobunaga's anger and arrogance were all restrained, and he pointed to Yamashita with a horse whip and said: "Although Shingen is dead, this is the elite army he built with his own hands during his lifetime. It must not be underestimated. The commanders, Don't underestimate the enemy."

As soon as Nobunaga's words fell, under the hillside, Yamaxian Changjing, wearing a striking horn on his head, rode his horse into the Takeda army position and decisively swung the sword.

After receiving the order, under the hillside, the red tide of the Takeda Army suddenly boiled and launched a fierce attack on the Oda Army position.

This is the first time the Takeda Oda family played against each other with the home owner on the court.

The generals of the two sides sat on their own formations, observing the actual combat strength of the two armies, trying to find each other's weaknesses.

After an afternoon of fierce fighting.

The main force of the Takeda Army was not out, and the Red Army Corps, under the command of Yamaxian Masaki, broke through the three Oda Army positions in a row.

Its combat power shocked the generals of the Oda family.

"Receive troops, no need to fight again."

Nobunaga Oda waved his hand as expected.

"My lord, the Red Army Corps has broken the three corps of our army. It's really a shame and shame." Hengxing Ikeda said on the sidelines.

"This is the first battle between the family and the Takeda family. If they lose, it will have an impact on the future warrior spirit." Sakuma Nomori also echoed.

Oda Nobunaga raised his whip and said, "If you lose, you will lose. I am not someone who can't afford to lose. If I lose this battle, I will make my family pay more attention to Takeda, or let the kid Katsurai despise me. The Oda Army is not better."

"What's more, the defeat of the Red Army Corps is only the second-line unit of the family, and I have seen the tactics of the Takeda family from then on. There will be a means to deal with the decisive battle in the future, but it is not now. Katsuyai is still young, and it is impossible for Shingen to commit. This mistake has exposed my strength to me."

After speaking, Oda Nobunaga couldn't help laughing up to the sky.

After Oda Nobunaga finished speaking, the Oda army array blew the snail horn to retreat.

After the Oda family withdrew their troops, Yamaxian Changjing, holding a blood-stained spear, rode his horse back to the main formation.

Although it was a one, Yamaxian Masaki was not very happy. He felt that the Oda Army sent all the trash army. Even if this kind of opponent was defeated, it would not be worth mentioning. On the contrary, he would use the Red Army's tactics. It is unwise to be exposed to Nobunaga's eyes.

Therefore, there was a lot of resentment in the belly of Masakei Yamaxian. When he came to the main formation, he saw Katsusuke Obe, and Mitsuken Nagasaka was surrounding Takeda Katsuyori and touting this time against the Oda army as a great victory.

And Takeda Katsurai also enjoyed the praise of the two very much. After all, this was the first time he succeeded the Takeda family governor who thought he would fight for the first time, and he faced a rival like Nobunaga again.

He not only did not fail, but also won a victory after the opponents of his laymen entered the army. This is definitely the consolidation of his position as the head of the Patriarch.

However, at this time, Yamaxian Masaki said loudly to Takeda Katsuyai: "Master, this battle is just the bait of the Oda family. If you think that the strength of the Oda army is just like this, you are wrong."

#c. ..

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