Samurai of the Takeda Family

Chapter 444: Words from the Heart

Chapter 444: Words from the Heart

The sea breeze blows Li Xiao's Wu suit into a bulge (only 3 seconds can be remembered by d genius)

He watched the figure of his son riding a horse on the beach for a long time, a gentle smile appeared on his lips, and after a while, he came back to his senses.

He took the handwritten note written by Takeda Katsuyori to himself, and handed it to Junshi Bendo Masanori, who was behind him, and asked, "Mashinori, how do you think about this?"

Masanobu Honda took the handwritten notes, and after reading it carefully, he thought about it and said: "Lord, in the opinion of the minister, the time to enter the center is not yet ripe."

After Bendo's Zhengxin said, Li Xiao stopped, turned around to look at the other party, and asked, "Tell me your reason."

Bendo Masahiro lowered his head and said: "The subordinates believe that the lord cannot enter the main center. There are two main reasons."

"The reason for not being the first is within the family. Over the past decade or so, the lord has leaped above all the retainers in his own family by his own power and as a foreigner. It can be said that the jealousy of many retainers, regardless of the mountain prefecture, horse farm, Naito, Takasaka, and Akiyama faithful, these important officials under the lord, they have the meaning of jealousy for the lord in their hearts."

Li Xiao nodded after hearing this. Last time Kaji Tiancheng was attacked by Nobunaga's army. Facing Li Xiao's request for help, Akiyama Nobuyoshi refused to fight. It can be seen that he was inside the house, but he had already suffered from the veteran of the Kai family.

"So even if the lord enters the center, it is impossible to conquer Shanxian. A heavy minister like the horse farm is not only that, because the lord enters the center, which is equivalent to passing on the dissatisfaction of these veterans with the master of the museum, and instead attracts them to themselves. , Even though the lord has outstanding military exploits in his family, he is not from Kai Fei, so he lacks prestige and can’t subdue these veterans on behalf of the master of the museum.”

Worthy of being the first military division, Honda Masao has an insightful view of the situation in his family.

Li Xiao thought so in his heart, so he smiled and asked, "What about the second reason?"

"That's the young master," Bendo Masao said, "The young master is only twelve years old. He is too young. Ask your ministers to boldly say that if you want to inherit the house governor and replace the lord at this age, you will be in charge of Etsuzhong Nohida Hida Sado. In the land of the four countries, the ability to subdue many powerful people is not enough, so it is likely to cause instability in the territory. You must know that the family is attacked on three sides. The two names of Oda Uesugi are both current heroes, and they are not the masters, and they are not enough to sit here."

"In addition, please forgive your ministers to boldly speculate that if the lord leaves Yuezhong, some people may take advantage of this gap and have the heart to replace the lord. You must know that there is not one person who is currently plotting to be the general of the Hida Vietzhong legion."

Hearing the words of Benduo's righteous faith, Li Xiao turned his eyes and couldn't help but say: "What a righteous faith"

Li Xiao knew from the bottom of his heart that Ponto was confidently referring to who was the man who had planned the commander of the Hida Vietnam Army.

At the time Takeda Shingen arranged, Takenaka Rejiro, and Baba Nobubo as their own and strength, it can be described as a dark move.

It’s nothing more than the horse farm letter house, but Takenaka re-rule made Li Xiao not dare to underestimate. The wise man who captured the Inaba Mountain Castle with 17 people has been a matter of his own over the past few years. Posture

Who knows if this looks like this, is it hiding one's powers and numbing Li Xiao, if Li Xiao leaves, the position of the chief general of the Yuezhong Hida Corps will be vacant, this Takenaka Hanbei, will he take the opportunity to jump out and pick peaches?

Li Xiao listened to the truthful words of Ben Duo, and the other party could be said to be very responsible for the task of a military division.

Li Xiao smiled and said to Benduo Zhengxin, "Zhengxin, my wife and children are still in Sanhe."

After hearing Li Xiaozhi’s words, Bendo Zhengxin was taken aback, and then there was a longing expression on his face, saying: "Yes, I heard that after I was chased from Sanhe that year, Naizi gave birth to a boy for me, and they will be ten years old this year. The mother and son should have suffered a lot at the Tokugawa family."

Under the gossip, in the Sanhe Yigui chaos, Bendo Masahiro left Tokugawa's family in Yonglu six years ago, and Bendo Masahiro's eldest son was born in Yonglu eight years ago. Who knows what happened?

Li Xiao said after hearing that: "This is not true. I heard that they have been taking care of Okubo Tadashi, so life has been very good."

Bendozen asked in astonishment: "How does the lord know about the wives and children of the ministers?"

Li Xiao smiled and said: "Zhengxin, I'm about to tell you the good news. Soon, your family can be reunited."

After hearing this, Bendo Zhengxin was surprised and delighted, and asked, "Master, what are you talking about?"

Li Xiao patted Ben Duo Zhengxin on the shoulder and said: "I have discussed with Sanhe Temple in secret before, and exchanged the two hostages of the Oping family held by my family for Zhengxin's wife and children."

"Thank you Lord", Ben Duo, who has always been indifferent, is almost excited at this moment and can't restrain himself.

Li Xiao is also very happy to show such a look

As the number one military commander under his command, Li Xiao is of course worried about his appearance in Cao Ying’s heart.

When Oppei Nobira turned up for the Tokugawa family, the Takeda family was supposed to behead the hostages of the Oppei family, but because of Li Xiao’s needs, he gave up.

Li Xiao also took advantage of the hostages of the Opin family to exchange them for the wife and children of Pondo’s Zhengxin.

In this way, he can cut off his chance of being turned down by the Tokugawa family, and at the same time, it can further accommodate the heart of this subordinate.

"But returning to the center to take up two positions, if I dodge it, I will hurt the heart of the master of the museum." Li Xiao said with emotion.

It's true that he doesn't want to jump into this fire pit right now. The two positions that Shanxian Changjing vacated are not easy to sit on.

But I don’t want to see Takeda Katsuyai, and deal with the current situation.

Li Xiaoneng has today and is absolutely inseparable from Shenglai’s support for him. This kindness Li Xiao has always remembered in his heart.

Bendo believes in the words: "Lord, when things are up to now, you must not use emotions and everything should be based on Yuezhong Hida."

Li Xiao nodded and said: "I understand, I will not deny the master of the museum head-on about this matter, but there is also a way not to go back to Yuzaki Hall. As long as I deliberately leak this news in advance."

After listening to Li Xiaozhi's words, Bendo Zhengxin's eyes lit up and said: "The lord is wise."

Li Xiao’s meaning is very simple. It is to spread out the matter of returning to his home to take over the two posts in advance.

In such a mountain county, the horse farm and others will inevitably oppose fiercely once they hear about it, and then they can use their mouths, and Li Xiao justified the situation and shied away from the matter.

Li Xiao glanced at Honda Zhengxin, and said: "I did this not for my Li family, but for the owner of the museum. At the moment, my five standing equipment is already in Chengshengcheng. The Tian’s decisive battle, at this moment, I can’t leave Yuezhong"

"Otherwise, if my Takeda clan and Oda clan are defeated in a decisive battle, Nobunaga can sweep the world in one go. At that time, not only will my family be in danger of extinction, but I, Li Xiao, will never want to survive."

"The battle between the Takeda clan and the Oda clan," Masayoshi Honda asked, his face changed after hearing this, "Lord, is this battle in sight?"

Li Xiao nodded, and said: "Oda Tokugawa faced off against the owner of the museum in the battle of Takatenjin Castle. The reason why the two sides failed to fight was not because of the gains or losses of Takatenjin, but because Nobunaga did not have enough chances to win. Now Asakura, Asai , Ashikaga, Matsunaga, and Miyoshi were all destroyed by Nobunaga."

"There are many heroes in the world, such as the Maori family, although they are powerful, but it is difficult to make progress, but the dog of Morito, at the moment Nobunaga is really worried about only Honganji, Takeda fought since Echi, Kaga Honganji only lingers on. As long as Nobunaga leveled the Nagashima Hongan Temple again, at that time, Nobura and Noo were like iron plates in Kinki, and Hongan Temple was inadequate. The time to use troops to Kanto is ripe. I believe this day will never be too late."

Ben Duo is listening to Li Xiao's words, showing a solemn look on his face

Under the blue sky, the weather is clear, and the fishing boats on the sea are fully loaded and returning.

This is a great view

Li Xiao looked at Honda Masanori and said: "Masahiba, here today, I confess to you, I admit that I am an ambitious person, and use my family’s idea of ​​taking the opportunity to become independent from my family after losing the decisive battle with Oda. I always have"

Bendo believes that when he listened to Li Xiao’s words, he suddenly felt sweaty. He didn’t know if he should stay here at this moment, listen to Li Xiao’s words, or leave immediately.

However, Li Xiao said to himself: "But at this moment, it is not so easy for me to make this decision. Since I came to Takeda's house for more than ten years, I have been deeply favored by Duke Xuan and better than Duke Lai. I think that if Duke Xinxuan is alive in the sky, and I don’t want to see Takeda’s fall in one day and defeat Duke Lai, it’s also a young man I watched, who has never understood anything, grows step by step, and finally takes over the position of home superintendent."

"So I will never sit back and watch Takeda's destruction at Oda's hands. Even if my hard work for more than a decade is destroyed, I must make a fight. This is a decision I have thought about for a long time, and I will never regret it."

After hearing this, Bendo knelt down on the sand again and said: "Lord, no matter what you decide, your subordinates will help you to the death."

Li Xiao lifted Bendo Zhengxin up, and saw his confidant, his eyes were reddish, and he looked at him with respect.

Li Xiao’s words indeed have seven points from the internal organs

He also understands that the way of the king and hegemon is not only about the three words of magic power, but also about righteousness, uniting people's hearts, and about people's hearts.

The same reason, Oda Nobunaga does not understand, Toyotomi Hideyoshi, but Tokugawa Ieyasu understands

If in the future I see the master’s family defeating Oda in a decisive battle, but I will not be a soldier, and will be indifferent.

At that time, how would his retainers think of themselves, how would the retainers of the Takeda family think of themselves, and how would the people of the world think of themselves

How can a person who is mean and unkind, ignoring love and justice, deserve the allegiance of his retainers, the respect of the great name, and the admiration of the people of the world

It is true that I can get the gratitude of the other party by reuniting the family of Bendo Zhengxin, but after Li Xiao said these words, he can really get the respect of the other party.

This is not something that can be obtained by powerful means


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