Samurai of the Takeda Family

Chapter 463: Backhand

Chapter Four Hundred and Sixty Three

Under the flag of white petals on black background. ~~

Changjing in Shanxian County wears a crimson horn pocket, covered with a scarlet ghost mask, wearing a small scorpion, a gun, and riding a majestic horse on the horse, looking in front of him like a behemoth. The Oda family army formation stands in front of you.

Before the 14,000-strong Oda Army, the casualties of Yamaxian Changjing were more than half, and the Red Army Corps with less than 1,000 people seemed to be insignificant.

Under this circumstance, rushing into the battlefield, like a thin and wounded fighting dog, challenged a huge giant tiger.

However, Shanxian Changjing is not afraid, and his Red Army is not afraid.

Paving the face against the wind, the equestrian samurai under the command of Yama Prefecture Masakei, and the Takeda Hoshiki Chimono behind the walking warrior were blowing, and the Kasagi behind the formation was rustling.

Shanxian Changjing rode his horse in front of his Red Army Corps, slowly moving from left to right, as if to impress the face of this group of loyal and brave men who had followed him for many years in the North and South wars.

Among the crowd, Yamaxian Masayoshi saw his son, Yamashiji Jintaro Maoji, Ziziyama County Genshiro Masayoshi, Yangzishan County Genhachiro Sadamasa, and two nv son-in-law Ki Masasa and Yokota Yinsong.

The Red Army Corps is the strongest legion of the Takeda clan, and from top to bottom, many of the legions are family members of the original Itomi clan.

This army united the hard work of the two people of Itou Tomo and Yamaxian Masaki. It is not only the glory of the Takeda family, but also the glory of the Yamaxian family.

And now Shanxian Changjing will lead this army to attack the position of Oda Army with weak forces.

This is probably the final battle of Red Standby.

Although Shanxian Changjing regarded death as home, he not only hesitated at this moment to bury Fan Fu Yimén here.

Shanxian Changjing clenched the reins. At this moment, he thought of Sanzishan County Changjiu who had died in the battle under Gaotianshen City.

The elder brother who had cut his belly at Toko Temple, Iifumi Tomasa.

The look in his eyes when he left at that time was frankly pleased, because he knew that although he was dead, the Fanfu clan would be honored in Shanxian Changjing.

For a warrior, personal honor, disgrace, life and death is nothing, but the continuation of the family mén is indeed what he has been seeking all his life.

Today, Fanfu Huchang will take the Red Army Corps and die here!

"Genshiro, you return to Tianwang Mountain, and tell the master of the museum Changjing's determination of our mountain county. If our Red Army Corps fails to assault the Oda family, then please retreat immediately."

When the words fell, Fanfu Huchang glanced at his second son, Shanxian Changman.

The other party suddenly didn't hear it, and stood there blankly, as if he hadn't heard of it.

"Genshiro!" Yamaxian Changjing couldn't help furious when he heard that his second son hadn't listened to his orders.

Shanxian Changman glanced back at Shanxian Changjing, and said, "My father, let my elder brother go, my horse can't run fast."

"You can't run fast, can you still fight on the battlefield?" Shanxian Changjing's eldest son, Shanxian Changci, reprimanded, "Your martial arts are not good. My father and I often say that you are in battle and you have lost the mountain. How can the county's face count on you, hurry up and go to Tianwang Mountain!"

"Don't go!" Shanxian Changman said flatly.

Hearing the two sons being so persistent, Shanxian Changjing suddenly looked angry, and then he looked at the three of Shanxian Dingchang, Sangki Changchao, Yokota Yinsong, but they all expressed their unwillingness. sè.

Changjing in Shanxian County came out of anger, but he was faint and proud of his heart. He waved the big gun and shouted: "Then don't go, Chibei, charge with me!"

Then the Red Army Corps launched an attack lineup.

Two hundred equestrian warriors headed by Changjing in Shan County were the forerunners, followed by hundreds of them.

The eye-catching flag of Takeda Hiroshima is hunting and flying.

"It's Shanxian Bingbei!"

The horse farm letter room, which was under attack by the Oda army, saw the red fluttering in the sky, and his expressions were all moving.

The three important ministers left by Shingen Takeda, Yama Prefecture, Baba, and Naito, are none of them timid.

"There are so few people in Changjing in Shan County, what do you want to do? Do you want to learn from Naito Masao? Hún, I dare to underestimate my Quanliu!"

Yelled at Shibata's home.

At this time, Kawakami Oda Nobunaga saw that Yamaxian Masakei acted like this, but he laughed and said: "Yanxian Masakei is the soul of Takeda's army. If he can **** his first rank, it will be better than beheaded. Takeda Katsura, kill him!"

Nobunaga Oda waved his horse whip heavily.

"I want the head of Yamaxian Changjing," Shibata yelled angrily. "I order Maeda Toshiya, his family Naomasa, Ando Moriji team to annihilate me, Yamaxian Changjing team! And the rest of the teams assist in the attack! Focus on iron The artillery, with three stages of warfare, weakened the impact of Chibei!"

The iron cannons of the Oda Army were light enough to form three lines of defense in front of the formation.

The iron cannon feet were leaning on their sides, holding the iron cannon in their hands, and aiming in front of them with their eyes closed.

The arquebus on the iron cannon chā sounded violently, burning little by little.

The iron cannon of the Oda Army was so powerful that he lifted the sword aloft, and only waiting for his order, the iron cannon would spit out thousands of flames!

Now all the iron cannons were aimed at the Red Army Corps in Changjing, Shan County, which had charged in.

The horses neighed, the wind hung fiercely, and they rushed towards the mountain county Changjing of the Oda Army. Looking at the Oda Army's lineup, the bottom of my heart was extremely calm, and the floating shadows in front of him passed one by one.

When a teenager was playing with his elder brother, when he was in front of the Lord Xinxuan, when he was uneasy in the first battle, the joy of being promoted to a hundred and fifty riding hours, the shock of seeing his wife for the first time, the sense of responsibility for the father, and the elder brother’s abdomen Pain, became the first old man in the family, knowing that after the three sons died in battle, his wife was crying bitterly.

All kinds of strokes pass the front of Changjing Mountain County.

Changjing of Shanxian County took a look. Li Xiao's regiment was in the direction of the battle against Wise and Yuchai Corps. He said to himself: "Li Xiao is nothing but a foreigner, and he can still fight to death. My Shanxian Changjing is the first important minister of the family. How can I be willing to follow it! I hope my death will buy you more time!"

At the moment, Changjing in Xiashan County danced his spear, facing the Oda army formation, shouting loudly: "Kill!"

The Takeda Army Headquarters on Mount Tenno.

At this moment, Takeda Katsuura is sitting on Mazza, his fingers pinching the military team, and his eyes are staring at the battlefield.

Kobata Kenju!

An Zhong Jingfan!

Naito Masao!

Tsuchiya Masaji!

Sanada Nobuzuna!

Masaki Sanada!

He sat on the horse and listened to the names of the Takeda family who had been killed one after another by the envoy, and his heart felt like a knife.

These people are the loyal and brave of the Takeda family, dead men.

When Takeda Shingen's battles in Uedawara and Toishiaki were combined, the Takeda family did not lose so many generals.

Today, Shi Leyuan under Chang Xiao has become a **** place for the Takeda family.

When another envoy rode his horse and ran up to Tianwang Mountain, Takeda Katsurai's mouth chún slightly shook.

The ambassador came to Takeda Katsuraimaza, bowed his head and said: "Report to the lord, Yamakeni Saburo soldier Masakaki died in battle! The entire Chibei army was destroyed!"

Takeda Katsurai's body shook violently, and after a while, he trembled and said, "Have you also gone to Lianshan County?"

"Oh!" Make Fan Jiang lowered his head and said in a choked voice, "The Lord Shanxian has severely injured the Oda Army, but he is still outnumbered and died in the battle."

"Lost, lost, I lost the Takeda family!"

Mitsuken Nagasaka said to Takeda Katsuyoshi, "The lord, Lord Yamaxian all died in the battle, and now my family has lost this decisive battle. Now I have to retreat to the battlefield and save my life in order to make a comeback!"

After hearing about the death of Changjing in Shanxian County, Ruobe Shengzi said in a frightened voice: "Lord, yes, let's go. If the Central Army breaks down, the Oda Army will pursue it in an all-round way. It's too late!"

Takeda Katsurai smiled tragically and said: "You said that once the Central Army is broken, the main force of the Oda Army will use the superior force to sweep the Li Xiao's right-wing army and the left-wing army, which are fighting on the two wings of our army, and then I will win against Lai. Through their resistance, the bones of the loyal and brave minister of my Takeda family can be exchanged for a life, right?"

After hearing the embarrassing remarks, Atobe Katsushige said: "That's not what I said. It is also the duty of the minister to cover the lord."

"Enough, it was you who decided to fight at the beginning, and now it is you who advocate retreat. If I flee, how different from Xùe Shan Nobu-kun, how can I fight against the dead Naito Masaoto, Yamaxian Masakei and the others, I will win. Although Lai is not a British lord, he will never escape!"

After Takeda Katsuyoshi screamed at the two, a look of death came to his face, just as he did when he was in Shirane Mountain and Iwaju Castle.

Takeda Katsurai said loudly: "If the order continues, the Honjin Mountain will attack, let all the soldiers of the family see my Fenglinshan flag!"


The soldiers of the Takeda family's main line suddenly agreed. At this moment, they all forgot the existence of Shingen. Takeda Katsuyori was the real leader of the Takeda family!

Following the death of Yamaxian Masakage, the Oda Army's main formation on the Kawakami Mountains was filled with joy.

Oda Nobunaga raised his right arm and shook it hard, saying: "Masakei Yamaxian has died in the battle. It is my Oda family who finally won the battle. Humph, what about Li Xiao, I admit that he is very powerful. But for a while, I can't beat Yuchai, and I should be wise to the resistance of the two generals."

"Before this, the Takeda Army Central Corps is about to collapse. I believe that the ambition of Nobunaga's army will be realized in Changxiao today. From then on, the peaceful and happy land of this world will be realized by me alone, Shingen and Katsurai. , Li Xiao, you all be the stepping stones to my great cause!"

When Oda Nobunaga said this, he said: "Order Shibata to hang up the first level of Yamaxian Changjing! Tell them that Yamaxian Changjing has been taken over!"

"Lord, Shanxian Bingwei died in battle!"

On the side of the Takeda Army, Envoy Fan also conveyed the news to Li Xiao.

"Shanxian, well, I know, let's step back." Li Xiaoyan said.

Masanobu Honda and Nami Usami looked at Li Xiao and said: "Our army has tried its best to attack the wise, Hashiba army on Maruyama, but it takes only half an hour to win Maruyama. The situation of this battle is extremely for us. unfavorable!"

There is also a decadent atmosphere in Li Xiao's original formation.

Li Xiao turned his head and said with a smile: "The battle is not at the last moment. It's not the time to see the resolution. Just wait!"

Behind the side of She Le Yuan, on a hidden hill.

Shigeji Takenaka took the monocular telescope and watched the battle on the original.

Soon after, Shigeji Takenaka put down the monocular telescope, and said to the Uchijima clan and Masabo Baba, "Now is the time for my Hida to attack!"

Uchijima Shiri squeezed his fist and said, "I've been impatient for a long time dormant here."

In fact, when Li Xiao came to help Chang Xiao last night, it was not eight thousand people, but 11 thousand people.

Li Xiao deliberately used the number of torches, míhuò Oda, to make Nobunaga think that he was just an army of 8,000 with an army of 20,000, deliberately bluffing.

In fact, Li Xiao deliberately concealed the military situation, so that the three thousand flying congregants did not enter the position of the Leyuan Takeda Army, and instead lurked in the nearby mountainous area ahead of time.

Now these three thousand Feida crowds are this battle, Li Xiao's last back, his hidden reserve team.

Machang Changfang said: "At the moment we must rescue the central government immediately, and immediately restore the situation to support the lord, defeat the Oda army to help, so that we can win a big victory."

"No, I think we should assist the lord, and use strong troops to speed up the breakthrough. The obstacles of the two groups of Yuchai are the obstacles!" Uchijima's Li said that the horse farm Changfang argued.

Machang Changfang was inclined to rescue this decision immediately because his father Machang Xinfang was fighting hard in the Central Army Corps.

"Stop arguing," Shigeharu Takenaka said solemnly, "Before the war, but Ma Shou had already given the commanding authority of the Hida congregation āo, everything is up to me. Do you have any objections to this?"

In Machang Changfang, Uchijima cried out after hearing it, and said, "Let's follow Takenaka-sama's orders together."

"Very well," Shigeharu Takenaka said with a wave of the folding fan in his hand, "Then I will give the order that the goal of my Hida people is the main formation of Oda Nobunaga on the mountain in Kawakami!"

"Oda Nobunaga's Honjin!"

"Crazy, attack Nobunaga Honjin!"

Machang Changfang, Uchijima's words were unbelievable when he heard Takenaka Shigeji's words.

"Master Takenaka, aren't you kidding me?"

"It's not a joke!"

Shigeharu Takenaka smiled indifferently and said slowly: "Nobunaga's main formation is empty, with only a few dozen people close by, and his son, Nobuo Kitahata, is less than 300. This A little force is not worth looking at. This is the perfect opportunity God has given me to wait for!"

"It makes sense!"

Machang Changfang, Uchijima Shiri heard Takenaka Shigeharu's words, and nodded at each glance.

Takenaka Shigeharu pointed the folding fan, and Kawakami Yama said: "At this moment in the battle of Nagashino, under the battle of the Takeda army, the Oda army suffered heavy casualties. Numerous soldiers died in the battle, and the general was killed here. All of this is not worth mentioning if compared with Nobunaga. If Nobunaga's main formation is captured, this will be a great achievement! This is also Lord Tajima Shou, who wants our army to lurch until this moment, the ultimate goal!"

When the horse farm Changfang, Uchijima's mind was shocked when he heard it, his eyes lighted, and he said: "Then fight! Takenaka-sama, we all believe in your decision. This blow can turn things around!"

Shigeharu Takenaka nodded, and said with a rare solemn sè, "Very well, then Nagaso today is the place where Nobunaga will die!"


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