Chapter 481: Xu Xu Tuzhi

Fight one or two with the main house.

If it is to see the poor dagger, then this sentence is Ashikaga Yoshiaki's last dagger.

Before Ashikaga Yoshiaki gave Li Xiao, Noto guardian, six exemptions, the title of house-shaped daimyo.

All these high-ranking officials gave Li Xiao a position to fight against the main house on the surface, but Ashikaga Yoshiaki actually intended it.

Li Xiao snorted secretly, this Ashikaga Yoshiaki really is the master who makes waves everywhere, and now Li Xiao is under the Takeda family, the strongest vassal vassal.

As early as when Shingen died, the four ministers of Shan County, Baba, Naito, and Takasaka were very jealous of Li Xiao's power.

And now Xinxuan and Shenglai are dead. It is in the assessment of his family that Xinxuan Anshan uses the jealousy of his retainers to attack Li Xiao, and he has indeed achieved a certain effect.

What's more, Nobuko Takeda, who is unobstructed, calls Li Xiao the Cao Cao of his family, Sima Yi.

So Li Xiao is more suspicious.

Although Li Xiao is now announcing his retirement, resigning from all positions, and giving up the position of monk, but in the eyes of a veteran politician and conspirator like Ashikaga Yoshiaki, he is convinced that Li Xiao will not give up his current position. It is a roundabout way of retreat for advancement.

After all, even though Nobunaga is dead, Oda is still strong, and Hojo, Uesugi, and Oda are surrounded by groups. If Li Xiao retires at this moment, Takeda's family is undoubtedly self-destructing the Great Wall.

Therefore, Ashikaga Yoshiaki expected that Li Xiao had calculated this point, deliberately announced his retirement, and then worked hard, and returned with three pushes and three resignations. By then, Li Xiao's power would be better than before.

Therefore, Ashikaga Yoshiaki decided to add to the flames and muddled the water of the Takeda family. Now Li Xiao has enough strength to stand on his own, but there is still something lacking.

This is the status!

Just as before Cao Cao usurped the throne, he first praised and worshiped but did not go to the court, and went to the palace with the sword.

In the end, the world only knew about Cao Cao, but did not know that there was Emperor Xiandi of the Han Dynasty.

High power will shake the master, and the name can be tampered with.

If there is no status, create a status.

For example, the addition of nine tins in Chinese dynasties has become synonymous with usurpers.

Wang Mang, Cao Cao, Sima Zhao, Shi Le, Liu Yu, Xiao Daocheng, Xiao Yan, Chen Baxian, Yang Jian, Li Yuan, these successful usurpers have added nine tins.

Now Ashikaga Yoshiaki gives Li Xiao the protection of Noto, the house name, and the six exemption treatment. Although it is not the name of the shogunate, it is equivalent to the treatment of the leader. This is exactly the so-called name given to Li Xiao. .

And Ashikaga Yoshiaki's plan is that if you are loyal to me, assist Ashikaga Shangrao and rebuild the shogunate, then my Ashikaga family will give you the equal status of the master in the name of the shogunate.

This move coincided with Toyotomi Hideyoshi's historical means of splitting the Mori family and wooing Takaki Kobayakawa.

In order to weaken the power of the Western Maori family, Toyotomi Hideyoshi extremely wooed Kobayakawa Takakei who was inclined to himself, planning him to appoint the Maori family, and arranged the seats of the five elders in terms of status, so that Kobayakawa Takaki and Mori Terumoto became Sitting side by side, both are one of the five elders.

This method is not unskillful, but Ashikaga Yoshiaki is different from Toyotomi Hideyoshi. He has no soldiers and no power in his hands. He has only the illusory name and righteousness. He has been the leader of the world's martial arts family for hundreds of years in the name of the Ashikaga family.

When he first arrived at Takeda's house, Ashikaga Yoshiaki supported Nishina Morinobu, replaced Takeo Maru as the house governor, and raised his prestige by interfering in the internal affairs of Takeda's house.

But now he has drawn himself in to divide the strength of the Takeda family and strengthen his influence.

Without the support of strength, playing with such means, Ashikaga Yoshiaki is definitely playing with fire.

But even if Ashikaga Yoshiaki is playing with fire, it is definitely profitable for Li Xiao right now.

Thinking of this, Li Xiao smiled slightly and said: "Thank you for the generous gift of Gongfangdian. The foreign minister is very grateful, but the foreign minister has decided to retire. In addition to expressing his gratitude to his highness, Junfu also invites Gongfangdian. Take it back to life."

"What?" Ashikaga Yoshiaki was slightly surprised, and said, "But Ma Shou, you must know that this is not ordinary grace, huh, forget it."

Seeing Ashikaga Yoshiaki’s reaction, Li Xiao smiled and said: "Kongfangdian, please forgive the foreign ministers for being rude. This time the foreign minister heard that Gongfangdian came to Sunfu, and he was very easy to walk. The gift money, a trace of respect to the Gongfang Hall."

"Five thousand pens?"

Even though Ashikaga Yoshiaki was once the master of the samurai clan, he was surprised to hear of the gift money offered by Li Xiao. The 3,000 kan was already a large sum, but this time the 5,000 kan was the shogunate. When he was influential, Kenshin Uesugi gave so much money to Luobai to meet Ashikaga Yoshiki.

For Ashikaga Yoshiaki's current situation, tens of thousands of welcome words are not as useful as real money.

Ashikaga Yoshiaki once again figured out the intention of Li Xiao’s move. If he really wanted to push back and become a loyal minister of the Takeda family, then this act of offering him 8,000 kankansen in one breath would no longer be a matter of diligence and loyalty. The shogunate explained with these few words.

Besides, Li Xiao is not from his own country.

At this time, Ashikaga Yoshiaki tried again to test Li Xiao, saying: "Tajima Shou comes from the Ming country, such as Shimazu in Kyushu, Shikoku’s Chombu, and Hokuriku Jinbo’s family, are all Ming dynasties. Kokubu came to a clan, and these three families have become my shogunate, the guardian of the country, or the guardian of the generation, but Imazu, the Nagasu, and my clan are all Kyushu, the four kingdoms, but Ma Shou, is there not at all, let the Li family follow the example What do these families mean?"

After hearing Ashikaga Yoshiaki's pulse this time, Li Xiao smiled slightly and said: "Gongfangdian, the foreign ministers have this ambition. Just your name, isn't it what our martial arts team is looking for?"

Ashikaga Yoshiaki listened to Li Xiao's words, smiled happily, retreated from his own name, but emphasized his family name, then everything would be understood.

Ashikaga Yoshiaki smiled and said: "Very well, I understand, since I will recommend you to the court as the first five, Major General Right Guardian, as for your surrender to the eldest son, then I will grant your eldest son. , How about the guardianship of Yuezhong and six exemptions?"

After hearing Ashikaga Yoshiaki's words, he thought that Li Xiao would agree with gratitude, but when he saw him, he turned to silence.

Ashikaga Yoshiaki asked, "Is there any hesitation in Tajima Mamoru?"

Li Xiaobi respectfully said: "Returning to the Gongfang Palace, the foreign minister wanted a dog, and his qualifications were too low. It would be too quick to grant such a position suddenly. Please put the Gongfang Hall on hold for three years and wait for the dog to do some more merits for the court. , And then grant this grace for six exemptions. As for the guardian of Yuezhong, the foreign minister’s vassal Jinbao Changxian was the governor of the Jinbao family. Jinbao family has always been the guardian of the Etchu Prefecture. In the affairs of the shogunate, he has always been responsible for serving the public, so the foreign minister thought Let the Jinbao family be recommended to take the role of guardian of Yuezhong, and I hope that the Gongfangdian will be graceful."

Ashikaga Yoshiaki heard that Li Xiao had to suspend the grant of these six exemptions.

And to hand over the guardian of Yuezhong to his retainers, it was obvious that Li Xiao didn't want to be the guardian of Yuezhong, so that he could not be the guardian of Yuezhong, so as not to make the master's family look at him.

All this was done slowly without any rush, so Ashikaga Yoshiaki admired Li Xiao's deeds even more.

Ashikaga Yoshiaki said: "Since it is the request of Tajima Shou, everything is as you want."

Li Xiao bowed down and said: "So thank you Gongfangdian."

Ashikaga Yoshiaki saw that Li Xiao finally accepted his terms, and said with satisfaction: "Very well, in the future the shogunate will go to Rakuto and the restoration of Kyoto, everything will have to work but the strength of the Takeda family, there are you who are loyal to the shogunate. Good minister, don't worry that the world is not peaceful, the world is not quiet."

Li Xiao looked at Ashikaga Yoshiaki proudly and couldn't help but smiled. He didn't mind Ashikaga Yoshiaki being immersed in his own fantasy at this moment, and he also accepted his great affection.

On the same day, Li Xiao returned to Kai after eating in the temple under Ashikaga Yoshiaki's retention.

Jia Fei, in the mansion of Li Xiao.

Takenaka Shigeharu, Honda Masanobu, Kano Hideharu, Usami Nami, Shioka Kazuha and other Li Xiao's retainers gathered in the house to welcome Li Xiao who had just returned.

Takenaka Shigeharu was reporting to Li Xiao: "The matter of the Gongfang Hall granting Tajima Shou, Noto's guardian, and six exemptions, has been spread at home in the past few days. According to our investigation, we found that Nobuyuki Anyama and Nobuyuki Takeda The people headed by the crowd, take this opportunity to attack the adults aggressively, pour your dirty water, and continue to frame them in the name of powerful officials."

Nobuyuki Anyama, Nobuyuki Takeda.

After listening to Takenaka's words, Li Xiao coldly snorted, and then asked, "What about Baba, Sanada, Kosaka and other adults?"

Ben Duo Zhengxin replied: "Three adults, these few days have sent people to the mansion to find out if the lord has returned. If they do, they would like to ask the lord to participate in the assessment again to determine who the house governor belongs to. Right now, the lord I have already returned home, how should I reply to a few adults."

Shioka Kazuha said: "Lord, among these Japanese families, because they support Nippon Nishina and His Royal Highness King Wu, there is a lot of contradiction among the retainers, and there are already many retainers and samurai who support both ~ Even as a result of fighting and even drawing swords, no less than a dozen warriors have died in private fights."

"The Lord Machang and the others are hoping to make a decision as soon as possible on the matter of the superintendent of the house. Otherwise, if this delay continues, the family will inevitably lead to chaos and even civil strife. Lord, in the opinion of the ministers, there really is no more delay at this time."

"I understand." Li Xiao nodded slowly.

Just as Li Xiao was about to make a decision, a warrior outside the door reported to him, saying: "Report to the lord, Chao Yue, and the criminal department, outside the door, saying that there are a hundred thousand urgent things to see."

Hearing that Nobuhiro Takeda and Nobuhiro Takeda had come together, it was still a matter of urgency. At the moment, Li Xiao did not pretend to be sick anymore. Now everyone knows that he ran to Sunfu and met Ashikaga Yoshiaki.

So Li Xiao said to his face: "Hurry up and invite two adults in."

Soon after, Nobuhiro Takeda and Nobuhiro Takeda broke into Li Xiao's house with wind. When Nobuhiro Takeda saw Li Xiao, he said loudly: "Li Taman, the matter is not good, His Highness Nishina is dead. NS!"

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