Samurai of the Takeda Family

Chapter 586: Sekihara's Array (4)


(Please keep in mind) (Please keep in mind) Yanyue Array!

In an instant, Oda Nobuya realized that he had fallen into Li Xiao's plan, and now that Li Xiao is attacking his own base with all his strength, it is imperative that he should desperately protect himself.

Suddenly Oda Nobuada's face appeared with a decisive expression, and said: "Since Li Xiao, want to replay the scene of the Naga Shino battle, let him see the strength of the army directly under his family!"

"The order goes on, the whole army defends the line!"

"Set off the beacon, order the Nangong Mountain and Matsuo Mountain forces to come and reinforce immediately!"

Oda Shintagawa shouted in a deep voice.

In fact, the Oda Army garrisoning Tenman Mountain is directly under the corps, and it is not a weak group. .

Riding on the black forge, Li Xiao said to his men: "The whole army will advance with me and carry the flag. If there is advance, there will be no retreat!"

Beneath the Tianman Mountain, the Hida Yuezhong Legion Yanyue Formation, like a huge blood-colored crescent, arranged in a tight square array, slowly advancing.


In front of the left-wing Maeda Toshiya's army, a huge Oda Army artillery shell blasted down, smashing the soil up to the sky, and directly smashing a large hole.

On the top of Tianman Mountain, more than ten large tubes of the Oda Army began to roar.

"It's the Flange machine gun!"

Li Xiao judged the words and said that just after the voice fell, a cannonball from the Oda family fell straight and hit the Li Xiao general's flag hard, only more than 20 meters ahead.

Six Kibmoto warriors were buried here.


"My father!"

Shigang Yiyu, Li Zheng and several others approached just a moment ago, all risking their lives to guard Li Xiao.

"Stupid. If the shells really hit, you can only die together." Li Xiao cursed.

"Whether to stop the flag?" Shioka Kazuha asked.

Li Xiao recalled that he saw the left and right legions, all under the Oda Army's artillery fire, advancing regardless of casualties.

Li Xiao waved his horse whip and said: "Order the directly-affiliated artillery team to suppress the position of the Oda Army, and the banner will move on!"

At the moment Li Xiao continued to drive his horse, but the flag followed Li Xiao and continued to move forward.

The corps of the Takeda Army saw Li Xiao commanding the flag under the Oda Army’s artillery fire. Still not retreating, the morale of the moment is cheered up.

All legions are speeding up the pace of action.

Kimoto, the subsidiary artillery team of Snake Tail, pulled out their six-pounder guns and fired at the Oda Army’s artillery position on the hill, and for a while suppressed the bombardment from the Oda Army’s large barrel position.


After entering the firing range, the iron cannon generals of the two armies walked to the front. Command the cannon to step forward lightly.

Raise the gun!

The iron cannons in the first row lifted their guns together.


boom! boom! boom!

The projectile shuttles.

Second row, raise the gun!

Both armies were filled with yellow gunpowder, which temporarily blocked each other’s sight, and was blown away by the gust of wind.


There were people in the two armies from time to time, raising their guns to normal, and suddenly let out a muffled grunt. Then fell to the ground.

Immediately this corpse was lifted from both feet by the people behind and dragged to the back of the battle.

The third row, raise the gun!


Before the firing was completed, the two armies slapped their heads. Raising Taito, he yelled, "Prepare!"


Put down the spear lightly.


The spears of the two armies are light enough, like a flood of sluice gates, they are all swarming forward.

The crowds are rolling in, with tens of thousands of troops on both sides. Involved in this battle of life and death.

At the same time, Mount Matsuo.

"His Royal Highness, the lord's line is tight, please quickly break through the horse field letter room army and support your team."

"His Royal Highness, Sir Wise, please cooperate with Lord Wisdom Hirotada as soon as possible, after breaking through the horse farm letter house army. Reunited with this army."

Akechi Mitsuhide, the messenger of Oda Nobuya, also arrived in front of Oda Nobuo.

Hearing this, Oda Nobuo left Mazza and said with a smile: "Unexpectedly, the one who has always been above the top, Mr. Wise-sama also begs me."

"But I clearly saw that on the top of Nangong Mountain, the Kinki Army still has a lot of troops. It hasn't come out. Sir Wise, did you do your best?"

Wise Mitsuhide’s messenger said: "His Royal Highness, the mission of Wise-sama is to penetrate from Nangong Mountain, straight into the back road of Takeda Army, and break through Satake and Sanada Army. However, the battle on the mountain road is not suitable for the large corps, so Mr. Awareness still stays. There is some military power."

"His Royal Highness, is there anything else you worry about at this moment?"

Nobuo Oda grunted and said, "I naturally don't worry about anything, but I guess why Li Xiao was bold enough to directly attack the formation regardless of the pressure of his family's 50,000 troops on Nangong Mountain."

"Li Xiao is a master of the art of war, and he will never be an incompetent general. He dared to make this judgment. The only reason is that there is an internal response in his family, otherwise it is impossible to take this risk."

When Oda Nobuo's words came out, everyone present was shocked.

Especially the messenger of Mitsuhide Wisely, the other party froze in place, yes, what Oda Nobuo was considering now was what Mitsuhide Wisely considered.

Both of them were worried that there was Li Xiao's internal response among the more than 100,000 troops in the family.

Therefore, they all want to keep their troops in order to wait for them to move later, or when the war is unfavorable, they can also preserve their troops.

What Akechi Mitsuhide didn't expect was that Oda Nobuo actually saw this.

Now Oda Nobuo suspects the inside of Akechi Mitsuhide, and Akechi Mitsuhide is also speculating about Oda Nobuo.

The two doubted each other.

Nobuo Oda said loudly: "I am a member of my family, and there is no doubt about my loyalty, but wise sir, hum, maybe there are one or two things under him. Li Xiao has already secretly learned it, maybe that's it."

"His Royal Highness, this is absolutely impossible."

"Why? Even Yushiba, the loyal dog of my Oda family, is being drawn by Takeda and Maori right now. Perhaps Akechi Mitsuhide himself is unreliable at this moment?"

The two sides are now quarreling together.

On the side, Oda Nobuo, a Yubi, sneered secretly at this moment.

In fact, this Yubi was already bought for Li Xiao and became a fine work of the Takeda army. At this critical moment, he sent a blow to Oda Nobuo.

Nobuo Oda, who always makes his thinking simple, is suspicious now.

Now on Nangong Mountain, the fighting between the two sides has entered a fever pitch.

Keercai, a fierce commander of the Oda army, hid under the guidance of the treasure house, wielding a ten-character spear, unstoppable.

A general who did not kill the enemy is inserted with bamboo strips as a mark.

After seeing the army of Maeda Toshizang, Keer Caizang shouted at me for the rebellion of the Odas.

At the moment, he fought hard and broke into the enemy line, killing 19 Takeda samurai in one breath, and nearly a hundred of them were injured by his gun.

The opponent was unstoppable, and the Maeda army was discolored.

In the end, Keer Caizang almost used his own power to kill in front of the Maeda Toshiya. He had a few arrows in his body and more than ten wounds on his body. He was piled up by dozens of Takeda soldiers and killed together.

When Maeda Toshiya saw Keercaizang's first level holding up, he couldn't help but burst into tears. . . )


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