Sand Hidden's Strongest Technician

Chapter 25: Ebizo’s disciples

The liquid in this tank is a mixture of burning powder and special chemicals. The so-called burning powder is mainly used to blow up corpses on the battlefield or make raw materials for detonating talismans. It contains extremely powerful destructive substances.

Shiraishi chose to pour this explosive energy into his arm, mainly to test the changes in the properties of chakra.

The cells in the entire arm began to fester bit by bit, and the intense burning sensation made Shiraishi break out in cold sweat. During the sudden swing of his arm, a trace of terrifying high-temperature energy was released.

The more Cheng Yuansi looked at it, the more frightened he became: It's too scary, it must stop.

No...I can't give up, I have to continue even if I fail.

The scorching energy continuously impacts the cells in Shiraishi's arms, all of which is a very weak hope of developing the second attribute chakra.

How many chakra attributes a person has, whether it is innate or acquired, has not yet been determined, but if you are still unable to tap out and master more attributes after a certain age, it means that your potential has reached its limit.

Shiraishi didn't think that his limit was limited to the transformation of wind-type chakra properties. He decided to conduct a very bold test, one of which was to use this burning powder to forcibly strengthen the adaptability of his arms to fire-type chakra.

Shiraishi wrapped his arms. When he entered the oasis area, he saw Grandma Chiyo fishing. Compared with her indifference at the beginning, Grandma Chiyo's attitude has improved a lot now.

Is your hand hurt?

Injured during training.

Chiyo didn't pay too much attention and let Shiraishi enter Ebizou's bookstore to continue studying the information there.

Today is the tenth day of the agreement between Shiraishi and Ebizo. Ebizo responded to Shiraishi's issue very late last night. Compared with the pure praise at the beginning, some disputes gradually emerged in the discussion between Ebizo and Shiraishi.

After ten days, the two sides compiled more than a thousand knowledge points and corresponding exchange notes. The thick stack of paper showed Shiraishi's hard study and Ebizo's tireless teachings.

Only on some issues, Shiraishi's thinking mode was so stubborn that it even made Ebizo stamp his feet anxiously.

The transformation of chakra attributes has been the focus of the stalemate between the two in the past few days.

The theme of the exchange between Ebizo and Shiraishi last night was the transformation of chakra properties. Regarding the issue of foreign material energy stimulating cells and opening up new chakra properties, Ebizo was strongly opposed to it.

The energy of foreign substances may swallow Shiraishi's body and his excellent brain at any time.

According to Shiraishi's understanding, a country's environment and climate determine the chakra attributes of most ninjas in the region. Except for the rich Konoha, the attributes of other shinobi village ninjas are related to their country's geographical location.

Various deductions suggest some connection between cells and the qualities of natural energy in the air? The idea of ​​using a large amount of chakra energy to stimulate human cells and then cultivate new chakra properties appeared in Shiraishi's notes.

This aspect is also the core focus of the dispute between Ebizo and Shiraishi, and it is also the reason why the two sides refuse to give in. Ebizo believes that this development method is more like squeezing people's ultimate potential, rather than development and improvement.

The previous burning powder and the deep sea silver Shiraishi was looking for were the direction of development and testing ideas. Of course, the corresponding methods of the two substances are still different.

Only by directly extracting attribute substances and injecting them into the body, combining them with body cells, and relying on one's own mental power to suppress the rampant alien cells in the body can one successfully obtain the second attribute chakra.

Such an idea is bold and even admirable, but in fact it seriously violates the ethics of the ninja world because the idea involves human experimentation.

In the past, similar concepts and tests have been proposed by people in the ninja world, but all failed without exception. As for Shiraishi's direct scorching blending and infusion into cells, it would only be possible for a mad scientist to conduct human experiments.

But those people don't do the testing themselves...

The issue of human experimentation was Konoha's favorite sign to use in the past to attack other countries, because Konoha has always prided itself on being the most civilized among the five great ninja villages.

However, Ebizo felt more and more that something was wrong, especially after learning from Chiyo that Shiraishi's arm was abnormal today. The old man went to the study at a very fast speed: Stretch out your hand and show me.

Shiraishi, who had just put a biography book about Ebizou's youth back on the bookshelf, did not extend his hand for him to check as the old man said.

Facing the silent boy, Ebizo quickly stepped forward and personally lifted Shiraishi's arm. The shocking black area of ​​necrotic cells made Ebizo almost faint.

You...sister, come and help!

Chiyo entered the house and was shocked by the appearance of Shiraishi's hands. During the medical treatment, Chiyo learned about Shiraishi's bold idea and the horrific self-mutilation experiment.

The test result failed. Shiraishi's arm was forcibly injected with this explosive substance, which directly destroyed the cells in the body. If Ebizo hadn't arrived in time, Shiraishi's arm would have been abandoned today.

Facing the puzzled looks of the two Sunagakure seniors, Shiraishi said calmly: For a ninja with limited potential like me, only by using this comprehensive stimulation method can we unlock the second chakra attribute.

The limit of a civilian ninja's life may stay at this stage. As he grows older, he will eventually become just an ordinary jounin.

Ebizo and Chiyo heard the reluctance and ambition in Shiraishi's words. The two top experts in Sunagakure looked at each other. Ebizo was silent for a while and then made a decision quickly.

Your potential should not be used in this area. What's more, the risk of this method will easily lead to lifelong paralysis for those with weak willpower, or for companions who cannot predict and handle it in time!

Although he valued Shiraishi, this incident made Ebizo a little angry. He was very angry at Shiraishi's behavior. After Chiyo's treatment, UU Reading Ebizo kicked Shiraishi out of the study.

Although Ebizo's attitude became harsh, his eyes on Shiraishi became more friendly. Ebizo felt that this boy had the same demeanor as he did when he was young.

You passed the assessment. Now you are my disciple. You must obey my orders and you must not take such dangerous measures in the future.

Hearing Ebizo's tone, Shiraishi's inner emotions changed a little. He remembered that when Ebizo was young, he had a companion who he valued very much and had outstanding talent. However, due to the limitations of his own chakra attributes, he forcibly developed a second attribute and eventually died. A foreign country.

This was also a lifelong regret for Ebizo. Later, in order to inherit the ideals of his companions, he spent his whole life transforming and developing chakra attributes, and finally became the only person in Sunagakure who mastered the four attributes and was the most knowledgeable.

In fact, Shiraishi doesn't know that even if he doesn't do this, Ebizo will pay enough attention to him, because just his talent for persisting in learning and research is enough to make Ebizo very fond of talents.

What's more, can Shiraishi's little trick really be able to hide it from Ebizo and Chiyo?

But I still have a lot of things and information that I don't have time to organize.

Ebizo's attitude didn't change at all, and he said with a smile: It's okay, let's get ready. I'm going to tell you how to climb a tree.

Already learned... and walking on water.

Shiraishi's words blocked Ebizo, but soon the Sunagakure elder closed his eyes and thought for a while before making a decision.

I decided to let him practice that!

PS: The older the elderly are, the more vicious they are in looking at people due to their experience, but they are more able to hide themselves in the ordinary, and even do not care about some clever things with their juniors. Chiyo and Ebizo are such elderly people. Sometimes I'm really confused, sometimes I'm fake.

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