The market for trading is not on the beach. After the rafters go ashore, they need to take a cart pulled by a clefthoof cow and travel inland about half an hourglass. This journey is not a bumpy ride, but it is really not easy.

“Cock”, “Cock”, “Cock”…… Clefthoof cattle stepped on the pavement paved with plaster-bonded gravel, making a rhythmic knocking sound. Unlike the camel guide who sits in a bullock cart, most people on the raft follow the cart and help turn the wheels.

They used all the free space to stack the goods brought ashore from the ring base. Each ox cart had to be full for fear of pulling something down. After all, they have come across the oceans, and there is only one opportunity each year to land and trade with the camel.

There is a clear distinction between the wide sandy beach and the desert surrounding the Camel Empire-Ques is a little surprised. This line of separation is actually the same as the “Skull Pillar” he once saw on Baator 1st floor Avernus. “There are similarities in the same way-a stretch of low wall spreads out, and the materials used to build this low wall are all monster bones.

Gele, who was sitting at the front of the convoy, jumped out of the car and pulled away a piece of deer wood spliced ​​with the hard shell of Jiafuguai.

“It’s really a non-durable material,” the dromedary captain pulled hard just now, and the deer wood, which had become crunchy due to long-term exposure, was scattered into pieces. The people on the raft jokingly said: “Next time you can bring some kind of monster to do business, it won’t be useful.”

Treasurer Elder and Captain Geller, who are sent by the ring base to lead the team, are accompanying them with a smiling Face, but how do these camel people who have lived on land for a long time know that if they meet a group of Jiafu monsters in the sea, what a terrifying nightmare it will be?

When the mountains on the west side of the convoy showed dry lion yellow in the afterglow of the setting sun, the rafter’s convoy finally reached the end of the road that the camels built specifically to facilitate the transportation of goods. A small oasis appeared in the desert.

The area of ​​this oasis is small, but there are many buildings in it. It is mainly divided into three areas: an open-air market for trading, wooden houses for the camel people to live in, and a floating raft for people Thatched huts for temporary habitation.

In addition, there are several wells in this oasis called “Hot” by the camel people, but they are only free for the camel people. If the rafters want to drink the water here, they must pay Certain expenses, of course, can also be equivalently replaced by goods.

A cauldron was erected on the periphery of the oasis, and two camel men stood upright beside the cauldron, waiting for the caravan to arrive. Ques discovered that the two camel men were a bit more exaggerated than Captain Geller, and upon closer inspection, their backs had two humps.

These two camels are young, but as hard and sharp as obsidian. He is called Proud Shuangfeng, a nobleman who came to this border market from the central oasis.

And his Teacher-standing by his side at this time, no one can think of Geersang Shuangfeng, who was once famous for the empire-a priest and empire favored by the camel god The first elemental shaman, the powerful warlord 3rd-layer, the Bactrian camel man, will patiently wait here for a group of raft merchants.

“My lord,” Geller, the attractor on the ox cart at the front of the team, noticed that the hoods of the two Bactrian camel men were made of fine fabrics with complicated embroidery patterns on the edges. He hurriedly jumped out of the ox cart and ran over in stride. When he could see the face of the old camel under the hood, the camel captain hurriedly fell to his knees and licked his opponent’s toes and said, “You Any instructions, do not dare not obey.”

Geelsang stretched out his arm that looked a little like a dead branch because of his old age, but it was still very powerful, and he took Captain Geler from Pulled up on the ground, said in a gentle tone: “You didn’t ask me where I came from, it’s good; you didn’t come for me, it’s also good. Now stay quietly aside, waiting for me to complete the traditional ceremony. “

After speaking, Geersang took out a handful of ingredients mixed with sagegrass, desert medicinal herb, star anise and other seasonings from the bag around his waist, and threw it into the big boiling pot around him. , It smells fragrant after a short time. As the big piece of tabu lamb floats up and down on the boiling water, it emits a slight smell of mutton, and the white and tender muscles are dotted with yellowish fat, which is really beautiful.

The treasurer of the raft, Elder, saw that Geller respected the elder camel so much, he naturally did not dare to neglect, he quickly pulled out some salted whales among the convoy’s cargo Meat, sea bass, and golden spear fish were piled on their chests and ran to the cauldron, throwing all these ingredients from the sea into it.

Fish and sheep are fresh.

This is a kind of ceremony between the floating raft and the camel before the trade. The ingredients from the land and the sea are gathered in a pot to boil a delicious broth with a unique taste. It also symbolizes the two The races come together because of friendship.

In the coming days, the tabu mutton and fish in this big pot will be the common food of all the rafters and camel people in the trading camp. Soup, wood, and ingredients can all be repurchased, but if the flame is extinguished or the party no longer puts ingredients into the pot, then this trading fair will be immediately terminated, and the rafters must leave immediately and withdraw from the empire. land.

Watching the merchants at the circular base, with the assistance of the Camel Guard, unload the goods from the ox cart and transport them to the open-air trading market in the oasis little by little. Proud Shuangfeng asked suspiciously: “Geersang Teacher, why do you condescend to learn from these floaters, they—”

“—weak and marketable, yes,” Geersang lifted his hood, his nose flared and sniffed the aroma emerging from the cauldron, “But from a certain angle, why are we not like this? No matter how you deny it, for those hidden In the deep ocean crisis, the Camel Empire has nothing to do. Although the Camel God of our race hasn’t reacted yet, the older elemental spirit that is more closely related to this World has given me a foretaste that can give me opportunities to clear the world. He is already hiding among these floating people.”

For his Teacher’s this remark, Proud Shuangfeng could not comment. Although he instinctively did not believe that the elemental spirit could be more omniscient than the great camel god, but in the face of such a respectable elder, he was absolutely not qualified to say the word “careful”.

The young Bactrian camel can only bow his head respectfully, while his Teacher now cast his eyes on the back of the raft caravan.

“The earth is boiling, and there is power. The smoke waves and waves, go back with the wind.” As he meditated on the words he had obtained while communicating with the spirit of the elements a few days ago, Geersang fell into a long thought.

It’s just that he didn’t know that among the floaters who came to trade, there was a pair of eyes watching him.

“Interesting.” The young blue dragon muttered to himself.

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