Facts have proved that people who can swim or not, after falling into the water, hope that they can own a boat.

Even a small sampan. For example, like the “Zhanyuan”.

On the 2nd day that was swept away by the offshore current, Ques’ small boat was already loaded with seven people. It was already full and almost overloaded.

Considering the among which is included two polar bear men who were extremely strong at the time, and three camel men who were even taller.

As the captain of the young Blue Dragon, with the help of the boatman Koss, he had to pick up the broken trees that were caught in the sea, peel off the bark and twist them into ropes. The side is made of outboard supports with additional floats.

“Boy, for you,” Volibear said to Coss. He climbed up the ship’s rail from underwater and threw a few fish that he caught. “Is there any firewood on the boat, if not? These marine fish can be eaten raw after their entrails are removed.”

Gele, one of the rescued camels, pulled the chief of the Xiongfeng tribe, and Volibear climbed into the cabin of the Zhanyuan.

“Now if you can make a fire, don’t make a fire.” Geersang handed the polar bear man who went fishing in the sea a water sac containing the fresh water he made with the power of the elemental shaman. “Maybe , The guy who started the tsunami is looking for us.”

The other two rescuers, Wulfgar and Proud Shuangfeng, are now under the command of Ques, helping to change the look. The mast of the Far. The juvenile blue dragon just picked up a suitable broken wood from the sea. As long as the sails are repaired and the spare sails are raised, the camel man shaman can ensure that he can call out the spell wind and make this trimaran sail fast.

“Where are we now?” While drying his fur, Volibear asked Kos, the boatman next to him who was recognizing the course, “I mean, which direction is the land?”

Although he tried to make himself look kinder, his hideous racial appearance still made Kos a little nervous.

“Mr. Volibear, I…now not quite clear, I have to find a reference, such as…there is a sandbank in front of me!” The little boy turned his head and exclaimed to Ques excitedly.

As a raft man who drifts on the sea all year round, even if shipwrecks are not encountered every day, it is not uncommon. Therefore, they have a richer experience in dealing with such disasters than the camels and polar bears.

On the island world, there are only two lands suitable for race reproduction, which are occupied by the Camel Empire and the Polar Bear Federation. Apart from this, there are actually many scattered islands, of course, most of the resources there are unable to support even a trifling ring base.

However, the ancestors of the raft people have explored these miniature islands one by one, and they also left messages on them: the location of available food and clean drinking water, nearby shipping routes, and possible passing The name of the ring base…

They left a full range of information, just for shipwreck in the future, in case someone of the same family settles here, they can use this information to find a glimmer of survival.

day after day, year after year.

On almost every isolated island in the island world, the rafters have left behind more and more detailed “rescue” messages that have been updated for generations.

It’s just that these messages are written in ancient human symbols. Even if these symbols are found occasionally when they land, they will mistake them for the special texture of the rock.

And Kos, who grew up in the ring base, can naturally understand those symbols-seeing the sandbar, he was very excited.

The repaired mast was hung with spare sails, which was driven by the spell wind called by Geersang himself, and with the hydrofoils temporarily installed by Ques for the Zhanyuan, the trimaran galloped on the sea. .

After a while, he was close to the shore of the sandbank.

“This sandbar does not look small.” As it approached the shore, and no longer needed to look after the sails, Ques stood at the bow, directing the cheap passengers on board to pull the Zhanyuan onto the beach. While looking at the land in front of them, “it’s okay to say that it’s a small island.”

Originally, they thought it was just a lonely sandbank hanging overseas—there were several dunes overgrown with grass in the center, and at most The last one or two slightly salty springs are nothing more than that-but whoever imagined it, they realized that it was far from it after they drove closer.

“Have you found the rock beacon for burning information?” Ques approached a rock. Coase was looking around here, “What’s found?”

The little boy scratched his head in confusion. , Pointing to a few obvious scratches on the rock wall and said: “It’s a bit weird here. We should have the location information, but it was shaved clean.”

He continued to explain: “Instead, I pointed out that by sailing east for two days, you can reach another sandbar and how to get some food and water nearby.”

“I don’t want others to know where this is. “Coss thought for a while, and thought of a possible answer, “It’s even better not to stay here. This shows—”

“—Someone lives here and doesn’t want to be disturbed. ‘,” Ques agreed with this idea, “Based on your experience, where should we be now…if we have been wandering for less than two days, we should not be far away from the Camel Empire.”

Kos squatted down, groped for a while in a grass pit, and found out a few wild onions, “Yes, this kind of wild onion is a specialty near this island chain, and there are related records in the logbook of the ring base. , I remember clearly.”

“The ring base-the one that sent people to assassinate the polar bearmen envoy, have you been in contact before?” Ques suddenly thought of a possibility, so he asked Coase Said: “And the time of the two ring bases landing too close?”

“No, I have never seen that base before, and,” the little boy recalled the night before. Those details, “Some of those people wear costumes made of seal skins—that’s a specialty of Thick Island—mostly sold by federal walrus merchants. If there are more trades over there, it stands to reason that they have rings. The base should also be made of cedar, but according to my observation, the main material of the circular base is bamboo wood-this is a kind of wood only produced on the Sea Territory island near the Camel Empire…”

The raft man with long gills;

Clearly there is advance intelligence, targeting the assassination of the polar bearmen envoy;

He is both a priest and a twin peak of elemental shaman Camel nobles;

The beach landing of the bottom-dwelling magic fish;

Not far from the Camel Empire, a tiny island that clearly shows the attitude of “no one enters”… …

The strange information that seemed unconnected at first glance was instantly connected. Ques suddenly understood something. He had a vague and reasonable guess about this series of events:

First of all, the assassination of the trading bazaar took place, obviously for the purpose of killing him.

In other words, someone knows the whereabouts of the polar bearmen’s mission, but can also assign a gilled raftman to die.

If you believe the dead captive, then the main agent behind the scenes is the benthic magic fish, or even the Seven Gill Council.

This is actually linked to the subsequent monster attack and the tsunami caused by the bottom-dwelling magic fish.

However, if you think about it carefully, although the overall logic of this reasoning is valid, there are problems with the details——

First, if the benthic magic fish really kill the polar bear For the purpose of an important figure in the mission, they can send more elite assassins to directly carry out powerful assassinations. There is absolutely no need to go to the beach to attract them.

Secondly, to be able to rush to the trading market in such a short period of time, the place where the gill-growing rafters live is probably not too far from the border of the empire. Ques entire group is very suspicious of the island “Don’t come near” landed at this time.

Thirdly, even though the empire has very weak control over the ocean, in this Sea Territory, which is close to the camel forces, there are a large number of “raft people with long gills” living, and there must be camel people. The senior management knows their situation.

Therefore, the young blue dragon came up with a more reasonable guess:

Those “long-gilled raft men” may not be under the direction of the benthic magic fish, that one is so powerful The benthic magic fish that is enough to trigger a tsunami may be just a participant in the whole thing, or even a tool;

The real secret mastermind is hidden in the top of the camel empire, and its planning is In order to get rid of some camel people in the polar bear missions, trading bazaars, and floating rafts as “additional heads”.

And this also explains why the benthic magic fish appeared-this conspiracy to “kill” certain important figures in the island World Camel Empire and Polar Bear Federation Two Great Influences at the same time , It is entirely possible to cause turmoil between land races, so they are also happy and help.

I have to say that the brain is a good thing, and the wisdom of giant dragons is generally not low. Except for the detail of catching the big fish Toplow with “letters from readers”, Ques’s guess almost restores the facts of the whole thing.

“Then what’s the identity of that camel man’s high-level?” The young Blue Dragon thought, holding his chin, “It shouldn’t be their lurking that the benthic magic fish can appear in this matter. Secret agent.”

Ques was able to come to this more “advanced” conclusion thanks to the previous journey through the lower planes. As the commander of the devil’s side, he learned from those Baator races to think about the advanced way of thinking of “motivational motives”.

If the person who planned this event, like the shapeshifter in the hands of the wosang people he had encountered before, was sent by the benthic magic fish to the top of the camel empire to hide, then this matter There should be a high probability that no benthic magic fish will appear.

Because that would cause the land races to turmoil at the same time, it is likely to arouse their hearts of the same enemy.

After excluding the possibility of the benthic magic fish lurking secret agents, the question of “who is behind the scenes manipulating this matter” can be screened from the perspective of the “ultimate beneficiary”.

To put it simply, whoever gets the most rewards is the most suspicious.

However, due to the chaotic entry of the young Blue Dragon plane “Illegal immigrants”, the “fait accompli” in the whole thing—the deaths of Wulfgar and Geersang—not at all realized, therefore The planner may not get the “final gains” he expects.

“How should I get a share of the pie?” Ques thought secretly as he looked at the few people who were busy going ashore.

Immediately, there was an imperceptible smile on his face.

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