In Oberd’s dream, the mercenary group of desert elves, who had almost collapsed, wanted to move forward desperately. He noticed the towering mountains and deep ravines around, but they looked so strange.

Taking a step forward, Oberd wants to figure out where he is. As he progressed, a very uncomfortable “ga ga” sound rang.

Obold lowered his head and found that he had been wrapped in metal protective gear. No matter where he looked at his body, he could only see the brown red metal plate armor. And in the cracks of the plate armor, from time to time a disgusting worm will be found…

Huh, took a breath of air, and the desert elf suddenly woke up from his sleep. Experiencing this kind of nightmare has become the norm in his life, but the dream scene will occasionally be different.

In addition to the horror brought by the worm plate armor, the nightmare that Oberd experienced the most was actually that day that occurred near the Holy Land Washugu, with a scent of scent, accompanied by a scimitar The nightmare of howling.

That time, he almost couldn’t wake up again.

Maybe it was the prayer to everything and everything in the moment before he died. The next day, Oberd, who was tragically struck by the owlet, was dragged out of the bunker where his body was buried.

“Weak mortals…”

The desert elf mercenary group always remembered the first words he heard after regaining consciousness. Although he thought he was brave and firm, he was still Can’t help but weeping bitter tears.

“My lord will bless you,” this is the second sentence of the very beautiful but feminine seamstress, “If someone else takes your weapon, the master will give You have a suit of armor, and you must know how to cherish opportunities.”

Since then, Oberd has put on the “worm plate armor” that often wakes him up in his sleep.

at first, because of fear that he once wanted to take off the plate armor. But then he discovered that this piece of armor is like that “elf golden sword”, which can provide powerful arms to the holder.

And compared to the golden sword, the arm assistance provided by the plate armor is even stronger. The fact is also true, how can the Rare Item made by mortal people be mentioned on equal terms with the creation of the demon lord.

It is no exaggeration to say that after putting on the “worm plate armor”, the interference of the sound spell is eliminated. If you encounter the desert elf Blatche who once killed him, Ober Germany can also fight against the enemy head-on without losing the wind.

“It’s a pity,” every time he wakes up from his sleep, Oberd will always imagine the scene of becoming the co-owner of the desert elves and beheading the enemy for a while, but in the end it will always turn into a helpless sigh. “There is also the work assigned by the master, which must be completed as soon as possible.”

With his feet down from the hammock, he walked out of the cabin that was slightly shaking with the waves, and Obard climbed onto the uppermost deck. His shoes are a little tight, but this just allows his feet to sense the ground, which is good for maintaining balance.

Compared with the desert elves, the crew’s clothing is much looser. Few crew members wear shoes on wet seas, and even when sailing, some people simply don’t wear shoes.

A crew member on duty, carrying an empty wine bottle, from the “crow’s nest”-the place where he was looking at the top of the mast, wiped the mast with his bare feet, and slipped out in twos or twos. I said hello to another crew member who was working with him under the mast, and the man was about to get into the cabin and squint for a while.

“Is it almost at Beit’s port?” Obard stopped the watchman who had just finished his shift, took out a wine pouch from the robe and handed it over, “Come here from Wasang , My guys and I were waiting a little anxiously.”

“Hey, look at what you said.”

The crew member grinned and made an exaggeration. His expression, but still accepted the wine handed over by the desert elf. After all, this is the captain’s main customer, and the opponent’s subordinates are also hard ideas. He really needs to maintain some necessary respect.

“If it hadn’t been for the Silocco wind blowing from the south in the past two days, the Jackdaw would have arrived at Beit Port. But don’t worry, you should be able to do so by noon today. Arrived, the sirocco wind has stopped, and we are downwind now.”

Thank you for the patience of the crew member, Oberd whispered “downwind” silently-in the desert elves In the native language, “Shunfeng” is equivalent to “Smooth”.

“I hope everything goes well,” pacing to the bow of the ship, staring at the sea that shimmers as the morning sun rises, Obard wished himself: “Just A batch of fossils transported from Wasang was just for profit, haha.”

He laughed twice, as if he felt something was wrong, the desert elf tightened the silk scarf tightly tied around his neck. , He didn’t want to expose the terrifying wound around his neck that seemed to be stitched up by a crappy tailor.


“Sir, I don’t understand.” Lilit leaned forward and supported his hands on the table. If someone observes carefully, he will find his palms near A lot of skin debris was dropped, “Why should we ally with that guy? There is no reason…”

At a high price, this name was hit by a steampunk half Lich and a physical “sleeping technique” “In order to prevent it from escaping, the black robe mage, who was made into a semifinished product “Mummy”, managed to escape the custody of the giant dragon Pasha.

Since then, Lilit has become the laughingstock of the Obsidian Council.

Not only that, but the repercussions that are made into semifinished products “mummy”-intermittent skin peeling off due to dryness, still torturing his body and mind.

Even if he has repeatedly used spells such as “repair damage” and “remove curse” to heal himself, how can Lilit’s attainments compare with the Legendary half Lich who made him personally? .

Feeling the crumbs falling from the skin, this black robe mage, who was born in the great nobleman of Medici, was extremely ashamed and angry. He never thought that the speaker would convene a council overnight. The topic was actually ” How to form an alliance with giant dragon Pasha”.

“I firmly disagree,” Lilit looked around, hoping that his eyes could find supporters, but received very little feedback. “In fact, by consulting the classics, I have found many targets. Sexual restraint giant dragon’s spell. As long as…”

“…As long as you can do it independently,” Cunini, who was sitting at the top of the long table, lost his patience and bluntly interrupted Lilit “I know you want revenge, you want to use giant dragon Pasha to master the secrets of the floating giant beast, the monopoly of the air transport industry, the manufacturing process of fanatic armor…and so on. Alliance.”

Sweeping the congressmen present, from their looks, the devil earl saw “tacitly”, “but it is also an alliance. Why not the council can not directly contact the giant dragon Pasha Alliance? With this agreement, everyone is also likely to share the attractive interests.”


“You are for yourself,” After robbing the white, Lilit’s sallow complexion began to turn blue, but Cunini ignored it. He stood up and circled the long table of the parliament, “The meaning of the obsidian congress is to defend the common sense of all noble-born mages. Rights and interests, not for the personal benefit of a person. Please remember this.”

When it comes to playing tricks and manipulating people’s minds, it is estimated that Lilitt will not be able to reach it even if he lives for another 10,000 years Cunini, the first honorary student to graduate from the most famous Academy in Baator.

In fact, if he dared to sabotage his plan, Cunini might not let him survive tonight.

“As wise as you, we obey.” Lilit bowed to salute, then sat back in his seat after saying this.

As if the old monk entered the doom, the black robe mage did not say a word in the next meeting.

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