“Who am I”, “Where am I”, “What am I going to do”…

The pale-yellow smoke diffused, and several people fell on their bodies The mummy entangled in the shroud appeared. They hesitated for a moment, and then resounded in their minds like Yellow Bell Great Sound: “Kill him! Solve the demon servant, you will have eternal peace!”


Hearing the assurance of Wenfeng’s commander, the mummies who were regarded as “hole cards” were no longer confused in an instant. These high-level undying creatures, which were made by Da Wei Shuer using the black robe’s sin path as the “raw material”, suddenly felt the meaning of their existence.

“Okay”, “I understand”, “Be careful to follow the decree”……

Speaking reply words in the soul, they immediately began their long life The last task-destroying Oberd wearing the worm plate armor, whether he resists or resists, he will die.

The process of being mummified by Daweishuer is definitely the most painful punishment.

The black robe mages who committed serious crimes are not good stubble, so they will be sealed and live, and they will be forced to go through a thrilling journey of replacing the internal organs with herbs and alchemy potions until they reach the other side of death.

One drink and one peck have days, and if you lose, you must gain.

Being mummified and experiencing an extremely painful death, they will not only gain brand new powers belonging to high-level undying creatures, but also retain their skills when they were alive.

As his enemy, the desert elf Obard, although he has only been with him for a while, he has a deep understanding of it:

Even though he is wearing a worm plate, Oberd’s body appeared part of the acid mist worming, so that he successfully escaped the influence of “terrorist glare” and “blinding dust”, but the vicious “carrion” still came to him;

While busy adjusting the power to suppress the symptoms of physical illness, the desert elves also have to beware of the “corrupted punches” attacked by several mummies who surrounded them—unexpectedly, these seem to be It was the mummy of the caster, but became extremely powerful after death. Their heavy punches were not only vigorous and powerful, but also carried a terrifying curse;

With all his energy, Obard avoided these deaths. The mummy of a post-incarnation melee fighter hobby, but the yellow sand in the sky has always followed him, and will grab him if he doesn’t pay attention.

However, it is fortunate that these mummies are not skilled in co-attacking.

When one of them found an opportunity and approached the desert elf, he wanted to use the large axe summoned by spell to split Obald’s skull like a ripe watermelon. Those companions are still releasing the indiscriminate scope of spell.

With a sound of “peng”, disturbed by the dust, the big axe slashed into the iron handguard raised by Oberd, bursting out a little fire star. Anticipating that the opponent is likely to change his move, the mercenary group leader hurried to the side and stabbed the newly condensed magic sword into his opponent’s arms.

Under the guidance of instinct and skill, Oberd used the spikes on the iron handguard to hook and pull, unloading the opponent’s weapon. There is no soft-heartedness-he has always used the most savage and dark methods in battle-under the power bonus of the worm plate, Oberd hits the magic sword with a heavy punch like a siege hammer. On the hilt of the sword, it was nailed into the heart of the mummy.

A violent explosion occurred suddenly, and the saltpeter, sulfur, and carbon powder mixed in the magic sword ignited and burst due to the impact. The mummy that was nailed into his chest became all split up and in pieces, and even some fragmentary body parts disappeared instantly.

“Bah,” took a light sip, and spit out the sand in the mouth. Oberd’s legs seemed to be spring-loaded, and he stomped heavily on the ground twice before quickly jumping to the back. Among the team of half-demon monsters, “just hold down these undying creatures. The main goal is to break through the line of defense,” pointing to the low wall in front of which the fire dwarf craftsmen had just constructed. He said solemnly: “The master’s goal…should still be in the museum behind.”

To be honest, the performance of the desert elves is still calm and calm, not at all, was rushed by the sudden power Confused. However, how can we expect chaotic creatures like the Tanari demons to obey when we arrange troops in the way of commanding mercenaries.

Just like in the “hometown”, these semi-demon monsters formed by the metamorphosis of acid mist worms are still only used to the battle method of the Tanari devil. For them, a swarm of charges has formed an instinct.

So, Oberd frowned soon after giving the order. As an experienced mercenary group leader, the desert elf can swear with his own experience that he has never experienced such a chaotic battlefield. Like a pot was randomly added with a thick soup of side dishes and stew, his order was like adding a handful of firewood to the bottom of the cauldron, and the whole battlefield was boiling.

There is no “reserve”, no tactics, those half-demon monsters just rely on themselves to “attack high blood” and rush forward. Apart from the brutal habit inspired by blood and killing, there is hardly any merit.

Originally, the desert elves only planned to send a small number of troops to contain a few mummies, as long as the defense line on the front battlefield for the breakthrough, as well as the clear value of Sun Sect, the fire dwarf chief, and the commander of Wenfeng, Just buy some time.

At the implementation stage, the “containment” has become a “siege” without any signs. And because several mummified spellcasters are difficult to deal with, a large number of semi-demon monsters have become “contained”.

Seeing this situation, the defenders hiding behind the low wall even had the opportunity to pick up the crossbow and launch a long-range attack on them from the side. Even the half-demons are not afraid to shoot crossbow arrows, but they can’t stand the archer being mixed in them, and they will shoot arrows into the weak points of their body defenses and clear them at designated points.

“Put’Triumph’ and’Furious’ out!”

Taking advantage of the chaos on the battlefield, after the commander Wenfeng has quietly retreated into the trenches, since there is no need to worry about the undead being injured, He decisively ordered the soldiers to prepare stone cannons, “Aim at the front battlefield… well, just launch!”

Several small and efficient catapults built by fire dwarf craftsmen were assembled and formed. After the ground was fixed, with the sound of sou sou as the arrow flicked in the air, the six spiral arms began to rotate rapidly.

Stones the size of a millstone, black oil drums mixed with turpentine sawdust…all the “cannonballs” that can be found and estimated to cause damage to the monster were all carried out by the fire dwarves and loaded Fill in the launch net bag.

Under the action of centrifugal force, the “cannonball” shot out, traversed a half arc in the sky, and fell into the chaotic formation of the half-devil monster.

At the right time, the swift-handed archer also ignited the rocket, chasing the “cannonballs” with highly adhesive combustibles, adding fire to the cold half demons.

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