The tail section was shot by a ballista, but it only scratched the skin. The demon lord incarnation with skin is rough and flesh is thick doesn’t care.

What really made him feel threatened was actually the indiscriminate bombing just now-it was as good as the Batzu villains of the Baator Nine Hells when fighting in a bloody battle.

However, Hemtal was not surprised that he would encounter such an attack. After all, the young blue dragon who once belonged to the Baator side stayed in this World, and he had encountered one before. Great Demon ghost in human skin.

“This country is really depraved,” the great devil fiercely thought, and at the same time he descended rapidly, smashed some ships docked on the shore, and got into the sea. The devil has such a close relationship.”

The devil uses the word “fallen” to describe mortals. I am afraid this is the first time since splitting heaven and earth apart.

However, this misunderstanding strengthened Hemtal’s idea, “Complete the revenge here and destroy this country by the way.” He walked round the seabed, “It is not only possible to improve Divine Spark, maybe , And get a gift from Bottomless Abyss.”

The emotion named “greedy” influenced the incarnation of the demon lord. He swam to the shore near the position of the bronze revolver. But just when he wanted to jump out of the water and wipe out this position with lightning speed, the mutation suddenly occurred.

The barrel of dropping from the sky fell into the sea, sank to Hemtal’s side and hovered, and then exploded violently. It was not only the damage caused by the explosion, but some special substances mixed in it made him feel itchy for no reason.

The big devil, who originally wanted to pounce on the coast, turned and swam towards the center of the fjord. Above its head, dozens of rotorcraft, firmly locked to the target, follow closely from behind.

At this time, General Medici’s belly-belly, who looked out from the window of the tower where the ballista was located, learned the role of the equipment specially maintained by ogre Bulu.

Those simple equipment spliced ​​by bamboo poles, hemp rope, and rivets are actually aircrafts, controlled by kobolds as pilots and controlled by rotors.

“There is no need for the caster to manipulate, and it is estimated that there is no need to consume the obsidian magic beads,” the eyes of the scorching rays of light shined, and the military aristocrat of the Medici real power kept thinking, “If it is not Mages or divine archers, equipped with suitable weapons, they are unsolvable.”

To tell the truth, the rotorcraft is not an independent invention of Nalu-half of Lich Sneijder’s battle against the Wasan Heavenly Dog troops After dismantling and researching the aircraft, a lot of information was obtained, which gave ogre a lot of reference.

And the weapons carried by these aircraft are also attributed to Palu. In those small barrels full of explosives, ogre Witch Doctor added a lot of the “extreme of goodness” collected by Ques in a certain proportion.

The so-called “Essence of Goodness” is a kind of oil extracted by refining the wings of Heavenly God to shed feathers. This oil is not only expensive, but also highly toxic to creatures in the lower realms.

Although the demons of the demon lord class are basically immune to the influence of the “Essence of Goodness”, Witch Doctor Palu creatively added some Catalysts to it, which made Hemtar caught and felt itchy all over Hard to endure.

As for how the kobolds of the Dragon Clan discovered the potential underwater great devil, it was because the pilot who led the flight wore a special windproof goggles: made of special amber , And half-Lich Sneijder added spell, the world in the lens is an orange-yellow, but all objects with body temperature will form bright colors.

Relying on this lens, the leading kobold pilot has been keeping a close eye on the outline of the pale red hidden under the waves, which is where the demon lord incarnation is located.

Through special gestures, the kobolds driving the aircraft split into two paths, outflanking front and back. According to the plan, they are responsible for incarnation of the demon lord, as far as possible in the fjord.

One barrel bomb dropping from the sky, after falling into the water, the sealed fuze ignited the explosive and caused an explosion. As the “Essence of Chongshan” was also ignited by the explosion, many white flames appeared on the surface and underwater at the same time, like white lotus flowers blooming.

Ques, who was also locked in Hemtal, took advantage of the short gap and arbitrarily tilted firepower into the fjord. The “Super Electromagnetic Cannon” was launched frequently, and the dense shells chased the demon lord Incarnation, smashing them all.

The fjord, which was originally a natural shelter from the wind, has now turned into a purgatory. The flames burned in the water, and the ships that had not had time to sail out of the harbour were torn apart and ignited.

The rising heat dissipated the mist, and the light of the fire shone in midair. From a distance, it seemed as if the sky had appeared again.

“The incarnation of the worm tyrant, but there is only one covered head and sneaked away like a rat!”

The psychic powers were activated, and the young blue dragon forcibly linked Hermtar Er’s mind, resorted to radical methods.

However, this method is indeed very useful.

The reason why Hemtal worked so hard to bring the ashes down to the world was because he wanted to avenge Ques, who had inflicted heavy losses on him. But now it was being driven around by a group of kobolds driving a flying machine. After thinking about it carefully, it was indeed shameful.

The demon lord incarnation, who was tempted by anger and could no longer hold back, seized the opportunity of the kobold to change bombs and jumped out of the water. Regardless of the holy white flame burning his body, he directly gave back a bunch of “spell missiles” to the enemies in the sky.

The barrage formed by “spell missiles” shrouded several aircraft that could not be dodged. Together with its pilots, the shrouded aircraft was torn to pieces in an instant and turned into sky fragments. Nautical miles.

After a successful blow, the evil spirit dived into the water again, so the trick was repeated and a batch of aircraft was shot down again.

Because the number is not large, and most of these aircraft have empty magazines, they don’t have to take unnecessary risks. Under Ques’s instruction, the remaining dragon family kobolds The drivers all retreated to the coast.

“It’s my turn! I won’t let you go…”

Hemtal, who has just suffered a lot from “the essence of the good”, thought fiercely. .

It’s just that the demon lord incarnation, who is planning to use violent methods to punish the enemy, didn’t notice it. He had just “ridiculed” his young blue dragon, and it seemed to be rising to the sky.

“Swish, swish, swish, swish,”…

The continuous sound of jets suddenly sounded, previously built by the camel shaman and laid by the dragon clan kobold The launch platform exploded in an all-round way, filled with rockets similar to aerial bombs, and burst out one by one.

These are ballistic rockets, the tail section is equipped with a cross-shaped tail to keep the balance, when Hemtal is lured into the predetermined bombing zone, they all ignite into the air.

For a time, “hong long long” explosions on the sea surface one after another. This fjord seems to be burning the heaven and boiling the sea.

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