The Nero River is the largest river in Medichi, with abundant water and a wide surface.

So even if the boat goes upstream, the paddling sailors will not feel too strenuous.

Before Ques’s eternal order scales chamber of commerce used the leviathan giant beast as a vehicle to establish an air route that ran through the north and south of the empire, this river was the most commonly used by merchants and travelers. “Highway”.

Rafting on the river, you do not need to detour for the mountain range blocking the road, nor do you need to worry about the danger of getting lost. Moreover, there are many cities and villages along the Nile River, where supplies can be easily obtained.

Starting from Beit City, arriving by land to the city at the mouth of the Nile River, and then boarding a specially prepared paddle boat, carrying plenty of food and water, and more than 30 strong men sitting on the lower floor The deck took turns sliding the oars and headed straight for Nome City.

Due to sufficient preparation, the trip that originally took more than a month was reduced to about ten days.

However, the commander of Wenfeng still feels that the time is too long. As the so-called delay, it will change. It has given the Eternal Order Scales Chamber of Commerce too long to deal with. Who knows if the other party has come up with a way to deal with it, or Giant dragon Pasha’s “meat ticket” will “expire and void”?

“There are too many variables in this trip,” standing on the bow deck, Wen Feng commanded and looked at the approaching city, secretly pondering, “but Dawei Shuer’s conditions are a bit too harsh , I knew that, and the pursuit of the Jackdaw was left to the subordinates to take full responsibility…”

Originally, after solving Zagan Pasha’s follow-up problem, he wanted to use teleport spell to reach Nome directly. City, go to the headquarters of Eternal Order Zhilin to submit Da Weishuer’s ransom agreement.

What surprised him was that when the Transmission Gate was turned on, the wizards who were at least black robe level found that the spatial coordinates pointing to Nome City were greatly disturbed, and they could not be positioned at all. Transmit.

Needless to say, it must be a defensive measure taken by the other party to prevent a surprise attack on its headquarters after learning that Ques was attacked.

In fact, it was exactly the same. When Half Lich Sneijder took everyone back to Nome, he immediately activated the “mizy lock” protective device developed and deployed by himself and the young Blue Dragon. , Beware of the teleportation raid by Dawei Shuer.

At the same time, the Pasha territory originally controlled by Ques has also entered a state of full combat readiness, always beware of the Medichi army that may appear at any time-whether the opponent is under the orders of the Pharaoh or the Great Victor.

Of course, after all, the pharaoh is the supreme ruler of this land legally. Within the territory of Pasha, some towns far away from the territory of Nome and Dragon Nest, they are not at all strictly enforced. Administrative and military orders issued from Nome City.

But cities that are relatively close, such as the city of Spat on the Nile River, which is about to arrive by the commander of the wind, have completely entered the stage of military control at this time, and everyone is already nervous. stretch.

The commander of Wenfeng was quite sure of this, especially when he saw the ballistae aiming at his ship on the side of the pier, he no longer had any doubts about the news that the wind-sniffers had returned.

“Be careful, but don’t show your weapons,” he ordered loudly, making sure that all sailors on the galley could hear his words, “after all, we are only here for negotiations, not for war. The pioneer.”

If the sailors on this ship are ordinary sailors, then his command is almost impossible to work, because no sailor will be able to use a ballista to aim at him. Yu obediently put down his weapon.

However, all those who served on this ship were carefully selected wind-snatchers. Naturally, they would not question the orders of their leaders. Even if the other party asks him to commit suicide immediately, they will be content and do not hesitate.

“Listen to the defenders on the shore, our galley needs to dock and go to Nome near the city of Spat. Your Excellency Grand Visul has an important letter that needs to be handed in person to the governor of Nome City. For the safety of giant dragon Pasha and yourself, don’t open fire rashly, otherwise the next wave of sailing towards Spat City will not be the small boats of diplomats, but the thousands of battleships of Medici Legion…”

It is a sailor leader who is calling, and he is also a member of the wind-sniffer.

Although Wenfeng leads a party with a caster who can use the voice spell, but it is now in a state of with swords drawn and bows bent, in order to prevent the other party from misunderstanding and incur more trouble or even attack , They had to use this more primordial means to communicate.

Communication basically relies on roaring, but fortunately this is very useful. Of course, it is also possible that the information conveyed therein is very useful to the defenders on the shore.

But anyway, those ballistas that seem to be able to destroy the entire galley with just one shot are not at all fired. The defenders on the shore sent a special navigator to lead the paddle boat to dock at a special berth.

According to the news from the wind-snatchers, the city of Spat is under the control of the governor in name, but in fact it is controlled by an underground power leader named “Gloves”. And this “glove” is the dark child that giant dragon Pasha arranged in the city.

As the secret spy leader of Mediqi, the commander of Wenfeng is actually looking forward to meeting this “glove”.

He really wants to test the loyalty limit of this person. Even if he can’t use it for his own use, he can add a nail to Ques’s seemingly monolithic camp so that he can defeat them separately in the future.

But the “gloves” did not give him this opportunity. Wenfeng commanded the entire group and did not even enter the city of Spat. Only the two teams of guards brought some camel beasts, and then named the guards and escorted them directly. Went to Nome City.

The city of Spat is only about one day away from Nome. Because it is related to the safety of the giant dragon Pasha, the team has been advancing at a rapid pace. In addition, in order to facilitate transportation, the Yongxu Zhilin Chamber of Commerce specially invested in repairing the road. It was only about a dozen hourglasses after walking, and the leader of Wenfeng saw the city wall of Nome.

During the Wasang invasion, the city was burned by soldiers. Because it was used to refine obsidian orbs to support the Transmission Gate, there were no residents in the city.

But now it’s only less than a year. After the operation of Ques, the city has been rejuvenated since the buy-push conference, and more and more surrounding population have come to settle here.

After entering the gate of the city, Wenfeng commander saw many merchants coming and going, as well as the bustling commercial market comparable to Beit.

“I hope this city, or the Chamber of Commerce of Everlasting Order, can get 3.33 million silver Kate… Otherwise, let such a thriving Medici city be destroyed again, and I will return Many sins have to be added.”

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